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I Believe I Have Supporting Evidence That We Aren't Real

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posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

We are souls....We are not stupid holograms.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Echtelion

Actually Mizzijr, the best clues about the non-existent character of this existence is not exactly dreams, but rather these "dream within dream" experiences, which are for real. When you wake up within a dream, you get this impression of being back to a "more real" reality, that then proves to be another illusion.

I once had a dream within a dream repeating no less than seven times, that is, I kept awaking from the dream, only to waken from that dream, only to waken from that dream, well, you get the picture. It became quite terrifying, as I started to believe that I had lost my way back to wakefulness. And to be perfectly honest, I have no way of knowing today (decades later) if I truly awoke from the last dream, as the sense of reality remains the same as within the dream.

The point is, I think, that we don't know if our reality is real until we wake from that reality. Once we wake from a dream, we realize that it wasn't real, but when we are dreaming, it seems like reality.

I believe that most of us are still dreaming, and this entire cosmos is essentially a dream world, though of a higher order of reality or permanence than our nightly sleeping dreams.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 10:56 PM
Dreaming is NOT a culmination of past thoughts and memories. If you know anything about lucid dreaming, the subconscious, the inner observer, then you would know that there is something much more to dreaming. There is something behind the scenes creating what you see. Read lucid dreaming books and you will learn that you can even speak to this inner observer/dream characters/the dream itself and their respones are nothing of your own. Going further into this I'd agree with OP on the level that light is not penetrating your eyelids therefore dream reality is being fabricated.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by HazyChestNutz

There is no conclusive evidence supporting either case however it is possible that if we have a "soul" it is being integrated into our current reality. Think of our brain, holographic or not, as a television or radio receiver. You can't see the signal can you? Well our "souls" could very well be sent via a current similar to the idea of radio broadcast to our brain and as a result we would not understand where the broadcast is being sent from.

edit on 25-1-2011 by ascending12 because: Added info

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

Thank you for bringing up this topic, it's very interesting and one that I think about as well.

What about when we dream? Could it be proof of our holographic life style? Think about this, why can we see light or anything that occurs in a dream when our eyes are closed?

Although I sometimes get lost in all the information I think I can shed some light on this last question. As you probably know it is very easy to hallucinate when all senses are cut off such as a sensory deprivation tank. Sleep is similar to this but not exactly the same. For example you can't see images however what you hear or smell can effect your dream. You also must remember that while we sleep our pineal gland produces '___', the most powerful hallucinogen on Earth. I believe this accounts for us being able to see light in our sleep.

I believe, as some others, that the pineal gland is the key to enlightenment. However that topic deserves a thread of its own

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:01 PM
it will be impossible to prove that we are not real, because we dont know how to describe what real would mean, so, ...

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr
So if in my reality I preceive that your 2 bricks short of a full load, would you know what I mean?

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

If we are not real, how do you know the evidence is real? Someone would have to be real to use a real camera to produce a real BBC documentary.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:17 PM
this reminds me of a theory i had when i was a kid

we are being taught that things are what they are, like for example an apple
im being taught that what i see is an apple, someone else sees what they are taught to be an apple, but
what if that thing isnt an apple in my point of view, but something in the shape of an box, and he is being taught its a apple

maybe this is a bit hard to understand, cause i cant find the right words, and make it complicated

think about it, its kinda fun to

greets, pheniks
edit on 25-1-2011 by pheniks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Lately, life has been surreal for me lol.

I don't know if that counts as real or imaginary.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

I don't know about you but I can imagine the 4th dimension. Like Sagan said, I cannot show it yo you. But in my mind, there it is. Projected in such a manner that is strange.

Also, animals know because they can feel vibrations we can't.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:56 PM
Of course we are "real" in a physical, material sense... the same way that other dimensions are a reality for the "being" experiencing it.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:00 AM
A dear friends theory....We are all part of a dream in the mind of God.
That this is how God dreamt a world that does not run on his principal which is love.
That when the dream ends we will be allowed to exist in a world run by and founded upon love....(as in agape )
not my theory but it has some merit......

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Wow, front page... didn't see that coming. Lots of questions too, I'll work backwards. Thank you all for reading and sharing your thoughts.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Mizzijr

you know, I've wondered this, about our observations creating the world around us. But then, what about blind people? Does the world create itself around their touch, or has someone projected the world for them?

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:14 AM
The invention of AI and our conversations with a new sentient existence will add a layer of understanding to the equation.
Even if fish in an aquarium were sentient, would they grasp fully what their world is. To us it is a manageable object with mass, weight, and energy. To them it is all they know. What do we know? We can only see as far as the devices we created with out imagination.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:19 AM
hummm, i would have to say anything is posible. im going to have to wrap my mind around it for a bit

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Mizzijr

Hello everyone - my first post on ATS. I have lounged around for years but never participated in any discussion; I figured it was about time to break my record of silence.

Forgive me if this was mentioned in this thread already. If it was I simply missed it. In response to "dreams," and why we can see without light... What about imagination? For instance, if I meditate and "visualize" myself in a particular place - even a made up place - I can see it in my mind and I am completely conscious. Wouldn't the same hold true with dreams? A mixture of imagination with previously seen images (as one poster already mentioned). That's just my two cents, what do you think?

edit on 26-1-2011 by seizeX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:25 AM
Even if we are holograms, that doesn't mean we aren't real.

If x exists then x is real
Holograms exist.
Holograms exist, therefore holograms are real.

Even if you hold holograms to be nonexistent, there must be some facet of reality that the holograms are based upon.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by lestweforget
reply to post by lifer201

So just let me get this clear before i make a fool of myself as you just have. I need proof that im real?

you need to define 'real' before we can go any further...what are you do you think?

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