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‘You’re going to have to shoot them in the head,’ Beck said of Democratic leaders

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posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:28 PM
When will people learn, Beck and anybody you see on the TV spewing whatever rhetoric....They are all actors....And most of them would sell you there mother for the right price, and even if it came to actual war or violence they would always go for the side that they think will win and will give them more money, if there was some actual communistic evil plot and it looked like it would win. Beck would be spewing there bull#, he like all of them is an actor and a puppet to draw attention away from how badly this country is going.

It's all bull#, people. And it really is a waste of time to give pretty much 90% of these people your time and attention, your time would be better spent learning how sow or how to cook or whatever else....That is what it's all about, they are the smoke and mirrors, in the scope of things they can't nor have the power to do or change anything. But they do have the power to attract attention of people thereby getting more money from the powers that be. It's all bull# there is nothing of substance there.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by craig732

from what i see is that the democrats are stating that glenn beck said to shoot them in the head and the republicans say other wise. of course this is the state of things seeing that people will see their own agenda in any things i watch glenn beck a good bit. i dont do it cuz i follow the guy, i do it so that way i am informed in others opinion. i watch fox and cnn and msnbc and i try to see every ones opinion in a good light.

glenn beck wants america to stay america. he wants america to stay to the constitution and follow the same ideals that were place by our founding fathers. i know that people love to say that the spouts lies but if you "actually" watch the show he gives you only facts that can be looked up on your own. yes he may work for the media and he may be pushing an agenda but arnt we all pushing an agenda? dont we all want the world to be the way we see it to be? dont we here on ATS show strong passion for our ideas or beliefs? so then why is it so wrong that he does it? is it because you dont agree with him?

with this subject no one will be the victor. these are ideas of a man (men) and you can ether agree or disagree but your opinion does not make a man what you say he is.

if people fight to have him shuted up it only strengthens his argument of the left wanting to destroy the freedom of speech.

i say if you dont like it "dont watch it" or watch every episode the whole way threw so that way you know his context and his ideas without having to hear them from his opposition (whom of course will slander him just like any opposition would do)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh etc.=Right wing gatekeepers.
Olbermann (well, he was anyway), Maddow, etc.=Left gatekeepers.

That's all there is to say really.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by antonia

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Simply put- LEAVE, we would be better off without you. You say viewers of Beck are just "followers". Who do you follow, I wonder?

Yea, pretty much everyone who listens to Beck questions nothing of what he says. This is similar to what followers of other personalties do. Your first sentence was so predictable as to be laughable. I knew you'd say it. The followers of the right-wing always shoot from the hip with that crap. I don't care about your patriotism. It won't feed my family, it won't mend wounds my child may get when you fools finally wig out and start shooting each other. I am an american by chance of birth. That is not an accomplishment.

You sir are Ignorant. In one fell swoop you jumble all who watch Beck into a single group.
My fist sentence is just telling you to do what you already stated you should do. Followers of the right wing? Yes , you are ignorant and assume entirely too much. You have your head buried so deep in your ideology that you can not see past it. Sorry look at the far left and you will find those "ready to wig out".
I agree with your last statement. You are an American by chance of birth That is not and accomplishment.........For you at least. You my ignorant friend have....FAILED.
edit on 23-1-2011 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Sorry look at the far left and you will find those "ready to wig out".

You accuse me of ideological fervor yet you just blame the other side. It shows me you are holding on to something.Most likely some kind of ideology. You are sitting here defending someone who is constantly blaming the left for everything, yet you proclaim it's not about Republicans and Democrats. The doublethink is astounding. You've picked a side, you just won't admit. yea, the left wing with wig out eventually. The right is already ready to pop. I don't want o be here when the fight breaks out because I don't think it's noble to take a bullet for a country.

This isn't about right or left, it's about human nature. No matter who is in charge the crap will stink. It's just humanity, greedy and fearful animals.

And you know, what. I may have failed to you, but at least I won't be dying for someone else's ideas.
edit on 23-1-2011 by antonia because: RAWR

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh etc.=Right wing gatekeepers.
Olbermann (well, he was anyway), Maddow, etc.=Left gatekeepers.

That's all there is to say really.

Watch the right hand, it does not know what the left hand is doing...Or does it?
It's a magic trick, creating something out of nothing, in peoples heads. People just need to chill, because if it actually came to violence which has happened before in this and other countries. Well all these brave people and patriots, with all there oh so great ideas on how the country was and should be, will just end up as cannon fodder for the war machine. And none who think they will win, will actually be the ones standing at the end.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:07 PM
Man, some people in this thread are pretty dense. What he said was taken out of context.. waaay out of context. The OP has clarified that, posted video has clarified that, and the entire transcript for that particular show was posted and clarified it. The section where the comment was made is the 2nd block of a 4 block program. In addition to that block, people need to either watch or read the transcript for the entire show. The 1st block sets up what the show was going to be about.

The slow replacement of the US Constitution with ideas that run contrary to it.

He is not telling anyone to shoot anyone in the head. He is saying that ideas being put forward not only run counter to our Constitution, in the countries where the ideas come from the Government has no problems shooting people in the head to enforce those ideas.

Imagine you are an advisor to the President of Freedonia. Your countires constitution gaurantees freedom of speech, press, assmebly, crticism of Government people and policies. It also allows for the individual ownership of weapons by the citizens.

You notice that gun crime is on the rise, along with the media taking information out of context and spinning it. This spin cycle is causing discontent among the citizens, and you have been tasked with finding a resolution. You begin to look at other countries with similar problems who share the same ideals, and find miexd results. So you decide to expand that answer quest to countries who do not share the same values or freedoms.

You find that the country of Kerplakistan has a low crime rate and responsible reporting. The more you look at this country, the more you are liking the setup they have in place. You quickly begin brainstorming how to bring that countries ideals into your own to help resolve the problem you werew tasked with fixing.

The problem is, you failed to adequately research how those ideas came about and how they are enforced in this other country. You failed to account for the fact that its not a free society, that individual freedoms exist only in name and not practice.

You failed to see that the government went door to door in the middle of the night to collect personal weapons. Those who failed to comply were taken in for questioning, and thats the last anyone has heard from them. The media started reporting the Governments actions, and to avoid any confusion, the government sets new rules that control what the media reports. Their journalists, again in name only, are given statements by the Government to report on. Those media outlets who do independant reporting are shut down and labeled as subversive, their employees are taken into custody and again, no one has heard from them.

The population splits into 3 groups. You have a group who sides with the Government and supports the actions. Those supporters have well paying government jobs and more "freedoms" than others.

There is a group who oppose the government ideas and actions, but dont do anything about, choosing instead to keep to themselves and hope for the best.

Then you have the group who acknowledges the Governments actions are oppresive, and so they vow to make changes, either by persuasion, or violence.

The Government finds out about this third group, and initiates a campaign to weed them out and silence them. So the Government starts going door to door, arresting anyone who appears to be a non supporter. These people are rounded up, and liquidated by the Government.

Its this point where Beck is talking about shooting people in the head, and the peope shooting back.

Eventually as the government makes its rounds to find the subversive groups, shooting them in the head as they are found, they suddenyly find themselves faced with the people shooting back.

Beck is pointing out what we have known for a long time....

Those who ignore History, are doomed to repeat it.

He is pointing out that some of the ideas being suggested by Government officals in this country have failed spectacularly in other countries, and that those failures often resulted in people being shot by the Government for not supporting it, and the people shooting back at the government for pushing a draconian law / idea coupled with the Governments summary judgment punishment of the people

Its is a warning that the more our Government moves away from the Constitution while pushing "radical" ideas, the greater the odds that history is going to repeat itself. Its a warning that while its ok to look at ideas from other countries to see if it can work here, ignoring the history of that idea in the country of origion is more dangerous than the idea itself.

In other words, the argument / warning being made is

"What's the big deal if we incorperate an idea from Iran with regards to free media and reporting. This is the US, not Iran and the manner in which Iranian Government operates would never happen here."

edit on 23-1-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by antonia

You assumed my ideology and placed me with "the fools" on the right. I did you the same courtesy
I said Republicans and Democrats were the problem....REMEMBER?
Those on the FAR left and FAR right.
Am I right of center? Yes.
Am I ready to shoot someone in the head? No.
Are all who watch Beck ready to shoot someone in the head?.......No.
I am sorry that you feel no allegiance to your country. That lack of allegiance scares me more than my "Patriotism" scares you, probably.
Frankly I would rather you leave. So go one is stopping you. Find a BETTER place to live. Maybe Venezuela? Iraq? Iran? Afghanistan? Europe? I am sure you and your family would feel much safer in any of these locations.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:12 PM
This left-vs-right mentality is exactly what the PTB want;

What I'm saying is that Glenn is not a very objective guy, he has an agenda to advance and he has personal bias as well; couple this with corporate sponsors who have agendas of their own along with the fact that he is an entertainer who works for a cooperation who has to make a profit and you have a recipe for some bull crap.

What he says should be taken with a grain of salt and put through the filter of:

"Hey, I wonder if he is manipulating the facts here somehow to drive me to reach the same conclusion and therefore possibly gain my support or endorsement.

Then apply the same standard to say Media Matters, MSNBC or anyone in the MSM basically and one can see they are basically a left wing hit squad with, wait for it… an agenda with corporate sponsors who also have a agenda and rich dudes (Soros) with scary agendas of their own.

So the picture they paint of any subject, person, or political party should be taken with a grain of salt and put through the filter of:

"Hey, I wonder if they are manipulating the facts here somehow to drive me to reach the same conclusion and therefore possibly gain my support or endorsement.

I challenge you to find a clip of Beck saying in context that he wanted people to commit acts of violence. I bet you can't. I bet more likely you'll find he begs people not to commit those type acts.

People all have the free will to chose to commit acts and there are any number of factors in their decision making process that are more likely than - "I like Glenn Beck".

Hinckley shot Regan because he idolized and therefore wanted to impress Jodi Foster that does not mean:

"Hey, look Jodi Foster's followers are planning to assassinate presidents....she's evil".

He's just an unstable dork and she is innocent of anything other than being really cute in the Bad News Bears. (Sorry for the reference that is perhaps before the time of some of the members here.)

This is just another hit piece by people who want counter his message and make him look bad so less people will take him seriously and therefore to hopefully influence the outcome of future political processes.

Just like Beck tries to discredit the left in an attempt to get more people to listen to him and...... therefore to hopefully influence the outcome of future political processes.

It is ironic that the “I hate Glenn Beck” crowd will cry foul when he uses his tactics to distort the issues while using that very tactic against him….

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Golf66
What I'm saying is that Glenn is not a very objective guy, he has an agenda to advance and he has personal bias as well...

Glenn Beck and his show are not a news reporting show, but opinion and analyticaly focused. Any opinion based program will push an agenda. Where the problem comes is where people take opinion as fact without doing any of their own thinking, which causes problems.

Example - had people researched what Beck actually said, this thread might be about the ideas beck was talking about, and how those ideas might be dangerous instead of what he supposedly meant vs. how much he makes vs. etc.

Our Federal Government was setup to be inefficient in the House and the Senate. It was designed that way on purpose by our founding fathers to guarantee that the minority opinion is heard.

We have strayed away from the Constitution, forgetting the intent that the people are the Government, and only through participation is the Government held in check. Beck, Olbermann, Maddow and Hannity can have all of the opinions they want. What people do with those opinions though are key.

To blame these pundits for the problems we are having in this country can best be described by Psychiatrists as denial and blame in addition to refusal of accountibillity.

We arent forced to watch beck, hannity, olbermann or maddow.
We arent forced to agree with their opinions and analysis of the problems.

The problems we face in this country are a direct result of the people not caring what the Government does. The people are the parents, and the government is the child. As we all know, without parental suprvision we are guaranteed a broken cookie jar, blown allowances, destroyed piggy banks, disregard for any rules, and in some cases pissed off neighbors who have to clean up the mess our kid caused.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:36 PM
I wonder what defines a "radical leftist".

Many called Obama a radical leftist...which is news to the actual left...considering O is a centerist.

I don't think a paid commentator on main stream media should be suggesting anyone should be shooting anyone in the me a hippy, but I think the message is stupid and dangerous (especially when taken out of context).

and guess what...people tend to take things out of context alot...consider this thread for example.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:56 PM
I am not offended by Beck, although I'm no fan of his.

Actually, if in the chance future the Beckster and the Olbermans go out into the street and have a good ol pipes, knifes and pistols rumble, I honestly think the nation would be better off.

... it would be sad that so many people, choosing to give their life for the Democrat party and the Republican party... but when I look at the long list of problems and the unchanging two-sided solution.... well.... maybe if they both go out and thin each others herd the rest of us will have space enough to share in the discussion.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by sakokrap

I endorse a national divorce. Lefties get the left, righties get the right and everyone else just leaves so they don't get killed in the ensuing madness.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Man, some people in this thread are pretty dense. What he said was taken out of context.. waaay out of context

Taking it out of context was the original context that saying such a thing was put into context as so people would take it out of context, it's not really why he said that, bothers anybody, it's the fact that they would be bothered by what an actor says.

The slow replacement of the US Constitution with ideas that run contrary to it.

The constitution is not a be all and end all of everything, and if you didn't notice no one really follows it least of all those in power, unless off course it's in there interests. And as it happens it's in the powers that be interests to control people, and seeing as the constitution is the one thing on most peoples minds, and even though it's in reality not been followed for a long time. Well sure why not it's all about the constitution, and ideas that run contrary to it.

He is not telling anyone to shoot anyone in the head. He is saying that ideas being put forward not only run counter to our Constitution, in the countries where the ideas come from the Government has no problems shooting people in the head to enforce those ideas.

I believe he is just trying to get ratings, talking about the constitution = ratings. He even said in that vid that he believes in something.
Oh man talk about bad acting, but I'm sure that if you wave your hands around and act real emotional about it lot's of people will believe you.

Imagine you are an advisor to the President of Freedonia. Your countires constitution gaurantees freedom of speech, press, assmebly, crticism of Government people and policies. It also allows for the individual ownership of weapons by the citizens.

And imagine you live in this magical land called america were a piece of paper will magically give you the right to all of that. Now go out to the podium and express those things, see how far those freedoms get you, if it goes contrary to the powers that be and there interests. What does this dude called Beck have to do with any of that constitution or freedom? He sure looks like an actor playing a part for money to me. Refer to this thread on freedom and the country of freedonia.

You notice that gun crime is on the rise, along with the media taking information out of context and spinning it. This spin cycle is causing discontent among the citizens, and you have been tasked with finding a resolution

Notice how in all countries were things go bad, such as that there are no jobs or all jobs are being outsourced to maximize profits. That not only gun crimes go up, but all type of crimes.

You begin to look at other countries with similar problems who share the same ideals, and find miexd results. So you decide to expand that answer quest to countries who do not share the same values or freedoms.

Yes it's all about our freedom, that is why everybody wants to come here, for our freedom's. Let's just see how great things get when the # hits the fan, in the economic department. But off course our freedoms will still be intact, after all somebody wrote them on a piece of paper. Look at how great things are going now with a little dip in recession, now imagine that will all be gone a real true depression...But don't worry you still will have freedom.

The problem is, you failed to adequately research how those ideas came about and how they are enforced in this other country. You failed to account for the fact that its not a free society, that individual freedoms exist only in name and not practice

Who are you talking to really. But anyways I do believe, you failed to take in to account that how there freedoms came about is pretty much how our freedoms are going now. But fear not freedom will still exist in more then just name. But as an idea in peoples heads, same as it always been in all countries, only without the economics behind it as it was before.

You failed to see that the government went door to door in the middle of the night to collect personal weapons. Those who failed to comply were taken in for questioning, and thats the last anyone has heard from them.

And you failed to notice that in those countries when it happed the gun was a pretty new invention and not everyone could just get one, different time, different era, different results. And also you forgot that when it happened people agreed to it, or were tricked to agree to it, by fancy words and rhetorics and middle men called politicians or whoever was the mouth of the press at the time, freedom being among one of those words used to get the ones who came in power, into power. Only freedom was called communism then, now off course its changed its name. Got to stay with the times and all that you know.

The population splits into 3 groups. You have a group who sides with the Government and supports the actions. Those supporters have well paying government jobs and more "freedoms" than others.

Yes eerily familiar to some things going on today don't you think? All 3 groups are really just puppets. Maybe thats what america needs a third group, so people can talk about them as well. Think about it instead of it being a 2 man show it could be a 3 man show, they could even pick an animal to represent them.

Then you have the group who acknowledges the Governments actions are oppresive, and so they vow to make changes, either by persuasion, or violence. The Government finds out about this third group, and initiates a campaign to weed them out and silence them. So the Government starts going door to door, arresting anyone who appears to be a non supporter. These people are rounded up, and liquidated by the Government. Its this point where Beck is talking about shooting people in the head, and the people shooting back.

Define government please? Usually when such things happen one power group says to the people that another power group is evil and wants to take away your pop-tarts. Then said power group gets more power to eliminate there opposition and there by implement there total control. The power of public opinion and sheeple control is great indeed.

What makes you think Beck an actor cares one iota about freedom as long as he gets paid? You do realize that he most likely has hundreds of writers hired by the ptb that wright all that he says, and all that would get the people all emotional about and moving to there tune. Basically I think this glen beck is a tool.

Eventually as the government makes its rounds to find the subversive groups, shooting them in the head as they are found, they suddenyly find themselves faced with the people shooting back. Beck is pointing out what we have known for a long time.... Those who ignore History, are doomed to repeat it.

Improbable, if that could of been done it would of been done by now. So most likely they would try a more stealthier technique. If you believe that things are that simple now, well welcome to a couple of generations ago. Those who know history know that no one really learns from history. But there are sure lots that say they know a thing or two about history. Best be prepared to repeat history, or else chill and expand your horizon in this rhetoric political arena and it's two headed puppet show, soon it might be a 3 headed puppet show.

He is pointing out that some of the ideas being suggested by Government officals in this country have failed spectacularly in other countries, and that those failures often resulted in people being shot by the Government for not supporting it, and the people shooting back at the government for pushing a draconian law / idea coupled with the Governments summary judgment punishment of the people

No he is not, I seriously the dude knows anything on what happens in other countries. But with the magic of television I'm sure some one can cue card him in, on what the people know of history and of other countries.
Do you really believe he would know were Kazakhstan is or even if its a country, Or if Russia is communist or was communist? Fancy meaningless words always work.

But I dont think Beck knows history or what a communist is or was, you do realize that there was never really any such thing as a communist? It was just the word that the sheeple on another continent fell for to give power to a group of people that used that word to represent freedom. You do realize that the whole scare they had back then in the US was just propaganda and a way for a "group" to keep a people on one path and goal that is in there interest. All those wars and rhetorics and believes was just a battle for the sheeples hearts and minds, that is all, that is how they get control. First you make a problem even out of thin air if needed, then you appear as if you have a solution, and make something up that sounds like people will fall for without question. Then bam your in the money/power.

Personally I would like to argue on Becks acting skills. You see I don't think he is a good enough actor, he needs to seem more like he cares, maybe he needs more tears in his eyes when he is talking about the constitution or something...Oh and yes he definitely needs to wave his hands around more, people take you real serious when you do that. Look at Mussolini and all other leaders who were able to lead a crowd, they waved there hands around a lot and were very good at acting like they cared, even to the point that they them-selfs believed there act. I don't usually get into political discussions because I think there meaningless, but it's always interesting to watch some people acting and the reactions of the crowds.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by antonia

I like where you're going, but you'll have to save a spot for the "others"... after the Socialists/Progressive and Fascists/Neocons are done with their bloody divorce, then comes along we "others" to help clean things up

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Uhm, ok. You've missed the point behind what he is talking about.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by sakokrap
reply to post by antonia

I like where you're going, but you'll have to save a spot for the "others"... after the Socialists/Progressive and Fascists/Neocons are done with their bloody divorce, then comes along we "others" to help clean things up

I was saying the "others" would leave until the rest of them had gotten rid of each other.

It's like a modified thunderdome, two go in, none come out.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:05 PM
A small snip of an hour long program proves nothing, without the context in which it was said.

Now quit trolling or GTFO.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Fact: Beck will say and do anything to get attention and increase his ratings.
What ever the Popular opinion is, that's what he'll lead with. It has nothing to do being right or wrong.

But Commies!!

However, I do believe to end corruption in the US and restore Unity and Freedom you would have to whack every Democrat, Republican, every banker on Wall Street, Bernanke, Haliburton. Just whacking one will not work as it will just grow another limb.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by hillynilly
That is not true.

I watch Beck, listen to the radio show, he did NOT SAY that.

He said nothing about *shoot democrats in the head*

This is libel!!
edit on 22-1-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

No kidding. It is more Soros smearing. The old Nazi did not like Beck exposing his agenda, did he. The only one talking about murdering anyone was Barack Obama who suggested to his wacko supportors to "take their guns" and "get in the face" of the Tea Party protestors!

These liars are too much!

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