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'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing

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posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by CerBeRus666
reply to post by Bun-G

As a former vet, in a couple of recent conflicts, I can tell you that all too often this happens. And what that "soldier" is saying, in my book is pure BS. He knew very well what he was doing, unfortunately, in war-zones, we see this crap, over and over again. Some people, given a gun, and apparent "freedom", behave like the sick psychopaths they are. I saw many slimier cases in Bosnia, fortunately it did not involve units from Canada, or the USA.

I personally would turn him over, to what remains of that poor family's relatives, to do with him what they pleased.

Thank you for being honest enough, and brave enough - and most importantly of all, human enough to admit this.
edit on 21-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:44 AM
This quote remind me that history repeat itself,During the spaniard quest for gold in the Americas.They wrote that the natives where humans without soul therefore they will be considered as animals or slaves.So they feed the aztecs babys to their dogs , raping and killing women or use for trade.Causing a holocaust that was never filmed.GESS WHAT they were humans too.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by Crutchley29
reply to post by oozyism

How about you serve first, then ask that question.

Sorry, I refuse to be a slave.

I will never serve in an army which talks about safeguarding freedom, then turns the soldiers who are safeguarding freedom in to slaves.

If someone comes and invades New Zealand, I will fight with all my might

What strange views some hold. Baffling really. To say that we are slaves, and yet we fight the wars you voted for. Have continued to vote into office, and have yet to hold anyone accountable for. It, therefore, is the American peoples desire that soldiers leave their families stateside, embark overseas, and combat an innocent people in the name of false freedom. At least soldiers put their money where their mouth is. For all the anger and malice on this post, not one person has looked inward as to why soldiers are in Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place.

The people of the United States voted them there, and have given no real tangible indication otherwise.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:18 AM
Pathetic sapien, deserves to become food..
Rip to the family he infected with his evol
Wars being combinations of financial deceite-mistrust-misguidedness-hatred-IGNORANCE-mental conditioning breeds fertil grounds for this type of negativity. In some situations killing all the men and taking the women is even breed within certain warzones. It makes you feel bad to be part of a species that can behave this way.

Why does he need to sit in jail and cost more money to feed? makes no sense to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Bun-G

What an appalling statement. The United States sends 300,000 soldiers over to Iraq and a handfull of jackasses become Dr. Jeckyl, and all of a sudden all US soldiers are brainwashed monsters? What a cowardly statement, to attack the people that so many of us hold in the highest regard. The US soldier trades his/her freedom to preserve liberty and freedom, they stare death in the face and risk everything so that we might not know the horrors of war.
Just off hand, I was wondering who you might thank for your freedom to so ably and openly express your distorted oppinion? I am not sure where you reside or which land you call home, but I am most definitely sure that you owe the US soldier a debt of gratitude for any freedoms you so carelessly take for granted.
Don't worry though, I am here to offer respect in your stead, seeing as you have none ( you mindless, brainwashed zombie).

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

I don't think American soldiers are brainwashed to do what this sick individual did. It might also just be his own personal views of not thinking of them as humans, that goes to show how wrong and sick he is.

This shows how little you know of actual warfare. You cannot kill a person if you respect life. So you must learn to not respect it and that is done by dehumanizing the enemy during training. Ever seen military training videos?

Of course nobody is brainwashed into raping 14 year olds. But they are brainwashed into thinking that 14 year old is not a fellow HUMAN.

Actually, VVV is correct and you are the one without a clue. You might want to kill a few people before you start speaking as if you are an authority on the matter.

You take, in my opinion, probably the single most heinous act of the Iraq War and use it as an example of something that a typical soldier would be able to do, just because soldiers are trained to kill? In fact, if a typical soldier came across that scene, I would hope that they would find it extremely difficult not to shoot Green and his colleagues on the spot.

Look at the picture of her in the source, go out and show that to a few soldiers that exist outside of your imagination and ask them whether they would consider that girl human, and whether they would rape and kill her and the rest of her family for their own amusement.

Tell me, at what point are soldiers trained to view civilians as being “not human” in counter-insurgency/revolutionary warfare operations? Do you think that is something that is conducive to good soldiering or a hearts and minds campaign? "Deny Ignorance" - what a joke.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Bun-G

It's war. It's what constant exposure to violence does. ...removes humanity from the equation. Our own humanity. Else how could a soldier walk around killing on a daily basis?

And never mind the requisite "demonizing of the enemy," which DOES happen, and makes it all even more inhuman.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by oozyism

I will never serve in an army which talks about safeguarding freedom, then turns the soldiers who are safeguarding freedom in to slaves.

If someone comes and invades New Zealand, I will fight with all my might

Oozi...I know you love to spar with folks, but I would just like to fact-check something with you.

Is it true, or false, that you are originally from Afghanistan...and that you fled that Country to get away from the Taliban after they took over?

This was mentioned, I think by you, in a thread a while back.

Depending on your response, I might have some further comments to make (or not).

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:28 AM
War is wrong.

Initially TPTB, the real puppet masters develope a "enemy" with propaganda, the people buy it hook line and sinker.

911 was a false flag operation as was probably Pearl Harbor.

Our "security" is so good, you cannot scratch your behind, or pick your nose that it is not watched, recorded and logged into some data base.

You mean to say Bush and his administration had no idea 911 was going to be done? My guess is 911 was arranged, a false flag operation. At the least, it was allowed to happen in order to make the American People agree to war.

It's all about the oil, it's all about the money and the people do not realize they are being manipulated.

Again, war, the murdering of any human is wrong.

The raping of a child is wrong on so many levels.


This is the face of war.

You either condon and are thus a part of it or denounce it.

This isn't one incident, once you cross the line of murder there is no going back. The act of taking a human life brings one down to the level they in the beginning condemned.

Humanity must grow up.

Look at our video games, most are shoot em up see how many bodies you can rack up.

Again, humanity must grow up or face annihilation

For all you people that support this war, what about "Thou shalt not kill" don't you understand?

This was the shortest of all the commandments.

I'm not even Christian and I can see how this war and the sanctioned murdering is wrong on so many levels.

Mankind is a plague upon this third rock from the sun.

Most of you don't even see how the large corporations and the evil greedy men / women that own and run them have manipulated you into supporting and fighting.

Again murder is wrong, wether it is a thug on a street corner or a soldier in uniform...........they did not come over here, we went over there and we went over their to rob them of their oil and artifacts so that the greedy corporate kings could lay claim to what is not theirs.

Wake up people, you're all being mucked with big time and you just keep allowing TPTB, the evil heartless bastards play you like pawns.

google tortured iraqi prisoners images..............this is not one isolated incidence.

I dated a young man that went off to the Vietnam war, when he returned he had changed. He was on the front line and what he did (he would never talk about) but he had changed, he had crossed that line from being human to savage.

Some lines one must never ever cross.

This is my final plea to any of you that will listen..............war is wrong, do not support it, do not allow our corrupt military/corporate ruled government to bully other nations.

Pray that the Galactic Federation (if there is such a group) never ask me for my opinion. I would say, erase homosapien and start anew, he / she is too easily manipulated into violence and have no regard for their planet, and any/all of their planet's inhabitants.

No on the fence, you are either for this war or against it. You cannot pretend this does not involve you, we are all interconnected.

edit on 21-12-2010 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2010 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2010 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by onthedownlow
reply to post by Bun-G

What an appalling statement. The United States sends 300,000 soldiers over to Iraq and a handfull of jackasses become Dr. Jeckyl, and all of a sudden all US soldiers are brainwashed monsters? What a cowardly statement, to attack the people that so many of us hold in the highest regard. The US soldier trades his/her freedom to preserve liberty and freedom, they stare death in the face and risk everything so that we might not know the horrors of war.
Just off hand, I was wondering who you might thank for your freedom to so ably and openly express your distorted oppinion? I am not sure where you reside or which land you call home, but I am most definitely sure that you owe the US soldier a debt of gratitude for any freedoms you so carelessly take for granted.
Don't worry though, I am here to offer respect in your stead, seeing as you have none ( you mindless, brainwashed zombie).

I have nothing to say to this post other than your describing yourself in this post - You mindless brainwashed zombie. You may also want to re read what I said as no where have I put that US soldiers are monsters

Both wars are illegal - Iraq & Afganistan, ~& while I have respect for soldiers doing there best in peacekeeping missions, soldiers like this tar the whole of your US freedom fighting soldiers. You may believe the US is the benevolent, provider of freedom & small beacon of light in a dark, evil world - But alot of worldwide atrocities comitted around the world currently are on directly or indirectly Americas dog it dog corporate shoulders

I may want to thank an American soldier for ww2, but I'll give my thanks more to british personnal, commonwealth personnal ect who gave there lives for my country thank you very much.

& like I said this is not america bashing in the least, I actually like most aspects of what america once was & should reach to be again, but as the arrogance in your post shows, this is why there is such an Anti-American feeling the world over

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Recently ITV has shown James Pilger's documentary on the 'The War You Don't See'.

A must watch to see how media and millitary worked together only showing us one side of the war.

The War You Don't See

1 million dead Iraqis due to US's illegal invasion.

And i haven't even mentioned Afghanistan yet:

The B-2 bombers knew they were civillians but they still bombed them.

It was part of Operation Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 4.

edit on 21-12-2010 by forklift because: Grammar error

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by forklift

Something has to balance this it is ill minded all the way around. Imagine american cities going thru this damage... There is no way I could kill kids and think life will pay my family any respect in return. i 4 i is real smh

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by forklift

Something has to balance this it is ill minded all the way around. Imagine american cities going thru this damage... There is no way I could kill kids and think life will pay my family any respect in return. i 4 i is real smh

The picture is alot bigger than a few nutters going on a shooting spree.Yes it's their fault but who put these soldiers there in the first place when the war is clearly illegal?

There is no enemy, there is no goal and with all the millitary advancement one would have thought that civillians will be less targeted.

WW1 - 10% civillian casualties

WW2 - 50% civillian casualties

Vietnam - 70% civillian casualties

Iraq - 90% civillian casualties

People lie, but numbers don't lie.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by forklift
Yes it's their fault but who put these soldiers there in the first place when the war is clearly illegal?

The WILL of the soldiers unfortunatly. Non controll YOU or MY WILL.

Originally posted by forklift
There is no enemy, there is no goal and with all the millitary advancement one would have thought that civillians will be less targeted.

WW1 - 10% civillian casualties

WW2 - 50% civillian casualties

Vietnam - 70% civillian casualties

Iraq - 90% civillian casualties

People lie, but numbers don't lie.

It does seem the TECH. is running these numbers in reverse. So the better tech. MORE KILLS which makes sense when factoring in the bombs humanity has built to destroy itself.
Peace brotheren
edit on 12/21/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Really... I'm speechless...

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:40 PM
I will do my best to stay on the OP's topic, though many of you have brought up some very interesting points that bear consideration.

Obviously no one is condoning, or could, condone this horrific behavior.

War is ugly, and no amount of training can prepare someone 100% for the extremely harsh psychological environment that is war. We don't know what this particular soldier experienced, and we cannot try to rationalize what kind of protective mechanism his psyche developed to help him survive... only that they made him capable of horrific acts.
I truly believe that the civilian "masters of war" who sit in cushy offices and analyze maps and graphs while determining operational human cost ratios are guilty of far worse crimes, as horrible as this one was!

the Billmeister

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Billmeister

I agree.
Just wish many could see the leader follower aspects and pick up on it.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

I don't think American soldiers are brainwashed to do what this sick individual did. It might also just be his own personal views of not thinking of them as humans, that goes to show how wrong and sick he is.

This shows how little you know of actual warfare. You cannot kill a person if you respect life. So you must learn to not respect it and that is done by dehumanizing the enemy during training. Ever seen military training videos?

Of course nobody is brainwashed into raping 14 year olds. But they are brainwashed into thinking that 14 year old is not a fellow HUMAN.

And what in the hell do you know of warfare? What are you, like 20?

This b*astard would have been a freak no matter what, in or out of uniform.

Raping a kid and killing all the witnesses and the victim is just sick. As a previous poster said, 99.9% of the other folks wearing the uniform would probably love 5 minutes no holds barred with that sick bast*rd.

I know I would.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by Crutchley29
reply to post by oozyism

How about you serve first, then ask that question.

Sorry, I refuse to be a slave.

I will never serve in an army which talks about safeguarding freedom, then turns the soldiers who are safeguarding freedom in to slaves.

If someone comes and invades New Zealand, I will fight with all my might

That would be a short fight for you, but a long one for the Zealander military - great folks, lot of respect here.

In the US, we voluntarily give up a large portion of our constitutional rights to serve our country. I believe that is the same with all military around the world.

We are not slaves and you don't know what you are talking about. There is no "I" in team, and the whole long and short of basic training is to get you and others to form a team.

We aren't trained to rape a 14 year old kid. That bast*rd wouldn't last two minutes with some of my Marine friends, or some of the Zealanders I've had the honor to meet in uniform.

Far from robots or slaves, men and women who do their county proud.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:24 PM
America spreading "democracy" throughout the 20th century

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