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Great Patriots Question Government Fairy Tale on 9/11

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Mr. D

Well according to bush he already knew the towers were hit, the whole time he was in the classroom.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by Mr. D

That and that some eployees were told on 911 to leave the building. The messages where sent from Israel to Israelis.

Have that link for me? See in this case it is right in our face (and didn't even see it).

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Yeah, something is rotten in Denmark. Why with all this evidence has he
been able to stay free? At least a hearing to find out what he knew and
when. They National Security card doesn't work here because this could
have been an inside job which means treason.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

That is a bald-faced lie. You are referring to Odigo and those messages were received IN Israel and never once mentioned the World Trade Center.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Mr. D

Have that link for me? See in this case it is right in our face (and didn't even see it).

Here is one..there are many more.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by DIDtm

Originally posted by Mr. D

Have that link for me? See in this case it is right in our face (and didn't even see it).

Here is one..there are many more.

Looks like no more freebie Jet's and Billions in "aid" to Israel.
This is just too much. They had complicit knowledge and let
this traitorous action happen. Think about it, they say they
are our friends yet let this happen when they could have
help stop it. With friends like these, who needs enemies eh?

"Providing more details would only lead to more conjecture," he

NO, providing more details would help find out the truth!

Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack

Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks.

But Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing, confirmed that workers in Odigo's research and development and international sales office in Israel received a warning from another Odigo user approximately two hours prior to the first attack. (From the Washington Post�s Newsbytes)

So now we have powerful and convincing evidence from impeccable sources that Israel had foreknowledge of the attack. First, without a prior warning, there could not have been only a single Israeli victim at the World Trade Center. Secondly, there is clear confirmation that a company with offices in both Israel and the WTC received warnings immediately prior to the attack.

Who would have warned Israelis of the impending attack, if not Israel�s Mossad? The fact that Israel�s government had prior knowledge of the pending attack and had warned potential Israeli victims, but then deliberately let thousands of Americans die � makes the Israelis just as responsible for the carnage as the Arab attackers of the WTC.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Mr. D

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by Mr. D

That and that some eployees were told on 911 to leave the building. The messages where sent from Israel to Israelis.

Have that link for me? See in this case it is right in our face (and didn't even see it).

Here's an article straight from Haaretz.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by mayabong

Originally posted by Mr. D

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by Mr. D

That and that some eployees were told on 911 to leave the building. The messages where sent from Israel to Israelis.

Have that link for me? See in this case it is right in our face (and didn't even see it).

Here's an article straight from Haaretz.

Let me get this straight, the talk is that they didn't say anything because
NOT telling the U.S. would help Israel's cause more? So what next? If terrorist
plant a nuke in one of our cities they won't say anything if they know about it
and let it detonate because it would help their cause more? That is some
screwed up logic, better to cut off the relationship with Israel now before our
friendship with them get us all killed.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:48 PM
I have to say after all of this, my faith in our friends is severely shaken
to say the least. The only thing that will ever help that now is full disclosure.
Sorry Israel, your methods and actions of late only adds fuel to the fire.
Friends don't let terrorist fly planes into friendly skyscrapers.
(or prewire them for detonation even if the are owned by Jewish people).
Intimidation and coercion never works on me. (It only make me more determined).

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Mr. D

You miss the part about the original message not mentioning the World Trade Center (or any other specific target). Kind of an important part dont you think?

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Mr. D

You miss the part about the original message not mentioning the World Trade Center (or any other specific target). Kind of an important part dont you think?

Do you read links that you comment on?
Here is a quote from the link

Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Mr. D

You miss the part about the original message not mentioning the World Trade Center (or any other specific target). Kind of an important part dont you think?

Don't quite follow what you mean however it is often what is not said
that does the most damage eh? Omission of the truth is also a lie
(one of the worst in my book). For if someone knows and keeps that
to themselves to hurt someone, it is also a lie one of the most insidious
kinds if you ask me.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Mr. D

Odigo, which has a satellite office in Israel, said employees there received pop-up text messages containing advance warning of the attacks but said the IMs did not mention the World Trade Center specifically, or any other targets.

Diamandis today in a telephone interview also said the warning message did not identify the World Trade Center as the attack target

Im sorry....what were you saying???

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by vipertech0596

"Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack"

I did read the message and this was the header to the
website that I got it from. You were saying? Conflicting
information to say the least.

edit on 21-12-2010 by Mr. D because: syntax and added Conflicting information to say the least.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:30 AM
Another questionable action was of Israelis dancing in the
streets of New York when the attack took place. Not exactly
the response one expects from friends eh?

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 04:06 PM
The truth about 9/11 will never come out to the mainstream or the patriots or the members of ATS because there are too many politically incorrect facts. The extreme majority of people will refuse to even look at the facts with an open mind when any of the facts point a finger at anyone they like. Jesse Ventura will never mention anything that doesn't end with Bush and Cheney because that's where he wants it to end but the 'facts' go much deeper than that.

If anyone on ATS even suggests that there could be facts that point at an Israeli Mossad link they are piled upon for Jew bashing but there are many 'facts' that absolutely point in that direction. The truth is that Mossad black ops have nothing to do with the average Jewish person and everybody knows it, but the disinformation troops will pile up and stonewall anyone who points it out as if it is some sacred cow that is beyond the scope of investigation. This is why the truth will never come out.

If anyone looks at past threads that were started to consider the information exposed in the film 9/11 Missing Links they will see how the OP's got bashed for even pointing the information out and the threads were often closed with a statement to the effect of 'That thread was already done' - yeah way back years ago and long since forgotten. But if the whole truth should be known then that information should also be considered.

Sure there is a definite bias in the people reporting it, against Jews, but people need to put on their big boy pants and ignore the anti Jew bias in order to aquire the facts that are contained in the information presented. We need to stop trashing the messenger some times and look at the message they are bringing otherwise we will never have all of the information.

Here is the link. Try to view it with an open mind and get the information offered otherwise you will never have all of the information you need to see exactly how vast this conspiracy was, and is to this day.

Remember this is not about Jew bashing - The average Jewish person has no more to do with this than you have with determining David Rockefeller's lunch menu. So don't let that ruse of disinformation agents stop you from aquiring knowledge. There are a huge amount of facts contained in the movie that will fill in countless missing blanks about what led to the 9/11 disaster. Learn them.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Mr. D

Could you at least move up to a 2010 conspiracy site? You keep posting debunked stuff.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by 46ACE

Yeah. He only says that out of respect for the people he is interviewing though. Look at the comments he says to regular people who question the OS. He went so far as to tell them to "get a life" and then gave them the middle finger.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Also.. I question what the government knew, but GW is notorious about his gaffes. He very well could have seen the first tower hit and think it was an accident and then went in to read to the kids where he was told a second plane had hit and it was obviously an attack. If he saw the first plane he may have continued to read to the kids as he thought as he said it was a terrible pilot. The he made a gaffe about being whisked off after that, when really he meant he was whisked off after he found out we were under attack (the second plane).

I'm not a debunker, but you can't use this stuff as evidence or level headed people will not even hear your arguments.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by Mr. D

Could you at least move up to a 2010 conspiracy site? You keep posting debunked stuff.

What exactly has he posted that is debunked?
The text messages are true.
The dancing Israelis are true.

And props to him for wanting to find out the truth. For not sitting idly by accepting fiction as truth and for taking the time to investigate, ask questions and read to find out other peoples theories, and ideas.

Ive only seen you post rubbish on here. If you believe the OS and take it as gospel than good for you.
Sleep in peace tonight and every night here after. Just pray that when our govt practices another false flag operation, you no where near it.

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