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Austria: Judge Rules That Yodeling Offends Muslims

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posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 10:48 PM
Let's all move to a predominantly muslim nation and complain of the offensive islamic call to prayer (adhan) that is howled throughout every village 5 times a day. I don''t think that would go over to well.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
Let's all move to a predominantly muslim nation and complain of the offensive islamic call to prayer (adhan) that is howled throughout every village 5 times a day. I don''t think that would go over to well.

Again, blame it on the local governments. Let's not focus this on Muslims. All they do is request that the locals follow the rules that were already enacted when they moved into the community. the locals set the standard....the Muslims moved in, with full acceptance of the "law of the land"...and god dammit, they expect the law to be upheald. Jesus Christ, you folks are completely coming across as holding a double standard, or...god forbid...blaming the Muslims for requesting the "Christian" made laws to be upheld.

If you don't like it then:

1) why make the law in the first place
2) do something about it.

Quit blaming the Muslims...accept ownership of the wrongs....and make them right.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
That in no way explains or answers the question. The question was: "Why the hell did you ever let that happen?"

I have answered the question.

Free expression has limits, unless you'd think it acceptable for me, next time I'm in a US airport, to continually express myself in a manner along the lines of: ''I've got a bomb''.

How far will that ''free expression'' get me ?

Originally posted by nenothtu
As it stands right now, I'm legally allowed to hate pretty much anyone I want to. I personally am pretty much an equal opportunity hater - I hate everyone equally. Thought-crime is still a little ways off here, but it's agreed that it's getting closer. They already grumble about something called a "hate crime" here, as if it were really illegal, and as if there were something that could be classed a "love crime". Don't ALL crimes involve some degree of hate?

So if you want to hate on, shall we say, the POTUS, and you scream your hatred at him outside the Whitehouse, and you put up websites, post blogs and youtube videos conveying the same message, do you think that you would be free to do so ?

How's that ''free expression'' working out for you over there ?

Originally posted by nenothtu
As you are well aware, "incitement" to do something is far and away different from mowing your lawn, and singing as you do it. Incitement generally pertains to talking someone else into doing what you yourself may not have the testicular fortitude to do. This gent, as I understand it, was mowing his lawn and singing all by himself.

As I say. I'm not sure of the Austrian laws that surround this issue, but one thing seems apparent to me; the judge ruled that his yodelling was a deliberate attempt to mock the Muslim call of prayer of his neighbours.

I'm sure that is why he was fined.

Originally posted by nenothtu
Restrictions, yes, absence, no. It's understood pretty well around here that I can express myself any old way I'd like, as long as I do it on my own place. I can't however, go to the middle of town and express my displeasure by physically harming anyone. I can offend the hell out of them, and do so on a regular basis. They can offend me right back, and also frequently do so. Sometimes, it works the other way 'round, and they are "first-offenders". That's OK, too. We have an understanding like that.

Again, I'm going to invite you to go into the middle of town and preach hatred against the POTUS.

I'm sure LEOs will just wave at you as they pass, while you're exercising your 'rights'.

I'm also pretty sure that if someone spent their time in their front garden, shouting racially provocative slogans inciting racial hatred against black people, then measures would be taken to put a stop to it. Even if it was just locking the guy up in a mental institution.

Originally posted by nenothtu
Uh, no. It doesn't cross the line until translated to action that causes physical injury or has real potential to cause imminent physical injury to another. We can holler all day long, and many do - of all races. Blacks around here are just as likely to get in on the fun as whites. Every Friday, there's a black muslim guy stands on the street corner on the next block down from my block talking all kinds of trash to passing folks. Long as it's just talk, I'm ok with it. Better nobody bother him when I'm around - and I'm usually SOMEWHERE around. I'd have to get active if anyone were to start chucking rocks - in either direction. He's actually a lot of fun to disagree with.

If someone was spewing all sorts of racial hatred and incitement from their front garden, then I'm sure that some agency would get involved to put a stop to that.

Don't you have a similar crime to ''breaching the peace'' over there ?

edit on 15-12-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
Let's all move to a predominantly muslim nation and complain of the offensive islamic call to prayer (adhan) that is howled throughout every village 5 times a day. I don''t think that would go over to well.

What has that got to do with this thread ?

This thread is about a case in Austria, involving Austrian citizens, that has been adjudicated on under Austrian law.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:06 PM
isrealnationnews? lol enough said.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

what laws were broken in Austria?

from the source

The men reportedly accused the 63-year-old of having tried to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin. The daily paper writes the Austrian was fined 800 Euros after judges ruled he could have tried to offend them and ridicule their belief. The Muslims, whose nationalities were not revealed by the report, were right in the middle of a prayer when the Austrian started to yodel.

Sounds like an interpretation of what the yodeler intended. The judge ruled that he COULD have tried to offend them.

The man was mowing his lawn. What was louder the yodel or the lawn mower??

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Heh! Yodeling offends me, too! And I'm not a Muslim.
Of course, Muslims' calls to prayers offend me, too. It makes me think they might be making fun of yodeling Austrians.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Anyone know where I can take yodeling lessons?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by jibeho
Let's all move to a predominantly muslim nation and complain of the offensive islamic call to prayer (adhan) that is howled throughout every village 5 times a day. I don''t think that would go over to well.

What has that got to do with this thread ?

This thread is about a case in Austria, involving Austrian citizens, that has been adjudicated on under Austrian law.

Just a quick attempt to put the shoe on the other foot. Austrians often yodel as do the Swiss. The muslims were claiming to be offended by the yodeler and not bothered by the nuisance noise of the yodel itself.

If you move to Austria expect yodeling and don't complain about it. I move to a muslim nation I should expect the adhan to be shrieked from the minarets five times a day. Should I complain that it is offensive to me or that they are trying to mock my yodeling?

This is too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
Just a quick attempt to put the shoe on the other foot. Austrians often yodel as do the Swiss. The muslims were claiming to be offended by the yodeler and not bothered by the nuisance noise of the yodel itself.

The case surrounds the claim that the man's yodelling was a deliberate attempt to mock the call to prayer of his Muslim neighbours.

The judge apparently upheld this claim, and the man was fined accordingly.

Originally posted by jibeho
I move to a muslim nation I should expect the adhan to be shrieked from the minarets five times a day.

Right, I'm going to have to stop you there again.

Once again, the laws of any given Muslim country have absolutely no bearing or relevance to Austrian laws.

This thread is about a case that is governed by the laws of Austria, so why do people keep on illogically bringing up irrelevant laws and attitudes from other countries that have nothing to do with this story ?

edit on 15-12-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:28 PM
I like to believe I am fairly tolerant of other cultures, but this is just way out of hand. Is the entire planet supposed to bend over backwards for one religious group? I'M offended that guy got fined because of those muslim folk. Since he got fined for offending them, shouldn't THEY get fined for offending me? Or are they so special that the rules don't apply to them? Where does the idiocy and madness end?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:48 PM
you know what offends me about muslims, not all of them, just the bad ones: crashing airplanes into skyscrapers.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:51 PM
This is not a Muslim problem this is a problem for that specific Muslim family. One Muslim doesnt speak for the whole, Mohamed the prophet is long gone. Yodeling shouldnt be a problem except maybe in Mecca. But intolerance of anyone's belief's is the enemy of progress. RESPECT! and thats it

reply to post by dolphinfan

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Amongst everything on ATS your post I just quoted has to be the most indicative of the downfall of society mentality ever. Thank You for capturing the essence of what is wrong with the world in such a brief post. I commend you, will star you and wow will forever remember this moment of my life. I hope to engrave this post on my tombstone.

Unbelievable! Such genius can be found on ATS, amongst all of the most disturbed grouping of people in the world you have managed to bring SANITY to our community. I wish we were family, those genes are dominant Im sure.

Originally posted by randomname
you know what offends me about muslims, not all of them, just the bad ones: crashing airplanes into skyscrapers.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Ridiculous! This is plain wrong. Seems like Muslims try every avenue possible to force their extremism upon the rest of the world. If they want to live in another nation and become a citizen of that nation they need to meld into it . . . not try to convert it. All this cultural heritage and religious extremism bs destroys any possibility of unity between peoples and does nothing but cause problems. I really doubt that it was the fact that they thought this man was trying to make fun of them and was more-so the issue that he was singing for no good reason according to their beliefs.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:00 AM
Dude Islam offend no one. Islam is the #1 religion in the world. They are tolerant of Christ for Christ's sake lol. No other religion even holds him in regard. Islam and Shia Law will rule the world one day and its funny, because someone told me Islam was created as the opponent of Xtianity which was created as the opponent to Judaism; all of which was a scenario created by Julius Caesar in his self imposed exile to fulfill HIS blueprint known as the NWO.

One day even Christ will have worshipped ALLAH! LOL man this ish is getting out of control.

"TOLERANCE should have been a commandment."

I want T-Shirts and acknowledgement for the just mentioned quote. You keep the money; just lend me some like in January lmao peace

Originally posted by Vortiki
I like to believe I am fairly tolerant of other cultures, but this is just way out of hand. Is the entire planet supposed to bend over backwards for one religious group? I'M offended that guy got fined because of those muslim folk. Since he got fined for offending them, shouldn't THEY get fined for offending me? Or are they so special that the rules don't apply to them? Where does the idiocy and madness end?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:03 AM
Everyone on ATS offends me with their ludicrous conspiracy theories! So what?

2nd line

Originally posted by kyred
reply to post by dolphinfan

Heh! Yodeling offends me, too! And I'm not a Muslim.
Of course, Muslims' calls to prayers offend me, too. It makes me think they might be making fun of yodeling Austrians.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by fonenyc
Islam and Shia Law will rule the world one day

God help the world the day that happens, I sure hope the females in my family have already left the world and do not have to live under that tyranny and abuse.

and its funny, because someone told me Islam was created as the opponent of Xtianity which was created as the opponent to Judaism; all of which was a scenario created by Julius Caesar in his self imposed exile to fulfill HIS blueprint known as the NWO.

Ummm, alrighty then.
edit on 16-12-2010 by nonnez because: Tags

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Free expression has limits, unless you'd think it acceptable for me, next time I'm in a US airport, to continually express myself in a manner along the lines of: ''I've got a bomb''.

How far will that ''free expression'' get me ?

I have to admit, I'm at a loss to explain why I should care what you do at an airport. Sure, I think it's perfectly acceptable. Go for it. Might want to go down to the local theater to scream "fire!" while you're at it. In for a penny, in for a pound, eh? You won't find me in either place, so I can't say that I care much what folks choose to do there.

Do they have lawns over there? Do they mow them? Are you unable to determine the difference between mowing a lawn and creating a stampede?

So if you want to hate on, shall we say, the POTUS, and you scream your hatred at him outside the Whitehouse, and you put up websites, post blogs and youtube videos conveying the same message, do you think that you would be free to do so ?

Sure, I make no secret of my extreme dislike for the guy currently holding the office. Presidential he ain't. I've had a LOT to say about him, none of it good, and ain't had any problems yet.

Now that THAT'S out of the way...

Care to explain to me how that scenario relates to me mowing my own yard, and singing while I do it? Even if he WAS the next door neighbor. His say stops at my fence line.

How's that ''free expression'' working out for you over there ?

Pretty well. I'm not in jail or the looney bin over it. We're not the USSA.... YET.

As I say. I'm not sure of the Austrian laws that surround this issue, but one thing seems apparent to me; the judge ruled that his yodelling was a deliberate attempt to mock the Muslim call of prayer of his neighbours.

I'm sure that is why he was fined.

Well, uh, YEAH! That's why the judge said he was fined - for yodeling and offending the muslims. My question is, again, WHY HAVE THEY ALLOWED THIS? Hell, I though Austrians were about as tough as Germans. Then again, Germans seem to have been doing some knuckling under of late as well. I'm confident, however that they'll eventually snap out of it.

Originally posted by nenothtu
Restrictions, yes, absence, no. It's understood pretty well around here that I can express myself any old way I'd like, as long as I do it on my own place. I can't however, go to the middle of town and express my displeasure by physically harming anyone. I can offend the hell out of them, and do so on a regular basis. They can offend me right back, and also frequently do so. Sometimes, it works the other way 'round, and they are "first-offenders". That's OK, too. We have an understanding like that.

Again, I'm going to invite you to go into the middle of town and preach hatred against the POTUS.

Been there, done that, checked it off. No problems. I was careful not to actually hit him or anything, though. That would have been a crime, as I said above.

I'm sure LEOs will just wave at you as they pass, while you're exercising your 'rights'.

Nope. Some stopped to hear what I had to say. Surprisingly, several agreed.

If someone was spewing all sorts of racial hatred and incitement from their front garden, then I'm sure that some agency would get involved to put a stop to that.

Nossir. Nothing they can do until shots are fired or schmitties thrown - you know, an actual INJURY of some sort is done or is imminent. Well, even at that, in Greensboro NC they had no repercussions beyond some silly-assed "truth and reconciliation commission" several years after the fact, and in that case shots WERE fired, and 5 folks killed.

Maybe I should give you some background on that, though.

It seems that the CPUSA decided to hold a "Death to the Klan" rally in Greensboro a few years ago. Put posters up all over the place talking all sorts of trash about what they were going to do if the Klan showed up at their rally. Well, the Klan - and that's one racially motivated bunch of rednecks - decided they were being called out, and weren't about to back down from a bunch of communists. So the Klan came rolling in, to show they weren't scared. Some time, somewhere, someone provoked a shooting match that messed up a bunch on the communist side. No one ever went to jail over it, communist or Klan. As far as I'm concerned, the whole damn lot of 'em were idiots, and the incitement for a riot could have gone either way, but the communists had first dibs on it, because they are the ones who started talking the trash, and may have been the ones to start the shooting. In any event, no one from either side ever did any time over it.

They DID have a cute little "Truth and Reconciliation" dog and pony show a couple of years ago, though. Nothing got "solved", and STILL no one did any time.

Frakkin' waste of tax money is what it amounted to.

Still happens to this day, but not so much shooting goes on any more. Yup, free speech is pretty seriously protected, and singing while mowing doesn't even begin to compare to a Saturday morning shootout.

I don't know of any cases where it' ever caused a Saturday morning shootout, either, but there may be one somewhere.

Don't you have a similar crime to ''breaching the peace'' over there ?

Yup. "Breach of the Peace" involves... breaching the peace! DOING something, not SAYING something. Singing while working certainly doesn't meet the standard.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Well now,who came first in that neck of the woods? The Austrians or the Muslims? This is just another example of how intolerant and self-righteous the three monotheistic faiths tend to be.

I've said it before,I'm saying it again: learn to properly integrate into your host country or GO HOME! And shame on governments who would seek to ruin the long-standing INOFFENSIVE cultural norms of their own citizens so as to appease complaining non-natives.

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