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Pleideans Shot Down the LA Missile, Which was Headed Toward Iran

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

I thin all that silicone leaked into her blood stream

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:27 PM
that was a waste of 8 minutes i would like to get back

reply to post by snusfanatic

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:35 PM
This from her Facebook page posted 6 hours ago ( i am one of her fbook friends, daft not to be lol)

Colleen Thomas I found out I get my DNA upgrade today, I'm so excited!!!!!!
What is a dna upgrade and where can we all get one.
edit on 11-11-2010 by tarifa37 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by tarifa37

Well I don't know how your gonna do yours, but I would upgrade her with some of my DNA

All I have to say after watching a few more of her videos and checking out her home.... well, she is lucky she is hot. Someone as brain dead as her, with no good looks and no body, would surely be living in a cardboard box under a bridge.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:43 PM
S&F for posting another Colleen Thomas video...

2nd line as commanded by the Pleideans
edit on 11-11-2010 by Blarneystoner because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:47 PM
This woman is nuts. I'd assume that she's off her schizophrenia or paranoia drugs again?

She posted her phone number online and is upset that the interviewers want to "make her look stupid".

You posted your phone number online lady. You ARE stupid.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
This woman isn't crazy at all!!

She is a complete FRAUD, she rents out videos of alledged aliens.

She is nothing different from Dr Steven Greer...or his ilk.

Just someone trying to make an easy buck off of gullible people...

Actually, I don't believe she is a fraud...a fraud would not make absolute predictions short term and repeatedly. A proper fraud gives some predictions but far in the future, and a bunch of interpretive prophecys that can be neither proven nor nostradamous...vague things that can be applied to almost anything in a pinch.

She is continously talking about what is about to happen, she is very specific (and always wrong btw). This is either the worst fraud ever, or she is completely brainwashed and delusional, unable to stop herself from giving the endless failed prediction while demanding she has special knowledge.

So...not a fraud..just crazy with big erm...eyes...if she was ugly as sin, she would have no followers...but clearly people entertain her crazy based on her lovely eyes (or whatever)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Unfortunately, just through sheer chance, one of her stupid predictions will come true sooner or later.

She will then be hailed as the next Sylvia Brown (despite all her other predictions not coming true) and will cash in and make millions on the lecture circuit.

People like this are a waste of hair, skin, and the fecal matter that went into making them.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:54 PM
The Pleiadians won't evlove to the amoeba stage for a few hundred millions of years (assuming there are any planets in this newly formed star cluster) and anyway, why would they shoot down a plane flying from Hawaii to Arizona? Without anyone noticing?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

FAKE!! Staged phone calls to really try and sell this B.S.! Lol.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

Bat # crazy or is she a wanna be illuminati propagandist? Are you?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:27 PM
This gal could make a producer in Hollyweird a lot of cash! She and other good looking women (nut cases) like her, could have a prime time reality show and call it "Real housewifes of the UFO community." Think about it!

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:04 PM
Honestly, can't we have serious topic headers on ATS? Sometimes I am reminded of those rags that one sees at grocery store check outs. Remember the one with the B-17 found on the moon? How about all the pictures of aliens with prominent political figures?

Enough already....

ps: Whatever you've been smoking, will you please send me some?

edit on 11-11-2010 by trailertrash because: typo

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:50 PM
It would be nice to first provide some evidence that those pleade-whatever exist...

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by 6205LH

I believe the Pleadians exist in the limbic system of an unstable human mind. I recommend the book by Pharmacologist, Ronald K. Seigel entitled: "Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia." There are several cases in this book that seem to mirror Colleen's current mental status.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:18 PM
After reading this thread I have seen no comment on the CI@ moving in on her, feeding her dissed/information thereby encouraging her to her 'thing'. Reminds me of the comment "Never waste a tragedy". This fits into the CI@ disinformation agenda to confuse the folks and lead them astray from the truth. This should be the concern here, no? I got a chuckle as the next fellow though let's see this for what it is, a tragedy in the making.

The CI@ would have been better off attempting to inform her that her contract as the Plaeidean P.R. rep.....lOl..... has been cancelled.....until further know, not to offend her. We don't want her to lose any more sleep something out of character. You know.....

People, people, people.
When will they ever learn.....?

edit on 11-11-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by autowrench
Then you know that it is possible it was shot from a submarine. As said by the former deputy secretary Robert Ellsworth.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:34 PM
I am glad to see she has finally started wearing lower cut tops for her videos... this one held my attention MUCH longer than the last one!

Why are attractive women always crazy?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Someone please enlighten me as to why this lady is not locked up in a rubber room? She is crazy as a bedbug. No I'm wrong. She makes a bedbug seem tame. It is a shame that there are people in this world like her. I wonder if she has taken her last trip without leaving the Pharm.?

edit on 11-11-2010 by inven104u2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Perhaps the Pentagon is sending a message to Obama.
"NWO full steam ahead", with no compromise.
Are folks not aware the pentagon controls the president, not the other way around.
This could be a reminder, a 'check' so to say like the 'unauthorized' (remember?) NYC airliner flyby a few years ago that sent the folks scrambling for answers.....of which never made any sense.

Let's stick to the facts folks and seA it for what it is.
I don't believe Obama has the nuclear codes either though an Israeli/American dual citizen does/did.
That should be of 'grave' concern.
AIPAC and PNAC have still not been investigated/subpoena'd for 9/11.

Remember there are 12 levels of authority above the 'p'resident.
A shadow govt. is in the shadows for a reason and is looking a bit pale of truth.
The pentagon needs to have it's house cleaned, asap.....
edit on 11-11-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

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