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Who am I?

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:14 PM
You can verify all information given in this thread by observing your consciousness (as I did). Modern science won't help you here

What is the main difference between a humanoid robot with advanced artificial intelligence and a human being?
Robot is a machine. Machines have no consciousness and are not able to act. Machines react. There is no way to create artificial consciousness.

What is a human being?
If you lose a leg or two, you are still yourself (you sense, but you are not matter).
If you change your mood, you are still yourself (you feel, but you are not emotions).
If you change your mindset, you are still yourself (you think, but you are not thoughts).
The very basis of a human being is consciousness.
You are consciousness. The observer. Everything else is properties.

Keep in mind that you are usually observing more than focusing on.
Most of the time you are focused on observing senses. All sensual information is coming through various receptors in your physical body, divided into five main channels: we can see, smell, hear, taste and touch. Vision is the dominant sense.

However senses are not everything that we observe.
The next layer of information is our emotions (vitality). Emotions are not something abstract or undefined. Emotional information is divided into seven main channels (muladhara, swadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishudha, ajna, sahasrara) and you feel it along the center of your body.
These feelings are not senses, because emotional information is not coming through physical body receptors and thus we can fully control our emotions.
These channels are known as chakras. Check my video on youtube if you are not familiar with concept of chakras

Various combinations of chakra activities make different emotions that we can identify. We rarely focus on our emotions, but automatically observe them.

Third layer of information is our mentality. We observe mental information on our "inner screen" projected by ajna chakra. Mentality is kind of a mirror to our senses (mental vision, hearing, taste etc.), but we can control mental information. I mean both "memories" and "phantasies" have the same nature. And of course we have an inner voice. Well, actually we have two inner voices. One is originating in our mental hearing, and we can easily stop it.

The second one is not of mental nature. It is the "voice" of our consciousness. It is extremely difficult to stop this voice, but if you manage to do it you are losing your current individuality and going straight to higher consciousness (samadhi).

So we are consciousness. Do you agree?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:25 PM

So we are consciousness. Do you agree?


I am not consciousness. I am, being. It is not about labels. Being, is consciousness but i am neither being nor consciousness.

I believe that chakras points are distractions. My mind is not a chakra, nor is it an affect of chakras.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Interesting premise.

In all honesty, I believe our consciousness is only a part of our humanity. I believe a more apt way to describe ourselves is this: We are the sum of our experiences and core principles, and as such, we are in a constant state of fluctuation.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by maria_stardust
I believe a more apt way to describe ourselves is this: We are the sum of our experiences and core principles, and as such, we are in a constant state of fluctuation.

This is exactly what I've tried to point out in this thread. Everything that fluctuating is our properties, but our consciousness is the immutable entity experiencing these changes.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by onequestion

So we are consciousness. Do you agree?


I am not consciousness. I am, being. It is not about labels. Being, is consciousness but i am neither being nor consciousness.

I believe that chakras points are distractions. My mind is not a chakra, nor is it an affect of chakras.

So how would you answer this question "Who am I"?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Etherguide

Well, if i was consciousness, and everything is a projection of my conscious self, i would have to assume i was everything!

In this situation, i could not assume how to affectively define into a single word, or definition of words that properly portray what it is i am.

What we are is not bound by words.
edit on 11-10-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:48 PM
None of the studies of spiritual disciplines really matter...they are only illusions that we cater to on the path to Self Realization. Nothing will prevent awakening more than trying too hard. It is only the desire and commitment that will lead to Remembering Who You REALLY Are.

And when you finally get discouraged or give up trying- you may spontaneously Awaken, and REMEMBER that you are God. You have been God for eternity and will be God forever. These thousands- maybe billions of lives you are living concurrently in the past, present and future are nothing but a silly diversion that you take on for entertainment. Because it's FUN for You to experience EVERYTHING in this Dream! Rocks, trees, animals, gases, people, water, sky, grass, math,anger, joy...EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

BUT......Can you imagine ANYTHING more fun than remembering you are GOD??????

It don't get any better than that! Kinda like winning the Game.


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Boypony

Hey, i agree with you.

I just think the term god, puts what it is we are, into terms of human experience, which is what words are right?

All is the path to ......

Actually, saying i am god, kind of, how do i say, changes it, it takes away the truth of it.

edit on 11-10-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Boypony

I couldn't agree more with your point, but I still believe that spiritual studies really matter for our civilization right now. With all advanced science and technologies, being in control of emotions and desires is still not a common knowledge for modern society.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Etherguide

When we rewrite the myth and restructure the planet, we will build a system that teaches intuitive creation and that will enable our children to be masters of their domain.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by Boypony

Actually, saying i am god, kind of, how do i say, changes it, it takes away the truth of it.

Heh, that is true. I actually believe that our root is in creator and we are all parts of one. This sounds too epic and I'm trying to avoid this point in my posts.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Etherguide

I like to think of it as, the subconscious is the universal mind or creator, the conscious is an extension of mind. Best explained, or most notoriously explained by the relationship of father and son.

The conscious mind is doing the work of the subconscious mind.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by Etherguide

I like to think of it as, the subconscious is the universal mind or creator, the conscious is an extension of mind. Best explained, or most notoriously explained by the relationship of father and son.

The conscious mind is doing the work of the subconscious mind.

My current individuality is consciousness, but I believe that it is going to integrate with subconsciousness more and more until the point of absolute unity since the consciousness and subconsciousness are of the same nature.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Etherguide


Thats why awareness training is imperative.

When you live completely in the moment you will be aware of everything in existence.

In this thread we have found truth, simple.
edit on 11-10-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:25 AM
Great stuff Guys!

I'm a bit hypocritical.....I studied metaphysics for about 40 years before I had an EPIC awakening.....and after the event I read/studied harder than ever to hopefully find others who had had the same experience. But this was more for my peace of hopefully verify that I wasn't stark raving mad.
But the awakening (remembering) was so obvious in comparison to the millions of pages of "how-to" books I had read! Once you reach Self Realization, the complicated methods all seem so meaningless, when all one really needs to do is to focus inward and get the Ego to shut the hell up for awhile! All Awakening is - is a slight shift in consciousness- it can happen in a flash- or from one step to the next. And it hits like a ton of bricks. And all you can think is OMFG. I REMEMBER. And you feel so unbelievably wonderful- basking in the glory that is your True Self. And life will NEVER be the same. Even 3 years later- every other thought is about that experience. And I wouldn't trade it for all the gold on Earth.

So keep studying...anything that keeps your intent and emotion on the goal can't hurt. But believe me- Enlightenment is REAL and can happen to anyone. Just knowing what it is tells you that you are a bit higher on the ladder. Just don't get so tied down in the complexity of the books. A silent walk in Nature with a quiet Ego is worth many books! Relax...don't force it. It'll come.


posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Who am I?


Travel back in your own history. Remove the veils of information you have built up around you. Did you know of chakras before that information was presented to you? Dismiss it then.

Did you know of metaphysics before you heard of the word? Dismiss it then.

Did you know of religion before you were taught it? Dismiss it then.

Did you know of race before you perceived others and were taught they were different? Dismiss it then.

Did you know of your nationality before you were taught it? Dismiss it then.

Did you know of your family before you opened your eyes? Dismiss it then.

Coming out of the womb, who are you? You do not know.

Coming out of the womb, what do you desire? Love.

What is love?

It is within you.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Etherguide

Originally posted by maria_stardust
I believe a more apt way to describe ourselves is this: We are the sum of our experiences and core principles, and as such, we are in a constant state of fluctuation.

This is exactly what I've tried to point out in this thread. Everything that fluctuating is our properties, but our consciousness is the immutable entity experiencing these changes.

Sort of a contextual slurry of all of it gathered together as each instant, and each burst of intellect, adds to it. What is missing is the monitoring effort to shunt some input items and amplify other input items per a seemingly directive protocol. As if the gathered self has a means to construct itself once it has become sophisticated enough to manage that construction process.

This, of course, brings up the question of what part of you is actually in charge of the development of you. The brain, or the intellectual output of the brain. Now, we do know that the information stored within the DNA strand manages the development of the corporeal systems, and we do know that if we reprogram that DNA strand, we can reconfigure how the corporeal system functions, so we do know that the causal development process of the corporeal matrix is directed and monitored by information.

We also know that human intellect is a very sophisticated form of information, and that human consciousness is an aspect of intellect - suggesting that human consciousness is also information, albeit a very unique and specific form of information. This established, could it be that our own consciousness manages the complex process of intellect development? Or is our consciousness only the experience of that intellect's development as managed by an aspect of our intellect that we're not fully aware of as corporeal beings? And what is intellectual development if not a means to an end? After all, it's a lot of dedicated effort and intricate focus on the progression of nothing if it's all just radiating information that is the result of a corporeal generator with no purpose beyond its brief run at existence.

Personally, I see the generation of intellect as the 2nd stage of human gestation, with the corporeal body acting as the placenta within this corporeal realm as the womb. When we die, we're born into our full and finished selves. Fully dynamic and fully human, and a full expression of our whole selves. Everything we have ever been represented as ultra sophisticated information, with each burst of intellect as cells in our new physical form. Each burst whole and distinct, while joined through common source and purpose. Very much like cells, with our consciousness as the thread that runs through the whole of it all - common source and common purpose, as well as the holistic sense of self.

The means of intellect development and refinement? That's complicated but I have an idea what that is and why.

edit on 10/12/2010 by NorEaster because: spelling

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Actually i didn't conzeptualize love untill i understood what it was i was "missing" which i believe is key.

The only thing you were when you were born was.... aware....

It wasn't untill i started to understand and experience that i was able to conceptualize anything. Love is just, another one of those things.
edit on 12-10-2010 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
Actually i didn't conzeptualize love untill i understood what it was i was "missing" which i believe is key.

You simply forgot my friend. Do you have any children of your own?

If so, did you not see love in your baby when it was born, staring back at you?

Babies know there parents. The bond is formed before birth. What is that bond?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Did you know of your family before you opened your eyes? Dismiss it then.
reply to post by IAMIAM


You are only aware of being... without the comparison of not love do you understand love, yes you see love in your babies eyes, but what are you really seeing? Is it your babies love, or your love for the baby that makes what you see?

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