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-------\\>>>Max Keiser: THEY are going to take amerikA OFFLINE<<<//-------

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:01 PM
Here is the latest and greatest from Max Keiser. To be entirely honest, he's the only guy I'm listening to for financial information on a weekly basis. I do my best to absorb everything he says, because as far as I can tell, he's been spot on for years.

Max is currently saying that hedge fund managers around the world are about to make a concerted effort at nailing the U.S. ... TOMORROW ... dropping the USD and raising gold to 1,400-1,500 .. perhaps as soon as tomorrow. He openly has stated that gold is going to 5,000-10,000 in the next few years. I think this may be it, guys. This may be the fall crash that many have been predicting.

Max Keiser on PressTV Part 1:

Max Keiser on PressTV Part 2:

I just found an additional segment Part 3:

edit on 11-10-2010 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Well, it's a good thing I've been stock-piling gold all these years.....Wait........Damit! I knew I forgot to do something!

Seriously, I hope this guy is wrong.

Maybe everyone will be so sacred of the alien invasion that they will forget about the markets

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:12 PM
My first observation would be that he quickly becomes irate when he talks about the plan to "take America offline". He clearly has a personal interest in this idea and therefore I would judge him to be unreliable at best and out right inflammatory, most likely.

Secondly, there has not been any mention in the press of blaming Blacks and Latinos for the mortgage crisis. McKinney is playing politics here with some serious spin. She is trying to connect the boarder issue with the long standing corruption of our financial system to please her personal agenda in some manner. Ironically, anyone paying any attention to the Major media would notice that the blame is going straight to the wealthy and politically powerful and not the average American, middle or lower class, regardless of race. For once, the nation has realized that we are ALL victims of an elitist agenda.

Of course if you have an interest in attacking America what better place to do it without being challenged than on a news network run by the Iranian Government?

BTW, gold settled at 1366 just the other day.. reaching 1400 would not be a surprise at all in this climate.

This max guy is a whacko, not a journalist.

Everyone is predicting all manner of doom and gloom at the moment. It seems likely to me and many others that we are in for something nasty here.. Just keep tossing out fatalistic ideas, you can claim that you are a genius when you hit the button. You WILL hit it eventually when you "predict" things that are obviously a potential promlem.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Fiberx

Gold is at $1,350. Going up to $1,400 would be a rise of 3.7% in a single day.

This guy is certainly not a whacko, he's simply very passionate about his ideas and understandings of the current situation.

Seeing as there's only a week to know if he is/was onto something or not, perhaps it would be best to delay judgment until then.

BTW, I see this is your 4th post....

Welcome to ATS.
edit on 11-10-2010 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:23 PM
scary times we are in

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:40 PM
well I certainly agree with him
on 1 point

the bankers are the terrorists !!!

whether there will be a concerted effort tomorrow
to move the dollar to ruin is another story. We'll
have to wait and see. Really it don't mean a hoot
to me as I have no money or property as I have already
lost everything and my house was foreclosed
in April already. So I say go ahead. We need
the change.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:45 PM
My 4th post and thank you.

Gold has moved quite a bit in the past, more than 14% in a single day in 2008 in fact. We are in a stressful period with many people sensing serious trouble ahead (and behind and to every side for that matter!).

Besides, if there were to be an international conspiracy to devastate the U.S. Markets with a coordinated attack and crush the dollar in a single day, or even the coarse of a month for that matter, gold would move WELL past "$1400, or maybe even $1500!".

Imagine the revaluation of a primary commodity that is considered as the most legitimate basis for the valuation of currency (used to actually be that way!) and who's value is being debated in terms of U.S. dollars, when the international banking consortium purposely crashes that dollar?

It would be a massive magnifier of impact. You boost gold by creating financial chaos and the inject some nitrous in the gold/dollar equation by crashing the dollar at the same time! If this guy has the inside track he would be claiming gold at $2000 US PLUS in a week.

He is reading pretty standard signals of a crash - Gold and Dollar rising together, surge in oil, also along side the US Dollar and a long term "Head and Shoulders" pattern in the overall market charts and trying to make a name for himself by being the guy that called the home run over the left wall.

Frankly, if gold goes to "10 - 20,000", we"ll just go back to a Gold based Dollar.

I'd highly recommend hoarding your jewelery in that case as your Fancy watches or necklaces may be worth more than your house at that point.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Fiberx

Trying to make a name for himself!!

This guy is well known already.

Max Keiser

Of particular interest:

Predictions Throughout Keiser's shows he has been known for making predictions: * In the September 2004 issue of The Ecologist magazine, Keiser correctly predicted the 2008 collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when he wrote, "My guess is that the two stocks that look the likeliest to implode at the hands of derivative-wielding Wall Street financial types (and other fundamentalists) preying on a US economy made weak by cheap money are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."[21] * In 2006 he correctly predicted that sub-prime mortgage-backed securities would be the cause of recession by 2008.[18][dead link][citation needed] * In 2007 he correctly predicted the break-down of Iceland's economy in 2008.[22] * In July 2008, accused Lehman Brothers of "trying to out-Enron Enron", accusing the bank of "Peek-a-boo accounting", an attempt to mis-report the bank's wealth by gaming the regulatory system[23].

So while the political pundits keep spouting out their nonsense, I'll keep preferring to listen to this "whacko" as you put it...

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Max Kaiser is sometimes a bit over the top in his delivery, but that's just his style, and he has built a nice little following, myself included. He is far from being a wacko. He's been a waaaaay more reliable source of news and information on the state of the financial industry than say, CNBC and most of the rest of the MSM, who have simply become mouthpieces for the jackles who raped this country. He's been pretty spot on in his analysis of our latest crises. This interview worries me.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Interesting times for sure. Max is a good guy IMHO...
With the PPT hard at work everyday, they also manipulate metal prices its hard to pin the tail on the donkey...
but it will happen. Gold up...again over a dozen straight gains in a row...Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, or several months (dont hold your breath on that last one).

Election days are fast approaching. From here till the end of November keep your eyes peeled, and a cell phone close at hand.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:54 PM
I am not sure why people put faith in gold to hold them through a recession...

First off you are assuming that if the monetary system stays active that the price of gold would stay up to where you could in a pinch take that and exchange for cash to go exchange for food.

Second the reality would be if the system crashes gold would crash with it and there would be no way to exchange for a trading commodity like cash, which runs you into the first barrier; who on earth would give up precious survival goods for a little bit of now worthless metal?

So you have purchased who knows how many thousands in gold, in the hopes you can use it when the economy shakes, when no one is going to accept that gold for their food, or their guns, or their ammo, or their medical supplies, or fuel, only a fool would give up something that will keep themselves alive for a hunk of worthless gold. Which is why those who have stockpiled gold will hoard it like little gremlin fiends until the economy comes back, and when that happens I guarantee you the NWO or whatever you want to call them is not going to have an economic value on gold.

Do people really think that the monsters who are purposefully crashing the economy would offer anyone a bit of economic solidarity when the system comes back online?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Aziroth

The idea is for us to bring the system back on line.

The whole service to others takeover idea. Where we start over and rewrite history and restructure the global economy, and ideal set?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Oh thats the idea? How are people going to do that? If citizens cant come together to stop them before the collapse everything, then how are they going to come together enough when chaos is rampant? I would love to see it happen, however people are too pacified to be able to formulate a reformation like that. These people have been planning this for who knows how long, by some accounts it could be 60 to 70 years, and by others over 3 thousand, how can people unite enough under apocalyptic times to break that when right now they are too busy building a schism?

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Lay off the newbie, Im new too but I probably lurked since before you knew this site existed.

You never know who writes on these walls.

On the other hand, that is one of the best sigs I've seen in my time here.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Skerrako because: comment

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 01:58 AM
LOL the way Max Keiser responds to the guy in London in the first video when he claims the U.S. has the greatest economy in the world.

I usually like what Cynthia McKinney has to say, but I agree with the other member who said they haven't really seen any reports that claim the blacks and the hispanics are to blame for the foreclosure crisis. She is obviously catering to her own personal agenda with that statement. HOWEVER, where I live, there was an unusually high incidence of people from these two ethnic groups who lost their homes. Seems to me that there probably was a bit of targeting of these two groups by the predatory lenders if the truth is known. Another thing that I notice is that McKinney seems to try to absolve the homeowners of any responsibility for this crisis. Though the lenders were acting like criminals, the homeowners have to take a certain amount of responsibility for signing for loans they couldn't afford in the first place.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:21 PM
Well unfortunately the crash of the dollar has been planned for a long time.When this happens it will be followed after a while by regional and then someday a global currency. Bankers (of the international cartel sort) will still be in control, and China will be the strongest country on earth.
Gold won't actually rise in value, gold's value never really changes. Everything changes in relation to gold, not the other way around.

And gold is up 25 today...
Almost to 1375...
edit on 13-10-2010 by time91 because: gold

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 02:36 PM
Max to me is the Jim Cramer of gold buyers. I think he is better at marketing than a newsman. This show, and his show are pure concoction.

press tv

I agree with max, but he is a spot of rumour mixed with regurgitated news. I rarely learn anything from him.
edit on 13-10-2010 by Bluesquid because: (no reason given)

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