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Women are stronger than men

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Unstable Affliction
Men hunt. Women clean. Its just the way of life. Unless your queer, then you would also participate in the household cleaning too.

The only way a women would be stronger than a man would be all the bin-bags shes been carrying to the bins every monday morning for the past 30 years. Standard.

And in your tiny weeny little world of 2 adults with 2.4 kids etc, had you ever considered the single people who do EVERYTHING for themselves, and would you consider all of them "queer"?

You obviously put little thought into your are weak.

[edit on 21/7/2010 by nerbot]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by nerbot

Yeah nerbot, just ignore the guy who posted, he obviously is living in caveman times.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:15 PM
I can military press my wife over my head 10 or 15 times and she can't lift one of my legs...does that count?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Lol. All my ex boyfriends were stronger than me... but i wouldnt want em any other way.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:24 PM
But I can pee farther up a wall if she doesn't stand on her hands!

Oh my god I cant believe there is so many pages to this obviously absurd thread.

The best part about a woman is her difference to a man. The best part of a man is his difference to a woman. Mix the two and a miracle happnes. New Life! A life that science cant re create. No matter the intelligence or lack of in the parents! Yes in childbirth women sustain pain until the ordeal is done. Then after the birth, Its a rare find to see a woman that regrets the moment of birth and creation of a new life..

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by awakentired

But women are not stronger due to child birth. If men had the parts to give birth, they would be just as equal. So you cannot say that one is stronger than the other due to lack of organs, that wouldnt make sense.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 07:49 AM
I think the male and female society complement each other. It seems to work out nicely most of the time.
But what if it was like this. A baby produced by Parthenogenesis is always female. The XX factor in females make all virgin births female. Males are XY's.
Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in some species, mostly invertebrates. Offspring is always female.
This typically occurs when there is no males available, but when males become available again the female can produce normal offspring of males and females.
This doesnot occur in mammals normally. However: it can now occur with the assistance of scientists.
Virgin births are now possible, but not practiced. Since this world does not lack for male donors, Parthenogenesis is not needed.
So it seems that everything is female until the Y is added.
I don't think we would have too many tall buildings here with a female society.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Females are also better at being sexy then males.

And also they are better at complaining more then males, but males are learning the fine art of complaining, one day we will be as proficient in it as females.

They also are more flexible then males generally, I was watching this one show called the Olympics and they were all jumping around and doing the splits.

And they also are way better at getting pregnant then males, in fact males really suck at making kids.

They are also better thief's then males so good infact that its not even called thieving, this one guy who knew this one guy who was related to some dude said he watched this one chick steal that dudes car and even half his moneys and also he had to pay tribute to her once a month, and I was like wow now thats some skills in thieving, males can learn something from that. In fact I remember once when I was playing this game online I met a player by the name of Iamathief and it was a female avatar, she was like "hey there is that a lv 70 dethscyth can I see it, and I was like. I don't know if I should, you could just do that glitch were you shut off with any items in the trade menu going to you, and she was like no you can trust me, so I was like, ya i guess so". So anyways to make a long story short she stole my lv 70 deathscyth and she was a female avatar so that proves that females are thief's, and should not be trusted.

And they are also better at cooking stuff I know because my mother is female and she cooks better then me, I can't even make toast bread. I'm to lazy to toast bread takes to long.

And also they are better at playing with little kids, I know because little kids are boring and annoying to play with.

And also females are better at mindless repetitive talk, thats what I hear, that is a handy social mechanism to make people that you don't want to talk to not talk to you, males need to learn that skill, its a efficient way to the much sought after blissful silence.

And also female are better at being weird then males, I mean look at what they say and do, its just weird.

I could go on there are many more things females are better then males at but since you are a cat who knows I guess you would know better then me.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:48 AM
Utterly pointless thread.

My wife saw this thread and she was dumbfounded. During her natural childbirth, she was in pain and we talked about it. She said that it hurts but physical pain is nothing compared to the mental and emotional stress of business and life in general.

On the reasoning of emotions. My wife doesn't moan and groan about problems.

My wife is a strong woman Forget about the physical aspects (she's as obsessive in sports as I am in computers). It's about coping with life, her part in the business, and all of what I, as a man, does.

She never liked the whole feminist thing because she always lived her life never asking for special treatment. In one of her philosophical words, "Affirmative action is a lot like a beggar in the street asking for alms".

We never viewed each other as equals because there is no need to do so. We are equals. I guess modern society hasn't grown out of sexism after all these years. It's sad really.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Reply to post by catwhoknows

no offense but you need to grow up a little.
your op has zero facts and is a dangerous way of thinking.....sexism,, I think its called.
why imprison yourself like that?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:05 PM
This thread needs to die. Everything that people are posting, has already been posted by somebody else somewhere in this thread. So how about we just leave it to what it is. We have sexists and we have people who believe in equality. end of story.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by LuckyMe777

This thread can't die until I contribute my 2 cents.

My husband is the sole bread winner in the family and he works his butt off for us. He works a lot of hours, often gone for weeks at a time. He was a wonderful father when my kids were small, and he is still a great dad to them now.

However, I also work my butt off for this family. I chose to stay at home with my kids because they needed one parent home with them. Now, not only did I raise my kids mostly by myself and take care of all the household chores, cooking, cleaning, etc. I also do everything else. I fix whatever is broken. I've replaced toilets, sinks, ceiling fixtures, fixed my washer, my fridge, etc. I cut the grass, and take out the trash. I do everything most would consider man jobs. I roto till my own garden, plant, and grow my own veggies and I freeze and can them. I'm a mentally and physically strong person, but some days when I'm doing something particularly hard on me and I'm ready to give up, I can hear myself saying, " I'm freaking tired of being a man today!" and then I think of my hubby working his butt off and remember that we are a team. We both do what we have to do. I don't think I'm stronger than him, mentally or physically. I think we are pretty equal.

Now the thread can die.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Oh God help us from another sexist, pathetic attempt to divide men against women.

When will people get it? When will people grow up? This is just another piece of crap thread that is meant solely for the purpose of creating division and throwing out nonsense that will separate us.

As if we don't have enough things in this God forsaken country to divide us, now we're going back to the oldest one in the book. The gender card.

If you're so strong...DO SOMETHING. Feed the poor, stop the numerous wars around the world, save the gulf, save this country. As it were, you can't even save yourself. So, as far as I'm concerned, if women are so much stronger than men, and they even have greater numbers as far as population in this country...why hasn't anything constructive been accomplished?

And then I always hear this stupid excuse. Women are the one's making all the decisions behind every great politician. Well then, if this is the case, you all are the worst decision makers that I have EVER seen, plus you're psychotic, murderous, villainous monsters that need to be stopped.

My God. I wish someone would come down here and put the idiots on this planet to sleep.

Thanks for creating another B.S. thread filled with content meant to upset and create senseless divisions within our own country.

The day we realize that we are all one, will be the day we can set this crap aside and support one another. Until then, I guess its survival of the fittest for all the school yard bullies that don't know when to keep their thoughts silent and their mouths shut.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Strength and stamina in sport - I agree, of course men win.

Now, how about strength and stamina when that baby is waking you every 3 hours? Men just can't hack it.

Speaking from experience, women fold under pressure more often than men do.

And women are the only ones who keep the family together.

Really? That's interesting because statistics show that women initiate divorce more than men do. Do you believe divorce is a way to keep a family together?

So, I repeat, women put up with more than men do.

Tell that to the men who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell that to the police. Tell that to the fire department. Sure, there are female police, firefighters, and soldiers, but the fact remains that more men than women are taking up these crucial, stressful, and dangerous jobs. Your statements are ridiculous. Show some respect and smarten up.

[edit on 29-7-2010 by ChickenPie]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows

Now, how about strength and stamina when that baby is waking you every 3 hours? Men just can't hack it.

I know of a few single fathers with the mother not in the picture who would beg to differ with that statement very much.....

To even suggest that one makes a better parent in all cases is just offensive...

My cousin had her 2 year old daughter taken away and is now in my aunts custody because she sucks as a mom... The dad is not in the picture....

My friend Travis is a single dad and his sons mom is not in the picture and they are doing amazing!

With all due respect you fail to take into account that no two people are the same and that all men are different and all women are different....

A persons ability to do anything does not depend on their gender.... Not at all.

[edit on 29-7-2010 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by catwhoknows

Females are also better at being sexy then males.

Women had to become good at being visually appealing to men in order to survive. Males however could be as ugly and foulsmelling as they wanted and still get the women. This hasn't changed to this day, women spend hours on trying to look good and attract men while men well, you know if you need more than 30 mins. you're doing it wrong.

And also they are better at complaining more then males, but males are learning the fine art of complaining, one day we will be as proficient in it as females.

You didn't mention the ability of males to endure the female's rants and complaints, entire philosophies/religions were made up as a mental selfdefense against the onslaught and terror brought about by the continuously yakking female mind.

But in the end there are strong-minded women/men and weak-minded women/men.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Damn these feminazis are everywhere.

Anyway, surprisingly funny thread.

CatWhoKnows NOTHING!

posted on Aug, 9 2010 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Strength and stamina in sport - I agree, of course men win.

Now, how about strength and stamina when that baby is waking you every 3 hours? Men just can't hack it.

The fact remains that women have drawn the short straw in this world.

And women are the only ones who keep the family together.

So, I repeat, women put up with more than men do.

I would disagree, and so would my wife who is sitting here as I type this. When it came to sleepless nights I helped bear that burden on top of being a firefighter for both of my children (try working a busy shift, runs at all hours of the night then to come home and dutifully provide relief for the wife... I slept a total of a week for the first year of each kid). I'll give you childbirth, as mom always said "trying pissing out a basketball" I've been married nearly 14 years, I would say that it's pretty even keeled.
Women are not the sole reason the family stays together. Love, respect and a common goal keep a family together.
I sense that you are slightly jaded and your views are slightly skewed.

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