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Never before seen UFO photos - Debunkers?

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 02:50 AM
It's better to take this thread as a lesson than to continuously
get screwed by hoaxers wasting your time.

The OP is doing a service for ATS.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 02:54 AM
I can appreciate the original purpose of the OP topic, and in that aspect I would like to say thank you. This was simply an exercise in illustrating how someone with skill in photo manipulation can pass off fakes as something that could obviously fool some people. Good job, though I myself thought the lighting and reflections didn't seem to be entirely convincing. However, to be fair to other ATS members that have kinda gotten a bit irked, the thread post should have probably stated the intention initially where as it could be used as an opportunity to invite others to post pics for all of us to practice a critical eye in observation. We can help the community more by providing each other with challenges to overcome rather then break down the cohesion from within with ploys and revengeful attacks. Kind of long winded but you get what I mean right?

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:03 AM
A brilliant post!

Definitely helping our online community DENY IGNORANCE!

I can't believe some are rubbishing your thread, it's highly educational and is a great example of how we need to have an open mind when viewing ALL ufo media.


[edit on 7-7-2010 by and14263]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by InfaRedMan

What service? Proving that people can be fooled? The OP can be fooled too, just like you and you both have been fooled too in the past.

I sure did! When I was young, I wanted to believe so much that I allowed myself to be fooled. However, I grew up and realised that nothing should be accepted at face value. All judgements should be reserved until claims have passed rigorous investigation. Until all prosaic causes have been eliminated. Only then will I dedicate my time to something.

I cannot be fooled today! I never jump to any conclusion. Do you?

People like the OP just want their crotch massaged, nothing more, nothing less.

I can't help but think your projecting your own desires onto the Op here.


[edit on 7/7/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:35 AM
I just wanted to point out that some elephant pictures are hoaxes

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Zeta Reticulan]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:53 AM
ATS is about sharing information and learning from each other. NOT I repeat NOT to trick and fool people so you can get a few kicks out of it.

Your thread is a waste of space and an insult to ATS.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:33 AM
I'm not suggesting that pictures cannot be photoshopped. I'm asking with all the evidence taken into account, why bother attempting to debunk tens of thousands of photos taken by tens of thousands of people from hundreds of nations around the world?

Why bother disputing the evidence at all? Why bother making up pics if not for art, art that must have some basis in reality, or the artists would not have taken the time to convey the concept of us being visited.

flying saucers & ufos existed in the minds of peoples from around the globe long before any cameras were around for ATSers to blog about how not real the evidence is. Flying phenomenon were reported, (photoshopped on canvas, in stone, in statues, ets) long before the op could make the accusation that most of them are not reliable sources of factual information. If this is the case, then surely science fiction was the first religion, perhaps.....

Although i appreciate the efforts the op put into it, i dissagree with the intent to discriminate against anyone who steps forward with a picture being labelled a liar.

Who became famous & benefitted from stepping forward with their story, and who would do it again with high in sight in mind of how their experience would be judged?

By making such accusations we are not promoting a fair exchange of the flow of information, rather we are attacking the truth and belittling it.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
ATS is about sharing information and learning from each other. NOT I repeat NOT to trick and fool people so you can get a few kicks out of it.

Your thread is a waste of space and an insult to ATS.

But he didn't Fran... You're being a bit rough on thim. He actually says in the Op that all images are fakes in big bold letters. There was no attempt to fool or trick anyone. The only people who may have been caught out were the ones who hopped on the 'it's real' train without having the smarts to read the whole Op.

I suggest you go after the members on this forum that don't have the common decency to tell you that they are stringing you along. There are plenty of those self absorbed people here at ATS you can focus your rage on.

Like here, here and here!


[edit on 7/7/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:03 AM
The_Zomar is the anti-christ, he has insulted your faith, insulted your god


Get over it people. If you had bothered to read the post before commenting, this thread would have died a long time ago.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by franspeakfree
ATS is about sharing information and learning from each other. NOT I repeat NOT to trick and fool people so you can get a few kicks out of it.

Your thread is a waste of space and an insult to ATS.

But he didn't Fran... You're being a bit rough on thim. He actually says in the Op that all images are fakes in big bold letters. There was no attempt to fool or trick anyone. The only people who may have been caught out were the ones who hopped on the 'it's real' train without having the smarts to read the whole Op.

I suggest you go after the members on this forum that don't have the common decency to tell you that they are stringing you along. There are plenty of those self absorbed people here at ATS you can focus your rage on.

Like here, here and here!


[edit on 7/7/10 by InfaRedMan]

I suppose your right I read this thread straight after MolecularPHD's and I am sick and tired of attention seeking nitwits that want to grab their 5 seconds of fame at the expense of others. When I read the opening text on the OP

Never before seen UFO photos - Debunkers?

I would like to share with everyone these various photos that I have collected that were found on websites such as personal blogs and social networking sites like myspace and facebook. Up until this point these images have not been seen/released publicly as far as I am aware.


Each of these photos were created by me. The stories are all fake.

I couldn't help but feel that this thread was poking fun at the people that are dedicated to this topic and spend countless of hours researching and trying to find answers. After rereading this thread you may have a point.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by black cat

Originally posted by QuestionTheGovernment
So you made some picture's to show how easy it can be? It worked haha. Unfortunately people don't read and they are looking typical to what your initial intent was as the OP. I can't stop laughing man pure entertainment. This was better then looking at a thread where there was something that isn't norm and people are bashing the hell out it. A good quote to live by "Where we have strong belief's, we are more liable to fool ourselves" from the man Carl Sagan.

Oh yeah, that's great. So what's the point? Everyone visiting the UFO forums who open a thread containing pictures should look for the fine print reading "These aren't real, I created them all myself - Ha Ha on you if you took these seriously!"??? This forum exists for a reason, not for childish pranks and not to make fun of people.

Sorry but most of the stuff in this forum is childish pranks and just outright fake #. How anyone can take this forum seriously i don't know.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

I couldn't help but feel that this thread was poking fun at the people that are dedicated to this topic and spend countless of hours researching and trying to find answers. After rereading this thread you may have a point.

I kind of thought that if this thread was poking fun at anyone, it would be the folks who do crap research and are quick to assume and too eager to believe.

UFOs were one of my favorite subjects. Then I spent time on ATS reading fanatics screaming about blurry lights being real and crying that Billy Meier is just misunderstood. It would be nice to think that anyone posting in any authoritative manner with their "countless hours of research" can read bold print on the first page of anything they are looking at.

That is just my opinion. I appreciated this thread because it did a nice job pointing out one of the biggest problems plaguing the UFO forum. Some people want to believe so badly that they simply will without even thinking about looking at anything included let alone QUESTIONING in the first place.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
I hope some of you will be more weary when deciding if UFO images are legit or false.


After going through your post I'm none the wiser!!
How does one decide whether a UFO image is false or legit? That is what you should have explained, not opened a thread for displaying your Photoshop skills!

That said, now tell us if this one's a fake or legit and your explanation as to why it is so.....

[edit on 7-7-2010 by OrionHunterX]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by ChicUFO
WOW! Is anyone actually reading the OPs post?

haha yes .. its interesting how many people just read the first part of the post..

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by L.HAMILTON
S + F !! The third picture is very convincing as you can see the object's reflecction on the water that is identical to the object itself shadows match.

Thanks for making me shoot my juice out the nose.
Holy crap in a bucket.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by keepureye2thesky

Originally posted by L.HAMILTON
S + F !! The third picture is very convincing as you can see the object's reflecction on the water that is identical to the object itself shadows match.

Thanks for making me shoot my juice out the nose.
Holy crap in a bucket.

Wow! Some laugh!
But I second you!! That's the problem with guys who find it excruciating to read through the entire post before firing from the hip! 'Reflection' my ass!!

[edit on 7-7-2010 by OrionHunterX]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson

I kind of thought that if this thread was poking fun at anyone, it would be the folks who do crap research and are quick to assume and too eager to believe.

for me to believe that you are correct in your analysis, i would literally have to deny the experiences my five senses have provided me with and admit to myself my senses are not reliable.

who is right, your or my sensory perceptions, doc?
when someone is being diagnosed with dellusional misperceptions they are analyzed and patients of a panel of doctors with PhDs.

so if no one person can legally be permitted to diagnosis someone of any unsubstantiated mental dissorders, then how can you?

to make the claim people are too quick to assume anything is only a reflection of what you hold up for comparison when judging others, that is what you know of yourself is what you can accept is the reality as what must be plausible for them.

In other words, people are only capable of recognizing the aspects of other peoples intentions when they can recognize it within themselves, otherwise they are just full of

case & point:
Homosexuality, a choice some say.
me? i'm a well versed hederosexual who can not even begin to imagine that even if i had every gun on this planet pointed at my head ... i still couldn't get sexually aroused by another man.

so those who say it is a choice are only correct and not lying if they themselves once looked at a person of the same sex and thought to themselves: "maybe".

otherwise, they are lying, aren't they? how else would they claim to know why?

Originally posted by K J Gunderson

I kind of thought that if this thread was poking fun at anyone, it would be the folks who do crap research and are quick to assume and too eager to believe.

i'm not quick to assume, and i'm not eager to believe.

even if we totally dismiss 51% of all photos as junk, the odds are still in favor of us being visited by either our futures, our pasts, and/or being of origins as of yet unknown.

earth is only 1/9000 the age of the universe by most accepted accounts.

"we are attempting to communicate through time"
-Morgan Freeman, Wormhole Series

if we are attempting it, we are doing it....

maybe some people do not need the pictures either way.

perhaps science fictions' wildest imaginations don't even quantify the possibilities. maybe truth is the currency of choice between civilizations far older than us.....


can i have your permission to turn theat "M" upside down? do i need your permission to do so?
can i have your permission to re-arrange those letters a different way? do i need your permission to do so?


but who am i, and what do i know,

may the forces be with you,

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:16 AM
I'm not sure what the point of this thread is - well okay yes, I do get the OP's gist, but it's a bit redundant if you ask me.

I think most people on ATS are tech-savvy enough to realise that with the advent of Photoshop, mere photos of UFOs mean nothing anymore.
Hell, even film footage means nothing now. Whatever the quality, we all know it could've been faked.

I do happen to believe in UFOs and aliens, but the only evidence I'd truly believe would be the evidence of my own two eyes.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by lee63
The third one is a fake...I think, it was take in the water, yet there is no disturbance or ripples, plus it look too perfect.

Good collection of photos though....thanks for posting them.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by lee63]

u THINK its fake? hes admitted to creating all the images.

they are ALL fake lol didnt u read the post?

omg and someone actually starred you for it. hope it was a sarcasm star.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Originally posted by The_Zomar
I hope some of you will be more weary when deciding if UFO images are legit or false.

After going through your post I'm none the wiser!!
How does one decide whether a UFO image is false or legit? That is what you should have explained, not opened a thread for displaying your Photoshop skills!

That said, now tell us if this one's a fake or legit and your explanation as to why it is so.....
[edit on 7-7-2010 by OrionHunterX]

He's not telling you how to determine legitimacy, he's telling you to be wary on how you choose to interpret pictures.

To the OP, I think the point of your thread is wasted here. Good try though

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