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Who is now listening to Dr Glenn Beck?

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posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:03 PM
I am a recent convert to Glenn Beck's show. I can thank the Glenn Beck haters for this for that. My interest never would've been piqued so high if it weren't for them. To them I say thank you.

Beck has been on a ratings rocket and at this point is seemingly unstoppable.

Recent news is he has such a correct grasp on history that he has just received an honorary doctorate for Liberty University.

This man has been dubbed as a danger to American and its way of life for trying to educate people on the American Constitution and the facts around the men who wrote it. What they put on the line and what they died for. After listening to this man I can tell you that that couldn't be further from the truth. He has truly been a gift to my perspective.

He has renewed my interest in history, God and quite frankly in wanting to be a better man to my wife, kids, and peers.

I'd like to hear from other Glenn beck listeners and converts out there who this man has enlightened. I'd like to hear if he has changed your life and how he has done it.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:05 PM
You know damn well people are going to slag him because he received this award from a christian university. Hell they will probably start egging the university.


posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:10 PM
I'm glad you have found many positives from listening to Glen Beck.

For me on the other hand, he has given me yet another reason to get rid of my Sky package so i do not have to watch any more fake tears on Fox News any more.

Everyone to their own though, so if he has helped you and yours, that cool.


posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by DeathShield
You know damn well people are going to slag him because he received this award from a christian university. Hell they will probably start egging the university.

Good. Hopefully it will raise awareness and convert more to Christianity then.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:17 PM
I like Beck, But I'm afraid he is going to have an accident somewhere down the road. I hope not but he's got a lot of enemies.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Loken68
I like Beck, But I'm afraid he is going to have an accident somewhere down the road. I hope not but he's got a lot of enemies.

You said it brother.

He is going up against Crime Inc. these days.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

I listened and admired Beck for over 10 years. He was a class act with Teri Shiavo and many other situations.

I LOVED more on trivia (MORON TRIVIA)!

Beck still is getting info out but I had to distance myself when he started double speaking.

Debra Medina capped it.

He is part of the machine and I dont think he knows it. Remember when he was talking about "death camps" and then turned around in a matter of days and made jokes to cover it up? They got to him. He got scared.

He went to Fox, and became a millionaire. I didnt care that he did well (wish we all could) but I did care that he started "changing".

my problem with beck is he sold out and doesnt stick with what he preachs.

Sorry. Had to get away from him.

That being said, I listen to him like a "Axis Annie". I know what he is but he does have some good info. I'm just a bit more circumspect about him.

+20 more 
posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:44 PM
He works for Crime Inc.

TPTB would not allow someone a top rated show if they were truly causing trouble.

Glen Beck is at best, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Glen Beck "buys credibility with us" when he goes on about corruption in government, following the Constitution, trying to preserve the Republic, etc.

But then he will turn around and support hardliner stances, such as, Continuing Pre-Emptive Wars, ridiculing conspiracy theorists and anyone with alternative viewpoints.

For a pro-freedom guy, he sure does hate the 911 truth movement a lot.

I personally see him as a fake. A fraud. A script reading, Actor.

A puppet on a string.

The people are pissed at government, and it is Glen Beck's job to redirect that anger into areas where it will not throw a wrench into the system.

I have been following Beck since back when he worked for CNN, and I am back and forth with this guy seriously.

One day he is the most Patriotic and Freedom Loving guy around, then the next day he turns into the Fascist Pig he condemns.

And the fact that people believe everything he says without question, is a terrifying precedent.

Just because he speaks the truth 3-4 days a week doesn't make him cool. Because he is lying straight up the other 2 days.

He does a great job of redirecting public anger away from harming the system. He is very mainstream and avoids the real issues.

And when he covers a real issue, he obscures it, and quaintly ignores pertinent points.

Dissecting Beck is as easy as Keith Oblermann. They are both mirror images of the same wolf in sheep's clothing.

The best way to defeat a revolt against your establishment, is to control that revolt and lead it yourself.

This is a super old tactic.

+17 more 
posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:50 PM
There are so many things I take offense to in your posts my good sir I don't even know where to begin.

I too consider myself a Constitutionalist, and I cringe at even hearing the name Glenn Beck. Here is a list of what he is...

1. A con-man
2. A liar
3. A profiteer
4. A corporatist
5. A Christian lunatic
6. A 'CINO'(Constitutionalist In Name Only)
7. A threat to intellectuality

Maybe I could get my own show, get the camera to come real close upon me and say, "Ugh... America. I don't do this for fun, I don't get joy in what I am doing. It scares me America, I am scared. I am scared for myself and my family, just as you are presumably scared for yourself and your family. We are waking every morning and our beloved America is no longer recognizable. It has been hijacked by Marxist Progressives who want to destroy the constitution, silence free speech and take away our right to self defense so they can raid our homes and imprison us. We should pray, pray that the Secular Marxist Progressives don't come to finish the job that they have been working for since Roosevelt."(Starts weeping).

Pretty moving, eh??? It's bullsh_t! And as for being a history buff, I don't think revisionist history really counts my friend.

And my second problem with your post is that you states we should convert more to Christianity. Okay.... and how is that not offensive? People like Lonesome roads Beck talk about the Brown Shirts and the Nazi Youth being indoctrinated, uhh.... What do you think converting is?

You my friend, are today's Worst Person.... In the World!!!

[edit on 5/27/10 by Misoir]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Too bad all that you've just typed can be mitigated easily with the fact that Beck has that nasty little habit of being right about what he says almost every time he floats a theory.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:00 PM
d i s i n fo - - - a g e n t

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf
reply to post by Misoir

Too bad all that you've just typed can be mitigated easily with the fact that Beck has that nasty little habit of being right about what he says almost every time he floats a theory.

On somethings he is right and that is why I came back to change what I posted. Of course he says some things right, everyone tells the truth once in awhile.

But seriously, he is right on certain things. But to make yourself out to be a giant ass by saying everyone who doesn't agree with your point of view is unAmerican, Marxist, Socialist or Fascist is absolutely absurd. Glenn Beck is nothing more than a talking figure for the right-wing, TeaParty, Freedom Works, Faux News, and the Republican Party.

[edit on 5/27/10 by Misoir]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:03 PM
Glenn Beck has a lot of catching up to do. He hasn't touched the Federal Reserve scam nor 911 truth.

+2 more 
posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:11 PM
An Honorary PhD from a Fundamentalist Baptist school because he knows history so well.

This is the funniest thing I read all day. Thanks for that.

Apparently they are the only ones that have his history books because he gets it wrong ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time according to, you know history books, facts, news footage, records, etc.

But hey, people who believe and teach the world is 6000 years old gave him a PhD for being so knowledgeable.


I guess he probably got all the "facts" about Noah's ark right?

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
There are so many things I take offense to in your posts my good sir I don't even know where to begin.

I too consider myself a Constitutionalist, and I cringe at even hearing the name Glenn Beck. Here is a list of what he is...

1. A con-man
2. A liar
3. A profiteer
4. A corporatist
5. A Christian lunatic
6. A 'CINO'(Constitutionalist In Name Only)
7. A threat to intellectuality

It is very disturbing that you think other people have no brains and will be so easily indoctrinated by Glen Beck..
This is sadly what the modern liberal democrats think and it is one of the key points that Glen Beck talks about..
Rush also talks about this all the time,; that liberal democrats know better than everyone else and they always want to help protect everyone else from this threat..
They believe people have no brains and can't think for themselves and they want the public to allow them to have the "power" to protect us all from this. Because they know better than everyone else...
You prove that by your post..
LOSE your inflated self pride and you will discover that you are no smarter than anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Ha Ha Ha. Its funny because he offends people with the truth.

Teres a reason why his business has never been better.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:26 PM
This is why I question Glenn Beck.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf
reply to post by Misoir

Too bad all that you've just typed can be mitigated easily with the fact that Beck has that nasty little habit of being right about what he says almost every time he floats a theory.

Right... that Osama Obama is going to grow an unpopular mustache and get into uniforms-

Embrace ignorance

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by DJM8507
This is why I question Glenn Beck.

Wow, What an incredibly bigoted thread you have there. If that was what you were aiming for then you should be proud...

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by Thirty_Foot_Smurf
reply to post by Misoir

Too bad all that you've just typed can be mitigated easily with the fact that Beck has that nasty little habit of being right about what he says almost every time he floats a theory.

Right... that Osama Obama is going to grow an unpopular mustache and get into uniforms-

Embrace ignorance

[edit on 27-5-2010 by Janky Red]

Makes about as much sense as any thing else you ever said...

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