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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by undo

well that's how i found out about the concept of star gates in the first place. it all started in one of my many forays into researching biblical prophecy. i read the bottomless pit chapter (chapter 9 of revelation) many times but it never dawned on me to try to figure out what it was. one day i thought..

So you took a very vaugely written book, that makes almost no sense in most of what it says, and then invented something that would make sense, to you, because you couldn't stand something that is supposed to make sense, makes no sense, and went to another culture, to some other books, to invent that they mean what you were looking to invent in the other one.

Sure it all makes perfect sense to me.

Seriously could we please get back on topic, pimp a link to your thread, or fix us a drink of hemlock!

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by undo

an important concept to keep in mind is that all religious texts are written on more than one layer. In basic, it is two layers: one for the profane and one for the initiated.

You are delving into the meaning of the material that is meant to be understood by the initiated.

Even the Bible has its own Mysteries included in it. Manly Hall goes deeply into this concept in his book "Secret Teachings Of All Ages".

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

the problem is, in order for his theory to stand, it must reject any evidence to the contrary, with the added perc of just calling any contradictory information, fabrication. that's not the search for truth, that's the search for burying anything that disagrees.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by undo

As I've said specifically to you in at least one earlier post, my 'religion' remains in a state of flux and if I don't apply labels to myself, I'll be damned if anyone else should

As to the Bible, it's many things -- to many people. That's its strength and power

But at least one of the things it is, is a political document and/or a collection of same. And that (or at least its components) at various points in history was its intended purpose. It's still being used as a hand-held club by many -- again, to support this or that agenda

As to prophecy, it comes as no surprise to me that those 'editors' and their descendants-in-crime, are in a position to fulfil those agendas. And those who've spent many an hour in orgasmic visualisation of the fulfilment of those prophecies (with themselves in starring roles) would naturally throw a dummy-spit at the mere suggestion that it might all be denied them. For let's face it, many of them obviously haven't bothered pencilling in a future, should those prophecies fail to eventuate. In other words, some have built their lives around 'world's end' scenarios in-their-own-lifetimes. Just as those who gave away their worldly goods back in 1000 CE and trudged around carrying joyful (to them) signs declaing 'The End is Nigh'

Then ..... zilch. 1001. And they had to go on living. Damn !

Similar doom-sayers clutched at 2000

Same types are grooving to the hoped-for 2012 event

And gee, although they'll deny it now and hope no-one remembers --- old Blossom Goodchild had a good run, didn't she ?

Me ? Nope. I'm not contributing any energy to End-Times prophecies

Even if they pull a holographic stunt to coincide with the 2012 London Olympics, I'll be there peeling potatoes and watering the garden. Because I will not feed-into a sick need by the hopeless who want someone to fill in the gaps of their lives for them and render them more than they are, via 'big event'. Nor do I believe such sick-needs to be Christian in spirit. So if they're relying on the Bible for validation of their wish-list --- then it says a lot about the Bible, doesn't it, and not in a good way

For isn't it a central-belief/wish/hope of the 'Bible Prophecies Are Real' crew, that some (themselves, of course) will be 'saved' -- whilst those who've refused to contribute energy to the Big Wand Waving, will be 'damned' ?

Christian ? LOL. It's as if all their poring over the Bible has taught them nothing

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

the problem is, in order for his theory to stand, it must reject any evidence to the contrary, with the added perc of just calling any contradictory information, fabrication. that's not the search for truth, that's the search for burying anything that disagrees.

Then lets use logic and reason to prove it so.

"Shoot the messenger", if it were to bolster an argument, should not be allowed to do so.

SkepticOverlord said, in another thread, that almost all members of ATS should hope that the material we discuss is not true. I think Proto falls into this category. If he finds a pattern, should he ignore it? Is that not the very definition of ignorance? And does ignoring it make it any less true?

I say we allow his material to be vetted fairly, with truth as the only concern. All prejudices must be laid aside, no matter how delicate. To do otherwise is to deny truth.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

initiated? you mean like my discussion with this guy from the OTO? 2 hour interview

i'm about as far from being an initiate as my body parts dictate. if i understand anything for the initiated, it is only as a result of prayer and requests in prayer for answers. even then my stance is that the initiated are taught the concept of conjured spirit gates, to cover the reality of real functional machinery that opens interdimensional or intergalatic wormholes for the purpose of transport of people, resources and technology.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:30 PM

It's not that it was invented, so much as it's been represented. Once Rome gets its hands on something...

It tends to manipulate it for it's own gain, and Rome has gotten it's hands on everything in my humble opinion.

Exactly my point, and the clarification I was looking forward. Afterall nothing is invented, everything is reused and changed a little bit.

IMHO this should clarify undo's doubts about your theory.

To add alil bit, I think that LAW is the uttermost down on our faces PROOF that Rome still rules to this day.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Nice post

And timely

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Dock9

personally, i think the concept of punishment by tossing into the bottomless pit which is analogous to the lake of fire, hell, hades, and etc (depending on time line) is not what we've been lead to believe. it is not my fault that most of the people on the planet accept the papal interpretation of the bible, and not just believers but non-believers who want to criticize the text, frequently quote papal interpretation to do so. the historical papacy is like a walking, talking billboard for why you should not read the bible ever again! it's like pulling teeth without novacaine to get people to even read the text for themselves without the 2000 years of papal interpretations muddling it all up.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:35 PM
Your post is very intresting to me. Although, we have butt heads together before and I honestly have no further information to back my claim, seeing how majority of my info is from apocrypha, dead sea scrolls, gnostics, and pseduopigrapha. much of it is believed to be false.

I must tip my hat. Great job

[edit on 27-4-2010 by Jordan River]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

initiated? you mean like my discussion with this guy from the OTO? 2 hour interview

i'm about as far from being an initiate as my body parts dictate. if i understand anything for the initiated, it is only as a result of prayer and requests in prayer for answers. even then my stance is that the initiated are taught the concept of conjured spirit gates, to cover the reality of real functional machinery that opens interdimensional or intergalatic wormholes for the purpose of transport of people, resources and technology.

This is a long book, but will explain it in greater detail. If you haven't read it already, given your research, it might be a worthwhile read. It is like the "bible" for the Masonic lodge.

An "initiate" is someone who is insightful enough to see behind the curtain. To figure out the Mysteries. The "profane" is everyone else. The people who just want a simple existance, working daily to support themselves without concern for the big picture.

In Christianity, the "initiates" are generally going to be focused in the Catholic hierarchy, as they were the keepers of the knowledge (and didn't share with the protestants). The Jesuits likely would represent one piece of this information (i suspect it is fractured, much like intelligence in the US government, with each group having a piece of the big picture).

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

i'm trying but he keeps saying any evidence to the contrary is roman fabrication. you can't beat that kind of denial. there's no way to offer a reasoned or logical argument to a brick wall.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:52 PM
We arrive. We live. We die

All the rest is conjecture

During our lifetimes, we're subjected to claims offered or imposed by those who possess, or seek to possess, power and control

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

i'm trying but he keeps saying any evidence to the contrary is roman fabrication. you can't beat that kind of denial. there's no way to offer a reasoned or logical argument to a brick wall.

Yeah, that is true. It makes for a tough story to debunk, as it seems to use self affirming circular logic, at least in that regards. From that perspective, i would say that each individual will have to make up their own mind.

But in the larger picture, that is only one small element of the overall story. There are other areas that are more provable.

Regardless, while it may be frustrating if you want to take the theory on, i am not sure that it is insulting to anyone who is not looking for insult.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:55 PM
My only objection and critical train of thought was the lack of connection you had towards the end of our modern century to the rome. I thought the info about the 9/11 and bush was a little lacking towards the end. I also believe that this is indeed a brick wall claim. I just think it's too good to be true info. It would take great information to hide such a thing and information has always leaked. There are probably books written on the idea of some form or another, but again I just don't think the whole rome thing took off so strong, for so long and for the duration of a lie. This too must be ask to you my friend. How come you have an entire section on Julius ceasar and the fabrication of christ and have only a puny few paragraphs on the creation of Islam. Plus we have to ask questions about other religions interwoven into the idea. after that's done I will say it's a masterpeice even though I disagree with a lot of it, but then again I think Rome=the church. and to me the church wants to rule the world. IMO

[edit on 27-4-2010 by Jordan River]

[edit on 27-4-2010 by Jordan River]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by MorfeuZ

To add alil bit, I think that LAW is the uttermost down on our faces PROOF that Rome still rules to this day.

To me this is what the thread is about, is how Rome rules us through Law and Banking.

One of the things I tried to dislpay in the opening piece is Rome was good at taking from and then adapting, to it, the technologies and religions of the people it conquered and absorbed.

That they then started using a religion that was an amalgemation of many religions as a form of Law, that was easy to enforce and easier to enforce as a religion.

To me the thread isn't about trying to find the pure religion, or what religion the ruling cabal may or may not follow, it's getting people to see how Rome has hidden behind religion and used it primarily as a moral law, while also codifying a series of civil law, that then became common, to all the nations that shared the common religion, and even those that didn't.

I appreciate that there are a lot of fascinating mysteries out there in regards to the ancients, but it is not their culture that is dominating the world but Rome and it's laws and it's binding contracts and systems.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

To me the thread isn't about trying to find the pure religion, or what religion the ruling cabal may or may not follow, it's getting people to see how Rome has hidden behind religion and used it primarily as a moral law, while also codifying a series of civil law, that then became common, to all the nations that shared the common religion, and even those that didn't.

You're making sense

to me, anyway

Maybe it's too simple for some people's tastes ?

Personally, I've always admired the Quakers AND those who possess the ability (and it's not common) to cut through the embroidery -- to examine the fabric beneath

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by undo

an important concept to keep in mind is that all religious texts are written on more than one layer. In basic, it is two layers: one for the profane and one for the initiated.

You are delving into the meaning of the material that is meant to be understood by the initiated.

Even the Bible has its own Mysteries included in it. Manly Hall goes deeply into this concept in his book "Secret Teachings Of All Ages".

Here is my problem right now with what ever line undo is trying to draw into this thread.

I don't see how the presence of ancient star gates even assuming that they were star gates plays any real part in Roman domination of the world.

For the following reason.

1. Do we even know they were Star Gates
2. Do they actually work still today
3. Are we to believe that the elites are sneaking into pyramids at night and using them?
4. Are we to believe they hauled them off somewhere like in the movie stargate?
5. Are we to believe other beings that abandoned them are coming through them still?
6. Are we to believe the elites figured out how to use them, power them, and are traveling with them, after they had been abandoned.
7. At best the elites could trade gold or some other precious resource as currency on the other side.
8. At worst they are contracted with who is ever on the other side.
9. However they haven't made there presence on this side known openly or in mass.
10. Meanwhile it's still all being run out of Rome.

Other than looking for attention for her theory, I really don't see what it really has to do with the very fact that Rome is controlling us through a hidden set of contracts, an open set of laws, a false religious morality they don't follow, and a banking empire based on wishes.

Her theory may be fascinating but the effect of it's tie in on Rome is really speculative, and not really relevant if true, since our Masters are Roman and only so many of those suckers could come through a stargate at one time, which probably doesn't work so well once you detonate a nuclear bomb on top of it.

All Roads on Earth lead to Rome, stargates???????

Lets just stick to Earth problems.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Dock9
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

To me the thread isn't about trying to find the pure religion, or what religion the ruling cabal may or may not follow, it's getting people to see how Rome has hidden behind religion and used it primarily as a moral law, while also codifying a series of civil law, that then became common, to all the nations that shared the common religion, and even those that didn't.

You're making sense

to me, anyway

Maybe it's too simple for some people's tastes ?

Personally, I've always admired the Quakers AND those who possess the ability (and it's not common) to cut through the embroidery -- to examine the fabric beneath

One of the points I tried to make in the OP and early on, that it is nigh on impossible to stop the Roman conspiracy because they are using religion as a front, and when you start to try to address what they are doing, it invariably regresses into a discussion on religion.

In the classic Rome before they forced monotheism on the world, you could worship any God you wanted, they were all respected, though not every one worshipped some of the or all of them.

Rome then was simply what it really is today if it weren't hiding behind monotheism, a military and financial and technological juggernaut that dominated everything.

It's hard for some people to really understand what I am saying here, but this is why it would have been so attractive for Rome to impose a harsh monotheism and hide behind it, because people then do want to percieve as being all about religion.

It's not about religion, its about using religion, as a moral code to enslave the masses, and hiding everything else they do behind that front.

It's the largest property owner on earth, it's a state unto iteself, every nation is bound to it in some kind of contract, and it's immune from any nation's or international law, and it has more monetary wealth than any other entity or person on earth.

Take the religion out of it, and pretend it's just a company like Sears and its the most powerful on on earth.


posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

well, why would they put that data into the text, and couch it in terms that most of the people wouldn't recognize anyway, and then mention that it will give access to our planet from some other dimension/other planet or what have you? who's gonna benefit from that knowledge in prophecy, if it's so buried in symbol and metaphor that most folks wouldn't believe it even if they saw it with their own eyes?

one of the things that come out of the bottomless pit/abyss is the final world leader. i'd say that's pertinent to your data, particularly since you claim they fabricated the text to begin with. how does knowledge of this data, support their final global world order, in light of the fact hardly no one believes the bottomless pit is a star gate/portal to other places in the universe, other universes or even other dimensions?

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