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This Is Not Republican or Democrat, Left or Right!

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:03 PM
This is NOT a Republican /Democrat good or bad, this is the hole system is rotten to the core! The political spin masters manipulate so much of the public by division.... left.... right... republican... democrat.
C'mon people wake up, the majority of of us want the same things! If we continue to allow those with the money to manipulate us, and if we refuse to question our own reasons why we agree or disagree or believe or not believe we will always be puppets on a string twisting and turning the way our masters want.

It is all this doublespeak and twisting and spinning by the corporate owned media and tptb , to divide us, and thereby conquer us and keep us all fighting each other. Then they just do what they want because WE are all too busy blaming the "other side", instead of uniting and getting these greedy selfish criminals out of public office, and not letting the next ones manipulate us into fighting each other.
Everyone! Think about it!

The politicians just jumped in with no investigation and oversight going to war which would cost trillions and our children and many innocent people dying and suffering Where was the outrage when we went to war with Iraq. all the trillions spent on that! Along with our children dying for it? Not to mention our veterans trying to get decent health care .
Does anyone care about the money that Haliburton and Blackwater are making from our tax dollars?
Where were the tea parties then?! Come on people wake up and unite!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:07 PM
I've been saying this for years, but no one else seems to catch on.

It's simply easier to point a finger at a group when something goes wrong, and it is easier to support something everyone else in your group supports instead of taking the time to research it yourself.

This country will never be as great as it once was.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by hypattia


this picture speaks for itself.


posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:48 PM
Yeah, I'm with you on this one. Unfortunately for most people the illusion is more real than the truth. It probably always will be, once you are locked into the perceptions you were indoctrinated with it is extremely difficult to break out of them. Most people are put into mental prisons by the age of 12. Whats ridiculous is the hypocrisy in the individual voters. Such as the people who will protest and scream that people are going to hell for supporting abortion (which I do NOT!), and then turning around and supporting sending thousands if not millions to die in wars. Congratulations, if you don't have population control one way, you'll get it another. And now, we have both!
Oh well, we'll all meet one last time at the slaughter house.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:05 PM
I agree wholeheartedly OP. Most people are too distracted by the whole media circus and left/right blah blah. It sickens and depresses me. Worse yet are the ones that do not keep up with any kind of current events whatsoever and regurgitate whatever opinions they hear instead of learning and forming their own thoughts and opinions. So anyways, who do you thinks gonna get kicked off American Idol tonight lol.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by xstealth

I know what you mean about saying this for years. It sure gets frustrating. It may be true that we will hit rock bottom before enough of us "wake up".
But with the internet ,just maybe more people can and will wake up, I have hope, though sometimes it seems hopeless.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier78
Thanks for your post.
We all need some comic relief, American Idol, or whatever makes you smile! Have to keep a balance!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by time91

You are so right, some people just follow even when it makes no sense. How hard is it to think for ourselves, and educate ourselves?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Alaskan Man

A picture truly is worth a thousand words!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by hypattia
reply to post by time91

You are so right, some people just follow even when it makes no sense. How hard is it to think for ourselves, and educate ourselves?

Apparently it is very difficult, since hardly anyone does.

It's more difficult to think for yourself when you are properly flouridated.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 04:41 PM
It isn't the Democrats or the Republicans is a very true statement, because when Bush was in charge, the Republicans worked on taking away our habeus corpus, fourth and fifth amendments and of course the Patriot Act that is anything but patriotic. When the Democrats are in charge they continue supporting the Patriot act, rendition, move to take away first amendment and second amendment rights and continue to take away freedoms collectively for all Americans while those in elected position ignore what we are telling them.

While Obama, Biden, Polosi and the rest of the communist criminal gang celebrated victoriously their Health care bill, what they were really celebrating was a victory over the American public and the fact that Americas did not want the legislation did not prevent them from doing what they wanted to do for the sake of "Globalism" and not for what is best for the Democratic or Republican parties.

Like a girl on a date with Uncle Sam, the girl says no repeatedly, but Obama does not listen and goes ahead and has his way without permission. In any sector of society this would properly be called "RAPE" and to think that the Democrats celebrated what they did, makes me sick and angry beyond belief. Then to see Obama declare it a victory for the American people is an outright lie.

Both parties are killing this nation and are intentionally trying to destroy America from within. The sooner we accept that reality the sooner we can get on with doing what needs to be done instead of just looking each day at our Rapist and being told to accept everything they do, because they know so much better what is good for America. What a bunch of losers. I don't think being a criminal or in this case a serial rapist is anything to be proud of Mr. Barry Sotero.

Thanks for the posting.

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