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The Tainted Word of God

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Copperflower

(I am not referring to the Gnostic gospels, btw),

Is it that you do not accept the gnostic gospels ? If not why not ?

If you do, how (if at all) have they change your view on the prescribed canon?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:06 PM

I assumed you were talking about yourself here ? My point was that not so many xtians are brave enough to face their deep rooted fears and run the risk of feeling these emotions.
reply to post by moocowman

Okay, gotcha.

Yes, I was talking about myself. I'm still searching for god on my spiritual journey, and its extremely tiring, painful, scary.....but also so enlightening.

I, too, used to believe demons caused my occassional bouts of sleep paralysis. Boy was I glad to read up on sleep paralysis!

May I respectfully inquire about your current beliefs, and why you believe them? Its not an attack, I'm just always interested in what people have to say and think.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by totalmetal

Do you have a link to what it's telling ? a small summary ?

I'd appreciate it.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:24 PM
Yeh i think Bible was re written many many times (just like other religious books). Who knows? There might of been many rules which have been deleted/rewritten just to satisfy the population.

I believe there is ONE GOD. I even believe in Jesus, but not as the future king or whatever... yes he is the son of GOD just like you are and im, i believe he is smaller god, like a soul that has been through many lifes (yes he died and got another life just like you and me) and become better than you and me. Then the question is how can you become better and go to a better life? I think lifes purpose is to make GOD happy, as much as possible by giving up things mostly and being a loving soul etc.

Anyway this is just my belief/opinion... But yeh I agree with you in many ways.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:25 PM
Support for the OP, to anyone who may feel persecuted/offended by this line of thought:


Kinds of:

Natural, deceptive, sinful, personal practical, experimental, friendly, intuitive, intellectual, saving, spiritual, revealed.

Sources of:

God, nature, scriptures, doing God's will.

Believer's attitude toward:

Not to be arrogant (puffed up), should grow in knowledge, should add to his or her knowledge, not to be forgetful of knowledge, to accept our limitations of, to be filled with knowledge.

Christ's knowledge:

Of God, man's nature, man's thoughts, believers, things future, all things.

Attitude of sinful men toward knowledge:

Turn from, ignorant of, raised up against, did not acknowledge God, never able to come to knowledge.

Value of:

Superior to gold, increases strength, keeps from destruction, insures stability.

That's what the concordance of the King James Version says about knowledge. Every item is a scriptural reference/quote, showing that the Bible is very specific about knowledge and urges us all to find it, seek it, remember it, and find it worthwhile, not just sit around and say, "I believe, therefore I'm covered, sorry about you!"

I am sad for these people, and pray that they continue to wake up to the real power of the Spirit of God. It's only available to those hearts that are true, open, loving, honest, humble. God gives dignity to the humble, but hates the proud. He feels sorry for those who honestly admit that they don't know, and gives them wisdom freely and without any kind of negative feeling. That should illustrate that He is not suppressing knowledge, but preserving it through documents like the Bible, AND other texts.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Copperflower
Thanks to you for starting this thread, a topic that needs to be discussed!
As do I

liberty (freedom to explore God, His word, and anything) is traded for security (false sense of accomplishment simply by confessing Christ).
I agree. People run away ar talk right their own responsibilities and actions.which are a crime on current moral ideas.

The Book of Enoch really opened my eyes to a bigger picture that Christians must usually refrain from examining or even considering: living beings.
Fascinating book indeed ! Enoch is even mentioned in the bible and goes on about the giants ant nephilim from genesis. Its strange to deny or ignore it.

But even though Enoch is specifically mentioned in the Bible ,Duh There you said it already no one knows about or will discuss this book in any mainstream church. It is buried deep in prophetic books of the OT, probably for those who seek deeper things to stumble across and pursue.

The feeling that your faith will come to place where it can no longer serve you or support you even without all the answers is a very frightening one,
People blow their selves up for it. :shk:

My gratitude to you, SK, for opening this thread. May it live long and prosper. Thank you.

God will not stop loving those who seek knowledge! He loves them very much, and urges us all to seek knowledge and understanding. That has no limits that HE imposed.True but don't your doubts and conclusions make you think about maybe another definition for who or what is God.?

Deeper study leads to deeper insight, Yes it does doesn't. I think this is rule for every answer in life.

as if God would frown upon them for daring to use the brains He gave us!
My point exactly. I say it almost every time I get sucked in a discussion.

[edit on 28/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by moocowman

There is great proof of the historical story. More so, when reading the teachings of the Christ and considering the history of the Jews as well, it is apparent that His teachings are wise and everlasting. While you dismiss it altogether, I hear my name. You cannot say there is no proof. I cannot say you must be able to see the proof. It really is as simple as that. I wish to leave this in peace with you. Please be gentle towards my weakness.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I'm still searching for god on my spiritual journey, and its extremely tiring, painful, scary.....but also so enlightening.

If there is a,god an omniscient,omnipresent, omnibenevolent,omnipotent being that created all that there is was, or ever will be. Why is it do you think that it would choose to play hide and seek with what it created ?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
reply to post by moocowman

There is great proof of the historical story. More so, when reading the teachings of the Christ and considering the history of the Jews as well

Can you explain to me why I keep ending up at a point where is told or written, Judaism does not no an embodiment for evil and where they do, this is one testing us helping God. ?

Maybe Im wrong ? Any Jews around who can help out ?

@ moocowman
I anwserd your question but maybe but it sai Reply to Sinter Klaas post.
Maybe you squiped it, so I changed it.
Just a reminder.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Dasher

There is great proof of the historical story.

Of jesus ? Pleas feel free to provide this proof you'll be the first.

More so, when reading the teachings of the Christ and considering the history of the Jews as well, it is apparent that His teachings are wise and everlasting.

These teachings were not exactly new to the world but some of them could be considered wise I would have to agree.

This history of the jews is hardly conformation of the historical proof of jesus.

While you dismiss it altogether, I hear my name. You cannot say there is no proof. I cannot say you must be able to see the proof. It really is as simple as that. I wish to leave this in peace with you. Please be gentle towards my weakness.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by StarBoyFG

I like your ideas about believing.

But why should you give up anything if you are allready giving up large peaces of what Christianity tells you to believe ? Where does the limit come from ?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

can you run that question by me again please (if it was intended for me) you kind of lost me there.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Why do you opt for aliens ? There is no more nor less evidence for aliens than there is jesusyawheh .
Why is it you require a supernatural explanation to the origins of the bibles ?

My answer was.
I do not. A down to Earth explanation without any spiritual or religious influence will do just fine.
I name them because the story is around for a while. What there is told in the story comes is ( accept for the aliens ) more making sense. Nothing more.

Guns don't kill people. people kill people.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Actually, it is the denial of Christ's life that is, quite frankly, unhistorical and "odd," not the acceptance of such history. Firstly, why would even Rome end up accepting such a thing had it been even remotely disputable, not to mention embarrassing to their status? While there was obvious political motives behind the move to accept Christ within Rome, it was a lack of better option rather than true communion. Meaning, because Christ was real, and because so many did believe Him, they could not deny it as untrue and were forced to accept it in order to control it. Secondly, His coming had been prophesied. I understand that there is dispute over whether Christ was the fulfillment of such prophesies, it is not disputed that He accepted these claims in His death.

As I said, there are great proofs/facts of the historical story, but whether you accept the claims of His fulfillment of both the prophesies and of Him being both God and God's provision is an issue of faith, not fact.

His teachings of provision of God from God and being the firstborn of gods is very unique and is unequaled in any other teachings. While there are others who claim to be messiahs or "anointeds," His claim was more one of gifting godliness to God's children through Himself from God and as God. Furthermore, the Comforter is an additional deviation from what is normal in false religions. Generally speaking, even Christianity has become a false religion. Any religion lacking wisdom, or teaching pride, read; religions of ignorance or obtainment, is false. Christ's teachings were of gifts of fulfillment and understanding, not the obtainment of such things nor ignorance.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
Can you explain to me why I keep ending up at a point where is told or written, Judaism does not no an embodiment for evil and where they do, this is one testing us helping God. ?

This sounds like a wonderful question, but I do not follow what it is you are seeking to know. Can you please reword it? Thanks!

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:19 PM

I've read this book as well as the NIV Bible twice and it is certainly chock full of errors but even still I can't convince the Bible thumpers that it is not the "UNERRING WORD OF GOD."
reply to post by totalmetal

Here's why. It dosn't take a student or a professor to figure it either as I am not. We must differ somewhere though. So I offer this in explaination
of that difference. People study things and can become very well rehearsed in anything.

Those who open their minds to what they are studying have always excelled and developed their understanding and therefore
their talent in that field. There are far more who just go thru the motions.
This is evident all through life you must agree. Two catagories you must belong to one.

To study something in total disbelief. What a waste.

Then you have people with an absolute insatiable appetite to seek and learn everything they can get their hands on because they already know
God is a fact. They are very simply" more sensitive" or" have a talent for
it". Alas, these are usually found in the mud pits of todays societies.
Not in the universaties where mostly spoiled brats who can't see past the end of their noses have been sent in good riddens by their self indulgent

This reads like a 1930's Cary Grant movie.

Anyways my point is if you believe their must be a God as I do. He says write in that Bible you claim and I do believe, you have studied in ernest.
Why don't you know he is capable of all things. That's the first thing you must accept if you truly want to know anything about him. It just dosn't get any easier than that. Therefore to say he is not capable of a message
and of it being the one he wants us to have. Is ludicrous. Absurd. Infantile.
Lets just say worthy of all insults to your intelligence Short of name calling of course.

OP I find it odd that you straight out admit to a belief in a myth
in your opener.
Strange indeed.

I think the Annunaki myth comes nearest to my believe of what happened

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Dasher

As I said, there are great proofs/facts of the historical story,

Which you have not provided

but whether you accept the claims of His fulfillment of both the prophesies and of Him being both God and God's provision is an issue of faith, not fact.

So why on earth begin with the claim of proof when you now say it doesn't matter anyway it's an issue of faith, ie not matter what you'll believe it anyway.

This is what is scary about your cult, you throw a bible into the lap of a child and tell him that it is fact and you have the proof.

You then go on to implant fear in the mind of the child so it's unlikely that it will reject your truth. You go on to indoctrinate the young mind with the idea of faith, so as the child will more likely question itself before it questions the veracity of your claims.

If your faith is so strong and absolute, you have no reason to discuss proof or seek to present it, you have no reason even to defend your position.

If you really and truly believe the claims of the bibles you need only pray in your closet as your master commanded and have a life that would turn a head, and inspire someone seek out your secret of a happy life.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by randyvs

You are the second who brings it up.

No. I don't believe in aliens or the whole story to be true.
I just said it comes near what I think could have happened ( without the aliens of course )

I'm not ruling them out either. What I understand what has been written in the bible is that aliens do exist. I do not believe this just like that, but it could be.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Anyways my point is if you believe their must be a God as I do.

What prompted you to believe this ?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Dasher

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
Can you explain to me why I keep ending up at a point where is told or written, Judaism does not no an embodiment for evil and where they do, this is one testing us helping God. ?

This sounds like a wonderful question, but I do not follow what it is you are seeking to know. Can you please reword it? Thanks!

Yes, I seemed to forgot a peace.
How can Christianity follow or teach a believe system based on another, when they are not the same at all. ( About hell and the devil.)

Why should they make it up if their intentions were pure and of good will origins.

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