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Woman, 61, Arrested for asking 'why'

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by viperdave

here in losangeles we had a riot in mcarther park it started as a immagrant ralley, all the media was there, a few bad people started stuff and the cops went crazy on EVERYBODY, beating people, reporters and seriously damaging expensive media cameras and equipment well they claimed that the athoritys couldnt identify the cops in riot gear that were doing the bad stuff...........well, put big white numbers on there helmets and guess what, you can identify them!!!!

Guess what viperdave....the riot gear that hides their identity is for a reason.....intimidation.....the thugs can and will do what ever they want with NO consequences whatsoever....

That's the way it's set up....they will never get numbers identifying them...

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by ohioriver

The OP did not refer to SOME policemen as insane tyrants but refers to law enforcement in general. And not only policemen but all law enforcement.

The agenda is to incite hate against authority. Otherwise he would have

a) referred to SOME policemen
b) shown evidence for the OP
c) present a balanced pro and con case

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:51 PM
I have a question for those who would like all cops to be judged individually and not be lumped as a group.

Why is it ok for cops to judge people in the same way? I've never known any cop who looked a a disfavored group and took the time to seperate the bad from the good: they tend to take 'em all and let the judge sort them out.

I am a strong believer in the principle of reciprocity, known to Christians as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". If a cop wants to be respected, he must offer respect, which the vast majority don't.

The lack of reciprocity is appalling and one of the many reasons why people distrust cops. The idea that a cop's record of past complaints can't be examined by the public is a further example of this imbalance. To quote the cops: "If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to worry about." Obviously there is much to hide, or police departments and police unions (btw, why aren't the virulently anti-union folks ever trying to break police unions?) wouldn't fight exposure tooth and nail as they do.

Another example is the use of undercover agents and their testimony in court: very seldom, in fact never, have I heard anyone explain to a jury that lying is an undercover officer's stock in trade. A good undercover cop must be a consumate liar and manipulator in order to be successful. He or she must be able to look anyone in the eye and convince them of their sincerity while lying through their teeth. How then can you take their word on the stand? I think as part of the jury instructions, jurors should be warned of this.

I respect those few officers who actually try to do the job right. Unfortunately, most don't. They are humans who are as much as fault as those they demean and attack in the name of their masters, humans with all the frailties, bad behaviors, and delusions as the rest of us, getting a badge doesn't make them better or different.

Finally, let me point out that a while back there was a thread worrying about the military turning on the citizens. That's a foolish, misleading, and unnecessary worry; the ones the citizens have to worry about are the ones they always have to worry about: the cops. The cops have turned on citizens every single time the citizens have tried to demand justice: it was cops turning hoses, dogs, batons, and guns on citizens during peaceful marches for racial equality, sexual equality, workplace rights, and economic equality. Any cop who claims he will stand with the people is lying to himself and to you. He will stand with his paycheck against you, no matter what. History proves it so, over and over again.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by ohioriver

I think you really hit it. The militarization of police forces has gone overboard. A mercenary outfit has absolutely no business training any kind of domestic law enforcement. I liked the old days when they had easy to see cars and had to use their heads to assess a situation before responding with force.

The behavior of cops could probably be improved by doing simple things like not allowing them to have dark colored cars and uniforms. Anyone know what the study was called that found sports teams with darker uniforms played more aggressively?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 12:55 PM
I think alot of cops have Cartmans "respect my Authority" Complex

[edit on 28-2-2010 by skull_bones]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by lucid eyes

Recognize and respect, please, that you are talking(typing) to a fellow human being. You are apparently making the assumption that every action a human being takes (if they disagree with you, anyway) is decided through emotion. Or that people "create" their opinions based on emotional data. Even though this may be true in a few instances, it's not a very popular method among human beings, only animals. Humans use fact, induction, deduction, things like that. So if a person disagrees with you, it doesn't mean that they had a bad childhood. Most likely they simply have access to information you do not. In fact, all humans have access to information you do not. And none of us are really fools. Most of us do pretend to be, though. It pays to be kind and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Personally I've noticed that if I don't think of people as stupid I meet a lot less stupid people. And even people who act foolish among others will behave differently when someone who knows the real them is around.
Also it's needlessly rude to presume that another person is wrong, misinformed, misguided, etc unless they give evidence that would hold up in court.

Now the missing fact in this case, which the young man knows but they young lady does not, is that any initiation of the use of physical force from one sentient being to another is always wrong. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt anyone.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by rainfall

They should have tazered her at least 5 times.

I can't believe she would dare question the authority figure. What gall she had, by not complying with the officer without question.

I am definitely on the side of the police on this one.

I think that the use of force in this country is way less than what it should be.

If I was the officer in this situation I would have pepper sprayed the entire group of people. Those that whimpered or screamed would then be tazered until full submission was obtained. The one who questioned my authority would have probably needed a .45 caliber attitude adjustment.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by lucid eyes
reply to post by ohioriver

The OP did not refer to SOME policemen as insane tyrants but refers to law enforcement in general. And not only policemen but all law enforcement.

The agenda is to incite hate against authority. Otherwise he would have

a) referred to SOME policemen
b) shown evidence for the OP
c) present a balanced pro and con case

I tend to agree with him. As I stated earlier. If good cops are turning a blind eye, then they are bad cops as well. Google it. The stories of police brutality are numerous. There is no "pro side" for police brutality, even if it wasn't all police officers doing it. They have a duty to stop their fellow officers and they don't.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Your quoting law from the commercial codes in a criminal case? Or am I thinking Uniform Commercial Codes ? ( actually ICC - International Commerce Codes. ) Common Law reverts to Blackstone statutes and the States have walked all-over them since the American Revolution.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Of course some cops are power-hungry jerks. So are many schoolteachers, bakers, computer nerds, CEOs, nuns and priests, security guards, lifeguard, and little old ladies living down your street. There are bullies, and pushy people.

It only stands out with law enforcement because of what they can do with those tendencies, and people just LOVE when "the man" is out of line. Also, there is a higher % of tough-attitude people in law enforcement, simply because you need to be, to deal with drug dealers, pedophiles, domestic abusing husbands, and every day criminals.

I've known many cops, including the Chief of Police of a smaller town, and they've all, except in one case, been cool, fun, regular people, with regular problems, concerns, and so on. And even the one jerk I knew, probably wouldn't just "shoot someone in the head" if there was (hahaha..) martial law.

Finally, whenever there is a video or story about a cop, if the facts are nebulous, citizens ALWAYS seem to side with the other civilian in the case, never the cop. They are always the "bad guy."

I'd never want to be a cop. What a crappy way to be thought of by the very people you are trying to protect.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Thanks for the links autowrench...

Great info I will bookmark.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:58 PM
My advise on dealing with Law Enforcement.

1) Always keep your voice conversational, calm, and non-threatening.
2) Always be polite. Say please/thank you, etc
3) Always get the badge number of any officer you deal with for any reason before anything else can transpire.
4) File a complaint after the fact for anything you feel was untoward of the officer
5) Do not hesitate to sue for anything from harassment to false arrest.

We control the situation, but almost all people fail to act or do something to provoke (killing many potential cases).

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by lucid eyes

Originally posted by SLaPPiE
Let me jump in and say Yes and Yes to both....You got a problem with that?

So you're saying its not the criminals who are insane but law enforcement?

OK. Good for you to say so for all readers to see so that the public knows where all these raging hate-attacks on nice and normal folks come from.

Don't put words in my mouth.
As human beings we can all have those traits.

Secondly I do not condone hate to anyone, but we have a problem with those we pay to protect us, and I feel fine pointing that out...can you not see that, or would you rather try to twist my words up to suit your protective agenda?

I never suggested that we don't need law enforcement, only that they, as a group need to get it together by stopping this kind of bully stuff and start helping all people.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by rainfall

Police officers have been doing this for as long as they have been around. It was actually worse in the old days. People would get arrested or shot for the smallest reasons and nothing would happen to the officer. Ever see that movie, "Changling"? It's just one example of how far back the corruption goes. Cops often can get away with a lot, unless the is a lot of media attention and pressure to have an officer fired and get criminal charges against him/her. Not all cops are like this, most are actually very good people and do their jobs like they supposed to.

I think there are genuinely bad people that are cops that don't have any business being one. I also think that many of these cops started off in the right way, but the job has gotten to them, much like a doctor who has stopped listening to their patients. We are, at the end of the day human. Then again, you also have cops with the security guard mentality. Small town cops can be a nightmare to experience. As for this particular case, I really hope this officers boss tears open a new one. This lady could have a lawsuit since there wasn't a reason for her to be arrested. I wonder if he told her under what charge was she being cuffed for.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:16 PM
This is an obvious abuse of power. It's basic human behavior to abuse power. "Power" has been abused as long as it's been around!
This guy should be canned to say the least.

Beyond the obvious, I must admit that it's always entertaining to see these threads cause everybody LOVES to pile on the cops. Don't get me wrong, crooked cops should be dealt with severely in our society, and I hate to see them get a pass when they break the law. ( And yes, I'd say doubly-so for crooked attorneys and JUDGES ! ).

That being said, not all of them are bad. My Dad was an officer while I was growing up. He witnessed another cop beat someone up and send them to the hospital for "resisting arrest". He turned the guy in to his superiors, and he suffered whatever "administrative" punishment that they deemed appropriate.
I've always been proud of my father for speaking up and doing the right thing. What he did was certainly unpopular with some people on the force.

This guy in Atlanta? I hope he's getting the dose of humiliation that he richly deserves.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:33 PM
This is awesome.
This proves that we have no chance. They are more powerful.
All weak (honest, freedom lovers... bla bla) people are dead. The powerful are alive.


posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:43 PM
One thing I have learned from these types of threads over the years is that you can't really win anyone over on this topic. You either hate cops with a passion, and want to get rid of them all, or you don't. There isn't room for anything in the middle on ATS. It is silly to try and use logic or reason while discussing this topic so don't even waste your breath. You get lumped into the dis-info category or something similar.

So if you are not in the "I hate cops" category, you are better off to just not post it on this forum, because you are the minority. Save us all some time and trouble and let them go on talking about how judgement day is gonna come for LEO. They like that stuff, it gives them a taste of the same power LEO has over them

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by rainfall

These cops are all on an EGO trip, or there doing the drugs there taking from the bad guys. Just cause they have a gun & badge doesn't make them the good guys. So what to do? two things..

1. You say "Sure officer" and you leave..
2. Your wearing full body armor and kevlar helmet, carrying something that can blow up tanks. Then you can tgell the cop to "blow me"..
3. Give him or her the thumbs up and say nothing.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst
Complete abuse of power.

remember all those nerds, that you used to laugh at, and make fun of at school ??? gues what ..... THEIR COPS !!!....

Ha! I know two cops who are ex (??) dope smokers/drunks, one of those was a jock, another one who is an alcoholic, one who is a wife beater, one who sold his wife's nude pics on the Internet, one who parked his cop car in front of his mistress' house for 2 hours and got busted by her husband, and one who was majoring in something medical related, but became a cop a few months after graduating. He always said, "There's a scam out there you just have to figure out what it is and make it work for you!" Oh, and I do know one who seemed intelligent, clean, and was quickly promoted in Houston. Bob Z., where are you now?

This is just Me, who doesn't know hardly anyone. I wonder what dirty secrets the well-connected know. Take my little group and throw in some power trips and buddies who will cover up for them...scary.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Are you a cop?

Originally posted by lucid eyes

Originally posted by rainfall
uniformed officers probably will be the first target......people are getting sick of their abuse!....

Are you openly threatening with violence against law enforcement on a public discussion board?

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