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I'm Tired - I'm Exhausted

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:27 PM
When you are seeking the truth, you are seeking your truth.

in reality, there is no truth, just your perception of it.

Its not your job to find everyones truth, its your job to find your own...let them find their own truth.

Who cares if they believe or accept your perception of the truth.

There is a old chinese saying
"If you see your Master on your road, kill him"

Basically, we all have our own personal path, None should lead or follow you down your own personal path. Sometimes peoples paths cross, sometime they run alongside, but never should they melt into one.

So, if you finding your personal truth makes you a happy person, then continue on, or not...but dont base what you seek contingent on what others believe.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:42 PM
OMG... Does it even matter if you teach 1 person? If you turned around just 1 person? Is their life worth that? Or how much of a victim you are? Take a Nap, get up and TRY TO REACH THAT NEXT *1 PERSON!!!* That's why we do what we do! It's not a party when your trying to save's hard work. If you can't take it............................

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 06:42 PM
If there's one thing I've learned, people have to take it upon themselves to further their knowledge. You can, as said, point them to the path, but they must lead themselves to the truth. Everyone is capable to discover what lies behind the veil, to a certain extent of course. If they do not have the will to further expand their perspective, it's a lost cause. People cling to their comfort zone. Many of the things we discuss on this site lay outside the comfort zone of a lot of "regular" people.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if everyone who is encouraging the OP to "keep going" wrote out their "truth" that they're trying to wake everyone up to ... only to find that their "truths" all different?

Not funny ha-ha, but funny interesting.

[edit on 2/22/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:16 PM
I agree completely.
All these people stuck in the illusion.

however it's by choice. people are "willingly ignorant" or better said, they are dumb on purpose.

I try and tell people, show them the light and the way. I tell them whats going on in this world but no one cares. and by the time they turn to us who know, it will be to late. when they cry out for us to help them, it's not that we don't want to, but it's too late. they can only save themselves...

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:25 PM
People will be called to the truth, the openness of their mind will determine whether or not they hear the calling. You or I spouting off about the different realities which we know will only sound like delusional gooobly gobeley to the sleeping. So let them rest, they'll learn.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by jimmy1200
go play some xbox live and relax man.

Oh, yeah, that's really something to care about.
However, that's the kind of bull# people think is important nowadays.... By the way, what is so and so celebrity doing in hollywood?
That's the kind of # I couldn't give two #s about. Yet, everyone else around me seems to think it's soooooooooo important.

[edit on 22-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I woke up at 16. I only started spread truth and reason at 17. I understand discrimination against people who are young, but I beg your pardon - age does not determine maturity. I should think that it should do nothing to discredit my opinion.

Age doesn't discredit anyones OPINION. But that isn't what you are saying you say you are spreading your "truth". Age doesn't determine maturity, and age doesn't determine intelligence either....but age does have one limit and that is life experience. I would also say that if someone is very intelligent at any age....then they should realize that although they are intelligent...they do not know everything. They should also realize that telling everyone that they are wrong and you are right is not a way to win the hearts and minds of anyone...but it is a good way to be viewed as arrogant and self-righteous. And THAT is a good way to discredit yourself...not your age.

What more would you like to hear? I have told you in various other topics that my goal is freedom. Freedom is more than just a word, it is an ideology, it is an action. The truth is that ALL MEN are free, there are just those that are too blind to see it and take it.

I am free...I am free to do anything I want. It may break the law...but I can still do it. I am free to be happy...and I take advantage of that freedom. You have the same you choose to be a slave to your own ideology which robs you of this freedom. If you really want to fight for need to free yourself from the chains you have placed upon your own self. I would dare to say that I am more free than you are.

I never said I followed Glenn Beck. I said I respected Beck for waking people up on a massive scale.

Then I stand corrected. Although I disagree that Beck speaks truth...I see his rants as propaganda in which most of the time he has contradicted things he has previously said. You say you respect Beck...but isn't he also part of this system that you are against? There are many that see it as the game that it is...and they would say that is "truth". I think Beck has one motivation...and that is money.

Freedom is the only thing I can help with. It is the driving force behind all of my ideologies. People think they are free, they are wrong. They do not know what freedom truly is. I have already spoke on this in a number of topics. The shear amount of shackles that are placed upon humanity is disgustingly obvious, yet there are those that would refuse to acknowledge them, as if they are meant to be there by default.

Ideologies are bad...they lead to death and destruction and a stubbornness to refuse to acknowledge when you are wrong. Ideologies and realities are not compatible...some of the worst atrocities in history are due to ideologies...which is the main reason I don't agree with your views or proposed actions.

And please...what "shackles" do I have on me. You have still never told me ONE thing that I can't do.

To give an example, I might give somebody some information about one of the various health care bills. I tell them the pros, I tell them the cons. I take my information directly from the bill.

I would love to hear these....U2U me....or put them here. I would love to hear what you know for FACT that is in the various bills that will harm people.

What do I expect people to do? Grow a spine. Don't be lazy. And above all else, think for yourselves. Is that honestly too much to ask?

Honestly...yes it is. This is a obvious sign that you do not understand the world. Show me anytime in history or any populace that has ever done this. You aren't going to change this...because in trying to change are doing the exact same thing.

Because I, unlike the people I try to convince, see true freedom for what it is.

You have not gave a concrete definition of what this elusive "freedom" is that you speak of. Again...tell me how I am not free. If you think you have done it it again. It should take no more than two lines to tell me what I am not free to do. Be concise and to the point.

Every man, woman, and child in this world should have the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.

Some people CHOOSE to dominate and enslave others. Will you take away their "freedom"???

I want to be a normal man. I don't want fame, fortune, or glory. I want to own a piece of land, I want to raise a family, I want to start my own business or businesses if I choose. I want to raise crops. I want to be a member of community. In my older age I wouldn't mind running for office.

You are free to do all these things...they require work and yes, you have to pay taxes. Why do you have to pay taxes??? Because you ADMIT that you want to be part of a community. If you want to be part of a needs to be supported...and that community will also set social guidelines...which will remove some of your "freedoms".

You are contradictory in what you want.

There is only one difference between myself and everyone else. I'm sure plenty of them are on the same page. However, I doubt there resolve.

Yes...we get are better than everyone else. You have better ideas then everyone else. And you know what is good for everyone else.

Well I have experienced it more or less through my life because I have chosen to do so. It was a personal experience that I care not to share with the world at this point, however, based on my view now, I know that not many have experience such a feeling as I did when I first saw what true freedom is, and felt how it felt.

Just another ATS poster with a "personal" revelation that they can't share with anyone else. This is so common on should be banned. Why is it always like this...a personal experience that can't be shared?

Do you want a "truth" are a couple "truths" for you.

-We are not guaranteed anything.

-Everyone will die...and in the grand scheme of things...we are all going to die relatively soon.

You could die tomorrow...and you would die an unhappy man.

If you had a worthy cause...I would applaud your efforts. But you can't even define what you are fighting for without using vague terms of a concept.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:45 PM
My girlfriend asked me why I follow conspiracies and 911 and 2012 and all, and I honestly could not give her an answer except that the topics are interesting and I'd like to know ahead of time if something bad will happen that affects all of us. She then asked me what I would do if I knew the "truth" about everything. I said I would expose the political criminals for who they are and warn everyone that the end of the world is underway. She then asked if I had compelling evidence that would prove the government conspiracies were true, wouldn't the government send an agent to kill me so I could not spread the news because most people would freak out and panic if they knew? I thought for a second, and said yes they probably would. She then said what good now would it do for you to find out that information only to get killed before you could spread the news? It would not do any good. So now the way I see it, if anyone really had any compelling evidence proving any conspiracies, they are already dead. No one knows anything! Not only that, none of us are senators, legislators, cabinet members, congressman, supreme court judges, or anyone with any real power that can actually do anything if any of it is true. She said that we all need to be grateful for the little time left we have here on earth and make the best of it. The universe will unfold the way it is supposed to anyway. I love my girlfriend and I should listen to her more often.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Wouldn't it be funny if everyone who is encouraging the OP to "keep going" wrote out their "truth" that they're trying to wake everyone up to ... only to find that their "truths" all different?

Not funny ha-ha, but funny interesting.

[edit on 2/22/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

I can almost guarantee that all their "truths" are different.

But the OP says this doesn't matter because his resolve is stronger.

They should stop calling it "truth" and just call it for what it is their ideology and their agenda based on their own priorities and situations.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

g. I actually applaud your youthful passion for a cause but at times our
passion is so focused we lose our perspective. We become self absorbed, ego driven and in the process mean spirited. We internalize rejection and it eats us alive. Criticism from others causes us to lash out in anger and always living with a sense of disappointment. Voice of experience.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Dragonelle

Actually, I think this is not exactly the case. I have been having similar discussions with others. The establishment types. I would say the larger problem is not a healthy distrust of the motives of government, but rather a belief that everything from the top down is corrupt, useless, and hopeless. I can honestly say that I do not interact with anyone who does the "my government wouldn't do that" mentality. Rather, the thought that the government is just screwing people over is so pervasive, that many seem to just have no interest anymore. What's the point? Mr. Hope and Change has contributed to this in my opinion simply because he had the majority of voting Americans really believe he was the solution.

I see exclamations all the time on this website and others to just wake up. My concern is that people are very awake, they just do not see any really good solution or clear workeable alternative. Maybe the sheeple are more awake than you thought?

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Believe me.... I can relate. It almost drove me to an insane asylum literally!! I have been studying and trying to get my point across since I was 13 years old, about 20 years. I just recently had a nervous breakdown and was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder. I think my knowledge and contempt for society as it currently is was the perfect storm for a "mental illness." That's what I got.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by whaaa

Believe me.... I can relate. It almost drove me to an insane asylum literally!! I have been studying and trying to get my point across since I was 13 years old, about 20 years. I just recently had a nervous breakdown and was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder. I think my knowledge and contempt for society as it currently is was the perfect storm for a "mental illness." That's what I got.

I hear ya. I self medicated my "specialness" with alcohol and drugs.
Damn near killed me.

And I remember a few years back when you SpeakerofTruth, were twisted up pretty tight. You seem much more mellow. Bless your heart!!

[edit on 22-2-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Hang in there, friend. Stop placing so much pressure on yourself and setting such high expectations for yourself. It is not your duty to wake other people up but merely to suggest to them that perhaps there is something more. You can lead people to doors but only they can unlock them.

There are some people that just won't change their views. They are so hopelessly consumed by the system that it would take a life-changing experience for them to realise that things do not need to be the way they are.

All you can do is encourage others to think critically about the world around them and reconsider their current priorities.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:22 PM
At some point, we all get tired. I gotta contend with more people who don't care and simply focus on their immediate surroundings on par to those who criticize my intelligence based on my rational thinking outside the box.

I've found myself just becoming more and more of an observer rather than just trying to prusuade an ignorant populace.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:37 PM

I can definitely relate to your post. It can be close to impossible sometimes to “wake” people up and this is made all the more difficult when we have to face ridicule on top of apathy from the people we love.

I’ve found that many people realize that something is very wrong with our society. I think that most people simply feel too helpless to do anything and that many others are overwhelmed with basic concerns such as childcare, job security ect. And to that end I can’t blame them – I know it’s hard to forgive their deliberate ignorance and sometimes hurtful remarks --- but understand this often stems from fear --- and I believe that fear is programmed into us from birth.

I think the best strategy is to be compassionate – to educate when appropriate but not at expense to ourselves. We just have to be patient and as more and more people begin to wake up, I promise you that you will receive so many questions you won’t know what to do with them all. And more than a few apologies no doubt!

For whatever it’s worth --- what “woke” me up was when I saw a documentary featuring Bruce Lipton (i think) who described that it was “perception” that created our reality. And that it was our “perception” which governed how our body functioned. And even more surprisingly (for me) at the time – was the idea that consciousness might be non local from our bodies. (that concept really floored me)

As well, I really enjoy Coast to Coast and I found that their programs on Past Lives really opened my eyes to the possibly that we are “spiritual” beings --- prior to that I was a pretty hardcore atheist and materialist. I also subscribe to the idea of a “holographic” reality in that if we can change ourselves --- that change can be felt all throughout society.

Anyways – please forgive my babble. To the OP I believe that you are spreading a positive message and that people do notice!
But please don’t forget to take care of yourself! The most important part of spreading peace is to lead by example --- and so if to do that you need to take a break! Than go for it!
You deserve it!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

What is your goal? I'm about to report you for stalking me. You show up in literally every one of my topics and belittle me for no apparent reasons besides that your opinions differ from yours.

Why is this the norm here on ATS? I don't go around following people looking for trouble, I come here, I state my views. I learn other people's views. I have a little bit of fun. But apparently, some people such as yourself, like to give me a hard time.

If you follow me again, and choose to belittle me or insult me based on my beliefs, I will report you. Give it up.

reply to post by SaturnFX


And even worse, you REFUSE to get it.

How many DAMN TIMES do I need to say this. I'm not teaching people the "truth" and never did I claim my "truth" to be the end all be all of the universe. How many more people are going to put god damn words into my mouth? I'm about sick of it.

I said, I teach people how to THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

How is that wrong? How am I trying to instill my opinion on others? Please almighty seers, enlighten me since you are all knowing.

The both of you are the ones that need to grow up and learn to respect other peoples opinions. I don't insult either of you for not believing what I believe, but you can at the very least respect my individuality.

If that is too much for the two of you then please, don't participate in my topics again.

reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You are no better then those two. Making assumptions and attacking me upon them. Read above if you need clarification of how wrong you are, and when you want to have a civil conversation without attack someone based on their views, then we'll talk.

reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I am free...I am free to do anything I want. It may break the law...but I can still do it. I am free to be happy...and I take advantage of that freedom

Wow, you redefine the illusion that I speak of. I already said all men are free, but not to the potential they should be. "I may be free, but someone is allowed to imprison me if they do something they don't like" or "I may be free, but I'm not allowed to marry my partner because we are the same sex". "I may be free, but my choice are set within a defined state."

How far does it go? You fall right into the illusion paradigm as expected. If you aren't looking for the freedom, you hardly notice it isn't there.

You say you respect Beck...but isn't he also part of this system that you are against? There are many that see it as the game that it is...and they would say that is "truth". I think Beck has one motivation...and that is money.

He is part of the system I hate. But unlike SOME people, I do not deem people guilty by association. It is fitting that when there is someone that a group doesn't like in a well paid profession, it will become their bane. Take for instance Ron Paul, who is a personal hero of mine. He makes a lot of money in his position yet you never hear anyone claim "he only does it for the money."

The fact is, Glenn Beck covers topics that are not covered by any other news source. He ousted TARP in public which no one else would cover as well as the corrupter which was Van Jones. He covers the corruption in this topic and though he may not present the facts 100%, if people would use their own heads, it wouldn't be a problem. Hence we come full circle to the point of my topic - the "truth" I teach - use your own damn head.

Honestly...yes it is. This is a obvious sign that you do not understand the world. Show me anytime in history or any populace that has ever done this

America circa 17 and 18 hundreds. Done.

You have not gave a concrete definition of what this elusive "freedom" is that you speak of.

I have answered this question, not once, not twice, not three times, but FIVE TIMES in my tenure here on ATS - 3 of them directly to you in various topics. Open your damn eyes.

I've had enough as I stopped reading your post there. When you decide to actually read what I am typing rather than assume what you'd like, then may we will talk. However, until then - just heed my warning from earlier. Stop following and bashing me, or I WILL report you.

reply to post by whaaa

Mental illness? Bi-polar disorder?

So you medicate yourselves, you tell yourselves "I shouldn't act this way because the rest of society doesn't like it". You fall into their mold. They convince you there is something wrong with you just as they have been doing the last 50 years to people who THINK.

The reason you were wound up tight is because of the fact that you too saw the world for what it was. It consumed you that something about it wasn't right. Instead of keeping your resolve and fighting to change it - you all instead choose to damper to the perspective of society. Mellow down if you will. You fall right into the scheme of the higher powers.

I'm not bashing you all, but I daresay that many people in this world have "mental disorders" instead, they have thoughts that do not conform to society and thus are blocked out.

Somewhere along the lines, people were convinced that I am somehow dishing my opinion off on other people. Somehow that belief has lead this topic completely off track and has turned it into a PERSONAL ATTACK on me. I tell you now, that any post that attacked my credibility because of my beliefs from this point on, I am going to automatically ignore. I respect peoples opinions but if they are not mature enough to have a conversation with the attacks and ignorance towards me as a person, then their opinion is void to me.

With that, sorry I could not reply to everyone, I would have liked to but this topic shot off without warning. I sort of got lost in trying to defend myself from rabid dogs. Thanks to everyone who supports and respects my opinion, and for those who have helped to defend me against such attacked. It is much appreciated, believe me.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

How convenient... Did you happen upon someone/opportunity to "flex your intellect upon"? I just love these moments. Debase someone in a manner akin to making yourself look superior to others. This is one of those posts where, if it were just you and the OP, it would have never absolved this way. However, since there is an audience, you feel compelled to flex.

Nicely done with your big strong flexinz. My turn to flex big. [grunts] Everyone look at me...

You ARE absolutely free! Step outside the dollar, do nothing for money and everything without it. Freedom is easy. You can live off the land with no consequence, build a cabin on the freely available open range, hunt and farm for free. Im sure you agree right? You can show dissention to your government and risk nothing, stockpile armaments and ammo and never be bothered in fact you can even speak your mind in public over a loud-speaker about your hatred of the current administration and risk nothing, correct?

You are "free" to do whatever you want [as long as its within the guidlines] or face the consequences, which of course, still means you are free right? I thought so! Those under communist rule, they are free, those with no food and no tillable land, they are free, those forced under a dollar, they are free too! Yay Windows is just as free as Linux both monetarily and in source code! YAY FREEDOM! According to you, everyone is free! I LOVE THIS WORLD! WOOHOO WORLD!

You flex really big there, mr/mrs big grey matter flexer. I salute you.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Then the people will turn to me and those like me... they will call out for help and finally admit to the truth. They will beg - "Save us!" They will then hear the most frightening reality to ever cross their minds... "No."

I find this to be odd. Why would you turn people away who are in need even if they were wrong all along? What if it is you begging for help and those people who you thought were wrong are right? You wouldn't want them turning you away. I mean, I don't see this attitude here.

But unlike SOME people, I do not deem people guilty by association.

The very people associated with the system you seem to have no mercy for. Even if they, in the end, realize you were right?

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