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2012-Galactic Plane-ISM-Cause of Solar System Warming-Ozone depletion-Space Probes unsheath the dang

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Sun moves at 26 kilometers a second. As a result a single dust grain takes 20yrs to traverse the Solar System. 400% increase(NASA 1997-2001) ISM dust and particels to increase x3 by 2013=x6 since 60s..ISM-Dense dust clouds show a definite tendency to align themselves parallel to the galactic plane. By 2012 we are to enter into the galatic plane.

"Defenses Down, Galactic Dust Storm Hits Solar System,"
"Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and Climatic Change."
Solar journey: The significance of our galactic environment for the heliosphere and earth

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:40 AM
One of the reasons why the existence of the Local Interstellar Cloud was so mysterious was because, millions of years ago, a large cluster of supernovas exploded in the vicinity of our solar system. This massive explosion triggered the formation of a high-pressure supernova exhaust, a cloud of gas heated to millions of degrees. The Local Fluff is entirely surrounded by these remnants, and should have therefore been dispersed or destroyed a long time ago. However, it would now appear that the strong magnetic field outside our solar system is keeping the helium and hydrogen atoms, all heated to about 6,000 degrees Celsius. Our Sun is moving through a Local Interstellar Cloud as this cloud flows outwards from the Scorpius-Centaurus. Gas clouds after they form begin to fall toward the Galactic plane. Chandler wobble, Earth’s wobble of its axes coincided with the galactic alignment with the galaxy roughly every 26 thousand years. Our Solar System orbit’s the black hole of our galaxy roughly every 26000 years. 2012 we will be passing through the Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest running more or less through the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Schoenberg (1964) has shown that dust clouds have a FAR FROM random alignment, and that they show a strong preference for apparent elongation along the plane. Dense dust clouds show a definite tendency to align themselves parallel to the galactic plane. In the statistical sense the alignment is extremely significant for the probability that it has arisen by chance from a random distribution is extremely small.
The discovery of interstellar material in the 20th century led to speculation that encounters with dense clouds initiated the ice ages.(Shapley, 1921), and many papers appeared that explored the implications of such encounters, including the influence of interstellar material on the interplanetary medium and planetary atmospheres. Until ten years ago, most astronomers did not believe stardust could enter our Solar System. Then ESA's Ulysses space probe discovered minute stardust particles leaking through the Sun's magnetic shield, into the realm of Earth and the other planets. Now, the same space probe has shown that a flood of dusty particles is heading our way. Since early 1992 Ulysses has been monitoring the stream of stardust flowing through our Solar System. Much remains unknown about the local ISM, including details of its distribution, its origin, and how it affects the Sun and the Earth. The Heliosphere is highly sensitive to the density of interstellar gas, and it could fail almost completely if the Sun passed though a dense cloud of gas, exposing the Earth to massive amounts of harmful radiation. Observations by the DUST experiment on board Ulysses have shown that the stream of stardust is highly affected by the Sun's magnetic field. Dmitriev offers compelling evidence that matter and energy containing ions of hydrogen and helium and hydroxyl are entering our solar system in increasing numbers that are having powerful effects on all our planets. Increases in cosmic dust which is being attracted by the Sun’s magnetic field fuels the Sun’s affects of Earth weather. In 2003, cosmic dust into our solar system recently tripled and the pace is expected to grow over the next decade. The rate is expected to stay constant until 2005, and then increase by another factor of 3 prior to 2013. The solar system may not be a nice round shape, but rather a bit squashed and oblong, according to data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft exploring the solar system's outer limits. The stardust is embedded in the local galactic cloud through which the Sun is moving at a speed of 26 kilometers every second. As a result of this relative motion, a single dust grain takes twenty years to traverse the Solar System.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:41 AM
In order to fully understand, and comprehend, the Planet Physical transformations taking place. This development of events, as it has become clear in the last few years, is being caused by material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space. In its travel through interstellar space, the Heliosphere travels in the direction of the Solar Apex in the Hercules Constellation. On its way it has met (1960's) non-homogeneities of matter and energy containing ions of Hydrogen, Helium, and Hydroxyl in addition to other elements and combinations. This kind of interstellar space dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip structures and striations. The Heliosphere [solar system] transition through this structure has led to an increase of the shock wave in front of the Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40 AU, or more. This shock wave thickening has caused the FORMATION of a collusive plasma in a parietal layer, which has led to a plasma overdraft around the Solar System, and then to its breakthrough into interplanetary domains. This breakthrough constitutes a kind of matter and energy donation made by interplanetary space to our Solar System. Consider ISM that is ionized only by the solar UV, and then passes the amount of neutral interstellar hydrogen that is accreted by the Earth’s atmosphere during a single passage through a dense cloud. Case is substantial changes in the terrestrial atmosphere. In that case hydrogen acts as a chemical agent to remove oxygen atoms and to cause OZONE concentration reductions. Thus, depending on the specific encounter parameters, the high mixing ratio of hydrogen in the Earth’s atmosphere may substantially decrease the ozone concentration in the mesosphere and may trigger an essential climatic change of relatively long duration.

1.1 A Series of Large PlanetoPhysical Transformations.
The following processes are taking place on the distant planets of our Solar System. But they are, essentially speaking, operationally driving the whole System.

A 400% increase in the speed that solar particle emissions are capable of traveling through the energy of interplanetary space (NASA 1997-2001)
Recent magnetic pole shifts of Uranus and Neptune, as Voyager 2 observed their magnetic axes being significantly offset from their rotational axes (Dmitriev 1997)
Visible brightness increases now being detected on Saturn ( Dmitriev 1997)
200% increase in the intensity of Jupiter’s magnetic field from 1992-97 (Dmitriev 1997)
200% increase in the known density of Mars’ atmosphere encountered by the Mars Surveyor satellite in 1997 (NASA 1997)
Significant melting of Martian polar icecaps in just one year, clearly seen in satellite photography (NASA 2001)
Significant physical, chemical and optical changes on Venus, including a sharp decrease in sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere and increasing brightness ( Dmitriev 1997)
A growth of dark spots on Pluto.
Reporting of auroras on Saturn.
Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.
A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune.
The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [caused by
A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter from the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter's magnetic process and intensifying it's plasma genesis.[Z.I.Vselennaya "Earth and Universe" N3, 1997 plo-9 by NASA data]
A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:41 AM
In September 1997 the Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of the scheduled photo mission for one year.
A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. [17].
Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere.
Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.
“Global warming on Neptune's moon Triton as well as Jupiter and Pluto, and now Mars has some [scientists] scratching their heads over what could possibly be in common with the warming of all these planets

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Speaking of the end of the world, the BBC noticed that the earth hasn’t been warming, perhaps has been cooling, since 1998. Meanwhile, Gore isn’t answering questions about the scathing judge’s report on the accuracy of his film’s claims.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

Yes...some scientist seem to believe that the ISM dust may cause use to reach our next ice age...

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:24 AM
I have long believed this is what is behind the 2012 time frame. We will be at its peak period at 2012. I posted this video in 2008 here explaining this, yet it did not get noticed. I will post it here again for you guy's to review.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

Thaks for the video I have also seen this... There are many factors at play it seems that have been effecting our solar system and planets seem that the ISM may only be but one casue in the effects...

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