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Obamacare Slaps $15,000 Annual Fee on Middle Class Families

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posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by charlie0

Oh please. Americans aren't that stupid. It's just that too many of them got suckered into the simplistic "let the free market prevail" philosophy. A responsible society has a more complex system of capitalism and is better at dealing with and regulating monopolies, lobbyists, avoids corporate rule in politics and in every aspect of life.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal

Originally posted by ReelView
Well there is the idea that destroying the middle class is essential for domination. The poor traditionally do not poss the threat to conquest that a middle class does. So efforts to target a middle class are likely. Remember income tax is optional.

Yeah till you don't pay it, then prison is mandatory.

You do make good points, because by the time the middle class is wiped out, the new election term will have passed and this monstrosity will be in full effect.

I can only hope that the states that have re-affirmed their 10th ammendment rights will move to refuse to follow this.

Impeach Obama today!
Laura Ingraham is totally losing it over this 2,000 page bill.
Harry Reid is trying to make it permanent by NOT allowing
future congress members to change or get rid of it.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
reply to post by zz0409

You couldn't afford $350 a month for health insurance??????????
I find that hard to believe.

One of the problems with our country is Americans don't put their health first. I'd love to hear people that complain about how expensive is give up their Ipods, fancy computers, cell phones, and all the other stuff MOST of us don't need.

Well it depends on how much you make. In my area Vancouver WA, my realtor told me the average family income was 55k per year. With 55k if we reduce it 15% for all taxes, low cost houses are 250k here so 2000 a month for housing, one older paid off car one with payments plus insurance 600 a month, 500 a month for all utilities/telephones/internet etc. that comes out to $850 or so per month left over for food, clothing, gas, anything and everything else you may need with no room for IRA or other savings….I would say an extra 350 per month cost for health insurance would really hurt.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
Dear God what is happening to us here? Why are they doing this to us? There are moments when I think that logic and intelligence will win in the end, but then I see this kind of change and I am starting to loose hope. It honestly feels like the lunatics are running the assylum. God help us all in these days ahead...

Is this "hope and change" you can believe in?

Obama said he was going to fundamentally change America.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by trueperspective

But you have to admit, the idiot-in-chief is smart, most of this won't go into effect till after he's out of office and the poor sap that takes over'll get blamed for this train wreck.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Chance321

The tax part starts right away, be prepared to pay more for a lot of stuff. Also I expect the required expansion of gov. to administer this mess starts right off - = = woohoo JOBS!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:43 PM
It's going towards bullets and mortar shells.

It's time we move the # out of this place or create a new nation.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:46 PM
you guys watch to much fox news

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
Dear God what is happening to us here? Why are they doing this to us? There are moments when I think that logic and intelligence will win in the end, but then I see this kind of change and I am starting to loose hope. It honestly feels like the lunatics are running the assylum. God help us all in these days ahead...

Is this "hope and change" you can believe in?

Obama said he was going to fundamentally change America.

um, its not one year yet. do you want bush back?

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Koolcdj69

Originally posted by NightoftheComet
Oh hail our great comrade leader OBAMA! OUR SAVIOR OBAMA! OBAMA! OBAMA! who can wash away the years of republican rule!

LOL! Seriously, what do people who vote dem think?

Ever notice how people with "vote obama" stickers are driving fancy cars and living the high life? Ever notice that people with republican stickers tend to be salt of the earth type people aka middle-class?

Seriously people need to read Karl Marx and his two class system philosphy very closely.

What? Are you kidding me? People with the fancy cars are the ones with Republican bumper stickers. Middle Class people and lower are the ones with with the Dem stickers. (I'm Democratic)

Republicans are for big buisness and the wealthy.

Amen to that!!!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Chett

Sorry my bad, ment to say the coverage doesn't start till way later. But your right, the pain comes first then gets worse from here on out.

Does anyone have a Link to the updated health care bill?

[edit on 23-12-2009 by Chance321]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Koolcdj69

I do love how the divide and conquer strategy works on people like you. There are more rich Democrats in office than rich Republicans, for one thing. Besides, it really doesn't matter if they are Republican or Democrat, do you really think that either party has your well being in mind? C'mon guy, it's time to grow out of that naivete, and see the world for what it is. You are their slave, you don't realize it yet, but you'll come to the realization eventually, at least you know the name of your master already.

All politicians support big business. They know who butters their bread, and it isn't you. Any sum you can 'contribute' is pathetic compared to the amount that big business can send their way.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:24 AM
But, I've been thinking about this, and it might not be a bad thing after all. If people are forced to spend more money on health insurance, they will have less to spend on other things, and the economy will spiral further down. There's always a silver lining.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:29 AM
Lets all post on a blog, and complain, and oh ya....not do anything about it.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by x2Strongx

Oh, well. We are sort of poorly when it comes to economic factors. My wife will probably see a rise in her health insurance premiums. Me? I get my healthcare from the VA. By the way, it's been a few years and I am still awaiting a consult concerning the deteriorating discs in my lower back. It's not the best of care, and it's not the worst of care. It's better than nothing, eh? My wife, though. Well, she's used to getting kicked to the curb by her insurance company, while paying ever increasing premiums and ever increasing personal costs for seeing her doctor.She's to the point now where she must decide, which medicines do I choose to not buy anymore, for lack of funds.

I see no relief from this all from the current healthcare plan that will become law, very soon. What else can you expect from a country, (USA) in decline? As Obama's once preacher said, something about chickens have come home to roost. He wasn't lying, folks.

Peace be unto you during this Saturnalia celebration.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by people=oooo

I'm open to suggestions. Really, show us your wisdom.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Alright so i come to this site all the time till this time i became a member and read what other people put on here so i do wanna say this. You cant have taxation without representation, our government has no reason to do this there is no reason to even have healthcare reform at all, just tweek the system we already have instead they wanna tax us to death till we have nothing left, they dont care they never will care your government stop caring a long time ago. People should care instead they ignore it and let it happen then when its to late they sit here and think how they should have said something instead of being silent.

I already pay enough taxes why should i have to pay more its stupid i have to pay for someone else to have insurance why should i be taxed more that crap and one crooked system well wait our government is nothing but a bunch of crooks and thiefs. No matter who you elect they are all liars and dont give a crap about you or your life they pretty much show that. This bill wont fix anything in fact it will make it worse off then we already are. Government should do what they are elected to do and thats keep us safe and not play into the market or buy anything or try to run it cause well they will run it into the ground like they have done theser past couple years. Obama is a liar to the american people while he says one thing he does another. I hope this bill doesnt pass at all cause its one big piece of crap that doesnt help anyone or anything. They could keep the sytem we have and just crack down on the crap thats wrong with it but NOOOO lets do a overhaul and screw the american tax payers to death. If everyone in america would get there head outta there ass's and stand up for there rights and let there government know how they feel belive me they might just listen. Remember we pay there wages when we pay taxes they work for us no us for them so do your part and stand up. If this bill passes its the start of the end cause it can only get worse from then on.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by people=oooo
Lets all post on a blog, and complain, and oh ya....not do anything about it.

Do what? I love my life....

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

I like the free market. I don't feel responsible for any one else. It's silly to feel responsible for anyone else. People need to be responsible for themselves, they are not stupid after all. Big government feeds on do gooders and the poor. After the bureaucrats take their 100,000 dollar salaries and benefits they throw a few leftover crumbs to the masses. Only someone severely deluded believes in big government. In the late 1800s under laissez faire capitalism and no federal taxes, the entire country was built up and industry created millions of jobs. Once the do gooders from Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, Hoover, FDR, and Johnson took over, what did the country have? One war after another, depression and now stagnation and strangulation and more war. Bush, sadly he was a big government RINO do gooder.

And guess what, if monopolies charge too much, they lose business, so market forces act on monopolies too.

Now medicare and seniors will lose to extend coverage ot others just to get votes. I guess the calculation is old people are conservative, and therefore expendable.

[edit on 24-12-2009 by A52FWY]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by blackey27

Thing is an awful lot of people have complained. E-mail, phone calls, showing up in D.C. - it has done no good whatsoever.
All we have left is the ballot box next Nov. - hopefully people will actually remember it by then.

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