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An attack on America by Europe

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+9 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:35 PM
Hahahaha! Honestly? I've been clock-watching for the last couple of days waiting for this thread thinking "there's now way on earth that the Americans will allow those uppity Europeans to dare criticise America or suggest that Above Top Secret is too Americentric! Any minute now..."

There's some strange thinking on this thread, particularly the generalising that's going on by lumping all the Europeans together. Yes, there's generalising going in the opposite direction, however as diverse as the 'Great American Melting Pot' is meant to be, you are all lumped together as Americans. Europe has many different cultures in many different countries: the comparison doesn't work.

What's also incredibly peculiar is the way the bulk of this thread seems to be based on things that happened, quite literally, hundreds and hundreds of years ago in comparison with how much of the world feels about America today: that comparison doesn't work either.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by mpbdsnu

And If you read the whole thing I mentioned atrocities in Vietnam.. go back and re-read it.

But for Grins and Giggles, what happened to South Vietnam after the Idiot Ameican Goverment abandon them. Diddnt Huindreds of thousands of them die? Diddnt the Norths goverment allow for Pol Pot to kill over 3 million of there people? Help me out here Dooper I know you were there in Nam its hazy for me, I fought in Iraq and Afgan.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by GypsK

And where do you think the Hispanics originate from?

Most of the Hispanics coming to the US are mestizos, the result of the rape of Indian women by Spanish men.

That's why they have that whole Aztlan thing going on, and feel like they can claim the US as Indians.

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Excellent research and post.

S & F.

As a student of history myself, I have to agree with your summary that who are the europeans to criticize us, with all the skeletons they have in their collective closets?

Im Irish.. we never had an empire or started a war.

So if I want to call the US a psychotic, money grabbing, murderous evil scum hole.. then technically I can..

Fortunately I don't have those views because i view stereotypes as a cop out.. the only things I disagree with about the US is its foreign policy of destabilization in order to remain top dog..

And of course the regular run-in's with undereducated bigots from your country. Every country has them of course, its just that at the moment yours seem louder (It wasn't that long ago when it was the Brits) :lol and obviously seeing as ye are half the English speaking world.. there are going to be quite a lot. Thats about it really.

The fact of the matter is, what happens generations ago pails in comparison to what is happening in the here and now because simply put.. we are supposed to learn from our mistakes.

So if your Empire is killing millions of innocents at the moment.. you can't seriously expect people to view it as perfectly acceptable simply because their great great great great great great great great grandfather's leaders forced them to do the same thing.

And for the BIGGEST point..

Those "Europeans" weren't governed by democratically elected leaders.. whereas you elect your leaders to do these things..


[edit on 20/10/09 by Dermo]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

I admit, I didn't know that
thanks for clarifying

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Dermo

What millions on Innocents has America Killed? Please show me so that I may shut my mouth... ?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Dermo

Fortunately I don't have those views because i view stereotypes as a cop out.. the only things I disagree with about the US is its foreign policy of destabilization in order to remain top dog..

Do you not believe that other countries are playing the same destabilization game in an effort to get to become top dog?

I mean why was the EU created, and what was that thing that I believe the Irish passed recently after having defeated it the first time.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Now if you would go back and read the first post, you would see that I stated that "after there have been numerous attacks on Americas past record from Europeans, (not all of you but a few vocal ones) who seem to forget their Nation (continents) darker past that makes America look like a savior." So this was directed at the vocal America is Evil crowed if you fit into that catergory then so be it.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

.....and if you look again sir, you will see that I was actually replying to someone else.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by mpbdsnu

My mistake it wasnt directed at you but more of a French Indochina thing.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Do you not believe that other countries are playing the same destabilization game in an effort to get to become top dog?

I mean why was the EU created, and what was that thing that I believe the Irish passed recently after having defeated it the first time.

I never said I didn't.. what I wrote is pretty clear.

The EU was created for stabilization of the European region and is evolving to counter US influence in Eurasia while remaining as a US ally.

When did this become a conversation about the Lisbon treaty?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Erm incase you forgot america CAME from europe that's why your WHITE and not black or chinese so by putting us down you really are putting yourselves down fact is i been on the chans ALOT and i know a troll when i see one but was pleasently convinced OP did his research and that this wasn't a typical US>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Europe thread i see where i come from good research OP but you failed to mention CERN and LHC but appart from that 9/10 for effort ^^

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Im Canadian, do i pass the test of coming from a "clean" enough country for ya? Do i get an opinion now? Pretty sure Geographical location doesnt exclude you from voicing your opinion, whether you liek ti or not. Correct me if im wrong but isnt that in your Constitution somewhere? Maybe round the top? Im not sure been a while since you guys used that thing but im pretty sure theres a footnote regarding Freedom of Speech somewhere.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Im Canadian, do i pass the test of coming from a "clean" enough country for ya? Do i get an opinion now? Pretty sure Geographical location doesnt exclude you from voicing your opinion, whether you like it or not. Correct me if im wrong but isnt that in your Constitution somewhere? Maybe round the top? Im not sure been a while since you guys used that thing but im pretty sure theres a footnote regarding Freedom of Speech somewhere.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Hack28]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by Dermo

What millions on Innocents has America Killed? Please show me so that I may shut my mouth... ?

Iraq? No WMD's.. just an illegal war and a ridiculous death toll.

Your own Ron Paul puts the figure somewhere near a million.. and thats just one country.

Don't get me wrong.. I understand the whole Imperial thing.. Business is business, but there's no point in closing your eyes to the fact that its still not right.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by rationaluser

We may have came from Europe but we are Americans, Not Europeans. As far as the rest of your post.... What?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:53 PM
American cities with Spanish names.

San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Santa Barbara, Boca Raton, El Paso, Santa Fe etc.

U.S. States with Spanish names.

Florida, Texas, California, Montana, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico.

Edit to ADD don't forget the Alamo!

[edit on 20-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Hack28

What? I never mentioned Canada except for a little shout there. I think it went along the lines of this :excluding G.B and Canada Love ya...) So umm again What?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Dermo

again What? No million Iraqis died there and show me some proof the Ron Paul said that... And incase you are not aware and need a recent history lesson the war is not Illegal the US Congress authorized use of force to remove Saddam. nuff said.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:55 PM
Look I am an Apache a full member of the Jicarilla.... If you ask me do I hate white people,American or European... my answer is no, not individually... but form them into a ""Bureaucracy"" and give them some modicum of power... then Heck yes that scares the bejesus out of me... but the same could be said for any other racial group, even my own...

I think poedxsoldiervet is trying to point out our European brothers like to point to us pour step-children and blame us for all the worlds woes... maybe we are the cause of a lot of suffering... but remember where we learned it from....

Lets look at once such European lesson...

Although the armies was accomplishing the task of displacing we red skins, a bounty encouraged settlers to mount attacks on the Indians whenever they could. In 1703, Massachusetts paid 12 pounds for an Indian scalp. By 1723 the price had soared to 100 pounds. To the frontiersmen, it did not matter if the scalp came from an Indian or a white man. All that mattered was the bonus. The practice eventually became widespread. The French used the bounty on scalps to eradicate a peaceful tribe in Newfoundland. During the French and Indian Wars, the English offered their troops a bounty of 200 pounds for the scalp of the chief of the Delaware tribe, Shinngass. This was 25 times the price that they offered their Indian allies for the scalp of a French soldier. This practice of paying a bounty for Indian scalps continued into the 19th century before the public put an end to the practice.

Great European lesson in peaceful tolerance right???

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