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Time to call EPIC FAIL on forced swine flu mass population vaccination

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posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:52 PM
my opinion and theory on the swine flu vaccine is different so im not agreeing or disagreeing here to what anyone's saying.

now, i dont know if or when its going to be forced, but my fiance is in the military and he said once its available they will HAVE to get the vaccine. on the other hand, in the military you are required to get many other vaccines and there's no one making a big deal about that so whatever.

also, this kind of freaked me out. it may or may not happen but just knowing that its being considered gives me the wiggins

Not to mention that the alleged FEMA "internment camps" are presumably standing vacant and unused, and the thousands upon thousands of body bags are collecting dust somewhere.

doesnt matter if they're unused or "collecting dust", the point is that they're there. and they may be there, unused, for a long while. but again, THEY'RE THERE AND FOR A REASON THAT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT. maybe they just have it to prepare for the next big hurricane like katrina, or maybe thats just a mask for an insidious plan. who knows, but you cant write them off that easily. but i will agree that i dont think they have anything to do with the swine flu.

just thought i would point out my knowledge of whats being talked about. and again not saying i agree or disagree, this proves nothing on either sides, its just some extra info i wanted to share.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Sharrow

Sharrow, I think you've lost enough points trolling this thread.
I'm sure there are many others for you to lose points in.

NotAgain, I thought you had both of us on ignore? From what I can see, your opinion on this topic was 'done and dusted' a while ago?

[edit on 19-10-2009 by forlorn23]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by jcrash

jcrash: Thanks for your attempt to answer those very salient points that I raised. I don't know how close or far from the mark you may be but at least you've tried to bring some perspective and logic to this conspiracy ... and believe me, it certainly needs it big time !

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:18 PM

I'll tell you what, instead of these continuous tirades, why don't we get down to finally having you vaccination conspirators come right out and CLEARLY state what you think you know is happening (or about to happen) ... fair enough ?

1. What agenda has been definitely identified as being the main reason for the introduction of the swine flu vaccine (population control, global domination, etc) ?
2. Why are there multiple different formulations of the vaccine being developed ?
3. Which agency, group or government(s) have been definitely identified as the originators of this swine flu vaccination scheme ?
4. What is the proven end result (payload) that will result from injection/inhalation of the vaccine (death, population reduction, control, etc) ?
5. What is the proven and identified time/date for this agenda to commence (tomorrow, next week, next year, etc) ?
6. What is the proven time frame that this agenda will run for (days, weeks, months, years, etc) ?
7. What is the proven reason for the vaccine being released at differing dates in various countries ?
8. Has it been proven that the military will be involved ?
9. Has it been proven that legislation will be enacted by every nation to "force" the vaccination upon unwilling recipients ?
10. Has it been proven what the final end result of this vaccination agenda is expected to achieve ?

If you can't supply definitive, corroborated and documented evidence/proof/sources to answer the above realistic and legitimate questions pertaining to the swine flu vaccination conspiracy, then the plain and simple truth is that this conspiracy is built on nothing but hype, innuendo, false/fake/misleading information and a fantasy version of reality.

So, be mature and do everyone a favour and clarify the situation by supplying honest answers to the above questions ... instead of hurling vitriol and abuse at any opponents of your conspiracy hypothesis.

Well, it's now been 5 days since I posted the above fact-finding questionnaire, and except for a single response from jcrash, the normally very vocal proponents of the swine flu vaccination conspiracy have been unusually silent for once. Guess it's far easier to jump on the bandwagon and hype up the hysteria and paranoia and not present any justifiable evidence to back oneself up with, then to legitimize your "claims" with hard, factual and verifiable evidence.

As well as Australia, we now have the UK and Japan having made the vaccine available to it's citizens. And do we see any evidence or intent by their respective governments to force the vaccine onto their citizens ? not in the slightest ... in fact, it's completely voluntary and in most cases the recipient even has to pay for the dose !

So much then for the mass forced vaccination conspiracy !!!
And if the "forced" component of the conspiracy has been shown to be inaccurate, just makes you wonder if there's ANY accuracy at all to any of these so-called swine flu conspiracies ?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

Spot on.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername
And you're lying, because I also answered to your questions, but it's been moderated out, because it's covered the truth. So it's just a reminder for the readers: please ask the OP to don't forget to tell the detailed facts, what he is always forget to tell to others.

Have a nice day.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

the problem is you want people to reply about stuff that they could never reply to. You want them to give you proven answers from the future.

I find it odd that in my Area of SW washington/oregon we are seeing a huge spike in the number of cases of H1N1 right after everyone started getting flu shots.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

the problem is you want people to reply about stuff that they could never reply to. You want them to give you proven answers from the future.

If a conspiracy regarding a certain event starts to attract a very large number of proponents and these same people begin to make "claims" that such and such is going to happen because of this particular conspiracy, then I don't think it unreasonable in the slightest to expect them to provide details and proof to substantiate their claims.
I asked a number of reasonable and logical questions to determine just how much validity these proponents can actually come up with ... and so far the response has been predictable i.e. no hard facts or evidence has been presented in response to those questions ... from that one can readily conclude that the swine flu vaccination conspiracy is simply just so much hot air.

I find it odd that in my Area of SW washington/oregon we are seeing a huge spike in the number of cases of H1N1 right after everyone started getting flu shots.

Where are you obtaining these "huge spike" statistics from ? your local health authorities ? from WHO ? some other source ?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

A mix of sources. I have workers who see many people a day and are starting to run into more and more people telling them they have h1n1 and need to reschedule. The new reported that like 407 people at a High school have h1n1 currently.

One of my employee's kids has it now and multiple employee's have had it.

Do you know how many I had heard of 2 weeks ago? Zero. I went from hearing about it on the internet to having it hit home locally pretty dang hard.

And of course your questions are logical to you, that's probably why you asked them. Perception is reality and I think your perception may change over the next few months.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

And of course your questions are logical to you, that's probably why you asked them. Perception is reality and I think your perception may change over the next few months.

I understand what you're saying but my questions are very straightforward and try to address the underlying basis of the swine flu vaccination conspiracy ... in other words ... who, what, were and why.
If those answers can't be supplied, then any reasonable person using common sense would have to conclude that there is no substance whatsoever to the conspiracy.

Anyway, as you say ... we shall all see what (if anything) eventuates over the next few months.
I'm willing to bet that this time next year, swine flu and the vaccine will all be nothing more than ancient history and the ATS members will have chalked up yet another failed conspiracy/prediction !

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:00 PM
As reported in the thread "flu vaccine requirement for health workers is lifted"

and yet another solid indication that the swine flu vaccination conspiracy premise was completely unfounded ... and based solely on the need to create yet another "end of the world / doomsday" type of scenario that many here on ATS absolutely thrive on !

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:54 AM
Many more cases are popping up. Schools are closing. People are dying. It looks like the center for disease control knew what they were talking about.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:54 AM
Many more cases are popping up. Schools are closing. People are dying. It looks like the center for disease control knew what they were talking about.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by earthdude

The opposite is happening with the onset of spring and summer in the southern hemisphere ... the number of swine flu cases being diagnosed and reported is actually dropping.

May as well mention that no reports have surfaced of anyone dying from the vaccine here in Oz, which has now been available for almost a month.

So in the words of the immortal bard himself ... "Much ado about nothing".

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:48 PM
Does anyone remember smallpox?
I think those were forced vaccinations.

-SMALLPOX- "By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the British empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious vaccines."... Tim O'Shea

President Bush tries to start mandatory SmallPox Vaccines 2003

Slow Learners
What most people don't know is that just after the US began vaccinating for smallpox (1902) England stopped. By 1907, England finally got the message: no more compulsory smallpox vaccination. Holland, same thing in 1928. Australia - 1925 (Anderson, p 10) [7]

How long did it take the US to figure out that the smallpox vaccine not only didn't work, but was dangerous and often fatal as well? We finally stopped vaccinating in 1971, the last holdout in the world.

The low ebb of the infectious diseases arrived in the 1970s. From 1950 to 1970, zero cases of smallpox were reported in the U.S. After several years passed, however, there are now a few cases of smallpox, but they only occur among the ranks of the vaccinated! (Scheibner) [23]

What's important to notice is that smallpox vaccination in the U.S. persisted another 30 years after the disease was at an incidence of practically zero. Again, the only source of death from smallpox in the U.S. for 30 years was from the vaccine itself. (Mendelsohn, p 232, World Book, 1994) [24, 25]

Even though smallpox vaccination became mandatory in the US after 1902, what is less commonly known is that by 1929, all states, but nine no longer made it compulsory. Reason: too many deaths and complications. (H.B. Anderson, p 2)

Today smallpox occurs nowhere in nature.

Dissenting Voices
Other physicians of the smallpox era were not that impressed with the vaccine. William Howard Hay MD, at an address he gave on 25 June 1937, remarked:

"…of all the insane things we have advocated in medicine - that is one of the most insane, to insist on the vaccination of children or anyone else for the prevention of smallpox, when as a matter of fact, we are not able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox." [26]

Phillipine Fiasco
After WWI, there was a lot of surplus smallpox vaccine that didn't get used. So we looked to another market we could control. When the U.S. mandated a mass smallpox vaccination program in the Philippines in 1917, some 25 million shots were given to those people. 163,000 Filipinos came down with the disease after the vaccination, and 75,339 Filipinos died from it, quadrupling the death rate prior to the inoculation program. That's way more than the total number of Americans who died in the entire Vietnam war! American "immunization" of its Philippine territory caused several horrific epidemics there that didn't quite make the six o'clock news. (Anderson, p 69 W.H.Hay, also James, p 410) [7, 26, 27]

Fairy Tales Can Come True
To sum up, what Jenner did was to take an old superstition of Gloucester dairymaids and pander it into a fortune for himself and the English government by the most ridiculous "scientific" posturing.

The New Smallpox Market
Bringing the discussion into the present, post-9/11 politics has created marketing niches like the world has never seen. In classic Edward L Bernays style, the illusion of a smallpox threat has been created - an $800 million illusion. [Appleby) [28] With no proof whatsoever, the scripted media daily barrages the unlettered public with likely scenarios of Muslim terrorists unleashing weaponized smallpox into metropolitan areas, supposedly resulting in epidemics of smallpox spreading like wildfire through an unvaccinated population, etc.

In an eerie replay of the social politics of 200 years ago, scientific fact is brushed aside and we are distracted from the lessons of our own history, as though these events never took place:

· smallpox disappeared worldwide in 1977

· the only deaths from smallpox since 1970 have been from the vaccine

· smallpox vaccine killed thousands in England, France, Prussia, and the Philippines

· the sham premise of Jenner is still widely held

· smallpox vaccine historically has killed the most people of any vaccine ever invented

· the vaccine is for a completely different disease - a disease of cows

· the vaccine does not confer immunity to smallpox

· the reason that our country and every other country in the world stopped vaccinating was that the vaccine not only did not work, but was causing the disease and other pathological and fatal side effects

After all this, President bush tried to restart the Mandatory SmallPox Vaccine in 2003. Now THAT was an EPIC FAIL.

President Bush tries to start mandatory SmallPox Vaccines 2003

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Epic fail?
Talk about early on the trigger.huh! Are you even around anymore?

Now what?

[edit on 31-10-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:10 AM
the vaccine is being forced just not physically its being molded into our minds that we need it through the media every hour of the day. nonestop. its a way. of doing it without people being physically forced and getting violent

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
Epic fail?
Talk about early on the trigger.huh! Are you even around anymore?

Now what?

[edit on 31-10-2009 by randyvs]

You betcha I'm still around and watching with continual growing amazement the number of posters flocking to the Ukrainian infection thread ... most of them crying doom, gloom and the sky is falling (once again). I can almost hear the collective sighs of "thank god, we've got another potential catastrophe to post ad naseum about ... mind you, we have no solid data to work on yet but that's never stopped us before !"

Irrespective of whether the Ukrainian source of infection turns out to be H1N1 or some other infectious agent, yet again there is no evidence that this is in anyway related to the original conspiracy of global mass forced swine flu vaccination ... unless you expect us to believe that the Ukrainian government is in collusion with the "evil doers" and has deliberately released some form of infection on it's populace as it's contribution to the global population control theory ?

Is that what you're alluding to, Randyvs ? Are you stating this is a deliberate plot being orchestrated by the Ukrainian government on it's populace ?

Wish I had the Cyrillic character set installed but here it is in english phonetic .... "Te ye takay durak ! "

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by cronotrigger30
the vaccine is being forced just not physically its being molded into our minds that we need it through the media every hour of the day. nonestop. its a way. of doing it without people being physically forced and getting violent

It is? That's news to me. I get more forced messages to go eat at McDonalds, than I do to get the vaccine. I hear an add or a recommendation perhaps once week, saying to get the vaccine. I also hear an equal # of opposing views.

I bring up my local newspaper. Nothing. Local news the last week? Nada except news on schools being shut down. Work? Nope. In fact, due to a shortage of the vaccine, they won't be offering it at all.

In fact, if I WANTED to get this vaccine, I probably COULDN'T! There is a shortage, not a surplus. Kind of hard to get a mandatory vaccine when it's not even available...

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by fleabit

where i live in canada its the only thing they talk about on the radio

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