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Stock Up, This is Not a Test, Ominous Signals

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posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:58 AM
I take most of this stuff lightly, but I feel something is comming. I've been telling my wife; the end of October. I try to be optomistic and think maybe good things are comming, but that would take a complete 360.
I've moved my family far away from most of our family & friends and can barely pay the bills. How do I prepare?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by lifecitizen

It only makes sense does it not?

Even if all predictions have an element of truth...

How do we know that 2012 isn't the day the cycle of terror ENDS

Really lets look at this, 2012 Marks the END of a calender, we are all hyped up, lets say it's not even a conspiracy... The last 2 Millennium, world wars, the dark ages, the death of Christ

It's been a pretty stinkin backwards time with death fear and trauma and stupidity in this major escalation.

What if 2012 isn't the Start of some awful catastrophe what if we are living it and these last 2 years here are the WORST and 2012 marks the calender end because this is when this cycle of violence and stupidity actually ends.

The worst of it is due to start right now, with immediacy and end on Dec of 2012 marking a new age

lol Mopus, yeah what if- I never thought of it like that!

And I know this sounds weak but if it werent for a dream I had some 20 odd years ago, I wouldnt be entertaining this the end is nigh stuff at all

Seems life on planet earth is just one crisis after the other and we've always survived, I can see how others don't buy into doomsday predictions because they've been around forever and nothing has ever happened- but I dunno I just feel like time is running out or somethin' and all my worst fears will be a reality- just hope we're all wrong- your posts are very convincing you put forward good arguments- I mean the insect theory made my skin crawl but seemed to make alot of sense, lol

edit spell error

[edit on 9-9-2009 by lifecitizen]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

LOL SD,I do not think it is the end rather the start of a new begging perhaps.

None the less, that is exactly the point of this thread, far from planet X or 2012 or the return of the Annunaki or a rabid Chupacabra invasion....

I think some bad mojo might be about to go down our issues this time around are Economic, social unrest disease and... these are all potentially real things.

The End? Some Biblical Apocalypse no

But I feel we may be allowing ourselves to be distracted this time from some very serious issues.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by lifecitizen

I like to look for what's plausible and treat the fantastic very skeptically.

I am not presenting this as a doomsday scenario.

I see a very over extended army.

I see that where we had no real enemies we have made some.

I see a public that no loner trusts the government and is highly reactive.

I see that we have no defense against bio weapons and they are readily deliverable and our govt suddenly has grave "health"concerns

I see an economy genuinely bankrupt

I see a Government that has gone from scare tactics to being scared

And I see a plethora of real issues converging simultaneously and nothing constructive being done about any of them while lobbyists and greed and corruption of the legal system and division among the people rule the day.

I see allot of room for real issues to happen...

Not saying the end of the world... Just saying it really, really might Suck

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:39 AM
And that's just it, I'm not sure I wanna see the new beginning- as much as I like to think I could do without technology and my mod cons- I'm just as reliant on them as the next person

I probably won't survive to see the new beginning anyway- damn should have stayed all cosy in the warmth of the New Age- they're all going up for a party on the 5th dimsension, whilst all the unenlightened folk get stuck with the Mad Max type scenario back down on the 4th...knew I should have payed more attention to that movie- it maybe had some tips

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by lifecitizen

I like to look for what's plausible and treat the fantastic very skeptically.

I am not presenting this as a doomsday scenario.

I see a very over extended army.

I see that where we had no real enemies we have made some.

I see a public that no loner trusts the government and is highly reactive.

I see that we have no defense against bio weapons and they are readily deliverable and our govt suddenly has grave "health"concerns

I see an economy genuinely bankrupt

I see a Government that has gone from scare tactics to being scared

And I see a plethora of real issues converging simultaneously and nothing constructive being done about any of them while lobbyists and greed and corruption of the legal system and division among the people rule the day.

I see allot of room for real issues to happen...

Not saying the end of the world... Just saying it really, really might Suck

Yeah in effect you're saying things look like they're going to change, and not for the better- I get that- people scare me I dont wanna be around them when all hell breaks loose- or SHTF- in fact it is my worst nightmare people freaking out all over the place.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:52 AM
Well, you can't deny that our entire society is built upon lies. These lies have been exposed more in the last year than ever before. The curtain is quickly getting pulled back. When people see who is really back there pulling the strings and their illusions of the world we live in crumble, we will be in for hard times.

TPTB have two choices, either let things proceed the way that they are going and see what happens when the plebs find out the truth or create a massive distraction on a scale large enough to maintain the balance of power for years to come. A giant reset button if you will. Something makes me think they don't plan on going quietly into the night.

I think this fall will be one for the history books.

(and per some random stranger on my profile, Sept 21'st could be the big day)

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:01 AM
It astounds me the collective panic and displacement being felt by many here.

If it's any constellation, my chest has been tightening steadily since summer started, my jaws are seriously clenched now and my shoulders feel like I've been hand planting all week on 1000 acres. I feel I'm on the last 100 yards of a 20 mile foot race, about to pass out.

I've contributed to many of these "something's coming" threads and even started a couple. It's been an active thing for a good year at least.

Why must I feel it? There's absolutely ZERO reason for me to worry, really. Without boasting, I'm secure financially, physically, defensively and can relocate all I need in a few minutes to vehicle x and arrive at place x within a couple hours all prepared for sit x. But I feel there's a force at work now. Not a cell or a war, a force or a presence. Aliens don't come to mind, nor does the flu.

I might be "atheistically challenged" and might not fit in to the hipster, latte drinking scene well since I do believe 100% in God. No doubts whatsoever.
Maybe it explains the pressure to point of nausea. Am I simply feeling the evil of evils presence upon us? Or the evils within us?

Is this bluebeam really a project to create this feeling in the populace til we shizzle our pants uncontrollably? Are we being had by feeling we are being had? Or are we being had?

The unsettledness and confusion seems to mirror that of the plight of the bumble bee as of late, does it not? Isn't that bigger than just Obama?

PLEASE! TURN IT OFF! Whatever the hell it is!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:05 AM
You guys still think Iran is your enemy and will attack "the US"? Then you havent learn nothing whatsoever.
I really had enough of all Doomsayers.
Everytime you guys feel an itch in the butt, "something big is going to happen, or TSHTF".
We as humanity would be much further, if some of you actually came up with ideas how to better our situation, rather than cry "its the end of the world", everytime they "feel" something.

As i see it,it is you guys, that will go rampaging ,killing and pillaging, if your beloved 2012 doesnt come with a big bang as you expected.

People like you scare me more than the laughable PTB

[edit on 9-9-2009 by Dynamitrios]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:09 AM
Well, all I can say is that the World has been crumbling since the day of civilization. What's the difference?

If the economy collapses or not doesn't really matter here does it? Because most of us are going to end up with mediocre lives anyway, what difference does it make if the economy is fake or criminal? It's been fake in criminal around the world for thousands of years.

Look, I know there are concerns for our safety and survival, but we've always been dancing on the line of death since the day we were born in this wolf eatin place.

It's bad enough we're surrounded by bad circumstances, but do we have to pile on the fear every single day with analysis and predictions of Armageddon?

Time's have always been changing for the worse in this Country,

Until this Country closes it's borders and recalls all of it's people and military nothing is ever going to change. Until all of the Central Bankers, and foreign owned companies are deported, until we null and void all debt and foreign property contracts..nothing will ever change.

In order for our Country to change, we have to all fight for independence again and kick all of these criminals out of our Country for good. And re-instate the death penalty on Treason, extortion and other High corporate crimes.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by corusso
I take most of this stuff lightly, but I feel something is comming. I've been telling my wife; the end of October. I try to be optomistic and think maybe good things are comming, but that would take a complete 360.
I've moved my family far away from most of our family & friends and can barely pay the bills. How do I prepare?


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:42 AM
i could not agreemore with the imminence of the threat, the bottom line is, global capitalism based on credit has been proven to NOT work... and they are reflating the bubble just long enough for people that missed getting out before to get out now... the mkt to real economy disconnect has never been greater... you have the end of the USA's empire going on right now and unfortunately i don't think they'll go quietly... China and Russia hold all the cards, everyone in the game knows it; they're buying the USA piecemeal, they own a load of dollars which the USA is ruining the value of intentionally; china are refusing to honour derivative contracts with us banks (major)... the economic battle is well underway
israel and the usa seem to have parted company a little of late... the settlement issues, israel raising interest rates when the rest of the world should be...
it all feels like a giant global tinderbox right now... and the majority are too busy with the new football and x-factor seasons to open their eyes to it

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:52 AM
I say don't stock up and don't plan to "hunker down".

The promoters want you to.

You will be so easy to find if you stay put.

You don't know what the game plan is.....and you may need to play musical chairs at the last minute.

That's what I say plan for.

Why will they want to find you?

Well, your doors have been marked with GPS. Next they will ping it with your IP. They want you to stay put.

Targets will be selective.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:25 AM
For many years I always had that "something is coming" feeling. But I could never pin point exactly when.

Before 9/11, I sensed absolutely nothing. There wasn't an impending feeling for me. There was nothing strange about the air. It just happened. And I think that's how it will be next time.

I cannot even speak with my husband about anything ....anymore. He thinks that most people who speak against Obama are on the same level as "crazy tea baggers".

He does not believe that anything is going to happen. He just continues to go about life in a manner where he is pretty much disconnected to the things I read about here and other places.

Imagine having to prepare for something ....when you live with someone who doesn't believe in it at all. It's really hard sometimes.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:35 AM
If something happens or not the sun will still rise and set without us what has the President and the government running scared is the fact that many people are not buying into vaccines and they have the lobbyists from the big pharmacological companies breathing down their necks.Yes,there is talk about revolution but that's nothing new that has been going on since Clinton was in office.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:40 AM
I wish we could take a poll on who senses a coming disaster.
I know I feel it. I've got the chills just reading this thread. a year ago I would have laughed in your face, with tact of course. I sensed it before joining this site, and it was a primary motivator for doing so. I have spoken to friends who would never be caught dead on a site like this, but they feel it to. As one friend said, "I feel like we are being marched to the gallows." another friend made a similar comment only replacing the word gallows with guillotines. Others, I have not found it hard to convince.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by whitewave

As for stockpiling that's all good and fine but with some of the recent legislation, your stockpiles can be confiscated by our government just because they think it will do better on their shelf than yours.

i've been feeling backed into a corner for along time. everything we think of to do it seems their right there to take it away. or already out lawed it.
i think it's perfectly rational to believe our own govt. knows of our impending slaughter or doom. governments always slaughter their own
on a massive scale. germany ,russia, china, korea, vietnam, iraq, iran, france, have to be ignorant not to be paranoid. well now that i'm
completly depressed, i think i'll go out in the garage, see if i still no how to make hangmans noose.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Custer85
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Those Living Near Nuclear Plants to Get Pills

After all, if nothing happens you will have extra food and water and whatever other supplies you choose to purchase. It's kind of like hedging your investments with being prepared.

how bout the ones that work at nuclear plants.. are we screwed?

only kidding.
The article states that previously the pills were to be distributed after an accident at this one Michigan plant but will give them out now. The plant I work at mails out pills and brochures with information and safe zone maps,(been so for a few years now, maybe longer) and we also have PAs set up around all neighboring towns.. so dont let that article spook you

[edit on 9-9-2009 by emac33]

[edit on 9-9-2009 by emac33]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Great insight...S&F for you, OP. I don't agree with you on Alex Jones, though you may be correct that he is indeed an agent of TPTB. I think with him, he just became enamored with the lure of Hollywood star Charlie Sheen and did whatever Charlie wanted to curry favor and friendship, to his own discredit and demise of his influence amongst us. Charlie really could be a dis-info agent, however. Regardless, Alex is now marginalized and of little consequence.

A word that comes to mind when we talk of all the situations we find on our “plate” at this time is convergence. All that is evil seems to be “at our door”, so to speak. This seems aimed at overwhelming us.

We see the possibility that the books of the Bible that speak of the end times (Revelation, Daniel and Ezekiel, etc) are quickly coming to pass. We are admonished to NOT FEAR…but when we, as believers, see these things come we are to “look up” for our redemption is coming. I don’t normally “preach” on this forum, but fear IS rampant and we all, as God’s creation, need reassurance. This is all I can offer. God IS good and in the end, He Wins!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 05:25 AM
I do have a theory about this swine flu pandemic stuff, and pushing to mass vaccination.

Maybe the US have set loose another virus (on purpose or by accident don't know) which could be very leathal. This more leathal virus that could kill an enormous amount of people, by 10 of millions.
So to control this other virus, vaccinate everyone to let the virus attack only a selected amount of people, and just say oh it's the swine flu, kill people off but not to many.
Or they let this virus out by accident, and just don't want to admit it a creat a mass world panic, just keep people scared enough but not too much, so bring in a vaccine to clean up the mess they have created.

Anyway just food for thought.

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