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Some Grey Aliens may not actually be Aliens at all.

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

When you say October 14th are you referring to the so called Galactic Federation Landing? If so dont mention it again , its one big fake new age saga Dragon girl. I followed that for a while but then got wise to it. They dont exist, well not in the form those channellers are pushing . It just does not add up and I could go on all day about it but I whont lol

Listen to your heart, listen to your inner spirit it will tell you the truth about that lot. They are quickly turning into a new age religion and provide nothing but false hope . I mean come on who ever heard of a commander called "Brad"???

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by cindymars
I agree with the above. Lots of the New Age info is full of disinformation and the NWO does not want us to be able to know for ourselves.

Now DragonriderGal what's this about the 9th D?

Hi cindy

Oh yah, the NWO bunch have always infiltrated any organization, movement or group that is going in a direction they don't want us to go, and then they undermine it by creating dissidence; nobody agrees with any body else, start giving out information that is so ludicrous that the real 'truth' gets lost in the confusion and so on.

It essentially guts the effectiveness of the whole movement/group/organization. Sadly we humans always fall for it. Just look at the 911 truther movement. They have done their best to totally discredit the whole thing, and for a lot of sleeping humans, it has been totally effective.

I don't really ascribe to that whole bit of 'higher density' hooha either. I don't see much validity to that concept. *shrug* I am pretty sure that bit of wishful thinking is being fed to various people by whatever group of aliens that wants us to believe that they are of those 'higher' densities, eh?

From what I see out there, none of them are, although they aren't deaf and blind to spirit realm level awareness, like we have been taught, manipulated and even genetically altered to be. So they do have one up on us until we make physical and spiritual enlightenment. Then we'll see about all this hyperboyle, eh?

[edit on 29-7-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
I mean come on who ever heard of a commander called "Brad"???

Now that was funny.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I apologize
It is snowfalcon who claims to be a 9th density being. Please accept my apoplogies for this. Im very sorry.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

What? MG I thought you were my charismatic leader? I thought we were going on the spaceship that is coming next Oct 14th?

Ok joking. It's funny that they said you were cultish.

OH and PS: Commander Brad is HOT!

[edit on 29-7-2009 by cindymars]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by DragonriderGal

When you say October 14th are you referring to the so called Galactic Federation Landing? If so dont mention it again , its one big fake new age saga Dragon girl. I followed that for a while but then got wise to it. They dont exist, well not in the form those channellers are pushing . It just does not add up and I could go on all day about it but I whont lol

Listen to your heart, listen to your inner spirit it will tell you the truth about that lot. They are quickly turning into a new age religion and provide nothing but false hope . I mean come on who ever heard of a commander called "Brad"???

OH I so agree with you. It is all fake. Although I do see the indigo leadership more behind the whole federation thing than the NWO. They are also wanting to take over the world (and they would be MUCH better leaders than the NWO bunch! But still...).

The tall skinny blue people brought the indigo leaders and the spirits of their people here after their world was destroyed. Now most of their people are in incarnated in human bodies, and the indigo leaders are trying to get them to wake up and do their part in the take over.

Of course the blues weren't at all honest about what being 'human' entailed and how unpsychic and disconnected we are, and so it is unlikely the indigo leaders are going to be able to get their people ready in time.

But true to the NWO bunch's form, they got their grimy little paws on the whole idea and are using this 'federation' thing to confuse and trip people up by disillusioning them even more so they can keep their hold on things.

The landing thing was the NWO's idea and the indigo leaders couldn't say no, it isn't true because it would have blown their whole cover story. Oh, I would never say that the NWO bunch wasn't clever or very skilled at manipulating, but in the end, they won't outsmart us, especially as more and more of us start accessing the spirit realm, see what they are up to and stop buying into their crap.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by cindymars

Ok joking. It's funny that they said you were cultish.

OH and PS: Commander Brad is HOT!

[edit on 29-7-2009 by cindymars]

Yer real funny! What a turn up for the books that I end up being accused of running a cult!! I am very against manipulative cults and always will be, so to be accused of being cultish is not nice. I think it is best we all search out our answers alone, inner spirituality is NEVER found in groups.

LOL commander Brad is hot, is he I have no idea what he looks like do you? Seriously though the GFL is verging on a cult no doubt about it.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I do believe in other dimensions and that we all have aspects of ourselves in these dimensions.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by YourForever
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Fair enough.

What do you read in regards to aliens/ufos?

I don't really read anything on these topics. What I can see that there are a lot of different types of aliens around earth now though, but most are here because they want to see how we humans make physical enlightenment. That is a huge event.

The NWO bunch were originally an alien race called the Jue-sah. They and their flunkies, the Dracs, various inhabitants of the demon world (also aliens) and a few other smaller groups of beings that I don't have a clear sight of yet are all working to keep us from making enlightenment.

The E-l*th or elves as we call them, are mostly on our side because they have so many elven spirits in human bodies and they really hate the Jue-sah. Since they are the *most* powerful aliens around, we really don't need any other aliens on our side, but most of the elder races, like the fairies and gnomes and such are on our side because the elves are.

The blues are only here because they hate the Jue-sah with a burning hatred that extends beyond life and reason even and is eons old. I don't think they or the Jue-sah even remember what actually caused this hatred. But anyway, the blues are doing everything in their power to bring the Jue-sah down, including bringing the indigos here to throw a huge monkey wrench in the NWO plans. But in this case, the enemy of our enemy is NOT our friend and I would say, don't ever trust these beings to be on our side. They aren't.

UFOs are mostly the greys, the blues, some lesser beings that are rather like rats (they do the cattle mutilations and such) but not aligned with any of the more prominant alien races, and of course some are human, back engineered from crashed and stolen UFOs of other aliens.

It is not your authenticity that is an issue, but rather what you are willing to accept as authentic and then pass on to us. You included in your first post mention of David Icke. You are evidently open to alot of external information.

I looked up David Icke because someone said he was talking about the reptilian people, back when I was still learning about my own origins. Since my spirit origins are that of a reptile-type being, I wanted to find out if he was discussing my spirit origin people. He wasn't, by the way.

But since connecting to the racial/collective unconscious, I really don't need to 'read' up on what other people think about any of this stuff. A lot of them are just guessing, writing a nice bit of wishful thinking, or being fed information from whatever alien group that wants to influence them.

Usually I can see clearly enough from the original source, the unedited, unpolluted memories of people alive at the time of the events. I am not generally guessing. Honestly it is like I am seeing a little mini-movie of things. Sometimes the information just pops into my head like an 'aha', too.

Sometimes there is a 'haze' over a topic, harder to see, but with perseverance, I can usually get enough information to get a fairly good understanding of whatever it is I am seeking. It is really like a library; I can see why it gets called the Askaric library (I think that's how it's spelled). I am not the only one to ever have accessed it, but perhaps one of the first to get a DSL connection.

I do agree with you on the NWO as you call it - there are human sources that are waging a mental and apparently spiritual war on us to influence our perceptions of alien entities. Whatever the circumstances of your connections, it is true that some of your information is recycled from these NWO peddlers.

And as always, the NWO bunch put a bit of truth into everything they spin. It makes it easier to swallow whole, I guess. My analogy is that they are like an unethical coffee roaster who puts in a bit of good arabica beans and fills it out with the cheap robusta beans. People who don't know the difference, can taste the arabica, and think they are getting top quality coffee because it tastes better than the swill of pure robusta beans, but in fact they are being cheated and lied to, and most likely overcharged. Now ain't that so NWO, eh?

All the NWO spun information has some good coffee beans in it, and if you don't know what really good coffee tastes like, you will be fooled---until you do taste truly good coffee. Once you access the spirit realm in a conscious protected way, it is much harder to fool you with cheap coffee beans, eh?

So of course some of the information I see matches the good coffee beans they throw in to fool everyone. *shrug*

So, really, it is up to you. If you wish to believe what I see, great. If not, it is always your choice to believe whatever you like.

Probably part of why the old indian man hooked me up. I know what I know and doubters and naysayers have little effect on what I know to be 'truth'. Of course at the end of it all, if what I saw was not true, then so be it. I certainly can say there is always that possibility, but also know that from where I stand today, it seems pretty legitimate.

[edit on 29-7-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by YourForever
reply to post by Pathos

I really do not get that impression. Are you sure you aren't the one who's self-important, putting down other people's experiences?


Mr. Green is a swell gal.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I apologize
It is snowfalcon who claims to be a 9th density being. Please accept my apoplogies for this. Im very sorry.

Totally understandable. After a while all the posts begin to look the same... letters and such.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

why don't you design an MMORPG around the mythology you've constructed around your hypothesising?

It would be a very cool game.


posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by cindymars
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I do believe in other dimensions and that we all have aspects of ourselves in these dimensions.

What I have discovered is that what most people call 'dimensions' is what I call levels of awareness. Just like a head and toe on the same body are really just different levels of the same being. That is why we can be in all the levels at the same time, because, well, we are in all those levels at the same time. We are always our toe and our head. We may only pay attention to our toe, but the head is still there and totally real.

But the demon world isn't connected to this dimension/reality at all other than when the NWO bunch opens a portal aka summons a demon here. What happens there is on an entirely different 'body', from what I can see. You won't find any of your toe over there, nor your head. So that is why I think the term 'dimension' is maybe not quite as accurate as it could be. But it does sound much more exotic and cool to say 'dimension' than 'level of awareness'!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by prevenge
reply to post by DragonriderGal

why don't you design an MMORPG around the mythology you've constructed around your hypothesising?

It would be a very cool game.

Actually I have a younger friend who, when I tell him some of this stuff, says, "Wow that is just like "blah blah' the role playing game!" Or he will say that a lot of the various awareness I have are things he has seen used as plots and stuff in this or that game. So apparently, I am too late! *lol*

What it actually tells me is that other people are accessing the racial/collective unconscious as well, and perhaps are using the games as a way to make the information more 'acceptable' since it is presented as 'fiction'.

Anyone with any psychological savvy knows that the unconscious mind really doesn't make much of a distinction between fantasy and reality, and therefore this information will get snuck in the back door (so to speak) and become part of the gamer's 'reality' even as shows on TV can. How may times do you hear an actor complain that somebody comes up to them and calls them their role's name. like calling Shatner, Kirk, for example.
As much as America is being dumbed down, it is really a clever way to do it.

And my understanding of 'myths' is that is simply how humanity remembered things before we were able to write them down. If we all didn't have some kind of 'knowingness' and sense of Elves, for example, why wouldn't they just disappear and be forgotten?? Instead they have persisted across time, in stories and drawings and such.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:09 AM
We have been among you for longer than you have imagined...we have watched you more often than you thought...We have yearned to make contact, without fear or judgement...We are not what you believe us to be...

What if these words weren't from the aliens' points of view...What if were the 'aliens'?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by YourForever

Menguard of the higher light thread says Sirius. They personally told me Sirius, aswell. The Ancient Egyptians seemed to indicate Orion, as they built the pyramids pointing toward it, and some supposed government documents state Orion aswell. There are countless websites though that say Zeta Reticuli, probably because that was what famous 'abductees' Betty and Barney Hill said, back in the 60s. No-one knows with absolute certainty, some of the grays may not even be grays at all so any information they give will be false, but I personally will side with first hand experience...

Menguard is an extaordinary gifted person. His knowledge is often difficult to understand , yet even though it is you can still see truth in it, truth to such an extent that it makes you think and re evaluate what you thought was reality. I like the way he makes you think with your own mind around ideas he wishes to get across. I have learnt a lot about myself just from reading Menguards thoughts.

He says Sirius does he? You also say Sirius. Interesting as this is not something Ive heard before, all I have heard is Zeta Reticuli, if anyone has ever visited the web site Zeta talk this pushes this as their home very much.

If they are indeed real physical Aliens as Menguard says, then for them to be appearing as images in peoples third eye , astrally and in meditation then this means one of two things. 1) Humans are gaining the talent to see and be aware of other dimensions in which these aliens are in during meditation or 2) Lower Astrals are taking on the FORM of Greys to trigger fear within humans from which to feed off.

However twice when these energy dark vortexs appeared in front of me I was not meditating/astral projecting/dreaming I was just sat down. I was totally aware of what was un folding in front of me, I became very aware of an immense dark powerful energy opening up in front of me and it was trying to take my essense/spirit into the vortex. So what would that be classed as? The time in the OP when I saw that awful Grey looking entity creature attempt to come through was in meditation.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:08 AM

This is very similar to what I see. Not particularly nice but its something very similar to this that appears. The one that seemed to be on a small body attempting to come through some portal had a slightly rounder head and rounder eyes but it still looked just as creepy as the one in the link.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Thanks for the reply.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:06 AM

I am 99.99% certain this is a real one. The skin is not silvery, but more like real flesh, you can see life in the eye, and the face is less intimidating.

Is this like what you saw in a vortex?

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by YourForever

October 14th?

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Yah there was a big to-do online in a couple of places apparently that said (coming from that matthew guy primarily, I think) a alien spaceship would show itself and establish contact with humanity, or some such.

So you are freely admitting to peddling external sources? If all your information is from personal experience, why would you pass off what some guy said on the internet as fact?

*shakes head* Oh brother.

I read threads. People talk about stuff. I don't go looking for it, but I don't shut my eyes if somebody writes something. Of course, on these ATS threads and over on Myspace even, there was talk of it on a number of threads.

And my, you are quite the little accusatory over exaggerator, eh? Because I mention something doesn't mean I am 'peddling' it as 'fact'. In Fact, I so don't peddle it, if you read the post.

So, after I heard people going on about this supposed federation and ship landing, I went out and investigated it in the spirit realm and in the racial/collective unconscious, and I found NO trace of such an organization. If there is one human or any ex-alien who died recently and became human who was involved in this 'organization', I would be able to see something about it. The fact that I flat out can't, tells me it isn't real, no matter how much some people would like it to be. *shrug*

So, I speak from my own personal research and observations about the federation thing, but certainly am not 'peddling' anything. It is just what I 'see' aka information to be used as desired. Like I said before, believe it or not, entirely your choice. Eh?

[edit on 30-7-2009 by DragonriderGal]

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