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The Third Truth - New Expensive Book Claiming 9/11 Truth

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by 911thology

A nice idea to get a book going, but I think we'd all much prefer for it to be stuck to factual based evidence that we currently have, not a nuke story that is based on an assumption.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:55 PM
I should warn you guys here. This *Snip* came to my forum pimping this book. We are not a conspiracy site and it was panned, made fun of and flamed.

The publisher is now suing me for defamation. I didn't even post in the thread, I am merely the site admin. Nor did the *Snip* use any site reporting tools to report he matter to the administrators. (it is clearly available on all posts) he just set the lawyers upon me.

So be warned. The book is not only full of *Snip* It is backed by some real mean *Snip*.

Pardon my language.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 7/2/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:29 PM
Anyone read this book yet? I think you can get it for $10 or something here.
But anyway, I noticed some comments the author of the book made on another forum, which he claims is 100% true. Here's what he said:

it is up to you. If you don't want to buy the book - it is up to you too. Anyhow, I seem to be the only person on this Planet who was able to provide satisfactorily explanation in regard to the WTC-1, 2 and 7 pulverizations, plus satisfactorily explanation in regard to the Pentagon attack, anthrax letters, doomsday plane, true nature of 9/11 cover-up, and the rest of strange things. My explanation has no flaws and I can answer any and every question about 9/11 which no "conspiracy theorist" could answer. Of course, even this might seem "incredible" to many people who got used to chew various conspiracy theories for the last 8 years and seem to be happy with this kind of pastime, but it does not change anything in principle - I know the entire truth about 9/11 whether you like it or not. To answer the second part of your questions. You know, in my book it occupies two chapters, moreover, it has logical connections to few more chapters, but you want me to fit my answer into one post, which is near impossible. Anyway, I will try to please you by answering: 1) Yes I know the Chief Organizer personally. Also before the 9/11. Moreover, I was so close to him that he did invite no one else, but me alone to his early breakfast on 12 of September 2001 (in Bangkok, while in the US it was still 11 of September) and there he shared a bottle of collection wine with me to celebrate the event. 2) No, I was not involved in any planning of the 9/11, nor "privy" to any of such information prior to the 9/11. However, I knew perfectly well about the WTC thermo-nuclear demolition scheme because of my being a former officer of the Soviet nuclear intelligence. I knew it very long time ago - I guess from 1984, while the actual WTC thermo-nuclear demolition scheme existed from the beginning of 70s. That is why I used to discuss this kind of things with that guy prior to the 9/11, but without being involved into any planning to demolish the WTC in reality. 3) No, I did not know in advance that the 9/11 was going to happen. It was a total surprise to me. However, it did not took me long to realize who did it and how he did it. 4) No, the Towers were not scheduled for demolition on the 9/11. The 9/11 was much more complicated thing than might appear. The true 9/11 culprits did not want to press the red buttons by themselves. They didn't want to be that much criminals. They wanted to orchestrate the 9/11 events in such a manner that to provoke the US officials into pressing the red buttons, so that the final guilt would rest with the US officials, rather than with the 9/11 culprits, who were provocateurs only. 5) No, I was not a consultant on an actual 9/11 matter, since I was not involved in it at all. But I was a kind of consultant in regard to the actual WTC nuclear demolition idea - in a part I knew about it. But that time it did not seem to me that these guys would make such a use of it as they did on the 9/11. But as I have said, it is very difficult to answer it in one post. In the book it is explained in exact detail. Here it is absolutely out of context and might sound strange and incredible, but in the book it sounds very logical and very understandable.

The chief organizer of 911 invites YOU and YOU only to a breakfast to celebrate the 911 attacks?

To continue answering your questions. Yes, it was only me who was invited and no one else, but it is not the main point of my story at all. The main point is that I know why the WTC was pulverized during its collapse and I could explain this process in precise detail, as well as I could explain in precise details any other 9/11 event including all seeming "inconsistencies" which no one could satisfactorily explain so far. Just for your reference. Technical details of the WTC demolition, including videos, are explained here: Nuclear demolition is another kind of controlled demolition. and more in detail here: Wikipedia: controlled demolition through nuclear demolition Both web sites are relatively small and you could finish reading them in only 1 hour. Technical + conspiratorial details of the WTC demolition are explained here: Introductory page: 3rd Truth about 9/11 book by D. Khalezov. - also including genuine videos that confirm all "conspiratorial" claims of mine, along with technical claims. This web site is not so big too - you can finish with it probably in 40 minutes or so. The rest of details (including the Pentagon attack) is explained on this web site: Third Truth about 9/11 This one is huge, but still it worth reading just to reduce number of questions addressed to me, because the most of these questions is answered there. To continue answering your questions: How did I react? Honestly - I did not give a #. Being a Russian, I didn't fancy America that much as you could imagine. I was surprised, of course, that someone has dared to go that far, but nothing more than that. To be honest, I could tell you that a bigger half of Arab and Pakistani communities in Bangkok, not to say Russian, Serbian, Iranian and some other were plainly celebrating the 9/11 because it was love from the first sight. The 9/11 was ugly judging from the point of view of Americans themselves and that from their obeident allies, but when it comes to the rest of bipeds the 9/11 seemed a bit beautiful performance. About "spilling beans". I don't think that expression was applicable. The 9/11 was kept secret from me before the 9/11, of course, but it was no reason to keep it secret from me after the job was done. As I have told you, the 9/11 was in its major part done by the US officials provoked into it. So, it was the US officials who pressed the 3 red buttons to set off the three 150 kiloton nukes in the middle of New York City. It was the US officials who dubbed the WTC demolition grounds "ground zero". It was the US officials who sent simpletons to their certain death - to clean the "ground zero" amidst streams of highly radioactive vapours without wearing full hazmat suits.

*quote continued on next post

[edit on 7/2/2009 by bl4ke360]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 09:31 PM

It was the US officials who ordered to shoot down tow passengers planes amidst panic. And it was the US officials who attempted to cover it all up in the most awkward manner. So the real 9/11 culprits they were nothing more than provocateurs only, while near all guilt for mass murder and for cover up belonged to the US officials. So, if the real culprits would "spill beans" or not, it does not change anything in principle - the US officials knew perfectly well who did the 9/11 and they even know WHY they were punished in such a manner. But they can not do anything against the real culprits, because it was them - the US officials, who did the most of actual crimes related to the 9/11. So, there is nothing to complain. What about my book - because I knew why the WTC was demolished and how it was demolished, I did not need anyone to "spill beans" because I knew it anyways, so I would be able to write this book even without that early breakfast on the 12 of September. As I have told you I knew about the WTC nuclear demolition scheme from 1984 or so. Once I saw how the WTC did collapsed I won't take for me long to understand why it happened, due to such a knowledge. However, to find out the rest of details that lead to creation of my book, was not that easy. It took for me more than two years, to find out, to sort out and to compile all necessary information - sufficient to write over 400 pages A4 of the book. Again - it had absolutely nothing to do with any "spilling of beans". What the chief organizer thinks about me now? I think he does not give a #, neither do I. As I have told you the Americans can not even bring him to the court, because he did not do much in reality. All he did is this: he rented offices in necessary floors of the WTC Twins and made explosions to imitate plane impacts and holes, plus he arranged cameramen to film the "planes", plus he arranged missile with broken detonators to be fired to the Pentagon. Nothing more than that. The US officials did the rest. They shoot down two planes, they brought remains of one plane to the Pentagon site, they demolished Twins (with human beings still inside and around), moreover, they demolished the WTC-7, they sent unprotected workers to clean "ground zero", they sent anthrax letters implying that they were sent by Saddam Hussein emissaries etc. etc. etc. Just compare amount of guilt of the real 9/11 organizers and that of the US officials. So, the real 9/11 organizer does not give a # really. Because all high-ranking US officials know who did it anyway and my book would not add to their knowledge. It could only add to knowledge of general public. About you doubt that I know the entire 9/11 truth, of course, I do not know the entire truth in precise details (such as, for example, exact details of the plane "hijackings" or names of low-ranking Freemasons involved in setup, or exact details of how exactly they pressed the red buttons and who exactly convinced them to do so and on which minute and second of the day). But I know the 9/11 setup and following events in a general sense - good enough to claim near encyclopedic knowledge on the subject. Whether you doubt my claims or not - it is your undeniable right. I would admit - if I were you, for example after chewing on various conspiracy theories for 8 years I eventually encounter such claims I might treat them with doubt too. However, I would not hesitate to go to the web sties offered for free and to read information mentioned there - in order to have my own opinion on the subject. At least I would not express my doubts without reading all related technical stuff first. About your last sentence - in the Soviet Union there was no "thermo-nuclear intelligence". In the Soviet Union was a "nuclear intelligence" (unofficial term) aka "Special Control Service" (official term). Being an officer of such an organization, of course, doesn't make you an expert on the 9/11. However, it makes you a kind of expert firstly in nuclear weapons, secondly, in nuclear terrorism, thirdly - in actual thermo-nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center. But being personally acquainted with the chief 9/11 organizer could elevate your abilities in this case to be an expert on the entire 9/11 project.

If it impresses you much, or not much - sorry, it is not my problem. It is yours. I could only feel pity that you don't want to spend your precious time to read the web sites I mentioned. Please, read at least those about nuclear demolition of the WTC and that related to the Wikipedia article on this subject. I hope you will understand, at last, why the WTC was pulverized and why its demolition grounds are called by strange nuclear name "ground zero".

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:29 AM
I'm VERY curious to know what other members of the 9/11 Truth Community think about Dimitri Khalezov ... has anybody actually said anything about him? ie Webster Tarpley, Jim Marrs, Richard Gage, David Ray Griffin etc.

Alex Jones should have this guy on his show.

Has ANYBODY read his book???

I'd like to know if anything he has to say is legit.

Or is he just a charlatan?

He's an interesting fellow, I'll give him that, you can watch a 26 part interview with him here:

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:32 AM
dbl post

[edit on 22-6-2010 by TrickoftheShade]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:32 AM
Just another con artist trying to make money off mugs.

You do make it easy for them sometimes.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Dimitri Khalezov- inside testimony about the real mastermind of 9/11 and many other NUCLEAR atrocities- fully documented and detailed evidence about WHAT REALLY HAPPENED in over a dozen incidents and how a sunken Russian submarine was the beginning of the 9/11 plot- in a scheme worthy of James Bond!

And let me be clear: I am in no way endorsing this. I am merely letting everyone know what I do so far on this thing. When his site was up, I spent hours going through it... And well... I dunno. Pretty far fetched- but heck, anything is possible. Do a search at and you will probably come up with more.

Anyone else know anything on this?

[edit on Sun Jun 7th 2009 by TrueAmerican]

I think it is a book that EVERY Truther should buy. You can never ask too many questions and conversely you can never have too many questions answered. Every single Truther should fork out the dinero to get this obviously brilliant and scathingly logical book.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by trebor451]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:51 AM
link when I come here and try to warn you all that the 9/11 conspiracy movement is infested with con artists who are filling your heads with panaroid horse [censored] to sucker you into giving them your money, how does this prove me wrong, exactly?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave when I come here and try to warn you all that the 9/11 conspiracy movement is infested with con artists who are filling your heads with panaroid horse [censored] to sucker you into giving them your money, how does this prove me wrong, exactly?

The #1 911 conspiracy movement is When you take that into consideration I can see what a truther you really are.

Welcome to the club brother.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Well, it appears that 911thology has resurfaced again, and is indeed claiming to be "Dimitri Khalezov - a person, who assumes his moral right to be identified as an author of this book..."

He has his teaser website back up and online, after successfully avoiding all his enemies for a month or two.

According to him, some kind of heavily armored, Russian thermonuclear missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and supposedly never went off- and supposedly is being held in secrecy by the FBI! He claims he will tell you what exact kind it is in his book.

And he also claims that all three WTC towers were brought down by 150 KT nukes. Yup, so there yas have it.

I hope you guys like science fiction! But I have to admit, the website is fun reading... A for creativity! But EF for EPIC FAIL?

Edit: lol, I see you are on top of your game here 911thology- caught me writing this post...

[edit on Tue Jun 16th 2009 by TrueAmerican]

Disinfo agent ^^^

YOU, also do NOT speak for the ATS community, no matter how
cool you think your avatar appears to be.

So tell me...what do REAL er "TRUE" AMERICAN'S do?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Chinesis]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave when I come here and try to warn you all that the 9/11 conspiracy movement is infested with con artists who are filling your heads with panaroid horse [censored] to sucker you into giving them your money, how does this prove me wrong, exactly?

So, you believe the story your daddy told you?

A Bush wackin, heavily bearded man with 19 stooges
for hi-jackers that left a paper trail so blatantly obvious
had the aptitude to carry out 9/11?

You are good ol dave aren't you?
Good boy

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
The #1 911 conspiracy movement is When you take that into consideration I can see what a truther you really are.

Welcome to the club brother.

You overlook the quite significant fact that all the information that supports the 9/11 commission's take on things is free. Heck, the 9/11 commission report is free too. It's the "the gov't is out to murder us all" groupies who seem to think that we need to pay to find out "the real truth", this thread being a blatant case in point.

There is some good news, though- that douchebag con artist Dylan Avery tried to swindle one too many people and now even his own supporters have had enough of him...

The Avery Foundation closes shop

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:24 PM

You overlook the quite significant fact that all the information that supports the 9/11 commission's take on things is free.

Nope. The general public pays for the MSM and every penny of the government.

"Nine-eleven was NOT an inside job, it was an Osama Bin Laden job with 19 people from Saudi Arabia, they murdered 3000 Americans and others foreigners including Muslims and we look like idiots, to deny that the people who murdered our fellow citizens did it, when they are continuing to murder other people around the world."

They are dead and cannot possibly continue to murder people around the world.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by jprophet420]

[edit on 22-6-2010 by jprophet420]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
Nope. The general public pays for the MSM and every penny of the government.

Ah yes, this game again. All right, I'll play along. Here is the 9/11 commission report, ready to download-

The 9/11 Commission report

By all means, post a link to this "new expensive book claiming 9/11 truth". In it's entirety, please.

They are dead and cannot possibly continue to murder people around the world.

I genuinely hope you are right, I really do, but as the muslim world has shown it is ready, willing, and able to start rioting over such frivolous things like Danish newspaper cartoons, I have my doubts that an institution like Al Qaida is going to spontaneously start handing out ice cream and run barefoot through the daisies any time soon.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:49 AM
Thought this was going to be good until he stated the weight of that nuke supposedly used in NYC on 911.

I'll say it like this: No one....Repeat NO ONE has been hospitalized, complained of, been killed by any type of radiation poisoning cause by this supposed nuclear bomb described in this fantasy based book by a supposedly nuclear expert from Russia.

I also have a very difficult time believing that after almost 10 years after 9/11 only now is this information rising to the surface. To me, any hint at the smallest evidence of nuclear use during 9/11 would have been sounded already. Either from a leaked source or a direct one. I call BS on this one simply because its another effort to profit off of those who died for a little "911 fame" by the usual lot.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:38 AM
Sounds more like a marketing ploy,build the better mouse trap they will buy,just sounds to me someone voicing their opinion and charging 50 bucks

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:01 AM
" when I come here and try to warn you all that the 9/11 conspiracy movement is infested with con artists who are filling your heads with panaroid horse [censored] to sucker you into giving them your money, how does this prove me wrong, exactly?"

And I wonder who could be behind this effort to marginalize, trivialize and compromise the movement? Hint: it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

You're a noplaner, right? Most of the 9/11 TM thinks that you're a disinfo artist.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
" when I come here and try to warn you all that the 9/11 conspiracy movement is infested with con artists who are filling your heads with panaroid horse [censored] to sucker you into giving them your money, how does this prove me wrong, exactly?"

And I wonder who could be behind this effort to marginalize, trivialize and compromise the movement? Hint: it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

That is very similar to the theory that I've developed! That the truther and the debunker movements were both started as a way to muddy the waters and distract people from finding the truth.

Whoever is doing the misleading is thinking:

"THANK GOD! They will be bickering back and forth for DECADES about if something in addition to airplanes and fire did or did not assist with the collapse of the twin towers!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!"

Seriously in terms of the collapse of the twin towers the whole truther/debunker debate is over weather or not something in addition to airplanes and fire assisted the WTC towers collapse!

It could be thermite, or thermate, or nano thermate, or demolition explosives, or micro nukes, or death star energy lazers, or a very strong gust of wind, or 15 tons of sandbags put on the top floors of the towers!

No one even bothers to think that maybe, instead of super sercret explosives or top secret demolition projects, people just put 15 tons of paper on the top floor???? 15 extra tons of weight could assist airplanes and fire with causing the collapse of a building!

13607 kilograms. 121,102 extra newtons of force to help with the collapse!
Not to mention that putting 15 tons of paper on the top floor of the towers would be a lot easier to pull of than a top secret demolition team and a lot harder to spot!

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