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Theory that Aliens aren't from outer space

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:26 AM
UFOs by definition certainly exist, and no amount of opinion can change that. But are UFOs extraterrestrial spacecraft? Making a precise determination is for faster, smarter future generations — WE just can't say for sure, but I think it's a safe bet to conjecture that these things originate from right here on Earth.

I'm fairly certain, judging from a few incidents in my experience, that there are true unidentifieds. This, however, is not an indication to me that the craft are from "beyond Earth." The craft I have seen cannot be explained by me, in my experience (and I've seen a lot of strange aircraft). They are simply unidentified and unexplainable by me. That doesn't mean they do not have a rational explanation.

Here's the modern evidence: To date, UFOs are only seen in the vicinity of the Earth. They appear in the skies, sometimes they land on the surface, sometimes they slip beneath the waves--but they are ALL witnessed in the vicinity of the Earth. In the popular reportage, their "occupants" are hominid, and apparently have little trouble negotiating Earth's gravity. This and much more evidence indicates to me that the "Others," if they actually exist, are probably Terrestrial in origin. I'm starting to think that these extraordinary apparitions are something OF this planet—not necessarily of OUR "advanced" technology, but perhaps of a civilization that coexists with us on Earth.

Part of my argument with the foamers includes this metaphor: The kingdom of the insects on Earth dwarfs our human population to insignificance. Although we share the same surface area, insects are BARELY AWARE of human presence unless we swat a mosquito, or cropdust, or step on an ant mound or squish them and examine them under microscopes—such is the narrow focus of insects.

Likewise, perhaps a larger intelligence of smaller population coexists with us on Earth, living who-knows-where, and only infrequently do they step on our "nests" of humanity, or examine us under a microscope. Perhaps we cannot even recognize the presence of the "Others" unless it's an extreme case of deliberate interference on their part. This may be a hateful thought for Believers, Skeptics, and Humanity in general—That the "Others" regard us as insects or less, biologically and intellectually. That we pose no real threat to them. One of the most hateful thoughts for humans is that we DO NOT POSE A THREAT to the rest of Nature. We HATE to think that we do not actually MATTER in the greater scheme of things. Our survivalist predisposition is to imagine aliens as enemies, reacting logically and emotionally as humans do; and, ultimately, we love to think that human ingenuity and/or diplomacy will render them our "friends" or blast them into oblivion... Such is the narrow focus of humans. Well, anything is better than thinking of aliens as superior.

—Doc Velocity

[edit on 4/29/2009 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by lafcadio

Originally posted by prevenge
you're saying that there's only ONE "alien" species?

and it either has to be FROM outer space (not earth) .. or has to be FROM earth?

what if there are more than once other-than-human intelligent race?

then some can be FROM outer space and some can be FROM here.

as far as your idea goes...
it's been discussed many times.. and is the basis of the "reptilian" speicies theory.. that they evolved from dinosaurs or evolved from a common ancestor.

I just reviewed alot of posts about the reptilian theory. Just like all theories there doesn't seem to be any conclusive evidence to support it. The only solid evidence that anything about "aliens" existing seems to only be pictures and videos of the UFOs and USOs. The entire reptilian thoeory seems far fetched to me and not really based on any hard facts. Just heresay and wild speculations.

I like to break things down to the simplest explanation based on facts. So all I'm saying is that the UFOs people see may not be from outer space. That they're built by a humonoid race from Earth. Obviously these crafts we see were created by something. And I was just wondering how the theory ever got started that they are from another planet.

then i suggest that you research the development of the nazi bell craft and the "new berlin" base in Antarctica.. and the reports of Admiral Byrd, his exploration of the north pole.. but more importantly the south pole...and the Britain-saucer(German) naval/air massacre that happened there.

take a que from my avatar

oh and even though I'm not a superscriber to the concrete belief of the existence of reptilians over greys or vice versa.. I will have to say that the engraven image of the reptilian humanoid is evident in many cultures.
so it's not so much "based on wild speculation" .. unless "wild speculation" is that these images that are engraven are of imaginary beings, not actual beings..

so there's more there to go off of when you REALLY investigate.. but still take everything with a grain of salt.

the universe is infinite and incredible things happen daily.
it's just the popular thing to do is believe they don't happen.



posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:10 AM
Has anyone here considered the possibility that some UFOs could actually be organisms from our own biosphere?

Many UFOs resemble certain organisms from our own biological sphere - primarily Diatoms:


The Roswell UFO apparently looked like a diatom and so did the objects that Kenneth Arnold sighted... So did the critters in the STS-75 tether mission.

Kenneth Arnold UFO (with nucleus visible):

Sketch of Roswell UFO (with what look like organelles and nucleus):

Diatom with remarkably similiar appearance Roswell UFO (top right). A couple also resemble the STS-115 UFO:

*As the density of diatoms appears to be relative to their environment - this allows for some interesting speculations with regards to size, volume and mass ;-)

If diatom density is relative to the environment, then I wonder how dense would these diatoms be - Does anyone know how 'dense' is space at this orbit?

**Here is very interesting information on the presence of certain photonic crystals in Diatoms and the unique properties they convey to the organism - it makes me think of the critters in the sts-75 tether video:

"...Recently, I was reading several articles describing some newer photonic crystals capable of propagating visible light. The crystals do this well, except for light that falls into the forbidden range of the crystals' band gap. In that case, the band gap light is either reflected or trapped. If trapped, the light's energy is dumped into shorter wavelengths that are reradiated..."


[edit on 29-4-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by lafcadio i believe some are from the heavens and some are from hell. the same as some people believe there are angels and there are demons (the fallen angels that were threw out of heaven to live on earth) which IMO are the evil grey's living underground.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Has anyone here considered the possibility that some UFOs could actually be organisms from our own biosphere?

Many UFOs resemble certain organisms from our own biological sphere - primarily Diatoms:

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Exuberant1]

This is a very interesting idea. I've always wondered that since our physical world is mostly "empty space" when u break it down into the atomic world perhaps like the Russian dolls there are many worlds on top of each other. Our universe is made of mostly space with planets orbiting suns and massive black holes at the center of galaxies so perhaps our universe is actually inside a much much bigger universe. Maybe someone is looking at our universe through an atomic microscope and discovering there world is mostly empty space.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:47 PM
Why is this even a thread? There is so much evidence pointing to beings visiting us from SPACE. Just take a look at our present technology and where it will be in about 100 years. Think of a planet in our galaxy that is at point of technology 10000 years ahead of ours. This thread is suggesting so much.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by game over man
Why is this even a thread? There is so much evidence pointing to beings visiting us from SPACE. Just take a look at our present technology and where it will be in about 100 years. Think of a planet in our galaxy that is at point of technology 10000 years ahead of ours. This thread is suggesting so much.

I'm not real sure how thinking about where the human race will be in 100 years is "evidence" of these crafts coming from outer space.

I'm theorizing that what if their was a sentient race from Earth that was 10,000 years ahead of mankind.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Has anyone here considered the possibility that some UFOs could actually be organisms from our own biosphere?

This is very interesting. I often thought the discs in the STS video looked like they might be an organism. Just because we can't live in space doesn't mean other life forms can't. Here is proof they can.

"Tiny invertebrates called 'water bears' can survive in the vacuum of space, a European Space Agency experiment has shown. They are the first animals known to be able to survive the harsh combination of low pressure and intense radiation found in space."

From Story:

[edit on 29/4/09 by spirit_horse] to correct my typos - Twice!

[edit on 29/4/09 by spirit_horse]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by lafcadio

Originally posted by game over man
Why is this even a thread? There is so much evidence pointing to beings visiting us from SPACE. Just take a look at our present technology and where it will be in about 100 years. Think of a planet in our galaxy that is at point of technology 10000 years ahead of ours. This thread is suggesting so much.

I'm not real sure how thinking about where the human race will be in 100 years is "evidence" of these crafts coming from outer space.

I'm theorizing that what if their was a sentient race from Earth that was 10,000 years ahead of mankind.

Yeah you're gonna need a lot more proof. And my suggestion wasn't evidence, lol.

Here's another thread:

How could creatures from an underwater city have the materials to build space craft?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:44 PM
We only understand and perceive a very small part of our own existence, and only have sketchy notions of the structure of spacetime as it relates to our interactions with it.

Space ships, time machines... people get too hung up on specifics.

Let's just say that if you look at all the available evidence, it becomes more likely that UFOs and "aliens" may be part of a larger context that depends on how consciousness interacts with reality. Not from a different planet, but rather from a different aspect of reality that sometimes interfaces with our normally perceived reality.

Then this notion can start to encompass many more of the odd things that people report but tend to vanish into thin air. Ghosts, Bigfoot-type creatures, angels and demons, time/space shift, and so on.

Unfortunately, we don't have a good theoretical framework for this, and creating any kind of useful scientific exploration of it is just not possible. It might turn out that it's beyond our understanding.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:48 PM

How could creatures from an underwater city have the materials to build space craft?

The same materials are available in the oceans bottoms as found on land. Besides, they appear to have come out of the ocean and on land if you take stories of indigenous people's history where they caim a being came out of the ocean and taught them math, engineering, and arts. I don't have the information handy, but I have read it a few times before.

Why couldn't a being evolve their tools just like we did? And if they survived below the oceans, their civilization may not have been totally destroyed like surface civilizations were from asteroid strikes, super volcano eruptions, Ice Ages, etc.

Again, everyone wants proof. However, people are convicted of murder in our courts based on eye wittness testimony, and much less evidence sucha as photos, landing area anomalies, material purged from the craft like molten metal, etc.

This thread is based on a THEORY by the OP. You don't need proof to discuss a theory.

[edit on 29/4/09 by spirit_horse]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
I have wondered about this for years my self. Space is just too big to go around trying to find life on another planet. Even with all the drive technologies such as warp drive, FTL drive, hyper drive, and jump drive just to name a few it would take a very long time to find life in the vastnesses space. If there are any aliens here on Earth from space I would be thinking they have been here for a very long time. Maybe as long as we have. I feel it may even have been a one-way trip for them. I think they are more likely from an alternate time line or parallel dimension. Just look at our place in the Milky Way out on the edge of a spiral arm way out in the middle of no-where. An alien from space would have to be lost to find us. Not sure where they are from but I think that some far off planet on the other side of the galaxy is not the place they call home.

Hmmm. But our primitive civilization is close to finding planets with water.

Taking pictures of the vegetation on such a planet is not far ahead.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Donnie Darko
Hmmm. But our primitive civilization is close to finding planets with water.

Taking pictures of the vegetation on such a planet is not far ahead.

yes besides ufology booming right now so is space exploration and science.

There is a lot of talk about alternative theories to ET's. I'll skip the underwater cities idea, but the inter-dimensional beings from our own planet,

Are people basically suggesting that if you're standing in a room and the air/space opens up and a door appears and you can open that door and walk into another world/dimension?

[edit on 29-4-2009 by game over man]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by game over man

Are people basically suggesting that if you're standing in a room and the air/space opens up and a door appears and you can open that door and walk into another world/dimension?

How about if you had the ability you could just think yourself into a world dimension.
If you want to go into your kitchen, you have the thought and then walk there. How about if you thought about your kitchen hard enough, you just may find yourself there.

I think different dimensions/worlds are at different frequencies, you just tune yourself into your destination without physically moving.
The frequency of our dimension is the speed of light, which is why we seem to be limited by it.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by spirit_horse

What about

Dagon the Fish God

and the similar sounding Dogon tribe


History of the Dogons

The Dogon tells the legend of the Nommos, awful-looking beings who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder.

After they arrived here - they put out a reservoir of water onto the Earth then dove into the water.

There are references in the oral traditions, drawings and cuneiform tablets of the Dogons, to human looking beings who have feet but who are portrayed as having a large fish skin running down their bodies.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:54 PM
No matter what anyone says it is VERY, VERY possible that some sort of intelligent civilization has existed before human beings. As we've seen, in about 100,000 years ALL traces of mankind will be gone, except our satellites, which will even by then be destroyed by falling into orbit or getting hit by stray asteroids.

It is a real possibility that even humanity has existed before on this planet, let alone another species of intelligent beings that have evolved and eventually left this planet through space travel, perhaps they're just now visiting their roots again?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Very good post, speaks wonders for most of the people on this site that think human beings are some supreme all amazing species when in reality we're very ignorant and barbaric creatures. Our logic is so subjective to our nature.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
Then this notion can start to encompass many more of the odd things that people report but tend to vanish into thin air. Ghosts, Bigfoot-type creatures, angels and demons, time/space shift, and so on.
Unfortunately, we don't have a good theoretical framework for this...

I refer to this as my Unified Weirdness Hypothesis...wherein all this and more gets sorted out, and probably on the quantum level. Frankly...the multidimensional thing works better than the outer space thing.

Math indicates there are lots more look sideways...not up!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Well theres the belief thats really being ingrained into our subconscious lately by hollywood that aliens seeded this planet with life, and even had direct influence over the development of humans. I'm sure you can think of at least a few recent movies that fit this theme. It's an old story, started by some science fiction dude in the early 1900s ore something (I think, recearch it if you disagree to prove me wrong

To sum it up it goes like this: All the ancient stories, religions, etc. was really "primitive man's" way of explaining extra-terrestrial events shaping their history, culture, and lives. In other words, The gods are really just crazy advanced aliens. They came along way back when, helped ancient man evolve and guided his technological advancement. Some would hold they still do so to this day, in secret with our governments and world leaders.

Going a bit further, many await their arrival now as the return of their messiahs, the return of ancient wisdoms and mysteries into the mainstream. They hope these "star-gods" or "space brothers" will guide us into a new golden age of peace and prosperity, and help us achieve enlightenment on a mass scale...

Anyway, I don't buy any of THAT new age hogwashery but I believe there is definitely more going on then we are meant to believe!! Well, I believe more than that but thats all Im saying cuz no one likes to read looooonnnnnng posts

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by lafcadio

weird i must have heard this exact theory 4 or 5 times now....
must be somthing to it!!!!

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