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Will US troops kill American's ?

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posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I put this thread in skunk works because im not sure of any evidence to link or show for either side of the arguement. I read , see the talk of collapse and NWO, and im feeling queasy , too many things pretold and currently being said are coming true. The reason for my thread , is more my hope for us all is the front line. The soldiers. I really find it hard to believe that our Forces will shoot on us, these men and women have families, freinds that will probably be in the line of fire as well. The human factor of these soldiers is something that cant be bought by TPTB, just my thoughts, and Hope, when TSHTF. Personal thoughts from military peeps would be app.

[edit on 22-2-2009 by branty]

[edit on 22-2-2009 by branty]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:17 PM
These soldiers are our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, some are mothers and fathers in their own right. I do not fear them. I do fear the foreign troops being brought into this country though. And they, in turn, should fear me!

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:19 PM
Sure....if some numbnut American goes rushing at an armed soldier with a loaded gun threatening that bet.

But just outright kill ever happen. Ever.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:20 PM
Not a chance in hell friend and the answer why is simple.

We have more guns, and we outnumber them.

Furthermore as the above post states those people are Americans, our brothers, sisters and friends.

They will turn on their government at the drop of a dime if all went to hell. The government would most likely need to have outside forces attempt to control us.

When push comes to shove, no army will turn on it's own citiziens, especially not when those citizens are better armed and won't take no for an answer.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by branty
I put this thread in skunk works because im not sure of any evidence to link or show for either side of the arguement. I read , see the talk of collapse and NWO, and im feeling queasy , too many things pretold and currently being said are coming true. The reason for my thread , is more my hope for us all is the front line. The soldiers. I really find it hard to believe that our Forces will shoot on us, these men and women have families, freinds that will probably be in the line of fire as well. The human factor of these soldiers is something that cant be bought by TPTB, just my thoughts, and Hope, when TSHTF. Person thoughts from military peeps would be app.

[edit on 22-2-2009 by branty]

Well, US cops kill Americans. So, why wouldn't the military?? They kill Iraqis and Afghanis, what would spontaneously stop them from killing people?

Second of all, the cops and military and killing has nothing to do with reason or right and wrong. It's all made up, it's all fabricated. It's not possible to have a "democracy" but only have a choice between two candidates. To only have two political parties to choose from. When Iraq has a presidential election, they have zillions of folks to choose from.

It's not any of that. The truth is that it's gotta be them aliens, there's no other explanation. I mean, how do you get a black president, when a black man can't even wait for the bus at the Cleveland Greyhound Station without the security guards (Cleveland Metro KKK Security Company) dragging him into a back office and torturing the dude.

It's a sick country. The cops are in on it, the DA is in on it, the FBI is in on it, all the way up to the president. And guess what, there's nothing you can do about it. You can demonstrate, you can resist, you can do all of those things but even if you succeed, then they still win.

How is that possible? Well that's because these folks are just a proxy for the real thing. The real folks hide up in a spaceship in secrecy. Those are the folks we need to get.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:35 PM
No, for the simple reason that the vast majority of enlisted men come from red states. They swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States and they do read and understand it.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:14 PM
The majority of enlisted men come from "red states" so they wont do it. What does that mean...... ?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:20 PM
I don't see the Mexican military having a problem with gunning down their own people.


People don't fit into the equation.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:27 PM
My brother is sitting next to me right now.

He got back from Iraq a year ago, he just read this and laughed.

He said there is NO chance American soldiers will harm American citizens.

If they are planning an NWO scenario, they'll do it by making the sheep believe they NEED the government, and in turn do what they say, but you all know that.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by RFBurns
Sure....if some numbnut American goes rushing at an armed soldier with a loaded gun threatening that bet.

But just outright kill ever happen. Ever.


Have you forgotten Kent state? It's already happened.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:39 PM
This topic was discussed ALOT on this thread

People coming here to your thread should read through the link above. I would love to post about this, but I already drained myself in this other thread trying to explain my stance and understand other posters stances. So please, check out this thread, read through it, and tell me what you think. Thanks!

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Kent State was done by national guard,not Vietnam vets,we have been blamed for that for forty-one years.Get your history straight.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:53 PM
They wouldn't outright kill american citizens...create a fake enemy amidst the populace and that would be a different story.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Shakezoola
My brother is sitting next to me right now.

He got back from Iraq a year ago, he just read this and laughed.

He said there is NO chance American soldiers will harm American citizens.

If they are planning an NWO scenario, they'll do it by making the sheep believe they NEED the government, and in turn do what they say, but you all know that.

Man, your lucky! My brother is overseas right now and I miss the hell out of him. I wish he were sitting here with me right now.

Shake your brothers hand for me and tell him THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for serving his country. I have nothing but the deepest respect for him.

My brother and I have talked about this also, and my brother laughed also. He is a Green Beret, Special Forces Medic and he also says there is no way US soldiers would attack and kill US citizens at the bidding of ANY Government person. They are sworn to protect the Constitution and the citizens of the USA and the buck stops THERE.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by branty

Will US troops kill American's ?

If soldiers are ever ordered to fire upon Americans they wouldn't be firing on "Americans" they would be firing on "terrorist" or "extremist" or "fundamentalist" or "illegal Aliens", etc, etc, etc....

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 07:53 PM
Will US troops kill American's ?


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:00 PM

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:35 PM
I sometimes wonder if people post stuff like this just because they know their points will eventually skyrocket from the ensuing forum war that will rage on and on for umpteen pages until mods step in and separate the cats.

That being said.

I'm in the US Army.

I've posted on this topic before. Someone summed it up pretty well and good.

I will never just go shoot Americans for the pure hell of it. Never. That goes against my core beliefs AND that would mean the same was happening to my family and friends. I mean hell man - I don't tell many people this - but waay back when I was a private - I was in Iraq on a raid and came face to face w/ a family dog who was barking at me at the top of his lungs with the family watching from a porch - The WHOLE family. I couldn't bring myself to shoot their dog in front of them. They finally got some meat or something and the dog left and I was grateful for that. So - if you think I could just murder someone because I'm a soldier? Wow.


If some idiot who thought he was going to "resist the establishment" or "take down ""the man""" rushed me with his pea shooter - I'd put three in his chest without blinking. I've been in firefights - and it's different. It's down to you or them. I've shot at people and been shot at. It's all dependent on situation.

The fact is - you're inevitably going to see some people come here who will give you some links to some crap sites talking about how we're all brain washed drones and we'll do whatever the (____insert (oil, money, illuminati, bush, obama, etc) tells us to. Not true. We follow lawful orders and have a duty to resist in the face of unlawful or unethical orders.


If martial law ever comes or something like and you see me or my friends in full kit patrolling streets - rest assure there's probably a dang good reason. As long as you don't attack us, you won't be attacked. That simple.



[edit on 22-2-2009 by mf_luder]

[edit on 22-2-2009 by mf_luder]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by mf_luder

The way I see it, and I am not a terrorist or of the sort, if martial law brakes out and your in full kit patrolling, you are then part of the problem. The reason is that the orders you are following are from the same group that has brought the fight to this level. There came a time in history when our fore fathers had to make the choice when to stand and fight. Now that it is all hind sight we all look at them as hero's, but I don't think that England thought the same way! So the question is when do you decide who is the hero, and who is the terrorist. From my view point, based on the feeling and writings of our fore fathers, that those in office are the terrorist.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by mf_luder

if you look at my thread my freind, my point was started from you guys in the military being the voice of reason, im really hoping to get the answer you gave, thats why i wanted a point of view from guys who may , lets hope not, be in that situation. One thing you said made me think though. You said if some guy comes at you with his peashooter , you would put 3 in him. Not that i would blame you, but I think all hell would break loose from that point. Lets hope this never happens for all involved...... If i mod wants to shut this down i dont mind, i guess we could talk about putting a chain on the moon,

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