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Ever See the Moon during the Day? Impossible.

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posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by PhyberDragon

Ever heard of an eclispe? An eclipse in the middle of the day would allow you to see the moon. Impossible? I think not!

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by AlienCarnage

hi - there is no point on earth that you can NEVER see the moon

Completely Untrue!!!
On our family farm in Kentucky, we have a storage barn that sits atop a cave entrance. The cave is very deep and continues for miles and no-where in that cave can you see the moon at anytime!!

That being said, a word to the OP, if I understand this correctly, the ones that are purple and look like a tiny dinosaur, those are vitamins, they are optional and it’s ok to miss a few days. The other ones, the gelatin red pills and the blue and white capsules, you need to take those every day, Ok?

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by PhyberDragon

Even the Death Star has been seen over the earth during the day.


posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by eaganthorn
"That being said, a word to the OP, if I understand this correctly, the ones that are purple and look like a tiny dinosaur, those are vitamins, they are optional and it’s ok to miss a few days. The other ones, the gelatin red pills and the blue and white capsules, you need to take those every day, Ok?"

second line

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:47 AM
Holy crap are you all thick or what?

The OP's posting has nothing to do with the Moon and everything to do with mechanical mind control. But you all keep beating the dead horse on the head...and SiONiX tried to bring this to your attention but I suppose your attention span is pretty short then?!

Is it that you do not believe in mind control, or are too lazy or too ignorant (kept docile through mind control?
) to go and search the plethora of documents relating to this field over the past 100 years or so.

Yes, that's right, "they" have been at it for at least a 100 years, having electronic implant devices (crude but still notable) back in the 20s and 30s even. There's quite a few interesting writings on the topic from all over the world and a whole slew of patents (most likely twice as many, counting classified ones we don't even know about).

Or maybe you all think that what you can't see can't hurt you, right?

[edit on 21-2-2009 by amigo]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:56 AM
mind control!

yeah uh.. he said that there were beams or something being shot at the continents to keep us irritable. and if you listen to them long enough they can put you to sleep.

if this the benny hill show or is this lex luther's new operation? i think even lex luther could've come up with a better scheme than this one. some type of face melting raditation that comes out of laptop computers when you least expect it!

if the people that are right next to these audio waves can only be put to sleep after listening to them for hours and hours then how is it going to be somehow worse when it gets to me?

and if irritability is a sure sign for global domination by means off current technology then i guess you're trying to say that no one before the year 1900 was ever irratible eh?

dumb, dumb dumb dumb, duuuuuuumb.

if you ever want to convince (or de-convince) yourself about mind control all you have to do is think about advertising. do you honestly think coca cola would spend millions every year on advertising if thye could just zap you with some beams instead?

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Mozzy]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by amigo
Holy crap are you all thick or what?

I'm thinking we are all in the "or what" group. Is that going to be okay with you and the OP?

Not to worry as I think we would of all replied in a similar manner had the OP said "you can't see any suns at night, those lights are the result of mind control."

I had a stoner friend that used to make the same type of claims, fortunately he didn't have the internet to bark out his delusions when they hit him. Come to think of it, I am not so sure that the OP isn't the adult him.....wait a that you?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by eaganthorn

I'm sorry to have passed a judgment like that. Whatever rocks your boat...if you wish to ignore the mind control issue that is your choice, of course. What I wrote was based on more than just a cursory search of the Web before posting though.

Most people tend to discard mind control, just like they discard subliminal messaging, as some kind of work of fiction. I suppose those same people append "Theory" when someone says "Conspiracy", thus proving the programming. Oh wait, that is a form of mind control...

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by amigo

Are you forgetting the title and the entire first paragraph

I have more than once seen the moon in the middle of the day, before or after sunset, maybe, but, in the middle of the day?

Its about the moon

That is physically impossible. The moon reflects the sun's light at night recieved over the curvature of the earth.

Its about the moon and the light from the sun

It's not that the sun is so bright that it's not seen, it's that it is positioned behind the Earth, stuck in place.

Its incorrect information about the sun and the moon

It is the only known celestial body to have no orbital spin. The sun is on the other side of the Earth opposite of it. That is how day and night occur with sun in the day and moon at night.

Its more incorrect information about the sun and the moon

To see the moon in mid day, before or after noon, would mean that the moon has orbited to the sun side of the Earth. That I am not the only one who sees and understands this gives credence to psychological weapons.

More stuff about the moon, and then.....what the hell, psychological weapons, no explanation.....and you wonder why everyone thinks this topic is about the moon.

Having a title like that is also a great way to confuse posters as is having an extremely large, unbroken external quote

So there you go

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by amigo

I'm sorry to have passed a judgment like that. Whatever rocks your boat...if you wish to ignore the mind control issue that is your choice, of course. What I wrote was based on more than just a cursory search of the Web before posting though.

Most people tend to discard mind control, just like they discard subliminal messaging, as some kind of work of fiction. I suppose those same people append "Theory" when someone says "Conspiracy", thus proving the programming. Oh wait, that is a form of mind control...

It is one thing to post about mind control and the various methodologies and applications. And certainly there are copious examples of mind control as well as the various entities attempting to harness a variety of new methods. But to suggest such an ancient and iconic celestial body as a resulting product of mind control, breeches the cognition of a rational mind and embraces, dare I say it, lunacy.

I do not dispute that there are or have been government sponsored projects dealing with mind control, from virtually every government that has ever been in existence, including those currently in power as well as any future governments. Such is the nature of governments, such is the nature of man. But there are certain limitations to mind control that exist exclusively to the individual.

[edit on 2/22/2009 by eaganthorn]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Hi OzWeatherman,

So, if I was able to read between the lines, what has stopped you from doing so?

After all, you did notice all the Moon references so you appear to me as an observant person who pays attention to what's written. To take it a step further, sometimes what's written is really "between the lines", and in this case that's what I believe happened.

Or, do you think I giving way too much credit to the OP? I just like giving everyone a benefit of a doubt, at least for the first time...

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:07 PM
I see the moon all the time durin the day.
Living in he south - happens often.
Two weeks ago when it was full it was hanging in the east
all day. Really - I had no cluie this was an oddity.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 08:08 AM
Maybe the OP should get more outdoors time and less conspiracy fever.
I can't believe someone would claim it's impossible to see the moon at midday. As interesting as the other stuff the OP says may be, it completely lost my interest after this statement.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 08:42 AM
I have seen the moon during the day many times. As a matter of fact, over the last couple of months it has become a common occurrence.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Roper
I see it during to day, no big deal.

Well, every time I see it during the day I think that it is somewhat odd, but with that being said, it is a fairly common occurrence to see it during the day here in Texas.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 12:12 PM
I took the liberty of filming the moon today at 12pm precisely. Please turn up the volume to confirm the time as they announce the 12pm news on BBC Radio 2. Yes I was very bored and on an early lunch break in my car.

[edit on 2-3-2009 by tarifa37]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:53 PM
It's been almost a year now and I finally got around to reading your posts. Very informative. At the time of wtiting public education and television science shows had led the OP, me, to believe that the moon does not revolve or orbit the earth nut is, as they explained, dragged by the pull of the earth. As you have pointed out, this is not the case, had it been so my original post would be valid. If that were true, psychotronic weapons would be a big culprit if viewed anywhere else on the Earth. Not lunacy--crappy education in the area of astronomy is to blame. My apologies for that. As for the SOSUS array, it is very real and is designed to keep people agitated and irritated 24/ 7. It's as effective as using red lights to annoy and blue lights to soothe. Even hospitals are color coded for effect. Sounds are no different. Keep your enemies populace agitated and they'll get worked up over every little thing. Ya'll may likely never read this a year later, but, I thought I'd update my point of view anyways. At the time of the post I was having an acute schizophrenic attack, which is what spurred my interest in the psychotronic aspect. For those who say uneducated, you score a 115 on your college entrance exams in just one area of the exam then come talk to me. Mental health issues, yes. Stupid, you wish.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by lostinspace


posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by phushion
The only thing i can see that should be mentioned about the moon being visable during the day is the origin of light.

Far too many times the suns over to the right the moon to the left but the left side of the moon is illuminated, i had read an article or thread about this somewhere, was either here redicecreations or somewhere of such nature, essentially getting onto a second sun theory, but next time you see the moon during the day take the time to see where the sun is and where the source of light should be according to the amount of and direction of illumination of the moon.

If there was two light sources from different directions then we would not see the phases of the moon, it would be mainly full every day.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 04:15 AM
ATS isn't what it used to be.


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