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We will be lining up for a microchip

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posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

I made this thread because of the Paragraph in the article about President Obama wanting to introduce EMR.

In January 2009, President Barack Obama unveiled plans to implement electronic medical records nationwide within five years, arguing that such a plan was crucial in the fight against rising health care costs.

Okay, I understand how you feel that tis is LEADING towards chipping, but the actual plan that Obama is talking about IS NOT CHIPPING. The way your first post made it sound is as if that is what Obama is saying (that EMR has something to do with chipping), when in fact it does not.

Maybe you should have chose your thread a little better. If you wanted to do something about people being chipped, then do that, and include examples OF that, not examples of something that has NOTHING to do with chipping people. That is where the confusion lies.

I do believe that chipping will happen one day, I am all for you doing a thread on that, I was just not understanding why you would include an article that had nothing to do with it.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:55 PM
here's a nice commercial spin to it....

Rest assured the idea of implantable RFID chips will freak a few folks out. However, I see RFID as a key component to personal health records, which are patient controlled medical data repositories. Microsoft (HealthVault resources), Google (Google Health resources) and others have pitched personal health records and the idea makes a lot of sense. The problem: What happens if I’m in a car wreck and can’t tell the doctor my log-in and password? What if my personal health record on a portal doesn’t synch up with a hospital’s IT systems? Will I actively manage my personal health record?

Simply put, personal health records (PHRs) have their limitations and an RFID chip could expand their use. It would be a lot easier if I were implanted with an RFID chip that could be read when I pass through the doors of the emergency room. Could this RFID chip be hacked? Possibly. But in real world use an implantable RFID chip used for medical purposes makes a lot of sense to me.

[edit on 8/2/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by desertdreamer

the whole purpose of this thread is, me ,trying to tell everybody what i believe will happen. Just because there are signs pointing in that direction.
Have you realy read all my post? 'cause then you could not have missed the connection between RFID, VeriMed healthlink, Microsoft, the goverment, and the EMR
They are either going to do this by offering free healthcare or they are going to try and make this a "sales-object" that everybody wants, like televisions, computers and gameconsols......

These are just my thought on the subject and i have given you all the articles that let me to see the correlation.....


[edit on 8/2/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:12 PM
this is what is going to happen, the chip. without it anyone would be concidered a christian extremeist.
People will not be able to move from one place to another without it, or and buy or sell goods without it. as predicted

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:28 PM
It amazes me mindcrime after all that has happened people still think the government is on their side! LOL Friggin hilarious! The banker bailout wasnt enough? If they cant or wont understand your words, may the lord help them cuz no one else will! Good job M! Thanks for the informative posts. Maybe people dont have enough patience or the capabilities needed to connect the dots without onstar, a laptop and a gps unit! LOL! Let their government save them like they believe it will! It never lies! LOL

My hats off to you for keeping your cool and explaining your position! Judging from some of the rude comments you shouldn't even have to justify a response in the first place! Let us reveal things as they really are and let the people understand...even though it may be too late.

[edit on 8-2-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:09 PM
the mark of the beast is not a chip! How do I know this, you ask. Well lets think about it, shall we. How long do you think it would take to inject 8 billion people? How many needles would you need? At approximately 5 minutes a shot per person; how long would it take?

The Mark of the beast will be created with readable RFID ink and it will take Milli--seconds to put on people.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Graystar

but....we have more then one person to do the injecting...just saying.

Sorry 'bout that....just being a smartass!!!


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by dodadoom

Judging from some of the rude comments you shouldn't even have to justify a response in the first place!

He they laughed at a lot of people who were right...afterward.

And i welcome comments no matter how they come. I could be wrong!! But i would love to hear it in a polite manner and with same sanity...

Haven't had those yet...

Thanks for that very pleasant reply!!...

Ps: how's yellowstone?? Are those caterpillars explained yet??..

Peace and respect

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by Graystar

but....we have more then one person to do the injecting...just saying.

Sorry 'bout that....just being a smartass!!!


Im not a smart ass I have seen the test! they are doing it with Cattle now and it works! if you don't believe me look it up for your self. secondly the cost is virtually zero dollars for ink the chips are $200.00 each. u do the math.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Graystar

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by Graystar

but....we have more then one person to do the injecting...just saying.

Sorry 'bout that....just being a smartass!!!


Im not a smart ass I have seen the test! they are doing it with Cattle now and it works! if you don't believe me look it up for your self. secondly the cost is virtually zero dollars for ink the chips are $200.00 each. u do the math.

sorry about that misunderstanding but i was calling myself a "smartass" because the comment i made..

you could be on to something!! you have a productname or company name so we can do some investigation????

nice find...


[edit on 8/2/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

No prob! Everyone could use a thumbs up sometimes!

At least they don't cost much!

After the screwing were getting we need every dollar!
Oops sorry theres my disgust with reality showing!
We will keep perpetuating the problems till we are out of choices!
The caterpillars mysteriously died down like the swarms did! Whew!

Looking forward to 2012 when I can ride my boogie board right off my roof from the hydrotherms at YS! I'm kidding I hope!

P.S. I'm sure they laughed at Columbus!

If we all had peace and respect towards others, we would have paradise

P.S.S. We missed ya on the other thread but I like what you've done here!

[edit on 8-2-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by desertdreamer
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Okay, I understand how you feel that tis is LEADING towards chipping, but the actual plan that Obama is talking about IS NOT CHIPPING. The way your first post made it sound is as if that is what Obama is saying (that EMR has something to do with chipping), when in fact it does not.

Thanks for your questioning in this matter 'cause i didn't say i know this to be a fact but i can see some signs pointing in this direction..

Users of VeriChip's VeriMed technology can now utilize a Microsoft HealthVault account to access and manage their personal health data stored in the VeriMed database.

Now i have made a few words bold to point out were i see a correlation between the two matters.......(by the way Verichip has become sounds so much nicer!!!)

If any of these 3 words in bold are not clear to you than please say so and i will try to explain but Microsoft HealthVault is very much connected to EMR!!


[edit on 9/2/2009 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by desertdreamer

the whole purpose of this thread is, me ,trying to tell everybody what i believe will happen. Just because there are signs pointing in that direction.
Have you realy read all my post? 'cause then you could not have missed the connection between RFID, VeriMed healthlink, Microsoft, the goverment, and the EMR
They are either going to do this by offering free healthcare or they are going to try and make this a "sales-object" that everybody wants, like televisions, computers and gameconsols......

These are just my thought on the subject and i have given you all the articles that let me to see the correlation.....


[edit on 8/2/2009 by operation mindcrime]

The problem is that you have not presented evidence showing a connection between EMR and chipping.

I agree with desertdreamer in that you should have presented information related to chipping and not just speculating about a connection between EMR and chipping. The thread would have had more credibility.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

Its communism coming into play, free healthcare in return for the fed. tracking your every move 24 hours a day. then its going to be free utilities in return for the fed putting cameras in your house, then everbody is going to make the exact same salary regaurdless of their profession. Their will not be any retirement, when you cant work its off to the FEMA "retirement/relocation" camps, no disability for people that can't work for legitament reasons, they can give me a chip after they take my gun out of my cold dead hand. this country is falling apart and they are probrably monitoring this sight as well, it sucks to say but I don't even log on anymore and I've been a member for years, the people posting conspiracy theories about complete gov. control will probrably be among the first to go to the FEMA camps and most of society is to blind or to "secure" to see it. this is real people its actually happening, this is the fall of the greatest country in the world and the rest will follow, and after the dust settles these chips will still be beeping in the smoked out radiation filled ruins of our society in our rotting corpses that hopefully will be cleaned up by future generations, unless it is actually the end of humanity.
I sound like I'm overly parinoid but the truth is all around you, you just have to see it, its a door that only you can open, watch the videos on youtube of the FEMA camps, prepare now.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:04 PM
At obamas town hall meeting at appx 12:50pm indiana time Obama was talking about medical costs and the arising issue of this problem. He stated that this cost can be lowered if we ..... go... to .... a.... "computerized type document"!!!!???!! I hope someone recorded this statement on DVR... because I know he wanted to say "chip"... there was a definite hesitation when he described this problem and the fix for it. And it will be included in this stimulus package. PLEASE FIND THIS RECORDING SOMEWHERE... i just turned on the TV to CNN and heard this from his mouth... OMG!!!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by maddogron

That has to be the visite by President Obama to Elkhart, Indiana Monday and explained why his stimulus package should be passed by Congress...

Pres. Obama speaks to Elkhart, Indiana

Near the end he states that :"..and computerising our medical records to save costs and save lifes.."

I tried to hear what you did but i couldn't detect it....perhaps it's the wrong video...??


posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:24 PM
thank you for the video, but it was during the quesitoning from the audience that is when he "slipped" the term. this video is the quickie news version. he as walking around the stage and he fumbled a bit with the questioning and had his back slightly towards the camera. When he was talking about the medical plan.... i am scouring the net for this slip up!!!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Senator Boxer from California is urging a 60 day time frame from Un Ambassodor Rice to put te UN Convention Of Rights of the Child treaty before the Senate and if she can't boxer will take it to Clinton.

Well if it passes we lose our parental rights overnight and all Family Law.

So if we don't except the chip, we may be putting our children at risk so they will be able to take our children and chip them or force us to be chipped in order to be allowed to keep our children.

Go to to sign the petition. What will it take for people to stand up and speak very loadly and be heard?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 04:31 PM
Cruentos Solum ( A prophet in a past lifetime - Douglas Adams in another - ... )

Euh, it's amazing how everybody thinks 'the majority' is stupid and the 'majority' always agrees to bad things and how they are 'part of the good minority'. The majority is basically you. And me. Us. Can't you see the hymn here? 'Seperate to eliminate'? The majority thinks that they are in control. Sort of like the lizards, elected by the people, just to make sure the wrong lizard doesn't get in, which ends up happening anyways because people let it happen. People are being phased out
Simply said, people, are being 'conditionned' to think that it's alright to lose control. That it's alright to be the minority. That you should focus on more important things, like money, work, children, family... WTF? Does it ever occur to anybody 'Why do we have to live like this?' Why don't we just party all the time and all do what we like? Do you think things get invented, really invented, when you feel you HAVE to do them? Is that where inspiration really is? What happened to 'freedom'? The freedom to do things, to 'invent', to 'socialize', ... It's all being 'moderated' while something else is being gradually worked out... And when this comes to mind, something else comes to mind. What is history all about? All that stuff about J.C. ( Ceasar..., not Christ ), The Pharaoahs, the ancient 'Greek Gods'... Who by the way were 'mere people'... The sacrifices... The revolutions... The wars...

As individuals, we want things: sex, food, ... an infinite number of things. Some things involve other people too ( sex!!! ). Suppose this: you, in today's world, are more advantaged ( a better social standing: money, house, car, job or better yet: company or investment or LOADS of money ... ): you get sex easily, you get other 'slaves' easily who can work for you, please you, ... It's what is called as the pecking order and it's quite 'obvious' isn't it? Only to think of it that way kind of takes the taste out of life...

As a group we don't exist. Where is the 'central' processor? The 'voice' of the people? Hasn't history taught us something here? That there isn't a single human being 'apt' to represent ALL of humanity, or, not even a small group? How many parents are PERFECT parents? Yeah, sure, some are a great deal better at doing the job. But the point is, nobody else can think FOR you. You have to stand up for yourself. If you don't, then there's this saying that applies: you snooze, you lose.

Problem is you can't actually talk intelligently about a problem that has evolved with mankind. A problem of 'where do we stand as individuals, what rights do we have, what rights don't we have, how we should behave with others, what we shouldn't expect from others, why should there even be differences or classifications of humans or not, ... Most of these answers have been answered in a cruel way: well, they're evil. We'll, they're stupid. Well, they don't have a job anyways. Well: they are not educated. Well: they are women. Well: they are still not old enough. There is something we should learn from children. They are 'perfect'. As adults, we are far away from that perfection. The 'argument' is that children can hurt themselves. I seriously doubt it. But even in a 'children's only world', ( and I can explain how that can be possible but it's quite pointless since it would only take a couple of thousand years, ), some children would 'reinvent' harm, or harmful things. And in order to prevent harm, you will eventually get past the 'kindly asking' grey line, into the silver and golden 'demanding' lines, across the red 'for the good interest, you are grounded' line, and finally through the remaining black lines of punishment, selection, loyalty, groups, ...

There is a knack to explaining things as 'chaotic' as what this planet has become. The knack simply lies in gathering as many 'broken' images them into a condensed 'message' that assembles different 'concepts together.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

So....did you see President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill and his plans for medical healthcare??

The bill’s health rules will affect “every individual in the United States” (445, 454, 479). Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, easily transferred to a hospital, is beneficial. It will help avoid duplicate tests and errors.

As a group we don't exist.

Seems like somebody is seeing all the individuals you speak of as a group

But the bill goes further. One new bureaucracy, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective.

Say what???


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