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Call and capture a demon.

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posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:36 PM
I have been doing some research and a friend of mine and I want to capture a demon,well former angel,and we don't want to do anything too stupid. We have blessed weapons for fighting it should things get to out of hand.But we have only found one way of containing it ..... allowing it to temporarily enter my body. I know I am stronger than it because I spent quite some time in japan training my mind and body.We also know that we cannot kill it only "Bannish It" temporarily. The problem is I'm not sure of the best way to call it,so I was hoping that one of the demontologists on here could help us.

Thank You,

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Seraphiel]

+21 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:43 PM
You dont have to be a demonologist to know that what you are attempting to do is not only dangerous above the highest levels,but it requires you to use Sorcery,Witchcraft,and the false miracles of Satan to achieve your task.You are not King Solomon,and you cannot command,capture,or rebuke demons without The Son of Man,aka the Prince of Peace.I suggest you people here at ATS begin to think long and hard of what you post here on this site.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Seraphiel

Don't want to do anything stupid? You've been watching to many of those supernatural shows, Demons do not enter the body to appear. They only enter the body to cause suffering and enter the body on different levels. I highly doubt you have been trained to allow a demon into your body, and I highly doubt that you would know what to do with it once it was in a body. You need to study ancient texts and things of that nature. Blessing weapons do not do anything either, study about Demons again. Calling a demon is not (do not want to harsh) smart. Don't do it, because quite frankly that is stupid.

If you wnat to know how to get rid demons and protect yourself from them thats awesome, I will glady help you. But I will tell you how to call them, sorry but for your safety and the safety of those around you, just forget that idea.

Forgive me if you have studied, but if you have indeed studied Demons in japan than you should know better that demons should not be messed with.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
reply to post by Seraphiel

Calling a demon is not (do not want to harsh) smart. Don't do it, because quite frankly that is stupid.

I'm just here to agree with Mythlives. It's stupid. Picking a fight with something that can be ethereal is not exactly what i'd call a winable situation.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:18 PM
You wanna call a demon?
Do you have a death wish?
Yeah, it is easy to bring one fourth, it might just be a lot harder to get rid of it.

And then, you should know which demon to bring, and what this demons likes/dislikes are.
Cast out angels are no more demons than we are, they just stood on the wrong side in the wrong place.
And since most know why they were cast out, they will really not like it to be disturbed by you.

Start small, and learn from that, there are other things 'out there' that are more dangerous that demons and angels.

Be carefull....

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

I know It isn't smart and I'm not concerned with weather I survive or not.My only concern is that of my friends life I want him to get away safely. My training in japan was not for demons,but for the effective use of the katana. I know I shouldn't do this but I've been waiting so long for my chance and now I'm ready,compleatly at peace with death and the pain I must endure. I only want to be sure I call the one I want and not something else. If I can capture the demon in me then I will be satisfied we are doing it in an old cellar and my friend is to shut and lock the two steel doors behind him if this works. there is a large supply of food in the room and I only want to detain it for a month, that will be sufficient enough.I have no intentions of surviving this.I have another question:

If I can trap the demon in me will it feel the phisical pain I feel?

+8 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Seraphiel

This has to be the singularly most stupid request I've ever heard. Your Japanese metor must be so proud !

Demons are by their very nature 'TRICKSTERS' and it is not necessarily you who stands to suffer most when TSHTF because of such an irresposible and foolhardy pursuit ... but those that you hold most dear.

Just by giving yourself the username of 'Seraphiel', Chief of the Seraphim (in the Book of Enoch), does not mean you are protected ... even if he was supposed to be 7 heavens high with the face of an angel and body of an eagle.

Why not try Dragon Slaying ... it's a much safer option. And for goodness sake stop watching 'Buffy' and 'Charmed' the realistic information gained in the content of such programmes is equivalent to saying you could build a house after watching Bob The Builder.

Sorry to sound harsh but you truly have no idea what you are talking about ... and that is the most dangerous thing possible my friend.


posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by Seraphiel

This has to be the singularly most stupid request I've ever heard. Your Japanese metor must be so proud !

Demons are by their very nature 'TRICKSTERS' and it is not necessarily you who stands to suffer most when TSHTF because of such an irresposible and foolhardy pursuit ... but those that you hold most dear.

Just by giving yourself the username of 'Seraphiel', Chief of the Seraphim (in the Book of Enoch), does not mean you are protected ... even if he was supposed to be 7 heavens high with the face of an angel and body of an eagle.

Why not try Dragon Slaying ... it's a much safer option. And for goodness sake stop watching 'Buffy' and 'Charmed' the realistic information gained in the content of such programmes is equivalent to saying you could build a house after watching Bob The Builder.

Sorry to sound harsh but you truly have no idea what you are talking about ... and that is the most dangerous thing possible my friend.


I'm not trying to sound smart and my sensei has no Idea of my intentions. I may be misinformed but I have to do somthing. I've never seen an episode of buffy, and I only watch charmed because Paige is hot. Seraphiel is my username because he is the angel I respect the most.
My goal is to make the former angel in question suffer as much as possibe before I die.Think of it as Revenge.

Was the dragon slaying thing suppoed to be a joke?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:02 PM
Did you ever read up on solomons key and stuff like that it might help.................

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by WisdomInChains
Did you ever read up on solomons key and stuff like that it might help.................

I haven't but I will.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Seraphiel

You have never been to Japan and studied under a Sensai, If you did you were just a member of a large group and never progressed.

You watch too much TV and are too young to understand what you may be getting yourself into.

What good will steel doors do against it, if you bring it to this plane?

How do you think it gets here walks?

When you die what do you think will happen to the said Demon? is it going to go back to the plane you summoned it from... Nope probably seek out your friend and take him over next!

Are you sure you have not been dabbling too much already, why would you want to cause anything pain?

You may go along a path here that lasts a lot longer and through many more lifetimes than you realise.

The amount of training involved, which is Intellectual and Mental not Physical Karate Kid stuff to do this safely and properly means you will post when it is time when you are about 40... I would say around 25 years from now. Many study their entire lifetimes and are still very far from being able to do as you want.

Without this knowledge and study it is impossible to know or control what you really summon, the training requires a Teacher, sensai or Japanese martial Artists are not of this sort of school, I suggest you look into finding, if you are very very lucky to accepted a Local Arcane School and get ready for a long and hard slog.

I am pretty sure when you realise what this really involves you will be put of the idea anyhow.

Be carefull of what you wish for... do you know you have created a certain vibration that has attracted certain matching vibrations to you already, that you cant see or control,are probably not the entity you wish to be possessed by, and are looking at you with Glee thinking "Easy Prey".

I would suggest focusing on LOVE, Kindness and doing lots of Auric work to protect yourself a Bit asap young boy.

Kind Regards,


posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:12 PM
You obviously didnt study hard enough in Japan or you;d have learned Japanese traditions for such things that would be more compatible with your training,

Any training that leaves a desire such as yours has been greatly unsucessful. Actually your desire is common of people who have been meditating wrong or doing ki work wrong..

basically, your yin and yang is ^%$&ed out of balance therefore you are.

However, seek and you shall find, just not on ATS........typical everyone here is always so quick to critisize others ideas but not so fast to offer advice or help, and while i think your an idiot, idiots are still free to make their own decisions, so use the following books as a starting point,

Greater key of Soloman

Lesser key of Soloman/ Theurgia Goetia.

You will find scans of these on

You will need to do a lot more research before your able to call something.

You will fail in your attempts, anything you will summon will know your mind before you do and will torment you for a very long time,

You should ask whoever you call to leave the door open on their way through, itll make it easier for illuminati to finish their plans.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:12 PM
I'm sorry, you must be confused, Seraphiel, the role playing forum is that way --->

Delusional idiot.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Sallywooz]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Seraphiel

Just remember to have your BFG on hand in case anything goes wrong, and you should be alright. Good Luck!

[edit on 17-1-2009 by Lasheic]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:15 PM
It's Solomon's seal not key my mistake. May i ask why you want to capture a demon and what you plan to do with it.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by WisdomInChains]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Seraphiel

Hey Seraphiel,

Ok, I'm sorry I was a little rough in my previous post ... but I have seen so much pain and sorrow caused by people getting gung-ho with the paranormal ... as I said it is usually your loved ones who end up paying for your actions ... that includes friends as well as family.

And yes, the dragon-slaying comment was sarcasm more than a joke ... I was just enflamed by the fact that your intention was / is totally irresposible. And I appologise for being flippant when you are so obviously disturbed about something that you would disregard your own saftey ... and life in an effort to seek revenge.

Now, after reading your other post it seems clear that there is more to this than some young kid wanting to catch demons because it sounds like a cool thing to do, so lets see if we can get to the real problem.

Deep breath, fresh start ... what is it exactly that you want to seek revenge for ? What has angered you so much ?


posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf
reply to post by Seraphiel

You have never been to Japan and studied under a Sensai, If you did you were just a member of a large group and never progressed.

You watch too much TV and are too young to understand what you may be getting yourself into.

What good will steel doors do against it, if you bring it to this plane?

How do you think it gets here walks?

When you die what do you think will happen to the said Demon? is it going to go back to the plane you summoned it from... Nope probably seek out your friend and take him over next!

Are you sure you have not been dabbling too much already, why would you want to cause anything pain?

You may go along a path here that lasts a lot longer and through many more lifetimes than you realise.

The amount of training involved, which is Intellectual and Mental not Physical Karate Kid stuff to do this safely and properly means you will post when it is time when you are about 40... I would say around 25 years from now. Many study their entire lifetimes and are still very far from being able to do as you want.

Without this knowledge and study it is impossible to know or control what you really summon, the training requires a Teacher, sensai or Japanese martial Artists are not of this sort of school, I suggest you look into finding, if you are very very lucky to accepted a Local Arcane School and get ready for a long and hard slog.

I am pretty sure when you realise what this really involves you will be put of the idea anyhow.

Be carefull of what you wish for... do you know you have created a certain vibration that has attracted certain matching vibrations to you already, that you cant see or control,are probably not the entity you wish to be possessed by, and are looking at you with Glee thinking "Easy Prey".

I would suggest focusing on LOVE, Kindness and doing lots of Auric work to protect yourself a Bit asap young boy.

Kind Regards,


Well, I was part of a large group and I did have to do a siezable amount of mental training as well I don't watch that much TV and the doors are not to keep the demon in they are to keep me in OK If I can't do it then is there someone I can pay who can?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by Seraphiel

Hey Seraphiel,

Ok, I'm sorry I was a little rough in my previous post ... but I have seen so much pain and sorrow caused by people getting gung-ho with the paranormal ... as I said it is usually your loved ones who end up paying for your actions ... that includes friends as well as family.

And yes, the dragon-slaying comment was sarcasm more than a joke ... I was just enflamed by the fact that your intention was / is totally irresposible. And I appologise for being flippant when you are so obviously disturbed about something that you would disregard your own saftey ... and life in an effort to seek revenge.

Now, after reading your other post it seems clear that there is more to this than some young kid wanting to catch demons because it sounds like a cool thing to do, so lets see if we can get to the real problem.

Deep breath, fresh start ... what is it exactly that you want to seek revenge for ? What has angered you so much ?


My sister was staying with me a few years ago when I was just out of high school,I found her in the spare room she was bleeding internaly and she was disoriented She kept saying "Astaroth" I didn't have a clue as to what she was talking about. So I started to drive her to the hospital.She didnt make it. I looked up the name and found out what it was. So I can only assume she was messing with something she didn't understand and it didn't work out.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Seraphiel

I'm just wanting to make sure I've understood the basics of what you have planned.

From reading so far it sounds like you and your friend plan to:

(1) Call it.
(2) Allow it to enter you.
(3) You trap in you somehow and maintain control over it.
(4) Friend locks you up with it in you for an undetermined time.
(5) While its in you - you hurt it as much as possible while hurting yourself in the process.
(6) I'll admit, I'm at a loss as to what you plan next.

Is that the basic plan? That is what I gathered from your posts. Before commenting I just want to make sure I have understood your plan.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Frogs
reply to post by Seraphiel

I'm just wanting to make sure I've understood the basics of what you have planned.

From reading so far it sounds like you and your friend plan to:

(1) Call it.
(2) Allow it to enter you.
(3) You trap in you somehow and maintain control over it.
(4) Friend locks you up with it in you for an undetermined time.
(5) While its in you - you hurt it as much as possible while hurting yourself in the process.
(6) I'll admit, I'm at a loss as to what you plan next.

Is that the basic plan? That is what I gathered from your posts. Before commenting I just want to make sure I have understood your plan.

That's about right I plan to attempt the Thousand Cuts on my self until A: I Die or B:It gets out

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