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Are we in something that is ALIVE??

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posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:46 AM
I remember in school learning about the solar system, making the model of it for a school project, then later in high school, learning in either biology or chem physics, about the atom, molecules, cells, etc. my friends thought i was nuts when i compared the solar system to building blocks of life. Sun=nucleus, etc. I feel its an exact replica.
do not be discouraged in quest to find the truth. you are just doing what calls you. some day we will all know, some of us already know. its not the answers, its in the searching where some of us find the most amazing truths, and the greatest satisfaction. imagine if you found the truth, what would you do for mankind with it? all the genius in the world put together to help mankind instead of making bombs, etc., would that not be heaven on earth? i love that i am not alone in my theory. until now i thought i smoked way to much pot in highschool!!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:55 AM
how immense

i love your theory!!

my apologies, i haven't read the entire thread thus far, just wanting to know how you consider theories brought forward by quantum physics?? Such as the String theory, Holographic Universe etc...

[edit on 13/12/08 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:09 AM
Your idea creates a problem for our language. Normally, when we say "Universe" we are talking about everything we can observe and calculate. Currently this includes galaxies maybe 12 billion light-years away. But in your idea, you suggest that our "Universe" is just a cell or something inside a vastly larger creature, right?

Well then, that begs the question: In "what universe" does that larger being exist? Wouldn't we have to change the meaning of "Universe" to include that larger place in which the creature lives (and in turn, we)?

So, if we do live inside some larger creature, we still haven't answered the question, "What is the Universe"?

Interesting topic my friend!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 04:49 AM
That thought first struck me when I was young. Perhaps 10 or so. The seed was planted when I asked myself, if the Universe is not infinite, what lies beyond. I had just come to grips with the word infinite and it occurred to me that our perceived Universe is part of a larger whole. I envisioned it as a part of a living thing the way you have.

I think this must be a thought many people have. It is just a matter of how you define alive.

Sorry if I repeated anything, I don't have time to read but found your OP interesting.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:11 AM
I think your theory is quite amazing! If you think about it we are bacteria, we reproduce at a major rate, Think how many people are in the world now and how many babies are being born each day!

I didn't realy think of it this way but excellent theory!

I doubt however it is true, but to some extent it makes sense! We are part of a google existance!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:14 AM
have you seen the end of men in black !!

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:20 AM
A video on galactic distribution, kinda seems like a neural mesh huh?

I believe everything is infinitesimally small and that the insides of what we call atoms are infact other universes as we ourselves are part of something much much bigger... A GOD? Totally oblivious to our existence obviously.

[edit on 13/12/2008 by spitefulgod]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:37 AM
Doesn't seem implausible that the universe is a living entity, and everyone and every living thing is a component of the whole, and I wonder how that fits into a multiverse (assuming there is one)...

I knew an old man in the early-to-mid '90s who was a quantum physicist. His quantum-spacetime research led him to the very adamant conclusion that, while the universe has a significantly mathematical aspect, it primarily or ultimately is NOT mathematical in nature. There are too many unpredictable variables that science as we know it can't address. I believe him.

Sorry if I missed something, as I've barely skimmed the thread, but I'd be very interested to see some kind of at least provisional or summarizing math formula or equation.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:50 AM
Thanks To everyone who posted, I got alot of good feedback

Just to add I will be going into more detail on how this all fits in with some pictures and mathamatics to crunch brains!!

I wont post it here, of if the ops let me I shall make a new Updated Thread called Part 2 or something..

Once again thank you to everyone who took the time to read and try to understand my point of view "and btw thats all it is"

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by MakeSoap

But really, I think it’s a great post and I'm glad that people still philosophize about such things. And honestly, the only way I was able to snap myself out of my madness was to think that if I really had created everything and I was really all that existed, then that would mean I had actually created the Beatles and all their music, and I don't believe that, on any level, I would ever be able to create such genius.

you couldn't have created the beatle's 4/4 timing 2-3 min songs but you could have created the double helixes of DNA, the massive combinations of genes, resulting in animals as complex as the spider, that instinctively weaves it's own web and flawlessly catches other insects...
or the phi-spiral of the snail shell .. the colorings of the tucans?



posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:15 AM

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Let me Finish this part of the thread befor I start on a more detailed one.

To summerise "ish"

This topic/thread was not what I am seeking here but I felt it was important to post my findings... here is my path on how I came to this theory of cell.

First I used maths in a simple cut down way. No large brain needed just undertanding.

so here we go (1+1) = 2 yes? No.. (1+1)=3

How do i get three?? (1+1) = me doing the maths = 1

Im the question..

got me onto all kinda levels and loops.. self replicating ones at that.. stuck in a rut and ready to give up as my brain is like U CAN NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT U ARE ASKING ME TO DO..kinda thing lol

so yeah i pretty much hit a wall.. but then hey wait!! self replicate WTF does that??? ahhh DUUH cells!! im not talking a cell in ur body im talking a Featus!! ie EMBYO.. it devieds has all the same stuff inside each cell is the same works on the same laws and is different at the same time "stem cells"...

Next in line for the working out is DNA if we are in a cell there must be some dna to work out here!!

Just to note DNA will not be maths!! i will let u ponder that for a moment

I will update as i said more detailed thread / topic with findings and PROOF of what I say to back it up..

All the proof Is In every single Book you read that we base our Life and logic on. "thats how i got this far"

[edit on 13-12-2008 by theresult]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:23 AM
Woot! Love the post! I always thought of us living on this Earth and this Earth was and is a living breathing entity so is the sky and so is space, so we have to treat them with respect and love and nurturing...but I never really went further than that, of course I also believed that we aren't the only ones out there, and that our universe isn't the only one....or rather let me rephrase that, our GALAXY isn't the only one, yet the UNIVERSE as a whole is one, it encompasses EVERYTHING.

I never thought about it being on some small cell like being so thank you for bringing it to my attention so I may contemplate on it a little more


posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 08:37 AM
I once thought of this large collection of galaxies to be like individual atoms that form larger structures. These larger structures are grouped into even larger structures that resemble molecules. All of these structures are grouped together even more so. Eventually on a super macro scale, you see that what we perceive as the entire universe is simply but a molecule of part of an apple that is sitting on a table.

Meanwhile shrinking down, I once thought what if an advanced civilization had developed and was living among the atoms within my own body and that these atoms formed their galaxies and star structures. Would they ever get so advanced that they could recognize that their world was part of another living being and actually attempt to communicate with me? I thought no, these are crazy ideas. At least now I know I'm not the only one to think of crazy ideas.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:01 PM
yah, i understand what you saying, and your not crazy, but realistically there is nothing bigger than infinity. whatever big thing we live in, infinity engulfs it. or maybe it lives inside something even bigger- infinity still engulfs it. but good post S&F for you =)

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by theresult
Let me Finish this part of the thread befor I start on a more detailed one.

To summerise "ish"

This topic/thread was not what I am seeking here but I felt it was important to post my findings... here is my path on how I came to this theory of cell.

First I used maths in a simple cut down way. No large brain needed just undertanding.

so here we go (1+1) = 2 yes? No.. (1+1)=3

How do i get three?? (1+1) = me doing the maths = 1

Im the question..

got me onto all kinda levels and loops.. self replicating ones at that.. stuck in a rut and ready to give up as my brain is like U CAN NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT U ARE ASKING ME TO DO..kinda thing lol

so yeah i pretty much hit a wall.. but then hey wait!! self replicate WTF does that??? ahhh DUUH cells!! im not talking a cell in ur body im talking a Featus!! ie EMBYO.. it devieds has all the same stuff inside each cell is the same works on the same laws and is different at the same time "stem cells"...

Next in line for the working out is DNA if we are in a cell there must be some dna to work out here!!

Just to note DNA will not be maths!! i will let u ponder that for a moment

I will update as i said more detailed thread / topic with findings and PROOF of what I say to back it up..

All the proof Is In every single Book you read that we base our Life and logic on. "thats how i got this far"

[edit on 13-12-2008 by theresult]

how you mighT have gotten 1 + 1 = 3.
We see everything as 1 whole, but there is another side to look at it.
I lets say a apple was half in a river and other half out but still connected as a whole, when you look at it from a side angle you see the other half that exists in another "area" of space. to how you may percieve that math question would be 1.5 + 1.5 = 3... Your mind is recognizing that there is another "part" that exist in another space.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by speaknoevil07
To Unknown soul

...ask anything about anything?
O.K. : Does God exist?


When you say God? do you mean An all mighty being? or just a label above king?

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:03 PM
This is actually not a new idea....anyone remember the old HBO series the Outer Limits? The beginning of every episode zoomed out from a man, from the earth, from the solar system, from the galaxy, from the universe, out a piece of popcorn (big bang theory) dropped by a small child watching tv.....which was promptly eaten by the family dog.

Quite a mind-freak

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by MakeSoap And honestly, the only way I was able to snap myself out of my madness was to think that if I really had created everything and I was really all that existed, then that would mean I had actually created the Beatles and all their music, and I don't believe that, on any level, I would ever be able to create such genius.
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.-The Beatles

Hehe. Sorry, I had to do it.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:14 PM

not going to update the first thread going to add here
makes it easy if people wish to read the first part then land here after reading other views.. Kinda like mini adventure into the unknown!! lol

Ok here is a picture to get the mind going abit. I have lots of text to go with it but i shall update after some reactions.

Should give one a better understanding !!

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