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Are we in something that is ALIVE??

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posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:39 PM
They teach you what they wan't you to know as math, but in real math is a very powerful tool just like the imagination

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Religion

And that sir is why i use the cell theory!! we are indeed in someting very much alive and kicking just like me and you lol

scary but then again its not i have stuff living inside me all the time but way way waaayyy tiny im talking the stuff of stuff that makes atoms in my cells work "thats knida how small we are" in real space we are the atoms that make up our cells or even smaller maybe but thats the kinda scale we are talking here!!

its not hard to imagen i mean unless you think we came from nothing? some big void with atoms wizzing about lol?? does that even come close to being logical when i say we live inside a cell?

Think about it think about the pattens in life then scale it up about 100000000000000000000 times then u get the idea

One point u made is that there is no expanding we are growing and soon enough we will DEVIED or DIE depending on what our DNA tells us "the universe has DNA" dont cha know!

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by theresult
reply to post by Religion

And that sir is why i use the cell theory!! we are indeed in someting very much alive and kicking just like me and you lol

scary but then again its not i have stuff living inside me all the time but way way waaayyy tiny im talking the stuff of stuff that makes atoms in my cells work "thats knida how small we are" in real space we are the atoms that make up our cells or even smaller maybe but thats the kinda scale we are talking here!!

its not hard to imagen i mean unless you think we came from nothing? some big void with atoms wizzing about lol?? does that even come close to being logical when i say we live inside a cell?

Think about it think about the pattens in life then scale it up about 100000000000000000000 times then u get the idea

One point u made is that there is no expanding we are growing and soon enough we will DEVIED or DIE depending on what our DNA tells us "the universe has DNA" dont cha know!

What if you were lets say a human.. and there was a micro universe of mircro humans that were your uncollective unconsioseness that made up records of some sort that made up your thinking patterns? is that easily acceptable? your in control by someone else but what to relise is you are them the BIGGER them they make you but are what makes them that makes you could it be a mobious strip or something more...

Where did Point A come from?
Where did Line A come from?
When did Line A curves itself into a circle?
when did Line A replicate itself to become 2 lines, then a square?

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by MakeSoap
What you stated is somewhat in line with some of the philosophy in Spring Forrest Chi Gong.There are two meditations that are called "small universe" and Large universe.The smaller focuses on the universe inside whereas the large universe has a focus on the LARGE universe we are in sooo your not nuts at all.You were seeing a truth from a differant perspective.Be thankful and at peace that the message was recognized. too bad the professionals didnt,but remember....The Titanic was built by Professionals and the Ark was built by rookies!

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Bnmssnit

lol and here is me trying to get all technical!!

i hate english LOVE maths ; )

well said sir

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by theresult
reply to post by Bnmssnit

lol and here is me trying to get all technical!!

i hate english LOVE maths ; )

well said sir

There is an infinite number of ways you can percieve it but no race has gotten its goal..even angels..if you believe

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I feel my soul hurting from pressure but i will be back.. give me some time but in the meanwhile.

Ask anything about anything..
the more detail in questions gives a more detail answer.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:37 PM
As long as life exists, it will always seek to incorporate into itself the universe external to itself. Life grows, expands, divides, spreads, etc., and as it does, it absorbs food (matter and energy) into the structure that allows it to live.

While the universe is expanding, life is also racing to see if it can absorb it all. Eventually, all the matter and energy in the universe will be incorporated into a living thing. And at that point, the universe will look back on itself in time and throughout all time, and bring itself into existence.

There you go.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Nohup

As long as life exists, it will always seek to incorporate into itself the universe external to itself

life exists itself universe

do you understand what you are saying?? Read it again please

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Unknownsoul

Originally posted by theresult
reply to post by Bnmssnit

lol and here is me trying to get all technical!!

i hate english LOVE maths ; )

well said sir

There is an infinite number of ways you can percieve it but no race has gotten its goal..even angels..if you believe

race?? angels? err ok i dont so give me some proof? lol..

very odd indeed

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by theresult
do you understand what you are saying?? Read it again please

Life exists as a distinct subset of the universe. There is life, and there is the part of the universe that is external to it. But life wants to eat. It wants to grow and absorb all that is external to it in the universe. And if it gets a big enough foothold, and manages to spread itself through time and space like a virus, then it might eventually incorporate everything into its own living matrix. Since observation is what allows things to exist by collapsing a quantum wave function this living matrix will essentially be responsible for creating itself by observing and selecting a particular universe from all the virtual possibilities.


[edit on 12-12-2008 by Nohup]

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:14 PM

There is life, and there is the part of the universe that is external to it. But life wants to eat.

There is life!! yes YOU he who looks the one with clear eyes!! or shall i keep on with my drivil??

atleast read the topic befor you comment

let me help u out here : Are we in something that is ALIVE

now comment :

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:32 PM
For sure , it lives.........

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by aethernaut

atleast you agree

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:46 PM
I just had to add that I could read threads like this all day. Mainstream? I think not. More please.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
Since observation is what allows things to exist by collapsing a quantum wave function this living matrix will essentially be responsible for creating itself by observing and selecting a particular universe from all the virtual possibilities.

Okay, I need a drink...

If I refuse to accept or acknowledge something I observe, call it denial, whatever, does that make the situation better? Worse? Existentially speaking, of course.

I'm just trying to apply all this quantum stuff to real life. Maybe you can't. But this is why I don't speak some thoughts out loud.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 08:49 PM
To Unknown soul

...ask anything about anything?
O.K. : Does God exist?


posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by theresult

Originally posted by blowfishdl
I often talk about this among my friends while we smoke joints because it freaks them out.

It is my believe that not only is space endless, but life is endless.

We look in a microscope and see little balls of "cells" with tinier "organs" within them. It is certainly possible that space as we know it is one big cell. Or even stranger, we could be part of a multi-cellular organism in which "space" as we know it is one cell. Then there is an even larger organism looking in a microscope in a classroom somewhere looking at our "space" and discussing how our "space" survives as a single-celled organism.

thats what am saying but thats not the question i asked!! This was not what i was trying to find out "what we in" but how do i fit with odd numbers and how do humans understand the odd numbers or elogic "stuff that shouldnt happen but does" now going thru all my research I did come to this point "the cell" but thats not what im after... im tryin to find out the equation so to speak of the humans ie me you ect and why we dont understand what we are in.. its got jack to do with what we live in becouse thats been worked out its got to do with DNA of the thing we live in and how its been programmed.. u know we are here as a result of a mathmatical equation but yet we can not caluclate it even tho we use maths as the basis of everything???

Dont you see the flaw here??? We use maths but yet we dont understand it?? or what we are applying it TO "The universe" how can one make mathamatical equations if one does not fully understand what one is caluclauting.. hence the crazy stuff we dont understand

I say change the maths and we will understand that what we dont

I can actually explain that to you in a very simple manner.

All laws that apply here on earth should in theory apply to anywhere in space. No matter the size, no matter the distance. The Law of Gravity is the most obvious example.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:05 PM
I have always felt the same as the OP and it's because of apparent atomic structural sameness.

Space/distance/time are all relative. As I sit here, neutrinos are flowing freely through my (and your) body because they are so small. If we have the structure of atoms right, ie in how they rotate around a nucleus, it looks very similar to the structure of our solar system.galaxy/universe?

As different as we are, still the structure of a wooden table, my hand, my dogs are more similar than not on an atomic level.

We do not know the smallest possible thing that exists and we can't comprehend the largest....but to me there is a basic similarity in all things...and one fits inside the other...layers of life-interdependent on the other.

Newer theories are coming forth about "branes" (short for membranes) that our universe is contained in a brane that occasionally bumps into other branes.

And as far as discovering the "god particle" when the collider is fixed...they will not discover what they are looking for because there will have to be a FIRST cause for the existance of the two particles that run into each other.

I do not attribute the unknowable to gods or devils....I am in mute amazement of the world as it unfold around me.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:15 PM
Original Poster, you are correct. This is the Mandelbrot Set. Enjoy!

Originally posted by 12.21.12
This is a holographic Image of the Entire Universe called the Mandelbrot Set.

It is said that our universe as well as ourselves can be understood and translated using a Mandelbrot Set. Everything that happens in this Universe is coordinated into this set. Every person or living thing has a purpose and a place in this set.

The interesting thing about this set is that you can zoom in to the smallest portion of the Mandelbrot set and eventually you will find yourself looking at the very same thing you started with.

Sometimes when I am asleep, I have a sequence of dreams, which are often more like puzzles to me. They are often times something I was thinking about consciously and then often times I am presented with new questions and sometimes even answers from my state of unconsciousness.

Last night when I was sleeping I had some sort of a Revelation. Every body is a piece of this set. Which means that this set exists within all of us and all of us exist within this set. Meaning that not only are we GODS but we are all a part of GOD for inside of us all there is another Universe containing another Universe in which we all exist.

Therefore life on earth is in ourselves and is ultimately in our control. Some will chose to act negatively and some positively, but if you can be aware of this then you have the personal power to control and create your own destiny and spiritual path. If you are not aware of this then you are setting yourself up for more trials and tribulations of not knowing nor understanding your own personal power and potential. This is our place in the Universe. This is the Universe we have united and created together.

Think about that.

We are all GOD. Together through UNITY and a common goal we can achieve anything.

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