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Jesus's Second Coming is in the past. Cayce 1998

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posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Edgar Casey was probably Demon Possessed at the least but surely wasn't accurate very often on his predictions. If he was would you mind telling me which airline goes to Atlantis because according to Casey it came back already...

Who are you to accuse someone else of being demon possesed? Didn't you know Satan was the great accuser? Again I ask, who are you? Are YOU satan? Because I see you accusing he whom you don't understand.

Alantis was always a mythology. However there was a real event in our lost history that became mythology. According to that understanding, I see Cayce was right on the money.

The blind, like you, see that which they don't see from within their personalized bias understandings.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:34 PM
Personally I don't think Edgar was Demon possessed. Think about it. He heal people with medical medicine. But he just predicted the doses people needed. I don't at that time demons would want to save peoples lives.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by slymattb
I don't at that time demons would want to save peoples lives.

The usual understanding of demon control is that with the proper incantations and talismans you can get them to do pretty much whatever you want. Solomon used them to help build the Temple (which makes you wonder if this might be a lost secret of the Masons, which they don't even know about). Jesus used demons -- or was at least accused of doing so by witnesses -- to make all kinds of "miracles" happen.

So a demon can be a handy thing to have around. If you don't get infected by them, of course.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Nohup

The creatures that would be known by the term "Demons" are actually supernatural creatures known as the midway creatures. However since the cross of the christ all the rebelious midway creatures have been said to be removed. This leaves the midway creatures that are actually working with/for the universal government powers still upon the earth.

Midway Creatures

The "Christian Religion" has no idea of what they talk about. They must demonize anything they don't understand as fitting into their false understandings of the mythological and nationalistic spun story.

Cayce was not demon possesed.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Could it be , and this is just a guess, that Mr. Cayce when under a trance and talking to a guide, be lied too. At first maybe he was told some truths and then made credible, then the spirit or guide he saw told him half truths. We do not understand, as we where not their. But any type of channeling has nothing to due with god. Christians should Recognize the father of all lies. Since its biblicialy proven that a prophit HAS TO BE 100 percent correct and since he was not, what does that tell us. But he did get to heal others from their sickness using his craft and that he has to be honored for. I like his work. I have read quite a few articles and items about him. But to say he predicted Jesus coming back on a certain date, has not been found by me.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by zman

And some how because it is not ovious to you it must thusly be false? Isn't that a little egotistical of you? Did you expect jessy to come knock on your door?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

There is a Cayce prediction that has been widely misunderstood. It concerns a massive social upheaval and the death of a president. Cayce interpreters have surmised that the unrest of the 1960s and the death of jfk were the issues referenced in the reading. The flaw is that the reading makes it clear that the great levelling is more economic than ethnic, and the upheaval occcurs before the president dies in office. The unrest of the 60s was after jfks death.
As regards the return of Christ in Cayce you are slightly confused. It is the soul of Cayce that he predicted would be reincarnated in 1998. Cayce also made it clear that Christ will return in his last and perfect body, hence he will not reincarnate in the traditional sense.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Why use logic to try to understand something faith based? That may be why it is called a miracle?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:36 AM
Let's just back up a moment here. Edgar Cayce's predictions were all wildly wrong. Just read his stuff on Atlantis rising.

As for respected seer. Well research has shown he was just one of thousands of quacks operating in the US using a combination of homeopathic and folk remedies while pretending to be in some sort of trance. His family has cherry picked a selection of cures and letters from patients to give the impression he was some kind of magic healer.

Again, Cayce is amazing because absolutley nothing he ever predicted ever came remotley close to happning.

Mike F

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Cayce's "predictions" are exactly the same as those of Nostradamus. Some of them apparently came true, while many did not. To me the fact that "many did not" indicates that it's either all crap or we misunderstood or misread their predictions.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:52 AM
Depends on your view of the coming. Are you looking for a man or the truth? If you are looking for the truth, well, as I have seen, the Son of man is returned.

If you are looking for a man, as soon as they have their cards in order, the magicians will give you the show you are wanting to see.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Lannock
Cayce's "predictions" are exactly the same as those of Nostradamus. Some of them apparently came true, while many did not. To me the fact that "many did not" indicates that it's either all crap or we misunderstood or misread their predictions.

I don't want to come off as argumentative on all this. But Cayce provided many years and specifics, including a load of stuff about Atlantis and it's prehistory. All fantasy.

Nostradamus a discussion in itself. Someone researching recently offered evidence his writings were codifications fos something else. His 1999 prediction? Well, we see what happened.

Both guys have in common the inability to predict the future.

I don't think anyone can.

Mike F

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:28 AM
Cayce never claimed Christ would physically return in 1998. But as others have already posted earlier in this thread, it was the Christ Consciousness which he claimed was to return at that time.

Here is what Cayce had to say about Christ's physical return, from the actual Cayce readings:

Q. He (Jesus) said He would come again. What about His second coming, when shall that be?

A. The time no one knows. Even as He gave, not even to the Son Himself, only the Father. Not until his enemies--and the Earth--are wholly in subjection to His will, His powers. (5749-3)

But, Cayce was apparently overly influenced by the Bible in his readings. I feel it was probably due to his great love of the Bible that somehow caused this to come through in his readings. So in fact, many of his readings that deal with the Bible or Christ are somewhat "biblically" influenced and therefore not 100% correct.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by tinfoil hatter]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:34 PM
A lot of Cayce's answers were contrived double talk that later adherents like to put some kind of predictive spin onto.

Cayce revealed that Altantis would rise in 1969 off the east coast of North America. He maintained that Atlantis was an ancient civilization technologically superior and that its last surviving islands disappeared in the Atlantic ten thousand years ago.

That Atlantis was equal to that of Eurasia with three slands named Poseida, Og and Aryan.

He said Atlantis had constructed giant laser-like crystals for power plants, that were responsible for it's destruction. Cayce claimed that there was an exodus of Atlanteans to ancient Egypt and attributed the Biblical Flood to the sinking of the last remnants of Atlantis.

All of this was a hodge podge of popular 19th Century biblical and fantastical imagined prehistoric beliefs.

Cayce spoke volumes on all this in his last 20 years. Not one single claim has emerged in the archeological record that supports any of it.

Edgar Cayce was a charming charlatan who went into a trance state and spouted quack homeopathic remedies. He made a good living not asking for payment just volunatary donations - which he got in large amounts.

In the days before medicine had any legislated controls America had hundreds of con artists and snake oil salemen.

He son Hugh Lyn Cayce created an industry re-editing and reinterpreting his records. One wouldn't want to see what has been left out. Cayce was incapable of helping his closest family member when they became ill. His often misguided remedies did more harm than good, and people died from beliveing ni them rather than seeking proper medical care.

Edgar Cayce's visions in one word - BUNK.


posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 12:04 PM
I feel its a reference to the Christ conciousness. Like not needing a physcially manifested device to connect vitually to the Arkashic internet.

If there is a 3rd party in 3rd density......ohhhh I wish them the best of luck

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:33 AM

read the Manual!!

says He will come "as a thief in the night"!

a spirit guid once commented upon the 39 days that He had after the resurrection, the guide says that the reason no one recognized Him, was that those 39 days were ALSO a fore-runner of the Second Coming, sometime in the future. of course no one recognizes him, as He Appears looking like another person, maybe actually as in Incarnation[?]!

a thief in the night. no one will know, or see, unless He permits this.

actually then the second coming is the THIRD COMING as he has come after the cross, those 39 days.

actually the "real" second coming would be when *YOU* accept Him as your Savior and you have him in your heart.
if not, even if he appears in flesh or spectral appearences, if he is not accepted by you, then you might not see him, thus the second coming will then not exist for you!!


posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by zman
Could it be , and this is just a guess, that Mr. Cayce when under a trance and talking to a guide, be lied too. At first maybe he was told some truths and then made credible, then the spirit or guide he saw told him half truths.


Cayce, being a superb Channeler was in contact with his higher self which he was able to give perfect readings for his clients and what not.

What went wrong? Occasionally Channelers often dweld on a Negative path which often produced negative readings. This was the case for Cayce, he often got so overwhelmed in his trance that negative forces played havoc on his readings.

David Wilcock explains all this very well, if only people would take the time to listen to him


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