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Pakistan city hit by deadly blast

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posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Lets not jump to conclusions folks. It would take a lot more time for India to mobilize their army. This isn't the work of the Indian government. It's either false flag or plain ol' terrorists trying to stir things up.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
I know it's not as "flashy" an idea, but maybe it was an accident. Pack the car with explosives, go back in to the house to get your suitcase and the detonators, get to the car and realize you may have left the roadmap in the house, fumble in the bag looking for it, and drop the detonator.

Considering where it happened, that idea, or some version of it, is just as likely at this point.

Great thinking on the other side of the story, which is completely just as viable as any other theory right now. Star for the post.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

Originally posted by deltaboy
It has to be the CIA to provoke Muslims to attack India in blind rage. After all Muslims don't terrorize other Muslims.

Are you kidding me or just that uninformed? Muslims kill more Muslims than anyone else. Look at Afghanistan and the Taliban and what they did to their fellow Afghanis, look at Saddam and what he did to the Sunnis, Kurds and Iranians and Kuwaitis. Look at Egypt, Jordon, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. etc..

There is more infighting amongst Muslims of different sets than anyone could ever imagine, but most of it is widely publicized.

Suicide bombers
Saddam Hussein
Prince Fahd of the house of Saud
Al Queada

That is enough I think to prove my point I think...

In sorry bud, but that's just a collection of nouns you've picked on your travels.

King Fahd, the House of Saud, Wahabis, Sunnis; all description of the same thing.

PLO, well that's the Palestinian Liberation Organisation that has fought for Palestinian freedom and has now been superseded by Fatah. They consist of both Christians and Muslims. Religion has nothing to do with it. It's about self determination.

Al Qaida is the residue of US funded and supported operations against the USSR occupation of Afghanistan.

Shias and Hisbullah have animosity with Israel for it's criminal activities in Palestine and the Lebanon. Let's no forget the 2006 attempted invasion and land grab of the Lebanon. I do believe that Israeli mournfully claimed the need to capture a 300 mile 'buffer' zone in the Lebanon that incorporated a major river, for security of course.

Saddam Hussein; that's the chap recently executed by proxy by the US and former US sponsored strongman/dictator.

Suicide bomber; how different is that from a high altitude bomber or even an Israeli Cobra gunship strafing refugee camps?

Taliban emerged out of two US inspired policies; support for the Taliban fighters against the USSR when they were called mujahideen and when the IMF forced the Pakistanis to withdraw free primary and secondary school education for loans. Consequently Afghani refugees and poor Pakistanis had to rely on madrases to educate their children. Madrases were like Sunday schools until they delivered full-time theological education.

Bathist - Saddam Hussien's nationalist party and described as 'moderates' by the US especially when the US supported Iraq to war with Iran.

Do you note the consistent theme in the Middle East free for all? The US maybe?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Saf85

I am shocked and ashamed at the total stupidity of most of the posts on this site.
How many of you smug posters insulting your own Government, Army, Secret Service have actually seen any act of terrorisim?
I am from Scotland, I lived through the criminal barbarity that US$ funds caused in Ulster. I have seen many of my friends killed or maimed in the name of "freedom" or "religion".
Do you know what the secret is?
Control, it is mearly street gangs marking their turf to make it easier to run rackets on the local neighbourhood.
Whether this is a street, district,city or country is all down to the power of the local gang chief.
Just like your street needs cops so the world needs its policemen.
We (Great Britain) are TIRED!, we feel we need someone to pick up the slack, we will still do our bit ( I was proud to wear my blue beret) but don't look to us to do it all any more.
Now you Americans have joined the real world and need to start playing the big boys games. There is NOBODY else.
Nobody can trust the French, the Belgians and the Dutch are just different French, let the Germans do it and the world will be speaking German, same with the Reds so we are left with you Yanks.
You adolescents need to stop raving at your own people and start supporting them.
Also all this rubbish about Moussad, if it was even near as powerful as you think it is why does Lebanon and Syria still exist? Not to mention Iran or Yemmen.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
It has to be the CIA to provoke Muslims to attack India in blind rage. After all Muslims don't terrorize other Muslims.

I think India is mainly Hindu. I could be wrong, though.

Originally posted by Saf85
Heck even Iraq was never Sunni vs #e, untill CIA and Mossad attacked enough sunni and #e and made it look like the other sect was responsible. Took them years but they have some form of sectarian violence in retaliation for all the black ops.

Same goes for majority of muslim vs muslim, it is not muslim vs muslim, but black ops vs muslim, eventually it turns into muslim vs muslim and the black ops sit back and laugh!

Makes sense to me. Heard a story of caucasians getting caught trying to set off a car bomb once. Divide and conquer technique.

I just can't see an Iraqi making a car bomb, and then using it against another Iraqi, when their country is occupied by foreign troops.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I'm glad you wrote that. I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not. The greatest killers of Muslims is other Muslims. Sunni against Shia. Militia against militia. Just one big homocidal culture. I doubt that Pakistan or India would want to make things worse right now.

It was likely a stupid Muslim with a brand new bomb.

Besides, there's always some dip**it that doesn't get the word!

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

India has a large following of Christian believers also. Though, Hindi is the primary belief system.

On the funny side: I thought that the country must be of the Telemarketing
belief system.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by deltaboy

Muslims don't terrorise muslims ?

wtf do you think is happening in afghanistan/irak ?

ok we all know that those civil war like are created by zionist intel services to maintain control (divide and conquer),

you must now understand that this is resulting in the only real muslim terrorism in the world. and it does terrorize ONLY muslims. forget the western sheeple behind the tv screen.

[edit on 6-12-2008 by ::.mika.::]

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 03:53 AM
Wow. Mossad is guilty for everything. Cool. All-powerful organization that somehow exists on a budget of 7 million people country. I do not have (i want to think so, at least) superiority complex but you guys definitely have Mossad superiority complex. I know how it failed to kill Hamas's Haled Mashal and Israel had to pay to release those agents. I know how old lady caught Mossad agents in Holland where they tried to wire phone of some guy. And yet those huge and complex and very costly operations are executed without any trace. Clearly omnipotent organization. After all - Muslims did not fight between them-self from 700 to 2000, Shia and Suni where just invention of ancient CIA and mossad. Oh and i forgot - current financial crisis - also mossad. Great depression - also mossad. If you find any problem - why try to think and analize - write 6 magic letters - mossad,Israel - and nothing else is needed.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 04:04 AM
Shia- Sunni infighting... happens all the time.

It is odd timing however; because the militants had declared a ceasefire with the Pakistani establishment in the hopes of uniting against India.

If this was Indian reprisal, India wouldn't have targeted a Shia area... they would have attacked the ISI headquarters or something along those lines- ie send a clear signal.

Same if this was a Mossad Op... why target the minority Shia site?

I think it was just some local nutcase... perhaps the Pakistani Taliban false flagging to get more shias to join them?

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 04:16 AM

Once they have pakistan where they want them they can plant more troops there as well. There will be coalition all over the place and Iran is the main target. I say a Pakistani temple or church will be nailed and touted as a "confirmed" place of terrorist training and support. a good forty injured and dead.

I said this. Page three. Just felt a need...

This was no accidental bombing nor was it retaliation. It was purely strategic.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 05:01 AM

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
It has to be the CIA to provoke Muslims to attack India in blind rage. After all Muslims don't terrorize other Muslims.

sorry to be a party pooper here but unfortunately the people we consider 'muslim terrorists' don't have an ounce of sense or follow the religion the way it needs to be followed but don't believe that they are doing any wrong. these 'extremists' also consider anyone (including muslims) who don't adhere to their brand of Islam as nonbelievers and are attacked in retaliation.

if you want examples, please ask.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Saf85

Yet another example of Muslims refusing to accept responsibility for their own actions.

Yes, Muslims do kill other Muslims; history is littered with numerous accounts of this.
To suggest any other is just sheer ignorance and wilful disregard for truth.

Until Muslims start accepting that some Muslims do kill each other, that some Muslims have been responsible for some of the most heinous crimes committed in modern history, then we will never make any progress.

It is so convenient for them to blame US / UK / NWO for all of the world's ill's.

It is so sad that there are so many PC do-gooders around who believe the BS as well.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by Saf85

Yet another example of Muslims refusing to accept responsibility for their own actions.

Yes, Muslims do kill other Muslims; history is littered with numerous accounts of this.
To suggest any other is just sheer ignorance and wilful disregard for truth.

Until Muslims start accepting that some Muslims do kill each other, that some Muslims have been responsible for some of the most heinous crimes committed in modern history, then we will never make any progress.

It is so convenient for them to blame US / UK / NWO for all of the world's ill's.

It is so sad that there are so many PC do-gooders around who believe the BS as well.

I think you have got to accept that you are talking rubbish. You must learn to accept this otherwise you will continue to talk rubbish indefinitely.

Your position is born of an indefatigable conviction. Unfortunately your conviction is motivated by your general hatred of Muslims rendering all your comments null and void of meaning. They are merely vomit from your subconscious and has no bearing on reality.

You take a homogeneous view of Islam which is the most widely practised world religion. Muslim people are white, Semites, Africans, Asians, Chinese, Americans and are dispersed throughout the planet living in varying degrees of prosperity and experiences. You just sit their with some small psychological box of your own making trying to stuff two billion people into it. I pity you.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
It has to be the CIA to provoke Muslims to attack India in blind rage. After all Muslims don't terrorize other Muslims.
(emphasis added)

You're kidding, right? The overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks in the Middle East have been carried out by Muslims against Muslims. Or were all those attacks the work of the CIA and the Mossad as well?

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:15 AM
I would hardly call any of these so called terrorists Muslim.

The initial Mumbai attacks where perpetrated by so called muslims who had injected coc aine and '___'.

from my limited knowledge of the Muslim faith, they do not use drugs or drink alcohol, this in itself would have denied them entry into paradise if they had died during their holy crusade.

this was done in such a way to make as much news as possible to make Pakistan look like the bad guys, even this last car bomb incodent will probably see it was Pakistani suicide bombers on there way home to make new bombs, but the ingredients detonated before arriving home.

someone wants something to happen to make it a little easier for themselves to get to their final destination.

all the chess pieces are being put in place, and the pawns are now starting to be moved.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by masonwatcher

Your intolerance knows no bounds, as does your ignorance and arrogance.

I have no more hatred for Muslims than I have for followers of other religions.

I do have a hatred for terrorists who try to impose their own beliefs on other people with little regard for human life.

I do have a hatred for bigots who blindly follow any particular political or religious dogma.

I do not for one minute believe that the US / UK are without blame in the ME, however the constant refusal by Muslims and their PC apologists to accept any responsibilty merely serves to further alienate them.

It is not racism that drives me, I just have a different opinion and viewpoint.
That you immediately put this down to my 'racism' speaks volumes about your own bigotry, not mine.
That you repudiate my post with personal insults also speaks much more about your blinkered, dogmatic personality than it does mine and shows how shallow you opinion is.

If you knew anything about me you would realise the hilarity of being called a racist and I truly pity you for pigeon holing people so easily.

Deny ignorance.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:22 AM
I'm gonna jump on the Muslims don't kill Muslims' point , absolute rubbish imho.

Not a day go's by without a car bomb going off in Iraq , placed by Muslims , their favorite target ? marketplaces .. FILLED with other Muslims!

not a checkpoint, not a base but a place filled with the local population the majority Muslim

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:31 AM
Well considering many paki terrorists make bombs.
Maybe they put one in a car and planned to use it somewhere.
And it went off by accident.

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