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Ann Coulter's Jaw Wired Shut

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by grover

Liberals advocating violence.....

what happened to peace and love?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:08 PM
The number of conservatives in this thread bashing Liberalism as an ideology, declaring us mean, spiteful, full of hate, etc., is really alarming.

Have you ever stopped to really listen to what Coulter has to say? Or to compare the two parties' stance on issues of civil liberty? The idea that the left wing is any more violent and hateful than the right is laughable.

Were the September 11th attacks carried out by a Liberal? The OKC bombing? The thousands of dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, were they slain by Liberal policies? The hundreds of black people victimized, beaten and lynched before the civil rights movement, and the gay people suffering the same fate today, was it the Left that told America they were second-class citizens, deserving segregation and violence? Was it the urban, educated Liberal that victimized these innocents, or was it the fat drunken hick that bears the torch of your failed policies?

Yours, right-wingers, is the party of hate. Your ideology has been roundly rejected by reasonable, educated America; its only remaining strongholds are in the poorest and least pleasant parts of this nation. Have a look at an electoral map sometime if you want a bellwether for the future of your party-- you do not have a single center of population left to you, except perhaps Texas, and frankly you can have them.

And before you reply to rail against me, be aware that I am very comfortable with my hatred of your practices. I haven't suggested deploying nuclear arms against anyone, or converting their nation to secularism, so anything you may have to say against me will fall flat on its face in front of Coulter's madness.

We, the left, will determine the course of this nation's future, and you would do well to accept that, and begin to unlearn the prejudice, the knee-jerk resorts to violence, and the Dark Ages approach to discerning the borders between religion, politics, and science that have defined your party up through the present day. I hope you are able to do so, so that you may live as equals in a more compassionate, more educated, more open, and more stable America.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by vonholland
reply to post by grover

Liberals advocating violence.....

what happened to peace and love?

They went out the door when she opened up her mouth in the first place.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by sos37

In case you've missed it I've repeatedly said that I do not wish her ill... but you go ahead and believe what you want to believe... its not like you don't do a good amount of slurring yourself.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by sos37

In case you've missed it I've repeatedly said that I do not wish her ill... but you go ahead and believe what you want to believe... its not like you don't do a good amount of slurring yourself.

I think you're desperately attempting to back peddle here, you openly attacked Coulter and implied that you hope harm comes to her.

Have you noticed how much time you have to spend defending your own threads, you come across as very angry with everything. Somewhat disturbing.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by vonholland
reply to post by grover

Liberals advocating violence.....

what happened to peace and love?

yea what happened to peace and love,

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Liberals are delusional. They look at the government like it's a piggy bank. They don't understand that all Republicans and Conservatives are is traditionalist. That's all we are. Honestly, we know the Government is going to tax us dry but we'll take them as low as we can get them.

Just because we take a Capitalist position on most issues doesn't make us angry or war hungry.

Capitalism has its failures. Look at our inner cities. Look at the struggle of the African Americans to figure out themselves in a post-slavery world. I mean they look up to guys, rappers, who talk about drugs and killing people and gangs. Most of the black dads are in jail or dead. Most of the families are poor and are drug reddened.

Look at the pathetic way we idolize athletes and actors. Look at the focus on Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, the drive byes led the way.

Intellectualism is dead in 2008. Now, I don't understand how socialism will fix anything. Throwing money at the problem? You sound like Paulson.

Many of the public schools that get the most funding perform the worst. Because the issue is bigger than throwing money at the problem.

It's about the laws for punishment on drugs. Right, the break up of the minority family. Largely because of the United States harsh position of treating drug users as criminals rather than victims.

I think I have a lot of liberal views. I just think liberalism and think "increase government, increase taxes, less money for me"

That doesn't mean I wouldn't pay higher taxes. It's just that ideally, I would keep them lower.

You are right, Liberals are going to dictate the future direction of America. Can they spend their way out of this economic meltdown? It's unlikely. They should find another approach, perhaps, intellectualism.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:34 PM
I will say this one last time... this thread was posted because of the irony and yes humor... some of you take this far more seriously than I do...

... when someone says the hateful things that she does... she is begging for it:

These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis... These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them... I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much....

.... They're [Democrats] always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment....

... Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston ( 2004 Democratic convention), conservatives are deploying a series of covert signals to identify one another, much like gay men do. My allies are the ones wearing crosses or American flags....

.... I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo....

.... God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'...

.... We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity....

.... So for those of you who haven't read any of my five best-selling books: Liberals are driven by Satan and lie constantly....

.... Liberals are hopping mad because Rush Limbaugh referred to phony soldiers as "phony soldiers." They claim he was accusing all Democrats in the military of being "phony." True, all Democrats in the military are not phony soldiers, but all phony soldiers seem to be Democrats....

.... My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.....

....[Learning difficulties are a cover for] rich parents with dumb kids...That's why 'Pinch' Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, is alleged to have dyslexia - because he's retarded....

.... Then there are the 22 million Americans on food stamps. And of course there are the 39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security. The greatest generation rewarded itself with a pretty big meal....

.... Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now.....

Selections from:

.... And so many more... and you dare take me to task for so called hate speech... she may have the right to say these things but I would be ashamed to defend her.

It is crap like this posing as commentary that has gone so far to poison the political dialogue in this country.

Call my comments about her hate speech if you will but she is the one who really indulges in it and deserves contempt.

And don't even try and pass it off as humor because there is nothing funny about it.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by grover]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:45 PM

This thread went well.

I find it funny because it's ironic. I don't wish the woman harm, I just think what has happened to her is incredibly fitting. Almost as if some divine plan.

It makes me laugh.

If that makes me a horrible person in your eyes, then so be it.

I wonder why you hear it said that Americans can't understand irony?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by grover

Just for your own edification, wiki is not a credible source. It is a user based definition system which is unverified. In college we were told if we used it as a reference our papers would be failed. Not trying to pick a fight, just trying to help you keep your own credibility in tact.

Happy Thanksgiving!

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by jsobecky
Querido Gomez,

I certainly havent wished any harm to anyone. But a little wire was needed for her broken jaw, eh???
It serves two purposes (and dont point out my spelling errors because i will come to your house and destroy you :lol

I am only looking for the good of Ms. Coulter and my ears.

Now, how did she get a broken jaw??? Hmmmmm?????? Is that public??

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Her trap may be wired shut but her fingers aren't broken!

Ann Coulter, November 26, 2008

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by sos37

In case you've missed it I've repeatedly said that I do not wish her ill... but you go ahead and believe what you want to believe...

Really? I believe your direct quote from page one was "We could break her fingers and super glue them up her/his rear."

You're right. No ill wishes detected in that sentence at all.

Oh unless it was some new liberal codespeak for "Kumbai-ya"?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by grover

You're using the old, somewhat childsh "She says mean things so it's OK for me to say hateful things, too" spiel, grover.

Originally posted by grover
We could break her fingers and super glue them up her/his rear.

Not only hate speech, but a gender slur mixed in for good measure.

The purpose of God in creating man hath been, and will ever be, to enable him to know his Creator and to attain His Presence.

Do we attain His Presence through hate speech?

Nice work, grover. Peace and love.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 11:46 PM
With a mouth that toxic the wire will not last long. They should have TIG WELDED it shut.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by sos37

You are a very humorless little man. I don't think anyone except for the handful of loons defending her took that seriously... I know I didn't.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by sos37

You are a very humorless little man.

Yes, if only he had the joy in his life that you plainly have.

In case anyone missed the moderator's posting about this thread not exhibiting the type of standards they expect at ATS, you need to go back and read it.

Liberals, so hate filled.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:01 AM
This thread is a tribute to Ann Coulters effectiveness!

The truth hurts sometimes, and judging from the hate coming from this hurts alot!

Get well soon Ann, and looking forward to your new's sure to be another best seller!

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Retseh

anne coulter wouldn't have lasted a single day on this site.

"well, bobby, we enjoy what's known as 'the double standard'".

how ANYONE can defend that hate-filled beotch is beyond me. you 'conservative' types should be up in arms at her over her comment to the vietnam vet. guy's a freakin' amputee, and she blames losing the war on 'people like him'. i thought the conservatives normally called the maimed and fallen, 'heroes'.

i hate her because she said canada was lucky "we allow them to EXIST".

if she were here, the meglomaniac hate-filled propagandist could be thrown in jail for about half of the inciteful things that comes out of her hate-filled word-hole. hate speech IS a crime in canada(like it is at ATS

on that note, i'd like to invite her to canada to give a speech at a christian KKK rally.

and, btw, hate speech is only hate speech when it's directed at a group. you're allowed to hate individuals, as long as you don't slander(say something untrue about) them.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by billybob]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
The truth hurts sometimes, and judging from the hate coming from this hurts alot!




the truth is hurting.

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