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What if you can not speak about it on ATS?

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posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:02 AM


posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:24 AM


posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by The time lord

If you have something important to say, say it. We won't judge you, well too harshly. Though I'm sure if "people" watch
What we post on here, then a lot of us could be in trouble, so speak freely. If it offends ats they'll remove it, if it offends government, they'll watch you. Those in history who had the most impact did what they needed to do cause they were in a place to do it. Well, do it

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by The time lord

The Time Lord,

Historicaly, as a matter of record in history,..when one cannot speak publically to an issue...often for reasons of personal writes under a psuedo name. A false name.

Also historically a story or tale of truth or perception of truth which would endanger one is written under a cover story...such as Alice In Wonderland
By Lewis Caroll. As I recall Lewis Caroll is a pen name.

I may be recalling in error here and getting the story mixed up with another ..but this story was a critique of social behavior of the times. A subject which would not have been received well at those times...hence the psuedo name to the author.

The other story I draw from memory of similar type is Gullivers Johathan Swift. Again a critique or statire on conditions which at the time which might have endangered the author.

I may be getting these stories mixed up ..if so someone please correct me here.

Nonetheless ..there are historical examples ,if one knows, of how authors have protected themselves and yet gotten thier message out to readers.

There are other methods but not necessary for our descriptions here.

This should suffice here for the purposes of this thread.


posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by The time lord
For one its in case people feel trapped somehow could be a mental block they have, could be they are blackmailed or could be that even thinking about it is could be pose unwanted attention. I am fine in person but have some suspicions and can not say everything as I'm not ready yet. But I must admit what people say on ATS about most of their stories is probably more real than not including good and bad stories, no point being sceptic and people need to wake up.

[edit on 10-7-2008 by The time lord]

Okay here's your cold dose of reality for the day. Either you grow some [snip] and post about it somewhere or tell someone or you stay silent. It's really not that hard. You don't gain anything worth having in life without risk.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by The time lord

there ARE things that can't be talked about.

I've seen two threads disappear in the last two weeks.

one was about a master race

the other about potheads

I'm sure there are lots more.

I wonder if ats would ever start a read only thread, of deleted threads and post the reason WHY they were deleted

even if it is serve as an example.

kind of like the display case of illicit things at the local police station...

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:59 AM
I know what you mean i tell people about when i was camping and aleins visited me and poeple think im crazy or something every time i tell them about it liek when i told my friends about it and they dont belife in me and make jokes about it everytime i talk about it thats what i get i even made a reply here on a post and the mods didnt put it up and i think they wont put this one up and i wrote it anyway becaus i know exatly what your talkin about

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Imagine you are being watched where ever you go, your thoughts or writing even if no one sees is known about. You know not what to do, if its something beyond us it could spell danger and writing on ATS alone may ...

I can relate to a few things you say, about being watched wherever you go, and your thoughts or writing even if no one knows about it.
I have been in a similar situation a few years back, and I must say it really drove me wild. All I can tell you is, i found it to be true!

If you feel this way, sense all this, its probably not just your imagination. What exactly it is I can't truely explain, but on some subcontious
level you are connected. I myself got rid of this "nuesanse" by overstretching it, "send" them on the wrong track, by propagating
the "out of bounds" limits they are "reading" from of you. I know this sound strange, but this worked for me. However seeing as you are
a man with many religies "connections" this might not be the right thing for you.

I truely believe that a form of telepathy exists between
all humans and that a subconstious level of "awareness" exists between people thinking alike, and you must find your own way in dealing with
this. That means accept the connection and steer it if you will, or disconnect and feed them wrong so you are no longer a wanted part of the thinking/feeling collective.

As for the distortions I really have not much experiense in these, but once in a while I do sense things, go out looking for them and find
them to be true.

Anyway there's my 2 cents, I hope it helps you.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:12 PM
What i'm afraid of that other people could be woven in to it and I don't want it to cause harm.
I have had experiences of being stung, bitten and throat running dry when speaking to people and have seen some strange things about them.
I woke up once with what souded like wings of a large bee and when I turned round it looked fuzzy about two foot long as if cloaked and it was brown smoke like in appearence but it disappeared when I turned round.
Again it sounds Biblical to me but all these things are going on at different times and maybe have always have. Also people with spiritual needle type stings and have experienced fainting and breathlessness.
Its your call but your turn maybe be next if not then how am I to explain these things and convince anyone, maybe that is the point a leap of faith to God.

People or cars appear and dissapear in and out of reality, people just appear from no where right infront of me.
Maybe Revelation 6 is happening right now but not to every person. The Bible speaks about only a Third part of the world experiencing certain things but they are invisible or we forget like some editing room of reality or abduction cases for some to relate to.

The tribulation period people will see it all happening for real and that will cause people to faint and run scared as the body did not repent.

I know its real and it will never convince anyone and they in fairness are lucky. But I do know there are denyers on here made just for that reason to dispell it all, and really feel sorry that they can not see it if its faith based but do envey they live in tranquility without this stuff going on round them.
My theory is that the Bible says you don't not know the hour or day and God will come like a theif is true and my guess is its individual and has no timespan or end of days or mass rapture.

But believe what you will, also believe God has hidden it from view with people like a delusion so we come to him with faith not force.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by The time lord]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by The time lord

tbh mate, if someone/something is watching you and it's so dangerous for you to talk about whatever you want to talk about... then you're probably pretty screwed already. So you might as well come out and tell us what you're on about.

Originally posted by BlackCat13
I can relate to a few things you say, about being watched wherever you go, and your thoughts or writing even if no one knows about it.
I have been in a similar situation a few years back, and I must say it really drove me wild. All I can tell you is, i found it to be true!

Can you expand on this? What did you find to be true, and who/what exactly was watching you?

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Whatever you are talking about - can you please separate it from the Bible.

I'm sorry but it irks me - when someone has experiences they can't explain - then try to fit it into - or justify it with the Bible.

Just separate them. It makes it way too confusing.

State your experience(s) as they are - forget about explaining or justifying or trying to make them fit somewhere or something.

There may be things in the bible that are comparable - - but for now - just take the Bible and put it in the drawer of your nightstand.

Take a deep breath - remove all emotions - and just state the experience.


posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:23 PM
These links are recnt posts by other people that are all relative to my experiences and many will not believe it, but like I have stated personal experiences are just that and could be signs to wake people up.

Likey could be more real than not;''''
Could be true:'

This other poster might be experiencing similar things too, with many others on here. The Bible speaks about the beasts and animals of the earth attacking people in Judgement too. I have had a spider crawl down me from no where, found snake like bite on my leg and felt it too but no snake to be seen, another cat bite if it was a cat and probably other things that have been odd. I have seen even insects behave strangely, they fly too fast and appear and dissapear and doubt they are real ones. Feels almost like planet Borg assimulation is going on.

Since explaining this I felt two more stings, but you only feel it being pulled out and keep seeing something in the corner of my eye.
But trying to explain has lifted some weight off me. But last time I did I thought my neck got sliced and passed out. I really do not care what people don't believe guess they maybe be helping me without knowing it.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by The time lord]

[edit on 11-7-2008 by The time lord]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by malganis
reply to post by The time lord

tbh mate, if someone/something is watching you and it's so dangerous for you to talk about whatever you want to talk about... then you're probably pretty screwed already. So you might as well come out and tell us what you're on about.

Originally posted by BlackCat13
I can relate to a few things you say, about being watched wherever you go, and your thoughts or writing even if no one knows about it.
I have been in a similar situation a few years back, and I must say it really drove me wild. All I can tell you is, i found it to be true!

Can you expand on this? What did you find to be true, and who/what exactly was watching you?

I really don't know if this is the right topic for this, and you may make me out for a nutcase, but what the heck thats nothing new here, so here we go.

The feeling being watched and spyed on, without a "real" posability being present crept on me a few years ago, I was younger (oke maybe a lot younger
) and was full of ambition to make it in the multimedia business, but everything I did and everything I tried, it was of no use
someone always beat me to the punch, no matter what discipline of the field I tried, it drove me mad.

I tried this angle, someone was before me (and much better at it I might add). I tried a different field, someone beat me to the punch. Again and again.

All in all like timelord I got the feeling I was being watched, when really this being true in the "real world" was very agains any odds (I was not nearly, a dangerous thread enough to anyone) you might want to bet on.

So I tried a diffrent approach, instead of trying to agressivly make a new product, I propagated a more direct approach, the here, not legal method of comparing products in comercials. All this not by actual making the clips or adds, but just "feeding" the fever, as media men might call it.

The method seemed to work, it did't take long for the media to "catch on" to my ideas and to actually carry them out. Adds started showing and the method was applied. I might add here that I spoke to on one about this, not even hinted all this was developed in my mind (????)

Anyway, the company's probably got fined for it, the adds dissapeared, and the feeling went away. How strange is that!!

I still believe however to this day, that this was no coincidense. Either I was connected to a source that was pushing and pushing for more, or this source was connected to me, either way this led me believe that we are part of a greater contiousness, a collective as I called earlier, or "zeitgeist" if you will.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Sounds to me like you need to slow your energy vibration down.

What have you done differently since these experiences began?

Have you tried Bio-Feedback or Quantam Bio-Feedback (not an advertisement).

I have always had experiences - but am very skeptical of others. Someone gave me a gift of Quantam Bio-Feedback. I did not expect anything - but was surprised it did make a difference in how I felt.

I would suggest some GUIDED meditation and relaxation.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Annee

I have experienced fear and think it has been dawned on me to fall into that trap of vibrational field and this could also be going on with war on terror and fear that the government creates on its people. That is one theory and could be just that so my advice to others is be happy and change that round and stop winding each other up on the internet be good to each other because the more negative fear we have the worse it is.
Sounds like a David Icke type thing but if he is right then stay happy.

Other theories is that an Angelic war is going on or like someone described a coilition of Alien race war is happenning around earth, at an astral level and phyical level.

Another theory is that the God's power has been handed to Satan and we are already in Heaven but he is currupting it and every being high and low are confused too. I am not sure what to think but since explaining it I feel better and so does my body, maybe I'm in some negative zone, maybe that is part of the judgement being that we are not expressing and are opressing our selves and by not helping others we are helping evil win. Oh just felt another sting.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by The time lord]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
reply to post by Annee

Another theory is that the God's power has been handed to Satan and we are already in Heaven but he is currupting it and every being high and low are confused too. I am not sure what to think but since explaining it I feel better and so does my body, maybe I'm in some negative zone, maybe that is part of the judgement being that we are not expressing and are opressing our selves and by not helping others we are helping evil win. Oh just felt another sting.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by The time lord]

I can assure you that if God's power was handed to Satan (which would never happen), things would be alot different. I think I'm too happy right about now to be living in hell....

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Forget the dope..stop smoking crack.

And I do agree with that other dude, enough of the bible talk. Save that for your Sunday services. My advice to you is drink as much of the punch as possible and all your turmoil will be over.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by The time lord

The Bible speaks about only a Third part of the world experiencing certain things but they are invisible or we forget like some editing room of reality or abduction cases for some to relate to.

where in the bible does it ever say that?

i think you are having a panic disorder, too much news, too much Tv, too much ATS has got you scared and paranoid now

you are dwelling too much

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by The time lord

Oh just felt another sting.

What does the sting feel like?

What part of your body?

Does it hurt?

Thanks for the laugh.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:35 PM
ok ...timey. check it, you are gonna start scaring the weee ones....

whats going on is a evolution of consciousness, you gotta remember or at least believe that this life we live, is merely a vessel of THIS reality, an this reality a Room in the Huge arena that is Existence, Think of this life as a tool, to shape and mold your being, with many different experiences and understandings that really couldnt be understood without experience,

We are data collectors.... for? Im sure you know. The Big one.

but as time goes on, and experiences have led to many understandings, new experiences must be created an felt, what do we do thruout time to things that no longer are able to fulfill our expectations? we make a better tool or make a add on.

and thats why we evolve. to experience things an other things we havent known about in a new way. we've gotten our leggs, arms, eyes, thought processes an such, an we are ever evolving, but one thing we havent evolved to well with is our connection to others an all else that is. we've spent a vast amount of time here growing inwards, an now its just time to grow outwards.

of course this is theory, but in many realms it fits quite well.

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