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I AM ready for ascension. Are you?

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posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:43 PM

That's why I ask you to open your hearts and minds. I'm here for only one thing. Please re-read my replies and my original post. See the intention behind my posts, not the small mistakes that can be misunderstood for something negative like you said.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am saying it is your intention that is narcissistic and condescending. I personally am ambivalent to the general content.

Yes I know I'm hard to understand.

Your crystal clear intention hear is to misconstrue what I said. I think you are a pretty short read. Not hard at all. Seen it a million times. what I actually questioned is why you think you are so hard to understand?

Further, it seems clear that you have cast a pretty narrow net, you have convinced no one so far. You have people responding who already agreed with you before you posted and people who obviously are not. Is your intention to badger the latter with just repetition? How can you be more persuasive to those who are not already in agreement?

[edit on 6-6-2008 by wytworm]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
It's not going to happen like that and make no mistake those alien greys are not your buddies!
amen to this brother,cmon people dont be fooled by the wolves in sheeps clothing.they are everywhere.this thread is ridiculous

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by All-Natural

Don't worry, you're not hard to understand. As a matter of fact, I was a lot like you when I was young. I just don't think you see the intention behind your intended intension. For the most part, people who speak of others needing to ascend, or be saved, or accept Christ, or whatever are doing so for selfish reasons, (i.e. be like me, or you'll burn, be left behind, etc.) 99.9% of the time it's being done as a form of reassurance to the believer.

If you were truly ready to ascend, none of this would matter. You'd have no use for trying to convince others to ascend because you'd know that they already know. You'd understand that their soul already understands.

Anyway, that's what I believe, but you'll notice I don't post threads telling others that they should believe the same.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by wytworm

Remember life is just a manifestation of the all connecting enery field we sometimes refer to as god. On a physical level we are seperate but on a spiritual level we are all connected to this field, which means we are all one.

The cells in your body (same also for plants) are sensitive to this field and act as a kind of antenna, always receptive to this field which is always transmitting. Personality differences occur becuase no two living beings have the same set of genes so the all connecting life force will manifest itself differently in every living this.

Just as cells evolved to form plants and animals we as humans will also need to evolve to the next level. Experimentation has shown the DNA is positively affected when we are experiencing the feeling of love. This is why love is so important. Hate, anger, greed etc all lead to negative development both physically and spiritually.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:57 PM
I love you all. I am humbly insane so I dont need any evidence just my experiences. Im very glad to see this movement permeating the media, in fact, I was told by some inter dimensional entities to start a public access show to spread this message. And once I set it in motion, the universe has brought me the people and the resources needed, and I dont even work, well I do, but its a spiritual thing and most would consider it a hobby, but it is work. Its so crazy, I cant escape being a worker for this message, even the head man at Tucson MUFON is involved in spreading this message about light love and the true nature of this illusion and the time we are in. So if Im insane, the universe wants me to be, because left and right people and beings are coming into my life with the same message over and over and over, and Im not talking about on the internet. Synchronicity is awesome, thank you all for being a part of this experience, especially skeptics, you make it all worth while, and you fulfill prophecy weather you kNOW it or not.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Rasobasi420

I'm trying to help people in their search for truth. To be honest I've never been good convincing people. Not trying to anyways. I made this thread to serve as a type of inspiration for change. Not. It's a task I chose and accepted. I want to spread the light.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:04 PM
I first read about ascension and much of this dimensional talk in a journal my mother had used in the 70's. It talked of the cosmic power of love, how the earth was entering a final stage (as evidenced by the rise in military buildup, militarism, and global warfare. The rise in global famine, the decreasing buying power of the middle and poorer classes, and all that not so good stuff that happens in the world) and with the earth, so were its children, Us.

Well the hippy movement sold out and left future generations to foot the bill. There was no great ascension, there was no mass awakening, there was no second coming. All there was, once again, was an increase in militarism, warfare and famine.

In the decades to follow the 60's and 70's, guru's and spiritual leaders have regurgitated the same empty words of vibrations, frequencies, ascensions, and awakenings. But nothing comes. The guru's die, their progeny grow old and Dependant, and still nothing comes.

Do you know why? Because Earth, and life on it, is currently all we got, and all we have to look forward too. If ascension is coming, its not coming while we are alive, awake or not.

You want to ascend; you want things to change? As a great man once said, be the change you wish to see.

As for me, Im not waiting for ascension, im going to go grab a beer, relax after a long hard day in 40 degree heat, and pet my cat.

Oh btw, I really liked this line

I just don't think you see the intention behind your intended intension.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:04 PM
This sound is most likely caused by cell phones as stated before, I get it on the 7.1 system my computer is hooked up to, my tv, and my radio, and the radio in my car, whenever my cell either:

receives an IM

recieves a call

changes to another cell tower

or basically does anything other than staying static

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by baburak

Originally posted by Ihavenoidea
If you want to help me ascend, just freaking shoot me....

Nice one .... and i'm quite happy here on earth .... it's a nice place ...

It would be even nicer if we all loved each other a bit more .

I do agree with you here .... i still don't understand why do people want to leave earth so bad without knowing if there's any better place than earth ... you live here now so the easiest thing you people could do is enjoy. Why're you looking for conspiracies everywere ... even if there's one it wouldn't be any better knowing the truth. We will still live here until we die.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by newfc12

Lol... Oh..NOW i get it..

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by All-Natural

Are you so enlightened that you feel you can help others? Shall we call you Maharishi?

Live and let die as they say. It's the only way one will learn. And if you're truly ready for ascension, then ascend!!!

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:08 PM
One final question to the advocates of a mass awakening or ascension. I have read and heard much chatter on the subject, the most interesting line ive seen repeated on this board is "So many people around the world are waking up and getting ready." Paraphrased of course.

My question to you out there is this, how many of those people that are getting ready or are awake, live in the third, fourth, and fifth world countries that populate most of our blue planet?

How many starving children and adults feel the change approaching?

How many of those suffering horrible war related maladies are waking up to the goodness of ascension?

By the way, Rasobasi420, solved the puzzle box yet?

[edit on 6-6-2008 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by All-Natural

Who are you helping? Again, no one hear is moving off the course they were already on before your post. What purpose is it achieving?

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:24 PM
I was only just thinking yesterday ( in fact I posted it on the galactic federation thread) that it was such a shame the old ascension thread had gone and that we needed a new ascension thread... and here it is.

I posted this below on another thread today but this to me is really all that ascension is about.

Take in the ultimate light of the creator,
Let it flow through your energy points,
Absorb it, convert it,
Then let it radiate out as pure love.

Now you have joined and become one.


posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Take in the ultimate light of the creator,
Let it flow through your energy points,
Absorb it, convert it,
Then let it radiate out as pure love.

Now you have joined and become one.


Wow, that's easy. 4 steps. Much easier than those 12 step programs that help people stop shooting heroin, or smoking crack. I'm taking your course!!

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Personally I am preparing for the war, I am stocking up on supplies and getting my game plan on so that my family members, especially children have a safe place. Not worried about ascension it will happen when it does, but there is no need to be concerned about it. The thing I can't come to terms with is raising an innocent child in a post 9/11 world, so my energies will be focused on making my little place in the world the best place I possibly can for now, for others. There is nothing selfish about it, I will gladly stand on the front lines to protect the interest of our children, whatever that means.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Rasobasi420

hahaha ... but the easiest way to do those 4 steps is to smoke crack ....
.. hahaha ....joke

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Rasobasi420

oh I do like you, your so easy to get on with

Thanks for the reply MG

( technically its 5 steps if you read it again)

[edit on 6-6-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:35 PM
Yes with practice it really is all that easy , just 4 steps to finding the light of the creator within you. Light and love are not that hard to find all you need do is look within yourself.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
My question to you out there is this, how many of those people that are getting ready or are awake, live in the third, fourth, and fifth world countries that populate most of our blue planet?

How many starving children and adults feel the change approaching?

How many of those suffering horrible war related maladies are waking up to the goodness of ascension?

Good question, I wonder who we would have to ask to get the actual "truth" on that one...any good ideas?

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
By the way, Rasobasi420, solved the puzzle box yet?

Yeah it's 2

I seriously feel everyone is over thinking this "ascension" thing. Yes we are starting to understand much more about our physical universe as well as the stuff we literally can't see but know is there. There is a very real physical event that is going to happen around 2012 that does have to do with our astronomical position. Nothing "super natural" about it really, and I think many times when people talk about the "4th Dimension" or "4D" they are actually trying to say "4th Density" or "4th Vibration". This alignment seems to have torsion fields as well as some other factors, sort of like our astronomical weather report. Just like Warm Weather Boosts Mood, Broadens The Mind as 2004 University of Michigan research indicated, we're changing "galactic seasons" to the other side of the disc. I think this is why so many "new agers" have gravitated towards the mayan thing etc which most people interpret 2012/ascension as "end times" but all it means is it re-sets. OOOO! scary!

I don't think you have to die to ascend physically, you can die many other ways that are just as interesting and you get to keep your body too. It seems to have a lot to do with frame of mind & perceptions. We create this reality together one way or another. I think ascension will be world-wide, but not with aliens whisking us off to some "heavenly planet", or god coming to judge us, nor do I think we'll be dodging too much "angel cannon" shrapnel like the bible says. I think our great thinkers and inventors will make some new breakthroughs on knowledge new & old as well as "other".

So what is the whole 2012/ascension thing about? Not sure...

Personally I kind of predict waves of "wtf". What does that mean? Well maybe one day there will be an abundance of ghost sightings and/or ufo sightings. Based on the "brighter" or "more energetic" theory of our stellar movement. I sort of glibly reference this theory as "turning up the gain". Just to skip some skeptic inquiry and satisfy the rational that there is in fact an energetic "excitement" of the planet that all scientists have been paying attention too openly including NASA:
Solar Storm Warning
Backward Sunspot(reportedly signaling the start of a new solar cycle)
And the alignments continue from there with other energetic implications as we line up with the galactic center and pass to the "bottom" half of the galaxy.

Now there is evidence that would lead us to believe that with the aid of technology (or mind's eye for that matter) you can see ghosts, UFO, & possibly other "dimensions" of reality via the different light spectrums.
Here's a short article on the different spectrums and what the people at TAPS have been able to do in particular with IR cameras: HERE
Here's a blog article with a theory about NASA using UV and IR cams to see into other "invisible" places: Here
But this has long been theorized wildly by many people scientifically and "mystically" for some time now.

So now imagine, more energy being pumped out by our sun, essentially exciting everything in some way, be it heat, radiation, spectral light, etc, essentially it's like turning up the "brightness" in a sense that all energy is wave-form(& we are all "energy") and UV & IR hover just above & below the visual spectrum respectively. So what happens now that you just turned up the gain(or volume, or brightness) on the amplitude of the light we are currently receiving? Well, maybe all of a sudden those things that are hanging out in that IR & UV spectrum might just become visible to us...

I'm starting to think that even if God "him/herself" comes out of the sky, says to us all "Hey everyone, pretty much everything you've been hearing is true in a sense and here's some alien friends to say 'hi'..." as the sky lights up day or night with angels & ET's.... & some people would still call it a hoax, or say it was a mass hallucination, or some other BS.

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