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The Real Reason There is no Disclosure about Aliens and UFOs: Theory

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posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 03:08 PM
I have given the the whole Alien question a lot of thought and when combined with the Government's official denial of ET's this theory seems to make more and more sense.

Aliens exist - their existence helps to explain the texts of many ancient religions and many ancient texts. It also explains all of the sightings and phenomenon of recent times.

Why have we lost contact??? Why the Deception. At some point in our History(for the last 2 or 3 thousand years), A dominant Alien Race seized control of our Solar System and has been exploiting Mankind and our planet for either spiritual or material resources or both.

The NWO and their agenda is intimately tied to this Dominant Alien Agenda. This is why the interests of Humanity which logically affect even the human members of the NWO are so frequently brushed aside.

There are good aliens who want to help. But we are being held hostage. The Alien Race which now controls us has threatened to destroy all human life on this planet if the other Aliens interfere.

The good Aliens are already here trying to help but they cannot reveal themselves. They must operate in secret - not because of humans, but because of the Aliens now controlling our planet.

The Aliens controlling this planet are aware of the good Aliens trying to interfere. They now fear major invasion and infiltration. THey feel these good Aliens are already among us and posing as humans to hide their identities. This is why we have lost all of our privacy rights. Contrary to popular belief, they are not directly spying on normal civilians, They are looking for and trying to track the good Aliens who are hiding and working amongst us even now.

The recent missile tests used to shoot down satellites is really a weapons test to take out incoming and orbiting Alien craft.

The Aliens controlling our planet now cannot win this battle but they are not going to give up easily. And there is still the threat that if they cannot win, they will take down the rest of humanity with them.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by CyberTruth]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 03:33 PM
Interesting theory.

The thought of aliens running the show instead of actual human beings might explain the un-believable atrocities that are multiplying every day, involving violence and genocides, happening all over the world.

I heard another theory that we're actually going to be fought over by two different alien 'gangs', and their territory is Earth. This ties to Planet X/2012, but how knows what to make of it?

I do believe there are good aliens already here on Earth, and this is from personal experience, but no physical proof. I can only attest to what I physically felt, but at no point did I see anything. Just felt like someone was holding me down.

I have a book from 1994, talking about aliens coming here from all over the galaxy. Earth is a 'virtual' zoo if you will, and we're being studied by many different species of aliens, all who are under strict control not to leave any physical proof, which makes this book really hard to buy into.

If my physical experience didn't happen, I probably would not have believed it.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:01 PM
That's a very interesting hypothesis. Chances are slim that it's true, but it would make a fantastic book idea! If you're an author, get cracking! Or I just might steal your idea.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:09 PM
It is a very good theory.

And not unlikely at all, since what do we really know?
This feeling that we are being held back somehow, i can say that with some certaintity, if you think about a bit more, we went to moon... where did we go after that?

Ofcourse the nearest planet is Mars, 30 years and only the moon, rings quite false to me though

That's a very interesting hypothesis. Chances are slim that it's true, but it would make a fantastic book idea! If you're an author, get cracking! Or I just might steal your idea.

Perhaps the chances for this really being is slim, but perhaps the chances for something like this to be real, might just be as big

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:10 PM
I certainly believe there is a non-interference agreement since about 10 000 years, meaning aliens are not to interfere with us.

But my variation of your theory has a more positive-twist:

The non-interference is in place so that we can be left to develop on our own, without superiours constantly looming above...

...which would wreck humanity psychologically.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:15 PM
Too complicated. The reason the government doesn't blab about what it knows about UFOs has to do with national security. And in that case, it could either mean that they know the whole story about what they are, where (or when) then come from and so on... OR they don't have a clue as to what they are, how they work, or where they're from -- even if they have pieces of the things. How do you approach something that by all logic shouldn't even exist in the world?

Or maybe something in the middle. UFOs are not all the same. Maybe they've figured out a few of them, but most of them are still a complete puzzle.

Either way, they're not going to tell. You don't want to let anybody know what you know, or what you don't know.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
I certainly believe there is a non-interference agreement since about 10 000 years, meaning aliens are not to interfere with us.

But my variation of your theory has a more positive-twist:

The non-interference is in place so that we can be left to develop on our own, without superiours constantly looming above...

...which would wreck humanity psychologically.

The restraining order that never expires. In some circles there is agreement that mankind must be under one govt and unified a a single race before contact will again be allowed. In that vein its our own fault we can't get along and bring world peace. If we hate our own brothers because of the color of their skin we are not offering much assurance that we can provide peace and safety for outside beings.

No. We have some work to do before things will progress.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Illahee

The restraining order that never expires. In some circles there is agreement that mankind must be under one govt and unified a a single race before contact will again be allowed. In that vein its our own fault we can't get along and bring world peace. If we hate our own brothers because of the color of their skin we are not offering much assurance that we can provide peace and safety for outside beings.

No. We have some work to do before things will progress.

I agree with this...but will tell you that these conspiracy-theorists around here strongly disagree with it

The disclosure everyone here wants so desperately will not come before we appear as ONE nation among a multitude of other races, species and nations of the universe.

The NWO-Conspiracy-Theorists are afraid of this ONE world because they think it means no more individuality/unique identity...which is a misconception born from the bad examples of communism and the difficulty of the mind to grasp diversity within unity.

(In my humble opinion, of course)

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 05:35 PM
Thanks for all the great responses and inputs.

I have to agree that it would make for an interesting movie or science fiction novel but I
consider myself more of a philosopher than a writer. I'm also more interested in knowing
what can explain this completely illogical world we live in than in creating science "fiction.

I don't think any of the actual concepts I have touched upon are particularly original either but perhaps they are in the way in which I have tied them all together.

For me, the lack of an actual movie or book depicting such a scenario lends even more credence to the actual theory. Those in control would never allow such a movie or book that depicts a clear picture of what is going on to be unveiled to the the mass public for fear of a mass awakening or realization of the truth.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 05:48 PM
Yes, I support a New World Order... just not the doom and gloom NWO, which I think may possibly be proaganda issued by the governments to keep people in fear of uniting humanity... and therefore keeping the ET presence at bay, and keeping the elites racking up the power and wealth... and when the "bad" globalist empire comes, people are gunna say "I told you so.". My response to them would be "Maybe it's because of your doom and gloom that we got what we asked for, perhaps?"

I totally agree. We need to unite and play nice. That's what growing up is all about. That's what the men upstairs want.


I'm guilty of the doom and gloom scenarios, too... but I also think we should all get more positive and accepting.... not of the NWO, but of union with our species and Earth... and THAT kind of New World Order is what we should be talking about.

We'll meet our neighbors, but they are afraid of us right now because they hear us next door, always screaming and fighting and breaking stuff. We're the house nobody likes visit when Christmas Carolling.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by indierockalien]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 07:15 PM
yes, i would say that describes it to a "T"

i think, as well, knowing that this solar system is heading for that sure to be turbulent crossing of the galactic axis in 2012, wouldn't those "neighbours" observing us be all the more worried and curious about how we're going to make it, and what, if anything, they should do?

Maybe they want to help, or maybe just pick up the spoils ... who knows?

[edit on 20-3-2008 by wayno]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:51 PM
Well I for one believe that they are doing more than just observing.

When you look at all the major technological advancements of the last 100 or so years it's hard to not believe that something is influencing our society.

Think of all the things we have now the past 100 years and less that we know man lived without for the previous 2,000 - 3000 years and maybe longer.

1. electricity
2. automobiles
3. spacecraft and satellites
4. Telephones
5. Televisions
6. Airplanes
7. computers
8. Recorded music and radios
9. light bulbs
10. Nuclear power and weapons
11. radios and other wireless transmissions
12. I'm sure there are a lot more

Either Humans have suddenly overnight so to speak gotten a lot smarter and inventive or something is influencing our development for one reason or another.

Another thing to consider is the actual life span of the Aliens who may be influencing us. If an Alien has twice or three times our own life span, then the same Exact Aliens who could have started the industrial revolution are still alive and still orchestrating our development and technological advancement to this very day.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by CyberTruth]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

I look to a NWO of a kind.Not an implemented controll over the people,but a New world order.Picture this, a world where everyone could communicate without words getting in the way.A world where love was the law,where as you do unto another it is done unto you. That would be the real golden rule!
Being ruled over by anyone or any government is not man's choice.Left to inner spiritual guidance no man needs a master.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by CyberTruth
Think of all the things we have now the past 100 years and less that we know man lived without for the previous 2,000 - 3000 years and maybe longer.

1. electricity
2. automobiles
3. spacecraft and satellites
4. Telephones
5. Televisions
6. Airplanes
7. computers
8. Recorded music and radios
9. light bulbs
10. Nuclear power and weapons
11. radios and other wireless transmissions
12. I'm sure there are a lot more

Either Humans have suddenly overnight so to speak gotten a lot smarter and inventive or something is influencing our development for one reason or another.

Can't add or subtract from the original theory here, but I can say a few things about this list.

1. electricity - took a while to bring it to commercial use, but electricity in some form has been studied ever since the Greeks. Maybe even before that, because certain animals can give off an electric charge.

2. automobiles - the first internal combustion engine came out in 1806, someone stuck it in a little vehicle in 1807.

3. spacecraft and satellites - OK

4. Telephones - string/can telephone-ish devices have been around for hundreds of years. Also - in the 1700s, people in 2 different places talked through a tube (like on a sailing ship between decks.)

5. Televisions - OK

6. Airplanes - China was flying kites almost 3,000 years ago.

7. Computers - you can go back more than 3,000 years beforeCharles Babbage, with the abacus.

8. Recorded music and radios - phonautograph came out about 20 years before Edison's phonograph.

9. Light bulbs - Edison came up with the practical light bulb. But he didn't invent it. Others had been working on it for about 75 years before Edison's success.

10. Nuclear power and weapons - OK

11. Radios and other wireless transmissions - the ability to send wireless waves through the air had been known for decades before Marconi.

12. I'm sure there are a lot more - OK

My point isn't to throw cold water on the theory. It may very well be true. But I've seen lists like this many times, and they never acknowledge the very human, step-by-step process that took place to produce whatever's on the list.

If all of a sudden we started using stargates instead of airplanes, then I think you can raise an eyebrow. But even with everything I've mentioned, you can plot backwards thousands of years.

Sometimes I shake my head at humanity for all the dumb things that have happened in history. But I don't think you should always sell humans short. I think we're far more redeeming than not.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by CyberTruth
Aliens exist - their existence helps to explain the texts of many ancient religions and many ancient texts. It also explains all of the sightings and phenomenon of recent times.

Why have we lost contact??? Why the Deception. At some point in our History(for the last 2 or 3 thousand years), A dominant Alien Race seized control of our Solar System and has been exploiting Mankind and our planet for either spiritual or material resources or both.

The NWO and their agenda is intimately tied to this Dominant Alien Agenda. This is why the interests of Humanity which logically affect even the human members of the NWO are so frequently brushed aside.

Great insight, CyberTruth.

It's the people from the Draconis constellation.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:30 AM
If aliens want humanity to "grow up" before making contact, then I think they need to reconsider. I wonder if that will ever happen without their help? And if they won't make contact, then we obviously won't get their help.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by GrayFox

That's a good point GrayFox. I have to agree. What better way for humanity to "Grow Up" than having contact and disclosure that we are not alone in the Universe.

Perhaps we would be a little more self conscious of ourselves on a planetary level and start taking a little more pride in ourselves and clean up our act.

The sooner we all know the "Truth" of our existence and our relationship to those with which we share this experience in the Universe, the sooner we can realize that which we are capable of being.

How can we fully mature as a species if our experience and knowledge has been stunted and misguided with half truths, deception, and ignorance???

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by CyberTruth

That's a good point GrayFox. I have to agree. What better way for humanity to "Grow Up" than having contact and disclosure that we are not alone in the Universe.

Perhaps we would be a little more self conscious of ourselves on a planetary level and start taking a little more pride in ourselves and clean up our act.

The sooner we all know the "Truth" of our existence and our relationship to those with which we share this experience in the Universe, the sooner we can realize that which we are capable of being.

How can we fully mature as a species if our experience and knowledge has been stunted and misguided with half truths, deception, and ignorance???

Because it might be a challenge-game. What would we learn or gain, how would we grow without a little bit of challenge?

It would cripple us to learn that we cant grow up without mommy/daddy-extraterrestrial.

They want us to grow up on our own, without crutches.

You might have a point with the establilshment wanting to put brakes on our development so that they can keep us enslaved and out-of-contact with the universe...

but this can also be viewed as a challenging game we have to win rather than a conspiracy in which we cry "poor me, poor me".

"Poor me" is not going to get us out of the system.

(im glad you opened this thread though because it raises more interesting questions than "base 1" questions such as "Do ETs exist?")

[edit on 21-3-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:37 AM
I think you are on the right track with things. This planet really has weapons that can shoot into space now. Testing new weapons could be in order by earths governments.

No visiting races of any sort are held hostage here beyond will of themselves. I think as you read this personally look into ourselves as a race on earth finding within an strength of the cosmos. Earth could be seen as a small dot flying around the galaxy here with nobody at the helm totally out of control. This is a larger view of the constant battles being played out here between yourselves in everyday lives. The yearning to be in control of our lives and for some the feeling of needing to be control of every aspect including everyone around us. Recently the spring equinox set into motion a great clearing of old energies yet again to be cleansed. Witness the need to focus on more spiritual living. War will be played out to us all as the last of old energies fighting for the old ways. "Normal" behavior on this plane to fight and live in the ways we know, avoiding the unknown.

Hope this helps shed some light! Peace

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by CyberTruth

bad aliens are a myth dreamed up by the elite using Hollywood as their vehicle. Its just another ploy using FEAR as a weapon for the military industrial complex.

Any civilization capable of amazing technology will either
1. unite in peace and reach for the stars
2. destroy themselves

If theyve made it to Earth, surely they chose the 1st option.

Any abductions are most likely the govt faking UFO experiences to scare the populace.

Think of it this way...

If you as a human wanted to study an Ant Hill, would you sneak in at night and take a few ant to study. Then erase their memories and put them back in bed. In addition, would you negotiate with the Queen Ant to do secret experiments on ants and share technology ?

Or would you simply just stand over the ant hill for all to see and do whatever you pleased (assuming you had malevolent intentions) ?

One of these days mankind is going to wake up and stop allowing fear to be used to manipulate his actions. And when that day comes, perhaps the aliens will welcome us to the universe

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