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The new German Armed Forces

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posted on Dec, 23 2002 @ 12:54 PM
I will remember you UN is an organization inpartly funded by USA, and not very well funded, indeed. It hasn't real power, as many times its lacks of funds made it unable to do *real* things.

...i don't think they are willing to waste money in such unuseful things like 'black choppers' operations when they are unable to coordinate a real UN blue helmet deployment most of the time. How silly to think about some weird black choppers...

BTW: AFAIK, only USA uses black 'air superiority' camouflage. Want something for the NWO? Here you have.

(really pissed now)

posted on Dec, 23 2002 @ 07:09 PM
ya the UN is part of the NWO but so is the EU and germany is the most powerful country in the NWO, it's been said many times but here it goes
close to the end of WW2 the beuracrats of the 3rd reich began planning the next german empire and NWO is part of that so this is all part of the nazi plan

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 03:09 AM
I agree with you f16falcon. Germany, like Russia, is much more further along with the Illuminati's plan for the NWO. Here are the reasons why:

  1. The Illuminati was founded and started in Germany
  2. Every major bank in Germany is owned by Illuminati members and Bilderberg members.
  3. Financial collapse is neccessary for the Illuminati to seize control of the country. This is happening in German now.
  4. The Illuminati has strong occult backgrounds and beliefs. Two families that currently own Germany, Hanoverian and Hapsburg, have strong occult beliefs.
  5. Germany is in with the UN.
  6. Germany holds the most 33o Masons.

    I'd say that Germany is well on their way to helping the NWO cause.

    Rule By Secrecy by Jim Maars
    The History of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey
    The Occult Presence by author unkown

    Great pics by the way!

    [Edited on 24-12-2002 by Doomsday]

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 06:14 AM
I can't believe what I'm hearing...

Saying the same thing many times don't converts a lie into a truth.

Seems that no one heard what I say (write)

Russia economy is crippled, German economy it's not better now. UN has not real power, all decision made by them just aren't enforceable as most countryes do what they like (remarkably USA).

USA is *by far* the greater NWO aspirant...

...and you call we Europeans 'highly biased people'?

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 11:29 AM
MakodFilu, you say the UN doesn't have power and are not well funded? Well, explain to me then how they made a world tax of .10 on gas. Do the math, the people that drive x .10 = a sh!t load of money!

Your vehicles that run on gas are now owed by the UN!

Also, the US is probably the furtherst country to be in line for the NWO. First, Europe already has the EU, which is the biggest step for the NWO, next, Russia has been set up for a few years now because of their new leader and the fact that you don't hear a whole lot about Russia, they seem to be keeping their noses clean at the moment. China, for many reasons, esp with having their population control. And the rest of the world, except the US, because they all have gun control and the US is the only country that doesn't (yet).

Sorry, U_P that your original post has gone south!

[Edited on 24-12-2002 by Doomsday]

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday
MakodFilu, you say the UN doesn't have power and are not well funded? Well, explain to me then how they made a world tax of .10 on gas. Do the math, the people that drive x .10 = a sh!t load of money!

I did the math, and yes you *would* be right... if not for a 'but'... is really right your assumption that the UN is collecting that tax you are talking about? If yes, send me *proofs*. If not, all that is not more than a lot of bull#. I think it's nothing more than bull#, actually.

Also, the US is probably the furtherst country to be in line for the NWO. First, Europe already has the EU, which is the biggest step for the NWO, next, Russia has been set up for a few years now because of their new leader and the fact that you don't hear a whole lot about Russia, they seem to be keeping their noses clean at the moment. China, for many reasons, esp with having their population control. And the rest of the world, except the US, because they all have gun control and the US is the only country that doesn't (yet).

So gun control is your whole point to say US is the only country against NWO? Sorry, but that don't convinces me. In fact, I think EU is the only hope against USA taking over the world for itself.

You think I'm wrong and you are right? There is no way to tell

Back on topic, a few more images:

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 08:39 PM
well i have a friend in the German Army, if they decide to invade the US he'll let me know

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by KKing123
well i have a friend in the German Army, if they decide to invade the US he'll let me know

Although German Army is sufficiently well developed, they don't have a chance to defend themselves against an USA invasion force *alone*. Not to tell about being on the offensive. No way for them to win.

So... you, as an USA friend, would you let me know if USA is about to invade Europe? Thank you in advance

[Edit]: as allways
, some more images from the EF2000...

...the F124 Sachsen...

...and of course, the Mako

[Edited on 2002-12-25 by MakodFilu]

posted on Dec, 24 2002 @ 10:39 PM
haha will do

posted on Dec, 25 2002 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by MakodFilu


The Gepard and his 2 AAC 35mm gun. I used it !

Inside the turret, it's like inside a lunapark. Scopes, joystick, little lights who blinks blinks blinks everywhere.....
And the turret do a 360� turn in 1.5 sec ! WOAW ! My head and my stomach are still remembering those fuc*%ng 360� turn !

And when it's firing....WHAT A SOUND !

Forget your PS2 or your " GatesCube ". BUY A GUEPARD !

P.S : MAkodFilu, the UN are the most evil organisation on earth !
" Coffee " Annan is a mass murderer. I wonder why he's not in trial ! Give him to the ICC !

posted on Dec, 25 2002 @ 06:07 AM
Where is *rolleyes* smilie when it is needed...

Ultra_Phoenix: have you proof of that?

That you hate the UN doesn't mean your reasons to do so are right. In fact, you may be misguided. I sincerously think so.

Happy Christmas,

posted on Dec, 25 2002 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by MakodFilu
Ultra_Phoenix: have you proof of that?

That you hate the UN doesn't mean your reasons to do so are right. In fact, you may be misguided. I sincerously think so.

Happy Christmas

Yep. Just check with Google. I.E, look what's happened with Rwanda. Annan was aware that a butchery was running.A UN General ( and French & Belgians officers too ) warned him about what was in preparation.But he asked to the UN troops to disarm the peoples. So, when the peoples didn't have any weapons to defend their live.....
I think that you know the rest of the story : 1 millions deaths.

Also, do I have to explain what's happened to 10 Belgians Spec Forces soldiers ? When a UN Canadian General letted them all die ? Slaughtered by african rebels, just in front of his eyes ? One more time, Annan was aware and told to the Canadian General to don't help them !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, FUC% THE UN & Annan! DOWN THE UN & Annan! ( and this Canadian General too ! )

posted on Dec, 25 2002 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Originally posted by MakodFilu
Ultra_Phoenix: have you proof of that?

That you hate the UN doesn't mean your reasons to do so are right. In fact, you may be misguided. I sincerously think so.

Happy Christmas

Yep. Just check with Google. I.E, look what's happened with Rwanda. Annan was aware that a butchery was running.A UN General ( and French & Belgians officers too ) warned him about what was in preparation.But he asked to the UN troops to disarm the peoples. So, when the peoples didn't have any weapons to defend their live.....
I think that you know the rest of the story : 1 millions deaths.

Also, do I have to explain what's happened to 10 Belgians Spec Forces soldiers ? When a UN Canadian General letted them all die ? Slaughtered by african rebels, just in front of his eyes ? One more time, Annan was aware and told to the Canadian General to don't help them !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, FUC% THE UN & Annan! DOWN THE UN & Annan! ( and this Canadian General too ! )

I don't want to do your homework. As it seems you know the story so well, just send me the links. Otherwise I will think you are talking bull#. For me, you are talking bull# right now. I know another history as well, one that USA fellows wouldn't like, but as I'm not willing to do *any* search for it, I will not put it here (yeah, you can say this las part is bull# too, I don't care, but just *prove* your posts).

[edit]: I think I found your link... Disinfo. I'm I wrong. Well, i will post a link anyways. Hope you 'like' it:

[edited again]: Hey! I even found info on the same class as 'Disinfo' one...

[Edited on 2002-12-25 by MakodFilu]

posted on Dec, 25 2002 @ 03:48 PM

You want a link, you have it.

Normally, it had to be a belgian governmental link, but now the link is broken.

So, I used the cache link from Google.It seem that my gov forgot to ask to google to remove it.

It's coming from the Belgian Senatorial Comittee, who did a report on what's heppened in Rwanda, in 1994.

Our 10 Spec Forces soldiers were slaughtered in Kigali ( Rawanda ), the april/06/1994, during the operation " Silver Back ".

The familly victims tryed to sued the gov ( and even the UN I think ).

P.S : I checked your links. For the second one ( ), I found this :

" The propaganda against the Hutus is racist to the core and is generated by the Tutsi claim to be a superior race, more white than the "primitive" Hutus, a Bantu people, and it fits nicely with the racist attitudes of the Americans, British and Belgians who took part in the invasion and helped murder the Presidents of both Rwanda and Burundi on April 6, 1994 "

That's what I call BS !

These so-called humans killed hundreds and hundreds of peoples. And for our soldiers, they did "only" 2 mistakes : They were whites and they were there to help the peoples.

[Edited on 25-12-2002 by ultra_phoenix]

posted on Dec, 25 2002 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
You want a link, you have it.

Normally, it had to be a belgian governmental link, but now the link is broken. no entiendo una palabra... I mean, it's in French! I don't understand a thing...

P.S : I checked your links. For the second one ( ), I found this :

" The propaganda against the Hutus is racist to the core and is generated by the Tutsi claim to be a superior race, more white than the "primitive" Hutus, a Bantu people, and it fits nicely with the racist attitudes of the Americans, British and Belgians who took part in the invasion and helped murder the Presidents of both Rwanda and Burundi on April 6, 1994 "

That's what I call BS !

Well, I warned you it was in the same class as Disinfo...
I known it wasn't that good.
See! One can provide links to support *everything*!. Pay attention to wich *crap* are you going to make assumptions on...

I did searchs myself, and I found a lot of things,... but none (besides that post on Disinfo) against the UN.

[Edited on 2002-12-25 by MakodFilu]

posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by MakodFilu

1) no entiendo una palabra... I mean, it's in French! I don't understand a thing...

2) Well, I warned you it was in the same class as Disinfo...
I known it wasn't that good.
See! One can provide links to support *everything*!. Pay attention to wich *crap* are you going to make assumptions on...

3) I did searchs myself, and I found a lot of things,... but none (besides that post on Disinfo) against the UN.

1) I warned you I think. It's an official belgian gov link, so, it's in french.

2) My link is NOT BS. What's happened in Rwanda, when our Spec Forces soldiers were slaughtered have been on the hot news in Belgium between a long time.

3) Are you kidding ? Internet is full of anti-UN website.

posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
1) I warned you I think. It's an official belgian gov link, so, it's in french.


2) My link is NOT BS. What's happened in Rwanda, when our Spec Forces soldiers were slaughtered have been on the hot news in Belgium between a long time.

As I can't read, i don't know. I were not accusing that of being BS. I were warning you the 2nd link I posted was in the same class as Disinfo, so *it can be* bull# (not the 1st link, thought).

3) Are you kidding ? Internet is full of anti-UN website.

Well, then It's as full of pro-UN as it's of anti-UN, as I found only a few Anti-UN. BTW, Internet is full of anti-WhateverYouWouldn'tLikeEverToHappen.

But let's make of that an useful exercise: if it's so full of anti-UN websites, tell me about links written in English. It wouldn't be so difficult.

posted on Dec, 31 2002 @ 04:15 PM
There's a lot of info and disinfo out there and it's very difficult to filter out the truth. What you think is true today can be total bull tomorrow. It all depends on your source and how you deal with your info.

UP read that link, I'm sure you won't believe it, but let's imagine it's true. What would you think ?

posted on Jan, 1 2003 @ 02:18 PM

But the problem is not the US. It's the UN.

posted on Jan, 1 2003 @ 07:03 PM

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