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VIDEO: This is What A Police State Looks Like

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by palehorse23

Hi Palehorse,
One more question... is that video available for download anywhere that you know of? It seems like it would provide reasonable evidence for a class action law suit on behalf of everyone who was part of that peaceful demonstration. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by NWOmaskedman
Why is this a big surprise. Since when has america ever been fair. Ask the Alumni of Kent university. of the 1960's. Police opened fire on the protesters killing 30+.

I agree with you but it was 4 dead and it was the National Guard not the police.

The Kent State shootings, also known as the May 4 massacre or Kent State massacre,[2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of students by members of the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. Four students were killed and nine others wounded, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by SectionEight
They did do their job. They broke up an unruly mob early before it turned into a riot.

So, now we are pre-emptively policing the citizens?

"Oh, look at that black man...he might rape someone tomorrow...better get him now before he does."

That is the mentality you are showing in this thread.

Do you really want to be seen as someone who agrees with this type of thinking? Or maybe you do?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Mikee
But this video is damn scary because we never had the police and OMON filming people's faces on cameras.

That right there should be a lesson to people. Even in Russia, they didn't do this. So much for "freedom" huh?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Griff
So much for "freedom" huh?

Griff my boy....... You really thought we had freedom???

With all your knowledge, you cant see a sham when it slaps you in the face..

Look at RNC 04.. that was a clear indication we had no rights..

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Well, as free as a Republic could be. Which we haven't been for awhile now, IMO.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Okay, great post pale... Thia is why we cannot sit back in our recliners and watch the television. MSM and CNN will never show Big Brother's true side. This crap has got to stop! We need to be aware of what congress and pres shrub is doing at all times. Another post pale posted a few back talking about a bill called the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act." If this passes Senate, we are truely screwed IMHO. The actions of the police in this scenario will be justified by the constitution and we will see more and more brutal acts by Big Brother during just about all peaceful demonstrations in all of US. We still have time to bypass if we all spread the word and raise enough fuss before Senate votes on it. Guess it is about time to pull out our hoodies and bandanas.

Here is the post:'

I will never live under a fascist regime.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Amaxium
I will never live under a fascist regime.

IMO, that's why they are doing it behind our backs and with baby steps. They know if they turn it up full force, people will wake up and rebel. If it's not noticed, then they can do it until "we the people" stand up to it.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Obliv_au
reply to post by apc

you'd probably find yourself being grabbed by the arm and swung around so you end up face planted into the pavement too.
then while your down you'll get a knee in the back for good measure.

[edit on 14/1/08 by Obliv_au]

Isnt being grabbed by the arm and swung around and having a facisti knee in the back worth it for liberty. I think so and I am sure that the Fore Fathers of this country would have thought so too, but then they thought that freedom and liberty were worth their lives, but most in this country wouldn't even give up their T.V. or their porn or any of that other crap that the Organization has pumped into your feeble, addled, hypnotized, brainless heads.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by Amaxium
I will never live under a fascist regime.

IMO, that's why they are doing it behind our backs and with baby steps. They know if they turn it up full force, people will wake up and rebel. If it's not noticed, then they can do it until "we the people" stand up to it.

This is another problem. Who is going to rally the people together and organise any "peaceful" demonstrations? We all know that is Big brother catches wind of it, that person will probably be in jail for some reason, legite or not. I do feel it is time to stand up against this. I do feel we should walk out and rebel "peacfully." But organising such a massive event is impossible without Big Brother's little sister "the media." I can also tell you that if I am doing no wrong, such as attending a peaceful demonstration, and someone starts spraying me and beating me with wooden sticks, I will defend myself. Unfortunatly, this is what they want, makes it easier to put us in jail for "attacking pigs."

But honestly, if some stranger walked up to you and your family, spraying you all with pepper spray and hitting all of you with a wooden club, would you or would you not defend, brutally, if necessary to stop the attack?

I know I would. If I'm going to the hospital, my attacker will too!

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by SectionEight
They did do their job. They broke up an unruly mob early before it turned into a riot.

So, now we are pre-emptively policing the citizens?

"Oh, look at that black man...he might rape someone tomorrow...better get him now before he does."

That is the mentality you are showing in this thread.

Do you really want to be seen as someone who agrees with this type of thinking? Or maybe you do?

The police did exactly what they are trained to do. They are not trained to stand there as violence erupts and gets out of hand so that a whole city goes down in flames, they are trained to stop unpeaceful assemblies as soon as they become unpeaceful. If a demonstration fails to give ground and clear an area when ordered to by the police, expect to be legally forced into compliance. What is the difference if you stand ten yards back and wave your silly signs? The people you are waiving them at probably don't give a # what they say anyhow.
In the end if your cause you are demonstrating for is labeled violent, you have defeated yourself.
A peaceful demonstration does not have guys in the front with bullhorns commanding the mob to disobey the police and afraid to show their identies by hiding under masks.
Mob rule does not rule in this country, never has and never will. It will always be put down and squashed. Lynchmobs last a fleeting moment and those in them end up tried and convicted. You cannot take to the streets to get your way. Go actually do the work and learn how to be a productive member of society and legally influence your causes.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

I would like for you to point out where in the video, or use another video of the same protest, to show me where the people there were being "unpeaceful"(is that even a word), before the police moved against them.

Oh and masks are usually worn at protests not to block your identity, although they are good for that when you are being illegally video taped, but to provide some small measure of protection from the chemical weapons used by the police.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
They are not trained to stand there as violence erupts and gets out of hand so that a whole city goes down in flames

I love it! You are hanging yourself!

Did you watch the videos? They were being PEACEFULL.

They BLEW BUBBLES at the cops.

Unless you have a different video showing the protesters being violent I suggest you stop lying right now. It shows your ignorance. And if you take offense that I said you are ignorant, let me remind of the other possibility, that you are intentionally spreading lies and false information, a problem around here that will get you banned.

So, I suggest watching the videos and curbing your ignorance. You may also decide, after learning how much you don’t know, to go down to the local jr. college and "get your learn on." May I suggest that you begin with U.S. Constitution, a requirement in most states?

In the end if your cause you are demonstrating for is labeled violent, you have defeated yourself.

Really now, you can’t be serious!

They are demonstrating against WAR, the most violent thing I can think of. The cause they are demonstrating for is PEACE, not "violent."

This is the second time I have said this to you, I know, but take it to heart this time: THINK BEFORE YOU POST. Just do a little check on what you wrote to make sure it does not scream "I have no clue what I am doing here" at the reader.

[edit on 17-1-2008 by cavscout]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by cavscout

As you can see from this video, which the other one was made from, it was not all at one event. That piece of trash garbage video at the start with all the low bugdet nazi editing is a sham.
I see nothing wrong other than a bunch of dumbasses getting crowd controlled by police doing their jobs and a piss poor editing job that always edits out the warnings police give before they move in.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:35 PM
That video doesn't help you at all. Did you actually watch it or was it the first one on the list from youtube so you just linked to it. I'll actually post the video for you so you can point out what I am missing.

Are we watching the same video? Because I didn't hear any warnings for violent behavior. I did hear many threats against protesters, violence brought against the protesters and police disregarding the right to peaceful protest and assaulting American Citizens.

Could you point out to me the exact times that all these things you see happen. I am curious where they are.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by GAOTU789

That is the video the nazi garbage was made from. It was made by the attorneys for the group that organized the protests. The warnings are all left out by editing. Police always warn the crowd to disperse.

Here are some more with burning efigies of soldiers, police giving warnings, police being attacked, demonstrators refusing to give the streets right of way after 3 warnings only to have the dumbass who runs out in the street to lead the crowd chanting get put down and arrested.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

I really can’t believe this.

It is my believe that you are working, either hired or on your own, to make a certain segment of our society look bad by pretending to be one of them.

I cannot believe that you are really a conservative or "right wing" or whatever you may choose to call yourself.

No one would be so foolish as to post that video in support of their argument.

No, you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, you must be.

If not, then I take back what I said before about the TVs; get off the internet and sit back down on your couch

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:01 PM
I am sorry sectioneight but those videos don't support anything you have claimed except for the anarchists burning the soldier in effigy. I didn't see any cops there so I believe they made that video for themselves.

You are either deliberately trying to mislead or just not watching the clips.

The police attacked the protesters in the first one and pepper sprayed the crowd around them. Then called in the riot squad. If the protesters were rioting then ok but they were not. As far as giving warning, doesn't your Constitution trump local municipal laws. Those protesters were not causing any trouble so they had the RIGHT to be there. The only trouble I saw in any clip was caused by the POLICE, not the protesters

Edit: I see cavscout sees the same thing I do. I do believe this person is being disingenuous intentionally. NONE of his evidence supports his claims.

Maybe it's time to stop feeding the troll.

[edit on 17-1-2008 by GAOTU789]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:15 PM
The people using the roadways have a right to access the streets also. I clearly heard, "stay on the sidewalk" three times over a police loudspeaker.
When these protesters go out, they think the world stops and waits for them to be done exercising their rights.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

You sound like a pig.....Were you there in civvies youd have faced the same treatment if not identified pronto....!
Get real, those were police videos ....if there were anything More serious going on in that street, thats where the focus of the videos would have been....They miss no bets on manufacturing probable cause for their brutality....
This wasnt nessessary that day!They had the presidents blessings!
Pull yer head out of its sock and look at the multiple police shootings of innocent and unarmed people recently....
They have overstepped the bounds of local policing a long time ago, and have progressed to the status of an OCCUPYING ARMY RATHER THAN THOSE WHOM WE PAY TO PROTECT AND SERVE.
Fascist control of this continent is 70% completed.
The next steps are to take the masks off and directly take control.
This situation portrayed by their own cameras is proof enough for those with the eyes to see.....
Resist or die a slave........

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