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VIDEO: This is What A Police State Looks Like

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by bergle

What was that??? Good advice would be to get valium prescribed.
That video in no way represents the whole scene. I just showed the real video splice job it was made from. That came from the Lawyers of the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center which organized all the protests. That is how they were able to obtain police video and splice it up for their own nefarious purposes. This also proves that these riots are not innocent but put together by professional anarchists.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
The people using the roadways have a right to access the streets also.

But not a constitutionally guaranteed right!

The right to assemble on foot in those roads supersedes that of the drivers, legally speaking.

I clearly heard, "stay on the sidewalk" three times over a police loudspeaker.


In the video clip you provided 99.9% of the people were on the sidewalk. The only people on the road were too far away to catch the batons and chemicals the cops were slinging.

No one can make themselves look as bad you have except on purpose. You don’t type like a fool; I know you are here under a false flag, just like those pigs in Montreal. I am certain you will be banned for it or get tired of the ridicule and go away soon, so it isn’t that big of a deal, however I will be vigilant in pointing it out as to lessen the hate you are trying to spread.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
That came from the Lawyers of the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center which organized all the protests. That is how they were able to obtain police video and splice it up for their own nefarious purposes. This also proves that these riots are not innocent but put together by professional anarchists.

Anarchists defending the constitution of a republic?

Go to PTS and learn what an Anarchist is before applying the term to a group dedicated to defend a way of government.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:07 PM

1. a person who advocates or believes in anarchy or anarchism.

2. a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed.

3. a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against any established rule, law, or custom.

From what i can tell the people in the videos, that sectioneight posted, were on the sidewalks and no i do not believe that they are anarchists, because of what cavscout reasonably posted about the peoples actions in said videos. Also in the first youtube video in one of the clips the cops had pepper sprayed a journalist and a guy with a camera because they had no room to move back since others were in the way. That is just messed up.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by cavscout

Originally posted by SectionEight
That came from the Lawyers of the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center which organized all the protests. That is how they were able to obtain police video and splice it up for their own nefarious purposes. This also proves that these riots are not innocent but put together by professional anarchists.

Anarchists defending the constitution of a republic?

Go to PTS and learn what an Anarchist is before applying the term to a group dedicated to defend a way of government.

Substitute anarchists with activists then, it is just a matter of perspective, it does not change the fact that these protests were organized professionally. Nor does it change the fact that the video was obtained by their lawyers and spliced up to show their own point of view and passed off as if you are seeing the whole picture. Their lawyers obtained them through discovery in frivolous lawsuits.

In one of the other videos you can clearly see an activist push a police officer off his bike, which leads to the melee.

In another one you clearly see the guy holding his huge sign over the roadway attempting to block the right of way after being warned to stay on the sidewalk. (incidentally it is the same guy in the nazi video who is depicted being picked on for no reason). Disobeying a police order is not acting peaceably no matter which way you try to slice it, therefore his first amendment protection to assemble just got terminated by his own actions.

Again I see nothing wrong here, besides the obvious neglect of bringing babies to a potentially violent mob type atmosphere.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by gkgoten100

1. a person who advocates or believes in anarchy or anarchism.

2. a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed.

3. a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against any established rule, law, or custom.

From what i can tell the people in the videos, that sectioneight posted, were on the sidewalks and no i do not believe that they are anarchists, because of what cavscout reasonably posted about the peoples actions in said videos. Also in the first youtube video in one of the clips the cops had pepper sprayed a journalist and a guy with a camera because they had no room to move back since others were in the way. That is just messed up.

Funny how they always say they have nowhere to move until they get sprayed and magically the space opens up.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by SectionEight

Well of course, would you want to get hit by pepper spray.

And also, why would they spray a journalist who is there to write about the event? She had a press pass, so why?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
Funny how they always say they have nowhere to move until they get sprayed and magically the space opens up.

Funny how you would know that.

Been to many of these events then?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
In another one you clearly see the guy holding his huge sign over the roadway attempting to block the right of way after being warned to stay on the sidewalk.

Atempting to block whos right of way? The only vehicle on the road, and the vehicle he was holding his sign out to, the same vehicle that was at least one lane away from him, was full of NINJA CLAD PIGS.

Again I see nothing wrong here, besides the obvious neglect of bringing babies to a potentially violent mob type atmosphere.

Right, we need to protect our children from the violent pigs who can start a riot at any time.

I told the same to mom when she called to tell me that my kids were calling cops pigs. I told her they knew damn well that when outside of the house they are to use the phrase "jack booted thugs." Most of the pigs in Vegas are not quick enough to realize what that 7 year old white girl just called them before they feel they have hesitated too long react.

I have found that they dont like being called pigs, however, and there have been reports of them striking small children for it.

[edit on 17-1-2008 by cavscout]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by cavscout

Now you have reduced yourself to cliche namecalling (pigs) and teaching your kids to call cops names. Not very responsible or was that supposed to be just a joke?

Back to the topic at hand. It is simple, obey the cops and act peaceably or stand out from the crowd and act like a trouble maker. Them videos did not show all the shops that were vandalized and property damaged or the fires set in the streets. What about the owners of all that property and their rights? There were videos I seen of protestors fighting protestors to try to get them to stop.
Protestors just get mad because they cannot ransack the village or hold a town hostage for days.
Another thing I noticed from watching multiple videos on the subject is that this stuff draws lots of spectators who are not protestors. They come to see a riot. I believe in many cases they instigate one, but that logic falls on deaf ears, the selfish what about me and my rights protestors always blame the cops.

When you get an angry mob together,
1) The protestors themselves can turn violent and are agitated about something to begin with.
2) The professional hired protestors that organize these things plant rabble rousers so their event can make the news to cut down the establishment.
3) There are local spectators who want to see the protestors get bashed and may instigate rioting.
4) There may be in rare cases cops who fall into the statistical category of a bad cop.
5) Never considered is that any given moment the cops lives are on the line in an outnumbered mob. There is never a relaxed moment and stress is a factor.
All of these possibilities exist and do happen but the only thing you ever hear from the protestors is the cops did it.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by SectionEight
Now you have reduced yourself to cliche namecalling (pigs) and teaching your kids to call cops names. Not very responsible or was that supposed to be just a joke?

Not responsible why? Cause teacher said so?

They are pigs, all of them. Dirty, rotten filth.

Every police office out there either enforces un-constitutional laws or works for and supports a department that does.

I have sworn to defend against those types, and defend I will.

Pigs, all of them.

hem videos did not show all the shops that were vandalized and property damaged or the fires set in the streets.

How bout fixen us up a link to them videos what do show what yous sayin about?

videos I seen

Oh, I get it!

I say you type to well to come off as someone so stupid, so you dumb yourself down a little to lend credibility to your character!

Brilliant, but I see through your sheep costume.

They come to see a riot. I believe in many cases they instigate one,

Can you prove that ? No, didn’t think so.

Hes making it up as he goes along.

There are local spectators who want to see the protestors get bashed and may instigate rioting.

You mean they pretend to be something they are not in order to make the other side look bad or for kicks?

Bet you know all about that.

Never considered is that any given moment the cops lives are on the line in an outnumbered mob. There is never a relaxed moment and stress is a factor.

Well, if they cant take the heat...

Beating someone because you are afraid of them should not be quality we look for in cops.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by cavscout

memory sticks are fairly easy to hide, you also can hide photos and such in false email accounts and such that you access from public spaces. Hiding such stuff is really very simple if you stop and think about what you are doing, but this has to be done quickly as H.R. 1955 and S. 1959 are going to cause problems for someone who might want to save their country from their government

[edit on 18-1-2008 by lostinmadness]

[edit on 18-1-2008 by lostinmadness]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by SectionEight

Originally posted by cavscout

Originally posted by SectionEight
That came from the Lawyers of the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center which organized all the protests. That is how they were able to obtain police video and splice it up for their own nefarious purposes. This also proves that these riots are not innocent but put together by professional anarchists.

Anarchists defending the constitution of a republic?

Go to PTS and learn what an Anarchist is before applying the term to a group dedicated to defend a way of government.

Substitute anarchists with activists then, it is just a matter of perspective, it does not change the fact that these protests were organized professionally. Nor does it change the fact that the video was obtained by their lawyers and spliced up to show their own point of view and passed off as if you are seeing the whole picture. Their lawyers obtained them through discovery in frivolous lawsuits.

In one of the other videos you can clearly see an activist push a police officer off his bike, which leads to the melee.

In another one you clearly see the guy holding his huge sign over the roadway attempting to block the right of way after being warned to stay on the sidewalk. (incidentally it is the same guy in the nazi video who is depicted being picked on for no reason). Disobeying a police order is not acting peaceably no matter which way you try to slice it, therefore his first amendment protection to assemble just got terminated by his own actions.

Again I see nothing wrong here, besides the obvious neglect of bringing babies to a potentially violent mob type atmosphere.

You are a cop aren't you? If not you must really want to be one. We are one step, maybe two from being in the same situation that Germany faced with the rise of Hitler if that is what you want you ar identified as a ......... I'll leave it to your imagination if you have one as to what I think you might identify with

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 03:34 PM
So many opinions, and so many voices.
The videos are for future prosecution, as evidence.
They are also for protection when the City is sued for something.

Why film what could be a peacefull protest? There are a number of people that show up to different rallies or protests with the clear intent of causing harm, damage, and violence. AND they usually have nothing to do with the actual cause being protested. They just want to cause harm.

In the long run they hurt everyone, but mostly the protesters whos intent was honest and just, and lawfull.

Why the police are quick, maybe brutal looking to stop crowds?
Remember Seattle 1999. The WTO riots? Large groups of people will and do act like cattle. They can be hearded places, and pushed back by the Police. But they can also be incited to riot and cause harm. The Police are instructed to protect everyone. That means stopping the potential for violence and harm when it is ready to explode.

The privacy of the protesters and video by the police?
If you choose to present yourself in public, and to demonstrate, regardless of the cause, you have no expectation or privacy from anyone.
Should the narrator in the movie complain about being filmed by other demostrators? I didnt hear it.

The masked protesters. You want to make your position known, yet you dont belive in it enough to show your face. Sounds like they might not care enough. They just want to look cool and have the opportunity give the finger to the "man".

I bet these same people will call 911 as fast as possible when they are the victim. And you know the police will show up just as fast to their problem.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:11 PM
Well, I just got through all of the replies here. What saddens me is the fact that the main argument seems to be about whether or not to bring your kids to a protest. NOT THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if it was, isn't it important for our kids to not grow up in a police state? Do we not want them to be able to trust our police to protect them no matter what they believe politically or even spiritually? We should allow our kids to see what this great country was founded on. The ability to disagree with things and the ability to express that disagreement. The people that do the whole violent protest, purposely causing harm, professional protester thing should be kicked around. They are part of the problem. But you cannot sit here and say that taking your kid to a protest is stupid and irresponsible. In fact, I feel it is every parent's responsibility to show their kids what America is REALLY supposed to be about instead of letting them rot in front of the television eating everything in sight and getting obese!!!

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:29 PM
one thing i keep seeing american activists do is resist arrest

wtf is wrong with them? once you are "under arrest" that's it, you have no rights and you have your chance to prove your innocence in court

if you are NOT letting the cops put handcuffs on you that is resisting arrest, so from that point on you will get hit by cops, you will get w/e it takes for them to restrain and detain you and by law that's how it is now there is laws about excessive force

but the specific incident i am refering to is the guy with the "stop suckin' america" sign who gets arrested

you can see when he is on the ground the cops aren't having an easy time with him, well next time he goes out in portland the portland police will know that this guy resists arrest so he isn't going to get the same treatment as everyone else

and it's his own fault for BREAKING THE LAW

he broke the law when he resisted arrest, so no matter what the reason for arrest if he would have not resisted he would have problably slept in his own bed that night

[edit on 20-1-2008 by OSSkyWatcher]

also they do this in the UK with hooligans, except it's closed circuit television (a very real big brother, look into it)

those are a few examples if you want more just type in cctv hooligan on youtube

the english police know the hooligans better than the portland police know these protestors and do they just turn the cameras off when there are no hooligans?

doubt it

[edit on 20-1-2008 by OSSkyWatcher]

[edit on 20-1-2008 by OSSkyWatcher]

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by OSSkyWatcher

He resisted arrest because he was NOT breaking the law and so the cop flung him to ground and used excessive force

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by gkgoten100
reply to post by OSSkyWatcher

He resisted arrest because he was NOT breaking the law and so the cop flung him to ground and used excessive force

sorry how do you know this? did you see the police report and the original reason he was arrested?

he was flung to the ground because they went to arrest him, and he started to resist being arrested

lol i can't even believe the swearing some of these people do and the things they say to the police

have some class ffs they had no reason to use the words they used and it's a horrible image for anyone to have of them swearing the way some of these people did

yes you do not like the police or what they are doing, but use your words like a big person instead of just swearing at them

and have some class

[edit on 20-1-2008 by OSSkyWatcher]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by OSSkyWatcher

wtf is wrong with them? once you are "under arrest" that's it, you have no rights and you have your chance to prove your innocence in court

Don't you mean: "...the state proves you're guilty". In the US, it's "innocent until proven guilty". Perhaps the police, and those who sympathize with the police brutality and mass surveillance spying on American citizens should consider a refresher course in Civics / American Government.

[edit on 21-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 03:37 PM
it's hardly a "peaceful" protest when the police stand there and are called mother#ers lol

this IS NOT the way to protest, and it is NOT peaceful

did you ever once hear ghandi swear during a protest?

these people will quote that man as they curse for no reason and think they are "peaceful" while they protest

a peaceful protest is one where people don't storm a downtown city block and curse because they are angry, while causing a disturbance, a huge public disturbance

how are these protestors any different than if 100 of my friends took signs downtown and causes a public disturbance?

this is a public disturbance, and it's not peaceful

this is just as much propaganda as anything you will see on CNN except it has a real eye opener when you see that the police want your face on film along with anything else to identify you

especially if you are a leader of a public disturbance and group of people who swear in public

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