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Random email I received today

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posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Not what I'm suggesting, about ATS or you.

Merely pointing at (not out) what appears to be a blindspot of yours. We are here discussing this in ATS, of which you are clearly a member, but you say you are not a member of a political or conspiracy site or group...

I'm not saying it has relevance, it's just slightly amusing...

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 01:08 AM
[email protected]

This was the actual email address that the email was sent case anyone was curious.

Looks like it could be a scam email....too bad if it is. I was getting excited in thinking that maybe someone had finally gotten off their asses and put together a serious attempt at removing King George and crew.

We should all be so lucky, I guess. Wishful thinking.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 01:25 AM
A lot of that is just excerpts from Farenheit 9/11!!! Bad grammar, not enough evidence, just excerpts from OTHER documentaries and websites!!! Don't fall for this!!! If they had all that evidence, why do they need all that money???

Why don't they do THEIR patriotic duty, and do this in the name of freedom and Justice? and not millions of dollars in cash.

From the start of reading the first page, I was completely expecting a donate now button at the bottom.

If this were legitimate, they'd be asking you to sign a petition, not donate your hard earned money without giving you any confidence in what your money is going to fund.

This has already been debunked by bad vibes alone. good going, gang!

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Well good luck to anyone who contributes. It is a scam as far as i am concerned. They have done their best to keep an detail of themselves out of the picture.

As someone said earlier, it's like those Nigerian scams that you can get an inheritance put in your name for a percentage but the admin of that will cost you US$150.00... hmmmmmm... interesting. They ALSO say Terry White donated $10,000 and they accept $300 - $9000... hmmmm.. Suspect?? HELL YEAH!

A scam if i ever heard or seen one.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 10:08 AM
...what's crazy about this is, they claim to have all those documents that can "put them in prison." But isn't that the people's right to know about those documents?! It's totally a scam to get people to "donate" vs signing a petition. I can't believe organizations like this can even exist. Must have something to do w/ campaign finance law(s) -- now, anyone can start a "fund."

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 01:38 PM
I agree that this is most likely a scam of some sort.They probably got your email off a list from some company and sent out mass spam messages.

If this were a real organization they would have made "real" efforts to get the word out.You know,the usual.

Youtube vids,Myspace page,Organizaing rallies and such.

It's a shame but it seems it is a fraud.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:01 PM
There is a 100% probability that this is a money making scam. Use your delete button when you get trash like that email.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:21 PM
That has about as much credibility as that wealthy industrialist from Nigeria that keeps contacting me to transfer his money for him.

Sad thing is this one has probably already suckered more people in that all those Nigerian emails combined.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

That email address has a website location which is a HTML code encrypted web page. The page will not load and is unescaped with foreign characters in the HTML source. The domain is registered to a girl in Massachusetts running the web page off

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 04:02 PM
First of all, whenever an organization has asked me to make a donation, they have usually not set a minimum amount. At least not a minimum amount like $300.

Secondly, I enjoy the fact that the names of the "supporters" are such generic American names. Terry, Michael, Steve, Barry. Nice.

$30 million to commence prosecution? That's kind of a random amount of money to pull out of the air.

I sincerely hope nobody falls for this, but considering that on the news a few months ago there was a lady on warning about how she got scammed out of money by some guy in Nigeria, nothing surprises me.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by WorldShadow
reply to post by BlackOps719

That email address has a website location which is a HTML code encrypted web page. The page will not load and is unescaped with foreign characters in the HTML source. The domain is registered to a girl in Massachusetts running the web page off

Excellent work!
Some other...issues.
"They should be impeached for deliberately misleading us into war, for illegally spying on Americans, and for turning America into a rogue nation that imprisons and tortures people illegally. I donate $10,000 and I want you guys to start as soon as possible!

- Terry Wiseman (Ackworth, IA)"

and yet:
"2. Send MoneyGram (MG) or Western Union (WU). You may contribute from $300 up to $9,000. "

In violation of their own "rules". Either Terry is a liar, or they are. He has apparently exceeded their max donation by $1000, yet they post his email as "evidence" of legitimacy.

3-- Anyone can do a people search. Here's a link to a quick one$ref&se=$se&doby=&city=&name_style=1

Funny. No Terry Wiseman in all of Iowa.

4- for the caliber of their members, they sure have some obvious problems with english grammer.

google Western Union or MoneyGram scam. There're a million of em.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 04:55 PM

What a Fool Believes!

This is a scam, period. What gives it away? First off IP only no domain name. And all the great contact information too. LOL! but the donate button is everywhere.

So I did a DNS lookup and what did I find? True USA Patriot's.
Infact it is not even registered with ARIN

OrgName: Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
Address: PO Box 2131
City: Milton
StateProv: QLD
PostalCode: 4064
Country: AU

ReferralServer: whois://

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-210-0-0-0-1
NetType: Allocated to APNIC
NameServer: NS1.APNIC.NET
NameServer: NS3.APNIC.NET
NameServer: NS4.APNIC.NET
Comment: This IP address range is not registered in the ARIN database.
Comment: For details, refer to the APNIC Whois Database via
Comment: ** IMPORTANT NOTE: APNIC is the Regional Internet Registry
Comment: for the Asia Pacific region. APNIC does not operate networks
Comment: using this IP address range and is not able to investigate
Comment: spam or abuse reports relating to these addresses. For more
Comment: help, refer to
RegDate: 1996-07-01
Updated: 2005-05-20

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Hey Lucy, an organization in Korea is the real hope for America?

Umm, webpages can be hosted from pretty much anywhere. Maybe you should think about how much webspace costs before automatically assuming that there is a rat to be smelled.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:05 PM
To dip into the well of paranoia here, maybe, just maybe, it is an attempt to fatten the "list" of dissenters in America. Would not supporting such a movement fall under the latest description of "terrorist": those supporting the overthrow of the US government?

Just a thought...

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:11 PM
Its 100% scam just look at the amount they say ppl donated... I mean... Everything looks sound like a scam and I can assure you it is a scam.
Very well made but it is a scam

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Sky Eyes
To dip into the well of paranoia here, maybe, just maybe, it is an attempt to fatten the "list" of dissenters in America. Would not supporting such a movement fall under the latest description of "terrorist": those supporting the overthrow of the US government?

Just a thought...

I'm with you Sky Eyes, I was wondering if it was some new CIA/FBI Homeland Security trick to catch "homegrown terrorists"....Send some money and win a trip to Gitmo!!!


posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by unnamedninja

Hey Lucy, an organization in Korea is the real hope for America?

Umm, webpages can be hosted from pretty much anywhere. Maybe you should think about how much webspace costs before automatically assuming that there is a rat to be smelled.

Thanks, but I prefer to say what's on my mind.

That way new members can make themselves feel superior when they tell me what I should think.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Thanks, but I prefer to say what's on my mind.

As we all should, with as much respect to each other as possible while doing so.

It's a 99% likelyhood of a scam, anyone with half a brain knows that stuff you donate money to on the internet is most likely one. Just pointing out that IP addresses dont really count as evidence of anykind. If I would buy some webspace, the server could be located in Korea or Timbuctu, I wouldn't give half a care where it was if it is cheap.

That way new members can make themselves feel superior when they tell me what I should think.

I've chopped and edited my post a bunch of times trying to say how I feel about what you said there. So I'll just go with this, I'm awfully disappointed that I have been called a "noob" on ATS. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

About feeling superior, not really. Y'see the only time I've paid attention to where servers were located, was when I downloaded a serverlist for emule (p2p filesharing program) and noticed all of the server IP addresses were the same. The servers were all named correctly, Razorback and all the rest, but it just happened that they were all located in Washington DC instead of in Amsterdam where they were usually.

[edit on 7-12-2007 by unnamedninja]

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Hello, I have received the same e-mail!
Actually, that's how I found this wonderful forum!

(I entered the IP address of that website in Google and this discussion is the first result!).

First of all, I didn't get the SAME e-mail, I just got a strange letter from some Barbara. And there was the same link. But the text differs.

Secondary, I find this site really interesting. Sure, I have concerns about it, but why not?

They have explained why the site is hosted in Korea, and why there's no domain name, and why they accept WU and MG only, and why they use people in Europe and ASia to accept the WU anf MG... So everything has a good explanation.

HEre is the quote from the site:

First of all, we want to clarify that this web site is not any scam or phishing site. We do not have any domain name and our server is located in Korea. If we had any domain name, it would have been suspended immediately. If we had any server in the United States, it would have been closed within an hour. But with help of our Korean server, which is unreachable for American government, we can let Americans know about our organization and our plan of actions.

We receive many messages from people who simply don't believe the facts and they don't trust us. Certainly, we understand that majority of Americans would prefer to trust Media, not our organization. And we have been ready for such reaction. Nevertheless, we believe that there are people who do not trust Media, which is fully controlled by the White House. And we believe that there are people who are not blind, who would trust us, who would support us. God bless America! God bless us.


After all.. I think this is site is OKAY, and that's not a scam. Just my opinion.

Also you said they collect PRIVATE information. But why?? They just ask for your first name, last name, city and country. They don't ask for your CC, DOB, MMN or smth like that. They even don't ask for a bank account or street address. Just name and city. That's nothing!

And finally, I think you are wrong about supporters. There is a poor language, but that is what PEOPLE ARE SAYING, not the organization

And that Terry who sent 10,000... Don't you think that he could simply send this amount in 2 or even more parts? 5k and 5k? 8)))

You didn't find the names of those supporters? Actually there is 1 message from me. And I didn't enter my REAL name, because I don't want some mad FBI agent to knock my door tomorrow 8))

So I want to say that you guys are wrong. I am also concerned but we can't say that this is 100% scam. Frankly speaking, I am more concerned about the amount of 30M.

They explained why the amount is 30M. But I don't think they would be able to raise that MUCH. HEre is what they say (

We need to raise $30 million to secure 135 material witnesses during the enforcement proceedings and to cover the tremendous legal expenses involved in the biggest prosecution in the history.

Our organization does not make any profit out of this plan in any way. We just want peace, justice and freedom in America and other World. And we want the whole disastrous course of this Bush regime to be stopped. We take the responsibility to do it.

I start to trust these people. And I really want Bush to be stopped.
I am thinking of donating. But I want somebody to talk with me about this project.

P.S. ANd I am really happy to find this forum! IT's amazing and has lots of interesting materials!

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 05:52 PM

About this web site
First of all, we want to clarify that this web site is not any scam or phishing site. We do not have any domain name and our server is located in Korea. If we had any domain name, it would have been suspended immediately. If we had any server in the United States, it would have been closed within an hour. But with help of our Korean server, which is unreachable for American government, we can let Americans know about our organization and our plan of actions.

What they should have added is that it hides them from prosecution for defrauding the public. This seems fairly clear. I'm not buying the counter on the bottom of the money pitch either. Nothing more than another Spamming Campaign to trick people out of money. Make a donation and kiss your credit goodbye as they clean you out.

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