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The World According To America

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posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:41 AM

Neo-idiot geography lesson.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:44 AM
America... the filth of the earth.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:59 AM
Smith - can I take your last comment to imply that you aren't a member of the American populace ?

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Pisky
Smith - can I take your last comment to imply that you aren't a member of the American populace ?

I am currently residing in the United States because most of my associates are located here. As soon as I finish some of my work I will be leaving this scum.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 04:59 AM
That silly picture is way off:

Santa lives on Wall Street; his workforce lives in small, hard to pronounce countries. Hitler lives at the Norh Pole (or rather, beneath it).

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 05:25 AM
You got it all wrong...America is too busy socializing amoungst ourselves to notice anyone else. But that's the map that Bush has up in his office for refrence!

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 06:14 AM
I feel that America is too arrogant and ignorant of the fact that the American way of life is neither perfect nor suitable for everyone as most seem to think. America is corrupt bully, who even admits that it will do whatever it likes and thinks it has the right to. Believe it or not, most people in Iraq were perfectly happy under Saddam Housein. I have friends of friends who live in Iraq, and they were perfectly happy.

The fact is that most of the world dislikes america.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 06:36 AM
nice map!, seeing that had me in stitches

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by lordlefty
I feel that America is too arrogant and ignorant of the fact that the American way of life is neither perfect nor suitable for everyone as most seem to think. America is corrupt bully, who even admits that it will do whatever it likes and thinks it has the right to. Believe it or not, most people in Iraq were perfectly happy under Saddam Housein. I have friends of friends who live in Iraq, and they were perfectly happy.

The fact is that most of the world dislikes america.

i cant tell which is worse some of my fellow americans being ignorant fat lazy beer swilling schmucks or the fact you're making generalizing comments while there are also fat lazy beer swilling (sorry ale or lager swilling) schmucks spread out through the rest of the world who like to play armchair quarterback and make generalizing comments.

for every kind of person you find in america you can find elsewhere in the world. we DO take people from all over the globe and if you feel this is how america is and america is made up of those from other parts of the world then logic says the rest of the world is like this.

sorry your opinion is not the gossip according the lordlefty. your comments apply to SOME americans. there are other americans who took pride in their formative years by learning as much as possible. there are americans who dont drink, arent gullible and buy into everything the american media says.

but what am i saying? i cant defend my country, just like noone who lives outside this country has any room to speak. i cant think of a country or a civilization that hasnt at one time or another opressed its people, warred with another for "unjust" reasons, made slaves of others, slaughtered people for their own gain, lied to get ahead of the rest, stolen cheated and did whatever they could think of to make more money, get more power, have more land. let us not forget that america wasnt just american, it was also land taken from native americans by the french and spanish as well, england laying claim to canada. sorry but history tells me noone's hands are clean. my country is no more or less guilty of what you accuse it than any other country presently existing.

people liked saddam? well you can get used to anything and even come to like it if you have to live with it long enough.

let me know when i'm suppose to care what someone else thinks of my country, i'll try to put on a good act for you. i dont like popularity contests to begin with and i dont see why america or any country should answer to those from other countries in the form of appeasement by doing what THEY feel is right. there will always be those who are pissed off and angry no matter who is in charge, no matter who does what or where they do it there will always be those who oppose whatever is going on at any given moment. things dont always go your way, its called life, get use to it. things have not always gone the way i felt it should with my country but what can i do? be full of anger and hatred? be bitter and resentful and make generalizing statements?

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 08:14 AM
At what point did I ever mention "ignorant fat lazy beer swilling schmucks"?

What is a schmuck anyway?

I have nothing against the people of America, PrankMoneky, infact the few americans I know are quite decent.

I'm not sure how you do it in America, but when we mention a country, we are usually refering to its government, so all of the things I said are NOT a personal attack on your people, so calm down.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by lordlefty
At what point did I ever mention "ignorant fat lazy beer swilling schmucks"?

What is a schmuck anyway?

I have nothing against the people of America, PrankMoneky, infact the few americans I know are quite decent.

I'm not sure how you do it in America, but when we mention a country, we are usually refering to its government, so all of the things I said are NOT a personal attack on your people, so calm down.

then try a prhase like "americas government". when you say america it appears as though you are refering to america at large, when you says "america's government" it certainly will appear as though you are refering to its government. see the difference?

if you mean the government then say so next time. less confusion that way.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:28 PM
I don't think it's so far fetched that folk will judge america by the folk it elects. We elect these people so we should stand by what they do. We can't just walk away from it like: oh, they did that it's not us. I think we are just as accountable for the policy our government makes because we a have a responsibility to elect these people.

I don't agree that you have to add government when you are talking about america. The reality on the ground is that most americans support Bush in one way or the other. Most americans wanted the war with Iraq. Almost all americans wanted the war in Afghanistan. Some americans think the UN is obsolete. And most americans applauded Bush when he said we don't need permission to bomb the hell out of anyone we choose.

I think we have real problems in our government. They are corrupt, fat, lazy cognac sipping schmucks. It's our fault and we can't distance ourselves by saying oh we aren't like that. We are responsible and we have to start to accept that responsibility.

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by Saphronia]

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:29 PM
May I ask how a "cruel dictator" and "opressed people" is a reason for invading a country? Am I the only one not being naive here? Please open your eyes, that piece of scum (Bush) has absolutely no interest in "librating" people.

I can already see the Iraqi women being raped by patriotic American soldiers, just like in vietnam.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Whole lot of "stereotypical" comments be thrown around in this discussion.

But hey
.....after-all, this is the Mud-Pit right?


[Edited on 25-1-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:37 PM
Smith: Grow up and get real. The people in Iraq are better off without Sadam. That's the bottom line. They are set to have free elections. They will have a voice in their government and that's all that really counts. NO we shouldn't be there but we are and in the end Iraq will be a better country because americans and Iraqis died to make it better. Maybe genocide isn't a reason to invade a nation but it should be.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:03 PM

I can already see the Iraqi women being raped by patriotic American soldiers, just like in vietnam

How do you know you little commie wanna be?

Were you there or are you just talking out your ass? I am not saying all of us were saints but we werent the baby killers and rapists that loud mouth assholes that have never even SEEN real action like to act like we were. If I lose points or get banned for this I dont care.

Most soldiers in Nam were just scared little kids that wanted to go home just like most soldiers in EVERY war.

How many have you fought in?

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
Smith: Grow up and get real. The people in Iraq are better off without Sadam. That's the bottom line.

Oh, I'm sure they are. Saddam tortured is own people, just like they do in China, except that China is a good economic competitor where thousands if not millions of people are working in slave wages in sweatshops to make american corporations richer. Same way the serbs and croats raped, tortured, and did unimaginable things to to bosnian men, women, and children, when america looked away. I can go on...

Can you look me in the eye and honestly tell me that you're serious? That you believe that Bush has an interest in helping Iraqi people?

I'm starting to love this forum, just as long as the moderators don't feel the need to delete my posts because they don't like my opinion. Not that I'm violating any rules in the TOS, which I carefully read twice so far.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 03:49 PM

How do you know you little commie wanna be?

Commie wanna be?

Commie yes, wanna be no.

If I'm a commie wanna be then you're a democratic bush follower naive terrorist wanna be.

I know alot things, and have seen alot of things, and I'm not the only one.

Were you there or are you just talking out your ass? I am not saying all of us were saints but we werent the baby killers and rapists that loud mouth assholes that have never even SEEN real action like to act like we were.

If you'd like to know, I have seen more than you can imagine. America is terrorism, more than anything else. And yes, I have seen war with my own eyes, and witnessed horrible things.

You don't know me, please don't come to those conclusions so quickly.

Some interesting read:

But it's not good how frustrated and aggressive you seem. The human mind is really weak indeed.

If I lose points or get banned for this I dont care.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna issue a complaint - I'm not weak as your fellow posters here who resort to insults and premature value judgments right away.

Most soldiers in Nam were just scared little kids that wanted to go home just like most soldiers in EVERY war.

Yes, and because they were so scared they must torture and have fun raping women.

Ah, I bet they couldn't wait to uncover some of the muslim women in Iraq.

How many have you fought in?

In more than you, I'm positive.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 04:03 PM
Its easy to talk a lot of # and not even have the nerve to say what country you are from. Which backward commie mudhole was it?

To me you sound like some 14 year old kid whining about america, on another thread you admit that you dont care about any one but yourself so why should you give a #?

And I seriously doubt you have seen any action other than maybe watching the power rangers on tv. And I know for damned sure that you have not seen more than I could imagiane, I still wake up to the smell of burning bodies. I would have personaly shot ANY man in my unit that raped a woman and most soldiers would do the same.

Anybody who has read my posts knows I think that bush is an idiot, just slightly smarter and better than a commie.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 04:21 PM

You have NEVER witnessed anything my man. You talk like a little B****. Sorry to let you know, but AMERICA is the biggest S*** hole in the WORLD, where only SCUM belongs. And maybe it wouldn't be so BAD if PEOPLE actually learned good manners insted of insults. + A country cannot be good if it has a Piece of S*** leader.

Thank You!

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