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There is no objective evidence of Aliens or UFO's

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posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by timelike

star trek ?------astronomers see what is not too far away or what is not "cloaked" ? the tv series and movies have given us all that are interested a more vivid imagination------no doubt we only get to see what is not "cloaked" for the time being

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:12 AM
Okay Xeven,

You have attempted to make a profound statement here, of course with that comes mine... I'd like to suggest this, regardless of the fact you have not seen anything that would prove to you were not the only ones on this Rock! I have come to realize there is more, outside of those that are content in not seeing and believeing were the only ones here, is laughable. You can argue any point that appears to be fake, but I have one thing to say, It won't change in what I have seen. If you were there with me, it would change your thoughts!

It is what you make of it.


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Dallas

according to the book of revelation-when G-D steps in to save us from destroying ourselves and all life forms on earth- a point which we are working towards right now with the situation in the middle east-instead of the worlds governments being thrilled at the prospect of receiving help from outer space-they are going to view this as an invasion from outer space and try to fight against G-Ds help.thankfully the governments are going to lose this battle-----dont know about you guys but i'm tired of the taxes that they keep on coming up with and the constant interference in our liberty.the muslims attack us in the west and for me a landed immigrant in canada-born in england-i have become a prisoner in this country-having to battle and prove mum and dad (he died she has lost her mind-doesnt know who i am)brought me here at 7 years of age-now i'm 60+ and canada decides it wants proof i'm legitimate or i cant leave because if i do-i cant return without facing deportation.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:15 PM
I think what's really important here is to remember that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to prove that aliens DON'T exist, because we cannot go to every single planet in the universe and check it out for life. Thats simply not possible. It's also not possible to prove one way or the other that long distance space travel is possible for a race far more advanced than ours, because we barely understand the universe as it is.

Put simply, there is no case for saying "there's no aliens" because there's no scientific way of proving it. Pointing to poor evidence is not a valid method of proving anything either. The only "case" we actually have is arguing FOR.

The fact is that this will never be a typical scientific investigation. You can't prove that there are NO aliens, so you're forced to investigate evidence that there is, and it will therefore remain inconclusive forever until the day that someone actually proves that they do exist. To be honest I think that day will come when the aliens decide to reveal themselves. Between then and now people will just have to be content with making their own minds up.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 03:02 PM
There's more proof of alien life than that of any god.

Eye witness accounts
Over 50+ years of denial by US government
Thousands of reports in every major country around the globe
Military & Government witnesses
Lots of videos
The Disclosure Project

If you really want to look into the subject, Go on and type in UFO, thats what I did and watched over 30 hours of videos on the topic. I have never seen a UFO but after what I watched. I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe.


I'm still pretty sure our goverment still doesn't know much.

[edit on 16-9-2007 by weknowyouknow]

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Xeven

learn the difference between evidence and proof an then repost. there certainly is plenty of evidence.

furthermore, UFO's have been PROVEN may times, however linking them to alien life forms has not.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 03:44 AM
By no evidence are you implying everyone who has witnessed one has no credability?

I can understand if you don't want believe in them until you see one, but hundreds of thousands already have.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:01 AM
I have seen a UFO less than fifty feet away in 1975. It moved in away that nothing on this earth could of moved like at the time. I don't care if you believe or not. But can you tell who owns the base on the far side of the moon and why is it there, and why isn't it talked about?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:06 AM

Just watch this documentary, best one on the subject of UFO's. Checkmate to any reasonable person.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
Proof? LOOK AT THE UNIVERSE? It has billions of universes, with billions of stars= gazillion planets.

AND with all the recent hub bub over habitable worlds showing up, well that just automatically makes it certain. THE END!

That is not proof, it is conjecture.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 09:59 PM
lets see... it's proven we know of 1 planet that can support life, and guess what? It is proven it has intelligent life. So far we are 1 for 1. That's 100% So unless you can prove there are a bunch of other Earth like planets that don't have intelligent life... your taking just a wild of a guess as everyone else. Everyone wants to use facts...those are the FACTS. Prove to me another Earth like planet doesn't have life...because it's proven this one does. So far facts say odds are actually in favor of intelligent life, not against.

[edit on 19-9-2007 by b309302]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by b309302
lets see... it's proven we know of 1 planet that can support life, and guess what? It is proven it has intelligent life. So far we are 1 for 1. That's 100% So unless you can prove there are a bunch of other Earth like planets that don't have intelligent life... your taking just a wild of a guess as everyone else. Everyone wants to use facts...those are the FACTS. Prove to me another Earth like planet doesn't have life...because it's proven this one does. So far facts say odds are actually in favor of intelligent life, not against.

[edit on 19-9-2007 by b309302]

Precisely: 1 for 1. One example is bad statistics- you can't possible take one example- in this case the Earth and apply it arbitrarily to the Galaxy. The shear diversity in the extra solar planetary systems discovered so far show how different our own solar system appears to be. I for one believe the Universe is teeming with life, probably most of it much more advanced that life here on Earth. However, I accept that for what it is, my own personal belief and nothing else, with no scientific evidence to support it.

It is not up to me to prove Earth type planets don't support life- I'm not making that claim. As for calculating odds on the existence of life in the Universe, how do you really make such a number worthwhile without knowing all of the physical processes that went into producing this world and it's life forms? In fact, one would need a large number of such Earths with life to even begin to make a suitable extrapolation. Even when using the Drake equation to make an estimate, still many of those variables (the fraction of the planets that actually go on to develop life at some point etc) which are not understood, and so assigning them a meaningful number is very difficult.

Is life a natural consequence of Solar System formation? I really hope so, but as yet, we just don't know.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 10:01 AM
You know what is even worse statistics... taking the only known fact, calling it a statistical anomoly. Having no PROOF to back up that claim. Then saying prove I'm wrong. Sorry just because you don't like the answer doesnt mean it's up to me to prove you wrong. Your making the assumption other Earth like planets dont have intelligent life, not me. The only Earth like planet we know of...does, while it might not be the best statistics, it beats the statistics your using. Sounds like the proof of burden is on you not me. I can show an Earth like planet that has intelligent life...look around. Your turn... show me one that doesn't. While it might not be the best statistics it's all we have, and what we have so far says I'm right. Hate to burst your bubble, but it's not the exception to the rule until you find out what the rule is.

[edit on 20-9-2007 by b309302]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by b309302
So better math is to not measure anything except the one known fact and say it must be the exception not the rule??? How is that math any better? Sorry fact is there is proof life exists. We are the proof. If you take a drop of water from the ocean and see a bacterium under a microscope, you are going to assume it must be the only bacterium in the ocean. That's great statistics and math... and actually you are making the claim they don' direct defiance of the few facts we have at hand. If I claim Earth like planets have intelligent life...well look around, it's proven. You claim they can't with absolutley NO FACTS to back that up. This is like arguing I think planets are square in another system, I know they are round here, but it's up to you prove they are not square and it is a fact until you do.... doesn't work that way. It's not the exception to the rule until you find the exception. =)
[edit on 20-9-2007 by b309302]

Somehow you seem to have things confused. Firstly I don't claim there is no life outside the solar system, I say simply that I don't know for certain, and neither do you. Until we are presented with an alien life form which has clearly evolved on another planet elsewhere in the Galaxy or detected artefacts which are not of human origin, we shall never know, and no amount of speculation and conjecture will change that.

We are certainly proof that intelligent life has formed on one planet in a solar system at least once in the history of the Universe. We are not proof that it has happened many times.

One would not argue planets are square since clearly accretion theory and gravitational collapse dictates they be necessarily oblate spheroids. However we have no such theory about self-replicating proteins might form, more less the development of life- we have no rule to help us. At best we have a binary probability - 50/50: either there is life out there, or there is not.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 10:55 AM
I'm not arguing with you =) Im arguing the post. The topic was no PROOF intelligent life exists. I am stating that given all the facts we can show Earth like planets do evolve intelligent life. There is NO evidence to show they don't. The burden of proof is on the person who goes against the known facts. So far the only KNOWN facts are Earth like planets evolve intelligent life. That simple =) I agree 100% the statistics suck but they beat the statistics for there not being intelligent life. Sorry, dont take it personal it's not aimed at you. While honestly... I dont believe every Earth like planet has intelligent life, or any life at all... but I feel scientific process states... go with the facts until you have evidence to the contrary. We have no evidence to the contrary...yet. So why is up to me to prove anything when the facts are on my side? Edit: Square planets were a joking example =)

[edit on 20-9-2007 by b309302]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:26 AM
I did notice one flaw in this argument. I guess while I can say math is on my side (for now) to support the claim planets like Earth evolve intelligent life, I have a double edged sword. While I showed is up to skeptics to prove life does not exist on planets like Earth, I guess it is up to me to prove that there are even other planets like Earth to make this argument feasible. Guess were back at square one. Lol. Damn thought I was onto something. =)

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by b309302
I did notice one flaw in this argument. I guess while I can say math is on my side (for now) to support the claim planets like Earth evolve intelligent life, I have a double edged sword. While I showed is up to skeptics to prove life does not exist on planets like Earth, I guess it is up to me to prove that there are even other planets like Earth to make this argument feasible. Guess were back at square one. Lol. Damn thought I was onto something. =)

T'was good to argue the point anyhow! I'm new to these forums, you see. Now, what's all this about spaceships near Saturn?

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 12:44 PM
Some thread claims NASA has pictures of a spacecraft as large as Earth near saturn. I am a little skeptical just given the fact that anyone with even a cheap telescope should be able to see a spacecraft the size of Earth by Saturn. Kinda hard to keep that secret if I can go to Wal Mart buy a telescope and confirm it. Despite this apparently no one else has seen it yet.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by b309302
Some thread claims NASA has pictures of a spacecraft as large as Earth near saturn. I am a little skeptical just given the fact that anyone with even a cheap telescope should be able to see a spacecraft the size of Earth by Saturn. Kinda hard to keep that secret if I can go to Wal Mart buy a telescope and confirm it. Despite this apparently no one else has seen it yet.

Cheers B309302! I'm off to have a look...

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Xeven

Perhaps you should read UFO goverments docs and tell them its fake to@@@@

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