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Pentagon Confirms. It saught out a GAY BOMB!

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posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Yeah! Now that's some good thinkin'! A gay bomb! Like we could drop that bomb, then send helicopters with really big speakers over the area. Yep, and like they could play Cher, and Liza Minelli! Yeah! Then like we could watch the enemy dancin' and stuff! Man! I bet those terrorists would be so surprised!

"Hey Raheem, you are lookin' quite good today."

"Thank you Ahkbar. That suicide vest really makes you look hot!"

"Oh Raheem, you are quite develish, would you care to join me behind those bushes?"

"Yes Ahkbar. I was hopin' that you would ask!"

Yep, it's pure brilliance. That military really comes up with some good ideas and stuff.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually debating with people on this topic.

Look, you can't turn people gay with a bomb. No bomb is going to make completely hetero guys start lusting after each other. Even if there was some magic bomb that would turn people gay it would hardly decrease their fighting effectiveness.

This isn't "thinking outside the box" it's "thinking inside some delusional bubble that happens to not look out onto the real world." It's not at "non or less than lethal" weapon, it's a ridiculous homophobic fantasy weapon. Why don't we just buy Ming's old Death Ray while we're at it? I wonder why Buck Rodgers hasn't come to help in Iraq yet. Maybe we should just start using photon torpedoes instead.

The only thing this is, is a completely horrendous waste of tax payer money. It already irks me enough that we have to pay money to the government so they can find new and creative ways of slaughtering people, but they're going to spend the money trying to turn people gay????

Whether you're gay or straight, when the enemy is coming you're only thinking about surviving.

Anyone who supports this must be in some backwoods bunker somewhere worrying that "Those gays" will somehow convert them with their Pink Magic.

"Don't let 'em look at you Cletus, they'll turn ya with one wink!"

You can't just blow up a can of pink fairy dust and watch everyone turn into nancy boys in sailor suits who're now too afraid to fight the big scary heteros and would rather just be thrown into prison so they can pursue their new found lust for eachother.

Are you people for real?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Let us not forget other Gay Technology with Military Potential

Gay Robot

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:16 AM

baaa booooom!

i cant believe this could be true but I never under estimate the insane thinking of a gov't program. i wonder if they had a successful test of some sort.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Shadowflux

You can't just blow up a can of pink fairy dust and watch everyone turn into nancy boys in sailor suits who're now too afraid to fight the big scary heteros and would rather just be thrown into prison so they can pursue their new found lust for eachother.

Are you people for real?

Actually, I think what the Pentagon was trying to come up with was a way to leverage the differences between western and Islamist societies.

One of the quirks of traditional Islamist society is its absolute rejection of homosexuality. Male muslims often equate masculinity with self-worth. Terrorist leaders of many stripes have found ways to exploit young men's often fragile egos for political ends.

The military was looking for a non-lethal way to attack enemy morale without having to kill people.

40 years ago, they were researching an '___' bomb for the same reason.

Even if it IS impossible to actually change someone's gender, just "outing" the closetted gays in the islamist militaries could have a devastating effect on their war-readiness.

What if you could make a gas cloud that administered ecstacy to people in its' wake? that would make them a lot less combat-oriented, regardless of their orientation.


posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:27 AM
My question is: Does this confirm that homosexuality is hormonal/genetic as oppossed to a "choice"?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Even if it IS impossible to actually change someone's gender, just "outing" the closetted gays in the islamist militaries could have a devastating effect on their war-readiness.

Change their gender?? I'm not sure you quite get it. You can't change someone's gender, although through years of assaulting one's perception of who they are and other aspects to their psyche, you can make them believe they are a different gender, which leads to transgenderism, which can lead to transvestitism (wearing the clothes) which can lead to trans-sexualism (yup, changing the parts down there.)

What the bomb would do, if it were even possible, would be create several levels of arousal through excitement of different areas of the brain that are responsible for making us a) sexually aroused (kinda like viagra), b) lowered inhibitions like alchohol or even Extasy (which may have been a product of military research) and c) hallucinogenic effects as in "Hey, you're lookin' a lot like that sheep." Or, "Wow, Paris Hilton! You got my e-mail!"

Seriously, this is such a complex chemical cocktail to dream up and delivery, I doubt it could ever work on the battlefield, let alone a rave.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Sorry, I misread your post. I thought it said, "Even if it IS possible."

My bad.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:38 AM
Dr. Strangecraft,

I understand what you're saying, but the need for alternative means of disrupting enemy morale and combat effectiveness does not over ride the fact that this idea is completely idiotic. To me it just shows what kind of whackos we have in charge of all our shiny red buttons. I mean, c'mon Doc, a gay bomb?!?!

What if you could make a gas cloud that administered ecstacy to people in its' wake? that would make them a lot less combat-oriented, regardless of their orientation.

Exactly, that and the '___' bomb are at least feasible. If you have a bunch of soldiers completely tripping balls they're not going to be able to fight at all. Unless they've been trained and have experience tripping balls and are able to act with at least 75% effectiveness of their normal faculty. Which is quite possible, just requires enough doses lol

This whole idea of a gay bomb is just jaw droppingly stupid.


My question is: Does this confirm that homosexuality is hormonal/genetic as oppossed to a "choice"?

Neither, the bomb is designed in a way that changes the enemy's hormonal balance enough that he would then choose to be gay. See, it's a choice, but you have to be gay enough to consider the choice before you ultimately just turn completely gay. That's what makes the bomb so dangerous.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
I don't see this bomb permenantly changing anyone's sexual preference. What I do see it doing is temporarily causing dissent and confusion in the ranks, reducing their overall effectiveness.

Then why not just drop an '___' bomb? '___' is absorbed through the skin so it would be a very effective thing to use and would do the exact thing you state...even more so.

So, why haven't there been tests on '___' bombs? Or have there?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Lol, lots, check Youtube.

There've also been a number of CIA tests, including some horrid examples of keeping people in "'___' induced comas" and trying to erase people's memories by keeping them constantly dosed and playing the same song over and over again.

I shudder to think of the horrible things they've done with '___'.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
40 years ago, they were researching an '___' bomb for the same reason.

I guess I should have read further. So, they did try this? Why is it not in use?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by JIMC5499
I don't see this bomb permenantly changing anyone's sexual preference. What I do see it doing is temporarily causing dissent and confusion in the ranks, reducing their overall effectiveness.

Then why not just drop an '___' bomb? '___' is absorbed through the skin so it would be a very effective thing to use and would do the exact thing you state...even more so.

So, why haven't there been tests on '___' bombs? Or have there?

Like a box of chocolates, with '___', you never know what you're gonna get.

I think a specific interaction was the goal with their "bomb", me thinks.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:43 AM
Howabout this?

In a society that is extremely homophobic (like the Iranian army), you let it be known that you've been experimenting with the gay bomb . . .

Then, you let it slip that it's "real," even though it's not.

Then, when the shooting starts, you drop cologne on enemy positions.

What will the average soldier think, when he begins to suspect that the satanic americans have "gayed him up?"

Even though he doesn't feel anything, be begins to wonder about the guy next to him: "Don't look at me that way!"

And when he comes home, how will his family respond to him? His wives, who wonder whether he was exposed to zionist gayogenic chemical weapons. The first time he's not interested, the wives will begin to gossip . . .

In WWII, BOTH sides dropped postcards on each other, showing a soldier dying on the battle field, with pictures of his wife at home in bed with a draft dodger.

The Germans started a rumor that Russian soldiers were so starved and desperate that occupying soldiers would eat any little children they could find. That rumor persists in Eastern Europe to this day, even though it was never proven to have occured.

You don't have to SUCCEED in developing a gay bomb. All you need is for the enemy to believe you did . . .


posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by newtron25
Like a box of chocolates, with '___', you never know what you're gonna get.

You do to a certain degree. If confusion etc. was the goal of this bomb, an '___' bomb would be way more affective.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
You don't have to SUCCEED in developing a gay bomb. All you need is for the enemy to believe you did . . .

Now that's thinking outside the box. Could work. As you've pointed out, propaganda works.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
Then, when the shooting starts, you drop cologne on enemy positions.

Do they still make Hai Karate?

Hai YA!

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Actually, yeahright, I was imagining "Brut." (by Menin!)

My thought was, they should be marked by smell or pink dust or some obvioius marker that others could verify.

See that's a step beyond non-lethals like the paint cannon. The paint cannon marks demonstrators at a rally, so that they can be arrested later, having permanent dye on them.

The point of pink dust or a little brut would be that other people would see you as "compromised." They'd not want to stand near you, ostensibly to avoid your big gay crush, but actually out of their own homophobia and fear of "getting some on me."

"Do you think General Ghossan smells sweet? Me too. Not manly, if you ask me. He sure was looking at your medals . . . I mean, not that I was watching him or anything. Just, you know. Wasn't he in the unit that was "pinked" by satanic zionist american gender-bending dogs? Were YOU there???"

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Oh my god, I can't believe I'm actually debating with people on this topic.

Look, you can't turn people gay with a bomb. No bomb is going to make completely hetero guys start lusting after each other. Even if there was some magic bomb that would turn people gay it would hardly decrease their fighting effectiveness.

This isn't "thinking outside the box" it's "thinking inside some delusional bubble that happens to not look out onto the real world." It's not at "non or less than lethal" weapon, it's a ridiculous homophobic fantasy weapon. Why don't we just buy Ming's old Death Ray while we're at it? I wonder why Buck Rodgers hasn't come to help in Iraq yet. Maybe we should just start using photon torpedoes instead.

The only thing this is, is a completely horrendous waste of tax payer money. It already irks me enough that we have to pay money to the government so they can find new and creative ways of slaughtering people, but they're going to spend the money trying to turn people gay????

Whether you're gay or straight, when the enemy is coming you're only thinking about surviving.

Anyone who supports this must be in some backwoods bunker somewhere worrying that "Those gays" will somehow convert them with their Pink Magic.

"Don't let 'em look at you Cletus, they'll turn ya with one wink!"

You can't just blow up a can of pink fairy dust and watch everyone turn into nancy boys in sailor suits who're now too afraid to fight the big scary heteros and would rather just be thrown into prison so they can pursue their new found lust for eachother.

Are you people for real?

Once again, I like the way you're so certain of your position when scientists who do this for a living haven't decided 100%, but that's your perogative.

You still seem to be missing the point that this isn't supposed to work the way you're thinking. The enemy isn't supposed to just drop their weapons and start screwing anything in sight. The real blow here would be morale when homophobes are flirting with eachother and the trust that is required for cohesion of a unit dissoves.

Is this even possible? I don't know. They're certainly is proof that pheromones have at least some effect on humans. Scientists that specialize in the field seem to think that pheromones are responsible for the fact that women who live in close proximity have aligning menstrual cycles. You seem to have simply decided that it's not true and that's that...and not knowing for sure if you are of the gay persuasion, I think you may be biased or even offended for personal reasons. I'm certainly not anti-gay, I judge people by their merits not by race, sexual persuasion, or any other factors. But, I know for a fact that most straight males are very homophobic, at least in my part of the country. I've seen it go as far as not trusting a gay male or even considering him to be less of man, a subclass. Using a weapon such as this to tap these common male opinions and break the cohesion of a military unit seems like a viable idea to me. If it's even possible that is.

[edit on 13-6-2007 by BlueTriangle]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 11:10 AM
If I were working for the Iranians (I'm not), I'd suggest they claim to develop a bomb that makes americans poor. Tell the news agencies that your new bomb causes homelessness on contact.

Since Americans dislike the poor so much, it could sew dissention in the ranks.

You know, play off the well know american . . . hobophobia.


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