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There was a plan to use a plane in 1974

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I really don't care what it makes you, nor anyone else want to do. I am saying that I DON'T BUY IT!! I haven't from the first time I heard it.

The FAA ORDERED flight crews to cooperate with hijackers, no matter what weapons they had. If they said to fly them somewhere, then they complied. They kept passengers in their seats, and calm, and did everything the hijackers told them to do. It's in their training manual to cooperate with them.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 01:41 PM
Heh, you would not believe what all I used to carry in my carry on briefcase when I used to fly and set up computer networks for small offices before 9/11.

Craftman version of a multi-tool like a Letherman Pro
Hand crank drill
drill bits
Multi-bit case that looked a box of .22 shorts on x-ray (most common inspected item)
Multi-bit racheting screwdiver with various security bits
Fox and hound
5 foot cat5e patch cable
5 foot cat5e crossover cable
110 punch down
RJ45 connects and terminators
RJ11 connectors
Crimper tool
Spare batteries
various other items

This was my "Just in case they lost my two tool cases" back up plan. Only once did a gate security screener give me any hassle. Amazingly he laughed at why I carried these items and asked me not to disassemble the plane. I laughed back and said it wouldn't be a problem because I knew they would stand over me and make me put it back together before I could get a lunch break. That was April 2001. At that airport I could pass through the metal detector with a zippo in my pocket if I covered it with my hand.

It is a good thing I don't have that job anymore, because I refuse to fly under the current restrictions.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious

the ONLY flight with more than 70 passengers was flight 11. Flight 77 had 53. 93 had 33 and 175 had 51. But that isn't the point. The flights could have been FULL. These terrorists BUTCHERED people, sprayed mace, and threatened to have bombs.

There is NOTHING hard to beileve about that!

I highly doubt they sprayed mace on the planes. I've been across the room in a nighclub when a police officer sprayed mace and it cleared the place out. The terrorists must have been immune to mace.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
I highly doubt they sprayed mace on the planes. I've been across the room in a nighclub when a police officer sprayed mace and it cleared the place out. The terrorists must have been immune to mace.

They may have closed the cockpit door right after they sprayed? Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by newtron25

The attack of 9/11 was all about mad money...which segways into my next point...which is another test of our reasoning.

The inkblot test by Rorschach.

What do you see? Actually, there is no right or wrong answer, its a tool used by psychologists in therapy to allow their patients to offer up their feelings more readily. It's a device, just like the device by the person who discovered they could make burning towers out of a folded $20 dollar bill.

The ink blots are created by making an image with thick paint then immediately folding it back on the other half of the paper, creating symmetry that the brain can use to identify the shapes more easily with a vast number of possible ideas and concepts.

You should all try it sometime. It's fun.

[edit on 12-6-2007 by newtron25]

Ok, you can fold two different bills the exact same way and get pictures depicting different times of the exact same event. One side shows the towers, and the other the pentagon. That's no ink blot test. Thanks for playing.

The $10 showing the collapse also points to controlled demolition. The rubble falling is identical to the actual event. That's the most coincidental thing I have EVER seen.

You can even fold the flaps on the $10 in the opposite direction and see building #7.

[edit on 6/12/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by Spoodily
I highly doubt they sprayed mace on the planes. I've been across the room in a nighclub when a police officer sprayed mace and it cleared the place out. The terrorists must have been immune to mace.

They may have closed the cockpit door right after they sprayed? Just a thought.

That was before reinforced, secure doors were in place. Go spray some mace in your bedroom with the door closed and then jump in the closet, then let me know how your nose, eyes and throat feel. Airplanes are airtight, there is no where for the mace to go.

[edit on 6/12/2007 by Spoodily]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
Airplanes are airtight, there is no where for the mace to go.

True. Also, wouldn't the air get circulated into the cockpit? Don't worry, my "friend" in my freshman year in college sprayed just one little sprince into my dorm room when I was studying. I know what it's like.

It's a good point you bring up. But, Betty Ong's recorded phone conversation from the plane says different. She says something like they can't breath in business and she says that she thinks they sprayed mace.

Here's a link to the recording. Thank CaptainObvious for the info, s/he was the one to bring it to my attention.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:42 PM
The link is incomplete. Do you have a direct link? I can't seem to find the recording on that page on my own.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Sorry, I forgot to tell you. You have to download it first from a link on that page I believe and then you can navigate the information. Sorry, I should have said that earlier.

Edit; Here's the thread the info is in. Sorry that I can't help much more.

[edit on 6/12/2007 by Griff]

[edit on 6/12/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:16 PM
BETTY ONG: and our number 5 -- our first class passengers are -- galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed. And we can’t get into the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello?

BETTY ONG: Our number 1 has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Okay. We can’t even get into the cockpit. We don’t know who’s up there.

These are condensed quote's (in order though) from the transcript that match with what I listened to. She made a definate statement that they tried to get into the cockpit but couldn't, then asked if anyone could even make it to the cockpit. Her voice is strangely calm during all this. They are talking about their fellow co-workers being stabbed like it's no big deal. It just doesn't have the right tone to it.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:23 PM
there was a program on the history channel about this very topic...

check it out...

to my recollection, byke got very far (he was shot while he was on the plane)...

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Does more need to be said?

Have any of you even tried to take out a $20 bill and looked at it?...

That image which you gave is photoshopped, because if you actually bothered to look at a $20 bill you will see that the right part of that figure you gave cannot be made by folding the bill.... Only the left side looks like that which tells me this whole idea of the "fold the $20 or $10 bill" is a hoax which most people haven't even tried to duplicate yet they "want to believe in with all their hearts".

Do yourself a favour and take out a $20 bill and tell me you can make that figure you gave with the $20 bill...

BTW...have any of you also bothered to look at the White house?...

Does the White house in the $10 or $20 dollar bill look different than the "real White House"?....

I agree with the poster who said "some people have too much time in their hands"...

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Griff

The difference here is that instead of saying "fly me here", they suppossedly knifed the pilots and some crew members and flew the planes themselves. From the get-go these were not usual highjackings. I'm not blaming, but someone should have figured out that these were anything but conventional highjackings.

Ah, so I guess the only explanation is that the terrorists did not close the door to the cabin but left it wide open for everyone to see?.... Have you actually noticed that there is a curtain between first class and the rest of the plane?..

I mean, it is inconcievable that the terrorists threatened that if people didn't do what they said they would kill them, and had everyone move to the back of the plane which then they could close the curtain, and after the cabin door was opened by the pilots the terrorists closed them so people would not see what was happening...
Even if some people did get to seethe pilots getting killed how does that immediately make it that theyare going to use the planes to crash them into the WTC?...

I guess hihjackers have never killed anyone in a flight before...

Some of you act as if every person in every plane knows martial arts and/or knows how to defend themselves, and if that isn't true then " it must be a conspiracy".

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
BETTY ONG: and our number 5 -- our first class passengers are -- galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed. And we can’t get into the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello?

BETTY ONG: Our number 1 has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Okay. We can’t even get into the cockpit. We don’t know who’s up there.

These are condensed quote's (in order though) from the transcript that match with what I listened to. She made a definate statement that they tried to get into the cockpit but couldn't, then asked if anyone could even make it to the cockpit. Her voice is strangely calm during all this. They are talking about their fellow co-workers being stabbed like it's no big deal. It just doesn't have the right tone to it.

It's a combination of shock and training. If a flight crew member freaks out, during a hijacking, and upsets a hijacker, someone dies, or they blow the plane up. Add to that the fact that she had been doing this for years, and suddenly this happens to them.... You hear about things like this happening over the years, but when it suddenly happens to you, you go into a bit of shock, like you can't believe it's happening.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Have any of you even tried to take out a $20 bill and looked at it?...

That image which you gave is photoshopped, because if you actually bothered to look at a $20 bill you will see that the right part of that figure you gave cannot be made by folding the bill.... Only the left side looks like that which tells me this whole idea of the "fold the $20 or $10 bill" is a hoax which most people haven't even tried to duplicate yet they "want to believe in with all their hearts".

Do yourself a favour and take out a $20 bill and tell me you can make that figure you gave with the $20 bill...

BTW...have any of you also bothered to look at the White house?...

Does the White house in the $10 or $20 dollar bill look different than the "real White House"?....

I agree with the poster who said "some people have too much time in their hands"...

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Muaddib]

Question is have you looked at how to appropriately fold the bill.

That is exactly what it looks like, no photo shop.

Take the bill, fold it in half like you are making a paper airplane, with the president's head on the inside of the fold.

Then fold each half back (again, in a similar fashion to a paper airplane) back so that you receive the exact same image as previously posted.

Has no one ever showed you this?

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:28 PM
It is a shame that this board bans members for swearing, because you idiots that fold bills in certain ways thinking you are seeing the twin towers would get an ear-full! lol... I'm not even going to waste my time explaining why it is absolutely ridiculous to think that whoever designed the $20 bill happened to make a little "puzzle" on the back of it to show 2 buildings that will be burning many years in the future... GTFOH...

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Have any of you even tried to take out a $20 bill and looked at it?...

Yes,sir I sure have. Guess what? It's on there. Guess what the circulation date on the bill,at that time at least, in 2002. 1999, two years before it happened.So, yes, I have seen it with my own eyes... No, the photo is not "photoshoped,"
sorrrry... Try again.

[edit on 12-6-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:39 PM
Like I say, Photoshop is a curse. Everyone thinks that if it doesn't jive with their "common sense" it must have been "photoshoped."
I know for a fact that that is the image you get when you fold the 20 dollar bill properly. I have done it myself and I have seen others do it.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Like I say, Photoshop is a curse. Everyone thinks that if it doesn't jive with their "common sense" it must have been "photoshoped."
I know for a fact that that is the image you get when you fold the 20 dollar bill properly. I have done it myself and I have seen others do it.

Who exactly is questioning that the "$20 bill trick" isn't real? Yes, if you fold the bill that way it will look like that, but it is a COINCIDENCE. You people are idiots I swear... Do you REALLY think the designers of the $20 bill waaaaaay back in the day conspired to put a "secret image" of 2 large buildings that would be attacked decades in the future? Get a damn grip people!

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:43 PM
Now, we'll play nice here and not call names or there will be more red flags. OK?

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