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There was a plan to use a plane in 1974

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posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 01:51 AM

It also points directly at remote/gps guided planes striking the towers at the exact positions they were intended. They laid out a blueprint of their intentions and got it exactly right. The engineering precision involved is mind boggling.

There may have been actual terrorists involved in the hijackings, but they were only scapegoats for an already well thought out plan. You are insulting the US's capabilities to think they couldn't pull a bait and switch and have a patsy ready to take the heat (muslim extremists). The higher ups already knew what planes were going to be used and had the buildings already set and ready to go. It's called military intellegence, they see and know everything.

I am new here, but have done some homework. I believe Spoodily may have a unique and workable take on the issue. I am sure I am not the first to mention the QRS-11 gyro chip. If you haven't looked into them, here are a few links. They are currently installed on a large number of Boeing aircraft. I had lunch with Capt Field McConnell about a month ago and he is dead serious about them. I also have a great deal of respect for him. We both trained at Luke Airforce Base and he is a damn good fighter pilot. I do not believe he would give up his employment of 23 years with NorthWesten Airlines if he felt that Boeing aircraft are currently safe to fly. Also easy to crash. and the chip in all its' glory. Any aircraft with one of these installed is by definition unsafe.I can think of no Capt. who would knowingly check out an aircraft that could potentially have the CONTROL of said aircraft taken away from him. Maybe there wasn't a need for hijackers.

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