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Is Michael Horn really the U.S. Billy Meier Media Rep? (Not what you think!)

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posted on May, 19 2007 @ 01:28 PM

Gazrok it's my opinion over the last few years at least since I first became a member at ATS, you have not believed a hair of Billy's case and I respect.

Actually, I was a member here when I learned of the case, and I was intrigued by it, especially the Disclosure Project's endorsement, etc. So, it caused me to delve into the case. However, after doing so, that's when the real troubling stuff started... The Asket and Nera hoax was bad enough, but then the Meier camp answer of Swiss MIB's switching the photos....
just started a long chain of very questionable, and times, laughable explanations... I would have LOVED for the Meier case to be believable, but the more I investigated, the more garbage turned up (for me personally)

It's difficult to point anything positive out to someone such as a respected Member of ATS anything substantial about the case which points to a possible reality of certain events when they (You sir), have clearly made up their mind.

The raygun was an interesting thread but I suspect you wrote it as a dig at the time? As I cannot see any other thought that would have brought that up from anyone wanting input less a laugh or two.

Wasn't posted as a laugh. In a previous debate regarding the Meier case, I located the photos and after posting, even some of the ardent believers of the case then saw the silliness of it. Once the pics were confirmed as authentic Meier photos, it was the nail in the coffin. After seeing a few other tidbit posts on the Meier case pop up, I came across these photos in my files, and decided it would be a good idea to post them for those new to the case to see. (I certainly had NO idea it would expand into 48+ pages, and was quite surprised to see that!).

Now, back to the topic.

Interestingly enough, the FIGU USA info is the ONLY one on the Worldwide listing that doesn't include an e-mail contact, but only an address:

FIGU Society USA

Suite 266
303 E. Gurley St.
Prescott, AZ 86301-3802

I suppose one could write to this address and confirm whether or not Mr. Horn is truly Billy's authorized rep. I filled out the e-form for the Semjase Silver Star Center (as best I could, as it was in Swiss), and hope someone there will read and respond in English as I asked them to confirm Mr. Horn's status. I also filled out the "Contact Us" form.

Ahh..on the Billy Meir . com site, there is a US link:
FIGU in the United States:

FIGU Society USA
P.O. Box 730
Mounds, OK 74047
E-mail: Scott Whitney

So, I've e-mailed Scott Whitney and asked him the question.
[email protected]
I'll let you know if I get an answer...

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 01:34 PM
Gazrok, I hope you have better success than me, I have emailed Mr. Whitney twice(first one 3 days ago, second one yesterday) as well as the Canadian contact. I have yet to receive a response, but rest assured that when I do, I will post the entire response here in the form of a screenshot(thanks Gaz), along with a public apology to Mr. Horn(if applicable).

Can anyone else see the part of FIGU's site that lists Mr. Horn as a media rep that was posted in the first response to this thread? All I get is a "page under construction, but this is how you buy stuff" page.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 01:40 PM
One of the reasons I posted the address. Perhaps many can e-mail him? After so many, I'm sure he'll reply to someone, and then that someone can let us all in on the reply...(note, a screenshot of the reply would probably help, for authenticity)....

Can anyone else see the part of FIGU's site that lists Mr. Horn as a media rep that was posted in the first response to this thread? All I get is a "page under construction, but this is how you buy stuff" page.

No, when putting in that link, it then goes to a default portal page, which is in the screenshot you posted. I see no mention of Meier on the official FUGO site...oddly enough. So, your original supposition is indeed intriguing...lets see if we get an answer.....

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 01:46 PM
Thanks for the reply Gazrok, thorough as always. Sure would be good to see you posting more often, in my opinion you do a fabulous job of producing pure research on whatever you post here that I have read.



posted on May, 19 2007 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

No, when putting in that link, it then goes to a default portal page, which is in the screenshot you posted. I see no mention of Meier on the official FUGO site...oddly enough. So, your original supposition is indeed intriguing...lets see if we get an answer.....

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Gazrok]

(emphasis mine)

Billy Meier is listed on the main english language page and has an entire section of the site devoted to him.

Did you mean Michael Horn?

Not to be nit-picky but FUGO is a Japanese balloon-bomb.

As an update, Michael Horns name has been REMOVED from the list of supporters on FIGU's site sometime AFTER I brought this up just yesterday.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:26 PM
Yes Meier is a fraud.
If someone does not like it, take me to court and bring evidence to prove that he is not a fraud.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:28 PM
This is the official website in Switserland.

Michael Horn is still mentioned as representative with FIGU.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Michael Horn is here in this forum. And he is trying his luck to make money out of Billy's case.

Michael, find something else to feed you and your family!

[edit on 19-5-2007 by kontol]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by sandman658
Yes Meier is a fraud.
If someone does not like it, take me to court and bring evidence to prove that he is not a fraud.

Sandman, This thread is not about Meier or his claims.

Cygnific, your really going to hate me now. When you run that page through babelfish for a rough english translation, you see that nowhere on it do they say he is their representative.They call him a proponent, big difference. Those 4 pages are written by Horn himself as an "advertisement" for FIGU. He is presented kind of like an expert giving his endorsement on the case , much like Mr. Lear is trying to present Mr. Malin in another thread.

However, you did manage to find a spot on a Figu site that mentions him, congradulations. Unfortunately, I think I can explain that too. The Meier group is notorious for presenting facts that arent facts and calling people "experts" when they are not. Perhaps they leave Mr. Horns "testimonial" up because it helps bring in new suckers, knowing that the chances of anyone in Switzerland ever talking to horn or even knowing who he is are extremely remote.

I also thought of a reason neither FIGU nor Meier haven't tried to stop him , if indeed he is lying. The Meier cult is a religion. Meier claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus himself. When you look at the FIGU price list(60 pages) you see that video sales are a very very small percentage of the money Meier brings in.

Like ANY religion, they probably dont care who we buy our books from as long as the introduction to FIGU is still there. They stand to make a lot of money for every person Horn convinces, even if they don't buy the first book from Meier. In summery , I think Billy and FIGU just let him claim what he wants, sell what he wants, knowing eventually the people he fools(and their money) will come to them.

Originally posted by kontol
Michael Horn is here in this forum. And he is trying his luck to make money out of Billy's case.

Michael, find something else to feed you and your family!

Kontol, while I applaud your enthusiasm, this thread really isn't for making baseless accusations. Mr. Horn is no longer with us as he was banned.....twice. I do believe he is still here under a different name though. What have you seen and read that makes you think Horn is just trying to make money off Meiers story?

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

Originally posted by kontol
Michael Horn is here in this forum. And he is trying his luck to make money out of Billy's case.

Michael, find something else to feed you and your family!

Kontol, while I applaud your enthusiasm, this thread really isn't for making baseless accusations. Mr. Horn is no longer with us as he was banned.....twice. I do believe he is still here under a different name though. What have you seen and read that makes you think Horn is just trying to make money off Meiers story?

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

I breath. And I am baseless.

What foundation does that pilot based on?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by kontol

I breath. And I am baseless.

What foundation does that pilot based on?

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking. I know you breath, or you would probably not be typing these posts...

When someone says something like that without providing a reason for saying it is called a "baseless accusation". While I agree with what you posted, you need to tell us why you think that way. Was it my points or something you found on your own?


Mr. Horn, I know you are reading this and I welcome your input on the subject, provided the mods let you come back.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke

Cygnific, your really going to hate me now.

No, i'm not going to hate you

However, you did manage to find a spot on a Figu site that mentions him, congradulations. Unfortunately, I think I can explain that too. The Meier group is notorious for presenting facts that arent facts and calling people "experts" when they are not. Perhaps they leave Mr. Horns "testimonial" up because it helps bring in new suckers, knowing that the chances of anyone in Switzerland ever talking to horn or even knowing who he is are extremely remote.

I know how they work, as i said before i'm not a fan of FIGU nor Meier. I think all is a hoax..I just commented on the way you started the topic (fraud) thats all.

I just pointed you to a website from FIGU that still had a link with Mr.Horn Nothing more, nothing less.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Nice work Tiloke.While I can't claim to have read everything on Billy Meier's case,I do think the question you pose is a valid one.If someone makes such outrageous claims,and their "representative" is promoting those claims left and right,they should be prepared for any scrutiny they receive.

In my opinion,to not look into all the players in this case would be pure negligence on the part of serious UFO investigators.If Horn is what he says he is,then he and those who fully believe the Meier story have nothing to worry about.If he's not,well to me that speaks for itself.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:42 PM

While I support your efforts at getting to the truth, I will not tolerate you making baseless accusations against an ATS Conspiracy Master or your insinuations that John Lear is allowed to violate the TAC of this site for any reason much less one as ridiculous and churlish as "bringing new people to the site".

John Lear and ANY OTHER MEMBER who wants to, is WELCOME to comment on ANY aspect of Horn, Meier or any other aspect of the "story" in this thread.

YOU may only want to talk about whether or not Horn is the "genuine representative" exclusively but this is WAY to convoluted an issue to expect others to limit the discussion to just that.

ATS is here for the CIVIL exchange of information and theories, I suggest you comport yourself in an appropriate manner going forward.


posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:57 PM
Tiloke. Interesting, original thread.

I wondered why Michael12 typed as he did in the other thread. It seemed that he was reaching for answers that were not there, especially when he was using his tape measure to measure the WCUFO on the monitor screen to try and prove his point! Advanced mathematics - NOT!

Let's see what comes from the emails you have sent.

Good work.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:41 PM
Thanks Tezza,
This just got more interesting.

I just got an email back from Wikimedia(the owners and admin of Wikipedia)

Dear XXXX, Thank you for your mail. No article under the title "Michael Horn" has ever existed.

Now thats interesting, I know for a fact I was looking at it just 3 or 4 days ago.
Those of us familiar with Wikipedia know that it's impossible for someone like Horn to not have an entry. Perhaps when they were ordered to remove it there was also a "gag-order" about it. Im going to go through my browser history and see if I have have been somewhere that never existed.... Be back soon.

Dang it, my browser erases the history if its more than a day old. Does anyone know if there is a way to recover browser histories? I use Firefox if that helps.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

I know of no instance in where Billy Meier claimed or it was claimed by anybody that Billy Meier was able to "call down UFO's at will." Could you please post a link to where that statement is made? Thanks.


I must ask... with all due respect, why do you believe so vehemently that the Meier case is real? I am not questioning your integrity but when I saw YOU here defending meier my jaw dropped... I am not claiming any expertise and I know you have the ability and the means to validate these views for us.

to be quite frank from the first meier photo i saw all i could think was FAKE(this was well before ATS). Now john please don't get me wrong... I'm not so set in my ways, and I must say if you have some evidence that the meier case is true (besides just stating it is fact
) PLEASE post it here as I am not seeing a full link here...(or maybe a link to the forum where you have already covered this topic[287,000 threads are hard to search through])

also john what about the burnt negative found in Meiers barn that shows a model of a UFO on a table???

sorry I'm just totally confused.

back to the main topic at hand I haven't researched much on michael but I do believe I have seen photos of him holding the meier ray gun... who's knows maybe they have had a falling out since then


posted on May, 20 2007 @ 04:30 AM
Yeah I may also be wrong here but is there also a photo with him standing in billy's farm? This topic has been a good read thought it will be interesting to see what comes of it in the end.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:17 AM

Did you mean Michael Horn?

Not to be nit-picky but FUGO is a Japanese balloon-bomb.

Yes, I meant Horn, and yes I meant FIGU...that's what I get for trying to finish a post before leaving work...hehe.... Thanks for the correction.

Nothing solid yet, but here's my first reply...

[edit on 20-5-2007 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:34 AM
I'm extremely appalled and distressed by Tiloke's many responses. It is my opinion that Tiloke has done nothing but blatantly attacked anyone oposing her/his idea's.

This community is all about sharing ones own idea's and evidence's. But to post your opinion then proceed to attack anyone who oposses them, sounds more like assimilation.

There is no "right" or "wrong", this is a prefect example of "big-headedness" getting out of hand. I dont feel as though Tiloke's continuous barrage of attacks are benefiting this community as a whole.

I'm offended and I commend everyone of light and the freedom of information act, the constitution
amendments for their peaceful good will and intention's for that I thank you.

This post was not meant to offend anyone, only to express my opinion which may or may not be valid depending on the reader

Good Day.

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