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Is Michael Horn really the U.S. Billy Meier Media Rep? (Not what you think!)

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:53 PM
It's not uncommon nor is it his lowest "stoop". (Dave and I already know that)

This is by comparison mild as hell. But it shows that no level of lunacy is beneath Horn. It's just another attempt at him trying to glean the negative attention he so desperately lusts after.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by davidbiedny
For clarification, it's ME that he's referring to, as I'm fat and have shown up at some local MUFON meetings (which he's calling "events"). He's calling me a fat transvestite, 'cause that's the level of this moron's interactions. A 12 year old could do better.dB

He pulled the same tactic on me a couple of months back after I pointed out Meier is in to religion. Horn said something in the way off "a message was forwarded to me by another person", "I'm not sure it was you since the person who wrote the post with your name must be delusional etc."
Hey! Think of it this way, it's just Mikey sending out the "love" belonging to the Meier case. I have an erie feeling that in a way it's highly accurate.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:41 PM
I'm really enjoying this post so far. The email messages are great. They really do give a lot of insight into the individuals writing them. I believe that this post was brought up with the truth in mind, and so far it looks as if the truth has been told. Thank you to most of you who have kept on topic. Gazrock has provided one source that backs Mr. Horns claims in an email so far. Good work on this thread Gazrock. I'm interested to see what else comes back from Billy's camp next. At this point in time, and unless Billy changes his mind when he and Mr. Horn meet, I would say that Mr. Horn is in fact one of the meida representatives for Billy's organization. This title can mean anything by the way.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 01:41 PM
I e-mailed FIGU regarding Mr. Horn. All I received was an exact copy of the message that I sent them.

Here is the original message.

I was wondering if you could answer a question about Mr. Michael Horn. Is he the authorized U.S. representative of Billy Meier?

The reply was exactly the same message, from the following address:
[email protected]

Anyways, what a revolting character Mr. Horn has shown himself to be. The e-mail from the earlier page was classic.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 12:53 PM
I have received a series of vaugly thretening e-mails from Horn saying that I have no integrity honesty, character, etc.

I just wanted to let everyone know why I have not posted an apology yet.

I asked Gazrok to forward me the "conformation" e-mail Gazrok posted.

In the header information there is a lot of initial clues that suggests this e-mail was indeed sent from an e-mail spoofing site. I have given the information to my network admin and IT guys to help me decipher some of the more confusing parts of it. Due to the fact that I wont ask them to put everything else on hold to look into this and trace paths(that takes time), it may be monday before we can get an answer.

As soon as I told Mr. Horn this he started accusing me of all sorts of stuff. From what I have read, thats his SOP whenever anyone dares question him.

If anyone else out there is apt at tracing emails and knows more about e-mail header information that wouldn't mind looking more closely at this, please send me a UTU.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 01:04 PM
Why do you need to apologize? You posed a legitimate question. It took awhile, but it looks like you received a positive response. Case closed. I suppose you could post a conclusion to the thread saying you have received the information, but actually you have already done that. But apologize as in "I'm sorry."? Not just no, but # no.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 01:33 PM
To clarify, I have serious doubts that the e-mail Gazrok received was actually sent by someone in FIGU. Initial information points to this e-mail being sent from an E-mail spoofing site.

Wikipedia artilce on e-mail spoofing.

Myself and others that know way more about it than me all think that something is wrong with the header information from the message.

I should know more by Monday or Tuesday.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:35 AM
Michael Horn is doing a great job in trying to enlighten the masses what they really need to know and will come to know in the future.
He is very courage and a decent human being who speaks the truth.
What people that ridicule him here forget is that it's their unrighteousness which begets harsh sounding words not readily digestible those that don't know what integrity and wisdom truly is.

Shame on you all for your unrighteousness

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Tiloke

Originally posted by Cygnific
This is the official website in Switserland.

Michael Horn is still mentioned as representative with FIGU.

Originally posted by Tiloke
The only places I can find on the internet listing Horn as an "authorized media representative" are on Horns sites or sites that are hosting interviews with him (because thats what he told them).

In my opinion just as Cygnific said earlier is the original main site of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier in Switzerland.

In English

Via links to other FIGU-related web find one other site,

Michael Horn
Exploring the Billy Meier Contacts
Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts which he has researched since 1979.

So in my opinion, Michael Horn is indeed the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier.

Originally posted by Tiloke
on Meiers fraud by underselling the cult?

Obvious for you a fraud, but for me its absolute a real case, and therefore not a fraud.

[edit on 17/9/07 by spacevisitor]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by newinitiation
Michael Horn is doing a great job in trying to enlighten the masses what they really need to know and will come to know in the future.
He is very courage and a decent human being who speaks the truth.
What people that ridicule him here forget is that it's their unrighteousness which begets harsh sounding words not readily digestible those that don't know what integrity and wisdom truly is.
Shame on you all for your unrighteousness

What's next? People like you going door to door promoting the Meier case just like a jehova witness?

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