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Jewish Control of Internet forums (specifically conspiracy boards)

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posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by NGC2736
Dancing Bear, the fight is going very well. They are at each other's throats as you predicted. It is so simple to get them going.

Soon the Americas will belong to us once more. They will kill each other off trying to stamp out conspiracies, and our people will be free of their yoke at last.

I have another message ready to stir them up some more, and will post it as soon as I send this one to you. Prepare all of our red brothers for the final push as we send them all into the sea. Long live the Native American Party.

" There's nothing wrong that a NAP can't make better."

That's just frightening.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
why everything is blamed on jews(its an illuminati tactic my friend)?

Pretty much the opposite. Historically, blaming everything on the Jews is a Catholic / Authoritarian tactic of right wing crazies. After all, the Jews/ Diests/ Elightenment thinkers were the Illuminati that believed Jesus was a great man, but NOT "the word" of Constantine or the Roman Empire revision of events 325 years earlier.

That said, it's entirely appropriate for an alternative topics board to delete authoritarian rhetoric, since we would be today's Illuminati.

Have a nice day.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
For example, in a conspiracy forum (could even have been this one) or on the tv news, whatever ....... it claimed the jews were concerned about their poor and ever-descending 'image'. To the point they were paying house and institution-bound grandmothers and housewives and invalids to 'scour online forums and chat rooms' for posts involving jews

I think what you are referring to is a piece of software called Megaphone and yes, ATS was one of the boards targetteted by Megaphone subscribers during last year's Lebanon conflict to counter any anti-Israeli sentiment

see this thread for more details: Israel backed by army of cyber soldiers

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 10:16 AM
Oh Gawd!! I see another "the Jews control the world" thread has popped up. And I see that the Op has just stirred up a bunch of crap and hasnt been seen again.

Judaism places an extremely high value on being educated. That is why they succede. It has nothing to do with any conspiracy, they only want to make a living and live in a safe place just like everyone else. There are just as many poor Jews as rich ones.

This kind of conspiracy claim against Jews has been circulating for centuries. Even during the bubonic plage when Jews died of the disease as the same rate they were blamed for orchestrating the whole thing or "poisoning the wells". It wasnt true then and its still not true today no matter how you word it.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:45 PM
O.K. You didn't really get the essence of my little joke. They, The 'They', are playing you. As long as you keep labeling groups, as your own mind wraps around the problem, the true culprits remain free of any wrath.

There are a thousand groups we could label, but what do they all have in common? Money and power. This struggle isn't about Jews or Muslims, or the Illuminatti or any of the other buggerboo group. It's about those wealthy and powerful people who think they know so much more than the average Joe.

They 'fix' the system, pay the lobbies. influence the law. All because they can. They are that handful of 'good ol' boys' who are above it all, and to them it's a game. It's a game because they feel themselves to be untouchable. And these players are from many nationalities and races.

And some of them are even on the side of the common person. After all, it is a game.

Read some Greek myths. This is how enough money lets you be a god. And they will not give up such heady positions. And as long as these power brokers can keep you, as the peasant class, fighting over who (read which 'god') is winning, the game has meaning.

These are the most jaded souls on the planet, this is the last/best amusement. When movie stars and the 'just' rich have to search far and wide for new amusements, how much harder is it for the ultra-rich? When you've had sex with every life form, gotten so much money it is meaningless, etc...etc...then there's no game in town, except the game of risk with real nations and real people.

By my little joke in the last post, I wanted you to realize that someone is playing the players. There's a pit in every cherry seed.

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 04:55 PM
Though worth commenting against, this is a nonsense thread. Frankly, I'm a little sick and tired of some attacking religious beliefs, Israelis and the like. So many times I open a thread and find some nonsense being written about Israelis, it's disgusting.

I may not be Jewish, but I respect their beliefs and can see the constant death and maiming attacks on their civilians when, in my opinion, they have so many times bitten their tongues and put down their defensive attacks in the effort to try and find peace with their neighbors in the east.


posted on May, 6 2007 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
The only real conspiracy is against the Jewish people. The true nature of Judaism is being perverted, in the form of Zionism. This is NOT a good thing for the people of Israel, and it shows, IMO, that the Jewish people are being used as a tool of emotional manipulation against everyone.

Having said all that, every religion has been perverted to some extent, in the continuing efforts of the eilte to control the people.

Whilst it can not be denied that many Jews do hold very powerful positions, this in itself is merely people taken advantage of others, and is not confined to just Jewish people. It is called psychopathy, some people genuinely do not care if they profit from others misfortune or suffering, and it can be found in every culture, system of power and so on.

After being involved in an online investigation for almost three years I can tell you this.............there are a lot of Jews on the internet.........Israeli's to be exact. I think they are online for "intelligence" gathering purposes, they use it as another tool for whatever reason. I have also been on message boards where they and the military have a big presence, They have been the people who helped "out" some of the bad guys invoved in wrongdoing in my investigation, they know exactly what is happening in my case, they are the people I went to after I had a "carbon monoxide" gas leak in my home. They know who is behind it...............they know my mother's mother was a Jew and that some of the bad people involved in my case are GREEDY Jews who have done damage to a lot of people (including their own), I really don't think they support the Zionest who are evil moneygrubbers. I decided to seek one of them out a few months ago...........I didn't know who I was looking for but "shopped" around until I found him. He knew me, he knew my story, he told me he would help me find a job, asked me if I needed a place to other words he was willing to help a complete stranger who was in trouble, he showed a lot of compassion and a willingness to help when no one else would. I have only looked for him once since then but couldn't find him again......... I will never forget him for what he has done for me..........he believed me, he tried to help me, he asked no questions, he just knew. He was a simple man with a good heart. I hope to see him again some day.

NOw some of his friends....................they are a whole other story but I can tell you this..............they were on high alert when everyone else was asleep.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by Jillian_Bacardi]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:37 AM
You see, Jillian, that you tell us that you think there area lot of Israelis on the web. I've not seen any. If they were gathering intelligence they wouldn't need to interact on forums or unveil they were israelis.

So how you come by this info I don't know.

Of course, I know you are paranoid.

Nuff said.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:46 AM

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by albie
You see, Jillian, that you tell us that you think there area lot of Israelis on the web. I've not seen any. If they were gathering intelligence they wouldn't need to interact on forums or unveil they were israelis.

So how you come by this info I don't know.

Of course, I know you are paranoid.

Nuff said.

How do you know? Can you tell by the accent in their type?

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 12:58 PM
oy, vat's all the gabbing about jews on de internet? sure, we like to get a bagel with a shmear and read the crazy rantings of paranoid individuals. who doesn't?

there are lots of jews, catholics, muslims, wiccans, buddhists etc on the internet.

they aren't all using cyberspace for nefarious purposes. they aren't all spying on you and they aren't all out to get you. Just you Jillian, nobody else.

I kid the paranoid, zionist fearing people. I kid.

Personally, I'd be more concerned about that right wing bible thumping christian fundamentalist group known as the White House using the internet for nefarious reasons than any other group on the planet, including the fanatical muslims who supposedly use the internet to contact eachother.

Everyone needs to take a schvitz and a schluff and just relax.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
Personally, I'd be more concerned about that right wing bible thumping christian fundamentalist group known as the White House using the internet for nefarious reasons than any other group on the planet, including the fanatical muslims who supposedly use the internet to contact eachother.

I think the idea is that this is some grand conspiracy involving all "fundamental" religious groups...this would include Islam and Christianity.

Zionist Jews are an extension of the fascist arm of Judaism in my opinion. They are trying to resurrect a few thousand year old dead civilization through nothing other than fear and submission from their Semitic cousins the Arabs/Palestinians.

I call that criminal if you ask me, but of course no one has

[edit on 8-5-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:40 PM

The above is my take to the OP's contention...

I happen to KNOW (NOT wonder or speculate but KNOW) that the Number ONE, UNDISPUTED CHAMPION of internet "conspiracy theory" sites is owned by three guys who are NOT Jewish, heck one of us is an Atheist!

The Kinks song "Paranoia will destroy ya" comes to mind...


[edit on 5-8-2007 by Springer]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:30 PM
Springer, we're pulling the strings, you just don't realize it.

or should I say Moishe Springberger?

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Springer

The Kinks song "Paranoia will destroy ya" comes to mind...

I think in most of our cases, we've already stepped over that fine line

The rabbit hole goes very deep...

Crakeur, its not Jews in general that are the "bad" ones.

The idea is that the Jewish elite worship some other God (thoughtform) that allows them to create havoc here...(I DO NOT believe in this, just enlightening you on some viewpoints).

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:58 PM
The jews are sooooo busy. If anything they must have great multitasking skills. Wait....a jew just came to the door...apparently they are selling amway too....

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
why everything is blamed on jews(its an illuminati tactic my friend)? and good luck to you cuz you wont be staying here for long.

LOL anyone else find it funny that this guy is now banned, haha

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:51 AM
biggie, my post regarding my evil bretheren was directed more towards the post by Jillian. I know the basics of the conspiracy.

By the way, you're wrong on it being the Zionist elite. We only want it to look like it's them, this allows the rest of us Jews to quietly control the world and still have our very own jewish scapegoat. We might as well, everyone else does.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
oy, vat's all the gabbing about jews on de internet? sure, we like to get a bagel with a shmear and read the crazy rantings of paranoid individuals. who doesn't?

there are lots of jews, catholics, muslims, wiccans, buddhists etc on the internet.

they aren't all using cyberspace for nefarious purposes. they aren't all spying on you and they aren't all out to get you. Just you Jillian, nobody else.

I kid the paranoid, zionist fearing people. I kid.

Personally, I'd be more concerned about that right wing bible thumping christian fundamentalist group known as the White House using the internet for nefarious reasons than any other group on the planet, including the fanatical muslims who supposedly use the internet to contact eachother.

Everyone needs to take a schvitz and a schluff and just relax.

I didn't say the Jews are out to GIT me..............I am a Jew by blood, my mother's mother was a Jew. All I am saying is there are a lot of Jews online..........they seem to be more sophisticated with technology stuff like phones and internet.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Jillian_Bacardi
All I am saying is there are a lot of Jews online..........they seem to be more sophisticated with technology stuff like phones and internet.

Yes, there's a movement afoot to create a super race of Korean Jew technocrats to take over the world with their web enabled phones.

Personally, I can't wait. Is kimchi naturally kosher?

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