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'No doubt' global warming is real

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posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by earthtone
There is no doubt that we are screwing our world. The people who will tell us that global warming is in fact not happening are the

"scientists" who work for Exxon Mobil.

y published a survey claiming that over a thousand scientists had accepted global warming as not true. Characters from M*A*S*H were found in this list.. Don't let them fool you...We must do something otherwise future generations will be living in #ing waterworld!

waterworld isn't all that bad....but when acidity levels reach ph5, waterworld will shrivel your eyes out is

(this all depends on the emissions of carbon monoxided though, and if you're right....then -WE- are screwd)
plants will not grow in ph5 conditions, meaning neither will the new starvation = cannibalism.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 01:39 PM
this will be the time then that people will find out about the hollow earth

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by MUDDYFOX
this will be the time then that people will find out about the hollow earth

what hollow earth?

no hollow earth...seismic events take place for a reason, and besides, waves were sent down to the core back in the 40's or 60's...cant remember exactly(too lazy to look it up), the waves moved off the core and were "refracted" so to speak..therefore, no hollow earth, some things just dont reach conspiracy level..sorry:shk:

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 07:06 AM
For those of you who have read this report that I linked before, my apologies but for those who have apparently not read the other threads on the GW debate, it might be eye opening. I would also like you to realize that when global warming proponents quote statistics, they aren't quoting real data but rather the global warming computer model which is 20 some years old now. We now have the research on the actual conditions and its proven the modelhas inaccuracies as do most models. Modeling itself isn't bad and when one first begins research, its a good baseline for the study but since the research has been done and is currently being studied long term, its safe to say that even if we don't totally eliminate the theory, it certainly could be brought up to date with actual viable research. My guess is that it has been turned into a political tool and any attempt to correct these inaccuracies is viewed as an attack and the original premise is defended as factual when it was never more than a baseline model for the research. Here's a link to the research.

20th century not so hot

My point by this is this. Anytime we have scientifically based theory, then scientific research should be used to prove or disprove it but developing supporting evidence. We should all be glad rather than sad that this theory isn't viable because be it the other way, we certainly would be looking at dyer consequences. Thats in no way meant to say that we can pollute all we want, only that CO2 isn't the devil we all once thought it was. Actually CO2 is a benificial gas in the atmosphere and like so many have said, CO2 is not what we should worry about but rather the other non-natural harmful gasses we produce. Sometimes we do things in the name of environmentalism that end up hurting more than helping and thats not intentional but rather a side effect of lack of understanding. The important thing now is to focus time and money into aiding other countries to become modern so they have enough wealth to allow them to begin to take care of their environment again. Poverty is the environment's number one enemy.

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by �any
I still can't believe that people don't think CO2 emissions play a part in the Ozone layer depleting...
Nobody is saying that they are the ONLY source of CO2 emissions, but because we produce so much of it it's causing a problem.

No way!!...I finally agree on your input. Animals and humans inhale air...taking the oxygen...and exhaling the carbon dioxide. Another thing is Methane...farts from animals and humans....Methane also contributes to the greenhouse effect...even at pig farms they use the gas from the power flame lanterns. On a humorous note: Have you ever heard of flatlulation (sp?) rape?'s where you jump on somebody's face and fart...haha. Back to seriousness...think about human and animal population increases...plant life the chopping down forests and such...they take in the carbon dioxide and expel oxygen using photosynthesis. Less plants...more animals and humans...more greenhouse gases...BINGO!!..ozone hole. No biggie...the earth will kick us all off when it gets to crowded.

[Edited on 11-12-2003 by xenongod]

posted on Dec, 11 2003 @ 09:06 PM
so what if its getting warmer. the eath is coming out of an ice age, what the # fo you expect?

posted on Dec, 12 2003 @ 06:09 AM
I look at the profound change we are expieriencing here in Alaska, last winter we did'nt even have any snow until Feb., and that is unreal for S .central Alaska. The warming climate has also caused devastation in our forests, as it has allowed the Spruce Bark Beetle to go on a ravenous rampage, destoying thousands of acres
Global warming is a real situation in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 12 2003 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Journey
I look at the profound change we are expieriencing here in Alaska, last winter we did'nt even have any snow until Feb., and that is unreal for S .central Alaska. The warming climate has also caused devastation in our forests, as it has allowed the Spruce Bark Beetle to go on a ravenous rampage, destoying thousands of acres
Global warming is a real situation in my opinion.

Well, being a native to the state containing the national forest empacted by the pine beetle, I ca tell you that it had nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with uneducated environmentalist halting clearing of downed trees caused by an ice strom the previous winter. I have been deeply envolved with this problem and seen the results of many other studies as well. The numerous amount of downed pines provided perfect nesting and forage for the beetle whos population skyrocketed. The Forestry department recommended removal of the debris and also had stands of older Poplars which become frail if allowed to grow too long. Their solution was supervised harvesting of that timber by private industry in exchange for reomval of the downed pines as well. It was a decision made out of training and education in forestry management that was over-ruled by emotional ignorance. I often wondered how the infestation would be explained by the extremists and now I know. Global Warming.

Has anyone bothered to look at the scientific side of climatology or have we just hitched our horse to an ominous sounding scare tactic that we'll defend into the far reaches of stupidy?

posted on Dec, 12 2003 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by astrocreep

Well, being a native to the state containing the national forest empacted by the pine beetle, I ca tell you that it had nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with uneducated environmentalist halting clearing of downed trees caused by an ice strom the previous winter. I have been deeply envolved with this problem and seen the results of many other studies as well. The numerous amount of downed pines provided perfect nesting and forage for the beetle whos population skyrocketed. The Forestry department recommended removal of the debris and also had stands of older Poplars which become frail if allowed to grow too long. Their solution was supervised harvesting of that timber by private industry in exchange for reomval of the downed pines as well. It was a decision made out of training and education in forestry management that was over-ruled by emotional ignorance. I often wondered how the infestation would be explained by the extremists and now I know. Global Warming.

Has anyone bothered to look at the scientific side of climatology or have we just hitched our horse to an ominous sounding scare tactic that we'll defend into the far reaches of stupidy?

First, I do not feel as it I am an "extremist" as my opinions are based on what I see, and what I research.
Astrocreep, do you know how many acres have been destoyed by this Spruce bark beetle? The past 15 years this beetle has destroyed more of our forests than any other insect has in US history.
Forty Million trees alone on the Kenai Pennisula...
That's a lot of trees.
Let us also take in consideration of all the retreting glaciers. All over the state, this is in the news. You know this, of course, I assume.
I found this research most interesting, and This link really opened my eyes, as I hope it will yours.
Because, fellow Alaskan, We are going to be first to expierience these changes, and it is obvious to me the situation is real.
Check this out- Alask's Climate: Too hot to handle

[Edited on 12-12-2003 by Journey]

[Edited on 12-12-2003 by Journey]

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