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If Being Gay is alright in the eyes of God then.....

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posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by DeusEx

What do people say when they want to call something stupid?

"That's gay."

I do think that using a way of life as a synonym for stupidity and other assorted abd thigns would qualify as stigmatization.


answer this:

What did, "gay" mean before the homosexual movement?

Why did are homosexuals called "gay"?

Was the word "gay" purposely perverted from, "happy" to "homosexual"?

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Apparently not. He nailed that gay, sub masochrist to a cross.


posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

Who is glorifying Homosexuals here?
And allot of cities promote for other groups of our society to attracted to them. Why should it be wrong with gays being attracted to specific cities? What makes you through the first stone, are you perfect?

1)"Who is glorifying Homosexuals here?"

A) Godless, faceless, nonhuman, CORPORATIONS.
These corporations are transforming a once human world into a subhuman world, where god is at the bottom of the list, below humans.
They want government to be God, and corporations to be the pope/king.

2)"Why should it be wrong with gays being attracted to specific cities?"

A) Why not have a city attact racists, and KKK members while your at it? The line should be drawn somewhere, and i feel this is where.

3)"What makes you through the first stone, are you perfect?"

A) I am not perfect, no human can so such, not even a king. Only if you attempt to correct those wrongs and repent to God, then you are forgiven.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by DeusEx

What do people say when they want to call something stupid?

"That's gay."

I do think that using a way of life as a synonym for stupidity and other assorted abd thigns would qualify as stigmatization.


answer this:

What did, "gay" mean before the homosexual movement?

Why did are homosexuals called "gay"?

Was the word "gay" purposely perverted from, "happy" to "homosexual"?

This word used to mean "happy," but it's
meaning changed when homosexuals used it
as code. They were thought of as clinically ill
and were thought only to exist as
homosexuals. The word "gay" gave them a
smaller word that was an adjective, not a
noun. This allowed those who used it to
identify as homosexual in addition to other
identities. Some people use it to include
bisexuals and lesbians. Now that bisexuals and
lesbians are gaining a separate voice, it usually
refers only to homosexual men.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:26 AM
Well, no science here.

If you love a sinner and hate the sin, you are playing by God's rules. In other words, you don't shun or harm those who may sin or sin against you, but you are obligated to point out that sin.

If I fornicate with another woman (Iam straight), I am sining just as the homosexual who fornicates. I believe the other reason for gays seeking legitamacy thru marriage is connected.

I have had gay workmates and gay friends in the Army, I never let my personal beliefs turn to scorn or degradation towards them. They knew how I felt and we left it at that. I think most straights get frustrated with the political agenda and for me personally, I get really tired and insulted when gays compare their plight to those of Blacks- total horse crap. No gay (mostly) will not be immediately recognized for what they are when they enter a room!!
When I walk into a room people go "He's Black!!" and judgements begin fromn the start.

Gay is not equal to minority. Gay is chosen behaivour. Behaivour. Being born a different pigment shade is not voluntary.

If being gay is genectic, how does one explain those who find the Lord and become or return to the heterosexual lifestyle???

How do you explain this supposedely unalterable genectic traight being altered??

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

Who is glorifying Homosexuals here?
And allot of cities promote for other groups of our society to attracted to them. Why should it be wrong with gays being attracted to specific cities? What makes you through the first stone, are you perfect?

1)"Who is glorifying Homosexuals here?"

A) Godless, faceless, nonhuman, CORPORATIONS.
These corporations are transforming a once human world into a subhuman world, where god is at the bottom of the list, below humans.
They want government to be God, and corporations to be the pope/king.

2)"Why should it be wrong with gays being attracted to specific cities?"

A) Why not have a city attact racists, and KKK members while your at it? The line should be drawn somewhere, and i feel this is where.

3)"What makes you through the first stone, are you perfect?"

A) I am not perfect, no human can so such, not even a king. Only if you attempt to correct those wrongs and repent to God, then you are forgiven.

KKK members and Facists are hated for the unhuman acts that they have comited, I never saw a homosexual cult hurting anyone.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:29 AM
If an alien race came and observed our behavior and our TV programs then they would think that our people were around 50% homosexual. Society is trying to be overaccepting. Next thing you know we will be seeing ads for the homosexual college fund.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

Who is glorifying Homosexuals here?
And allot of cities promote for other groups of our society to attracted to them. Why should it be wrong with gays being attracted to specific cities? What makes you through the first stone, are you perfect?

1)"Who is glorifying Homosexuals here?"

A) Godless, faceless, nonhuman, CORPORATIONS.
These corporations are transforming a once human world into a subhuman world, where god is at the bottom of the list, below humans.
They want government to be God, and corporations to be the pope/king.

2)"Why should it be wrong with gays being attracted to specific cities?"

A) Why not have a city attact racists, and KKK members while your at it? The line should be drawn somewhere, and i feel this is where.

3)"What makes you through the first stone, are you perfect?"

A) I am not perfect, no human can so such, not even a king. Only if you attempt to correct those wrongs and repent to God, then you are forgiven.

Even if I'm not for gay slogan or anything like that I have to ask this: You got a problem with liberty ?

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
If an alien race came and observed our behavior and our TV programs then they would think that our people were around 50% homosexual. Society is trying to be overaccepting. Next thing you know we will be seeing ads for the homosexual college fund.

I guess some peopel said the same thing when Afro-Amerikans apeard on TV.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Salem

Even if I'm not for gay slogan or anything like that I have to ask this: You got a problem with liberty ?

what brought this question?

I am for the greatest liberty of all, a free society, free from socialism, from slavery, from any form of suppresion. And as i quote.

"Small government is beautiful like small cancers are beautiful
-- and for exactly the same reasons." -- Jim Parker

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

KKK members and Facists are hated for the unhuman acts that they have comited, I never saw a homosexual cult hurting anyone.

They want a corporation (the government) to tell them it is "ok" for gays to get married.

First of all, the whole marriage license thing is a bunch a crappachino anyways.

But a marriage is between a man and a woman, and they shall become one flesh. And ONLY need to be seen in the eyes of God, not any government.

If gays want to be married, fine, but do not let a government (corporation) decide that it is God, and can make that judgement.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by Salem

Even if I'm not for gay slogan or anything like that I have to ask this: You got a problem with liberty ?

what brought this question?

I am for the greatest liberty of all, a free society, free from socialism, from slavery, from any form of suppresion. And as i quote.

"Small government is beautiful like small cancers are beautiful
-- and for exactly the same reasons." -- Jim Parker

A free society?
Answer how you are spreading freedom with your ideas.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

KKK members and Facists are hated for the unhuman acts that they have comited, I never saw a homosexual cult hurting anyone.

They want a corporation (the government) to tell them it is "ok" for gays to get married.

First of all, the whole marriage license thing is a bunch a crappachino anyways.

But a marriage is between a man and a woman, and they shall become one flesh. And ONLY need to be seen in the eyes of God, not any government.

If gays want to be married, fine, but do not let a government (corporation) decide that it is God, and can make that judgement.

There are other forms of marriage than yours and there not allowed to use thoes either.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:50 AM
To all Homosexuals. Why don't you defend your position? I thinkits kind of sad that you dont come forth and say something. It shouldn't be needed for me to try to defend your position.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:51 AM
To answer the original question... According to the Bible..

According to the old testament, scriptures clearly state that homosexuality is "an abomination to the Lord." It is described as unnatural. Not what He intended.

Interestingly, in the new testament, Jesus of all people never mentions it. If you study the Apostle Paul - who was chosen to break down the teachings and applications to the fledging church - according to the new covenant - it becomes clear that ANYONE engaging in sex OUTSIDE of marriage is engaging in sin.

Personally, I do not think God hates homosexuals expressly. I think He hates sin wherever sin is found. And all humans sin, according to the word of God. Homosexuals who choose celibacy as a matter of obedience to God are as pleasing to God as any heterosexual.

I love what my mother always says: Love the sinner, hate the sin. And God knows, we all fall short.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

There are other forms of marriage than yours and there not allowed to use thoes either.

yes, and your point?

i said,

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem
First of all, the whole marriage license thing is a bunch a crapp...

and i said

ONLY need to be seen in the eyes of God, not any government.

so if they want to be "married", fine, but God will judge. Government should not be God, and decide, the who's.

[Edited on 12-16-2003 by BeingWatchedByThem]

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by TheDarkFlame

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by DeusEx

What do people say when they want to call something stupid?

"That's gay."

I do think that using a way of life as a synonym for stupidity and other assorted abd thigns would qualify as stigmatization.


answer this:

What did, "gay" mean before the homosexual movement?

Why did are homosexuals called "gay"?

Was the word "gay" purposely perverted from, "happy" to "homosexual"?

This word used to mean "happy," but it's
meaning changed when homosexuals used it
as code. They were thought of as clinically ill
and were thought only to exist as
homosexuals. The word "gay" gave them a
smaller word that was an adjective, not a
noun. This allowed those who used it to
identify as homosexual in addition to other
identities. Some people use it to include
bisexuals and lesbians. Now that bisexuals and
lesbians are gaining a separate voice, it usually
refers only to homosexual men.

I guess anyone who acts this way should be called Homosexual-Americans.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:56 AM
My point is that even if your not Christian your not allowed to marrie because of christians(Or other religions) morals.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

Originally posted by Salem

Even if I'm not for gay slogan or anything like that I have to ask this: You got a problem with liberty ?

what brought this question?

I am for the greatest liberty of all, a free society, free from socialism, from slavery, from any form of suppresion. And as i quote.

"Small government is beautiful like small cancers are beautiful
-- and for exactly the same reasons." -- Jim Parker

So tell me in how do the affirmation and acceptation of homosexuality hurt you ? I just can't understand, as an heterosexual, why should I apparently against gay rights ?
Honnestly as long as gays don't hurt any one, I don't give a damn if they want to have their rights.

[Edited on 16-12-2003 by Salem]

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Salem

So tell me in how do the affirmation and acceptation of homosexuality hurt you ? I just can't understand, as an heterosexual, why should I apparently against gay rights ?

the whole fact of government regulating the act of marriage is hurtful.

Gay rights! Ha! They are equal now. They just want us to give them special treatment. I am all for EQUALITY, but special rights and protections is totally wrong. (like so-called, "hate crimes")

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